
More Books by The Qur'an (E.H. Palmer tr)

Sura 1 - The Opening
Sura 2 - The Heifer
Sura 3 - Imran's Family
Sura 4 - Women
Sura 5 - The Table
Sura 6 - Cattle
Sura 7 - Al Aaraf
Sura 8 - The Spoils
Sura 9 - Repentance or Immunity
Sura 10 - Jonah, Peace be on Him
Sura 11 - Hud
Sura 12 - Joseph, Peace be on Him
Sura 13 - Thunder
Sura 14 - Abraham, Peace be on Him
Sura 15 - El Hagr
Sura 16 - The Bee
Sura 17 - The Night Journey
Sura 18 - The Cave
Sura 19 - Mary
Sura 20 - Ta Ha
Sura 21 - The Prophets
Sura 22 - The Pilgrimage
Sura 23 - Believers
Sura 24 - Light
Sura 25 - The Discrimination
Sura 26 - The Poets
Sura 27 - The Ant
Sura 28 - The Story
Sura 29 - The Spider
Sura 30 - The Greeks
Sura 31 - Loqman
Sura 32 - Adoration
Sura 33 - The Confederates
Sura 34 - Seba
Sura 35 - The Angels
Sura 36 - Ya Sin
Sura 37 - The Ranged
Sura 38 - Sad
Sura 39 - The Troops
Sura 40 - The Believer
Sura 41 - Detailed
Sura 42 - Counsel
Sura 43 - Gilding
Sura 44 - Smoke
Sura 45 - The Kneeling
Sura 46 - El A'hqaf
Sura 47 - Mohammed, Also Called Fight
Sura 48 - Victory
Sura 49 - The Inner Chambers
Sura 50 - Q
Sura 51 - The Scatterers
Sura 52 - The Mount
Sura 53 - The Star
Sura 54 - The Moon
Sura 55 - The Merciful
Sura 56 - The Inevitable
Sura 57 - Iron
Sura 58 - The Wrangler
Sura 59 - The Emigration
Sura 60 - The Tried
Sura 61 - The Ranks
Sura 62 - The Congregation
Sura 63 - The Hypocrites
Sura 64 - Cheating
Sura 65 - Divorce
Sura 66 - Prohibition
Sura 67 - The Kingdom
Sura 68 - The Pen
Sura 69 - The Infallible
Sura 70 - The Ascents
Sura 71 - Noah
Sura 72 - The Ginn
Sura 73 - The Enwrapped
Sura 74 - The Covered
Sura 75 - The Resurrection
Sura 76 - Man
Sura 77 - Those Sent
Sura 78 - The Information
Sura 79 - Those Who Tear Out
Sura 80 - He Frowned
Sura 81 - The Folding Up
Sura 82 - The Cleaving Asunder
Sura 83 - Those Who Give Short Weight
Sura 84 - The Rending Asunder
Sura 85 - The Zodiacal Signs
Sura 86 - The Night Star
Sura 87 - The Most High
Sura 88 - The Overwhelming
Sura 89 - The Dawn
Sura 90 - The Land
Sura 91 - The Sun
Sura 92 - The Night
Sura 93 - The Forenoon
Sura 94 - Have we Not Expanded
Sura 95 - The Fig
Sura 96 - Congealed Blood
Sura 97 - Power
Sura 98 - The Manifest Sign
Sura 99 - The Earthquake
Sura 100 - The Chargers
Sura 101 - The Smiting
Sura 102 - The Contention about Numbers
Sura 103 - The Afternoon
Sura 104 - The Backbiter
Sura 105 - The Elephant
Sura 106 - The Qurais
Sura 107 - The Necessaries
Sura 108 - El Kauthar
Sura 109 - Misbelievers
Sura 110 - Help
Sura 111 - Abu Laheb
Sura 112 - Unity
Sura 113 - The Daybreak
Sura 114 - Men
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The Qur'an (E.H. Palmer tr) : Sura 57 - Iron
(LVII. Mecca.)

IN the name of the merciful and compassionate God. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth celebrates the praises of God, for He is the mighty, the wise!

His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth: He quickens and He kills, and He is mighty over all!

He is the first and the last; and the outer and the inner; and He all things doth know!

He it is who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then He made for the throne; and He knows what goes into the earth and what goes forth therefrom, and what comes down from the sky and what goes up therein, and He is with you wheresoe'er ye be: for God on what ye do doth look!

His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and unto God affairs return. He makes the night succeed the day, and makes the day succeed the night; and He knows the nature of men's breasts. Believe in God and His Apostle, and give alms of what He has made you successors of. For those amongst you who believe and give alms-for them is mighty hire.

What ails you that ye do not believe in God and His Apostle? He calls on you to believe in your Lord; and He has taken a compact from you, if ye be believers.

He it is who sends down upon His servants manifest signs, to bring you forth from the darkness into the light; for, verily, God to you is kind, compassionate!

What ails you that ye give not alms in God's cause? for God's is the inheritance of the heavens and the earth. Not alike amongst you is he who gives alms before the victory and fights,- they are grander in rank than those who give alms afterwards and fight. But to all does God promise good; and God of what ye do is well aware! Who is there who will lend a good loan to God? for He will double it for him, and for him is a generous reward.

On the day when thou shall see believers, men and women, with their light running on before them and on their right hand,-'Glad tidings for you today.- Gardens beneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein for aye; that is the grand bliss!'

On the day when the hypocrites, men and women, shall say to those who believe, 'Wait for us that we may kindle at your light.' It will be said, 'Get ye back, and beg a light.' And there shall be struck out between them a wall with a door; within it shall be mercy, and outside before it torment. They shall cry out to them, 'We were not with you they shall say, 'Yea, but ye did tempt yourselves, and did wait, and did doubt; and your vain hopes beguiled you; and the beguiler beguiled you about God.

'Wherefore to-day there shall not be taken from you a ransom, nor from those who misbelieved. Your resort is the fire; it is your sovereign, and an ill journey will it be!'

Is the time come to those who believe, for their hearts to be humbled at the remembrance of God, and of what He has sent down in truth? and for them not to be like those who were given the Scriptures before, and over whom time was prolonged, but their hearts grew hard, and many of them were workers of abomination? Know that God quickens the earth after its death!-we have manifested to you the signs; haply ye may have some sense! Verily, those who give in charity, men and women, who have lent to God a goodly loan,-it shall be doubled for them, and for them is a generous hire.

And those who believe in God and His Apostle, they are the confessors and the martyrs with their Lord; for them is their hire and their light! But those who misbelieve and call our signs lies, they are the fellows of hell!

Know that the life of this world is but a sport, and a play, and an adornment, and something to boast of amongst yourselves; and the multiplying of children is like a rain-growth, its vegetation pleases the misbelievers; then they wither away, and thou mayest see them become yellow; then they become but grit. But in the hereafter is a severe woe, and forgiveness from God and His goodwill; but the life of this world is but a chattel of guile. Race towards forgiveness from your Lord and Paradise, whose breadth is as the breadth of the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who believe in God and His apostles! and God's grace, He gives it to whom He pleases, for God is Lord of mighty grace! No accident befalls in the earth, or in yourselves, but it was in the Book, before we created them; verily, that is easy unto God. That ye may not vex yourselves for what ye miss, nor be overjoyed at what He gives you; for God loves no arrogant boaster, who are niggardly and bid men be niggardly: but whoso turns his back, verily, God is rich, praiseworthy.

We did send our apostles with manifest signs; and we did send down among you the Book and the balance, that men might stand by justice; and we sent down iron in which is both keen violence and advantages to men; and that God might know who helps Him and His apostles in secret; verily, God is strong and mighty!

And we sent Noah and Abraham; and placed in their seed prophecy and the Book; and some of them are guided, though many of them are workers of abomination!

Then we followed up their footsteps with our apostles; and we followed them up with Jesus the son of Mary; and we gave him the gospel; and we placed in the hearts of those who followed him kindness and compassion.- But monkery, they invented it; we only prescribed to them the craving after the goodwill of God, and they observed it not with due observance. But we gave to those who believe amongst them their hire; though many amongst them were workers of abomination! O ye who believe! fear God, and believe in His Apostle: He will give you two portions of His mercy, and will make for you a light for you to walk in, and will forgive you; for God is forgiving, compassionate. That the people of the Book may know that they cannot control aught of God's grace; and that grace is in God's hands, He gives it to whom He will; for God is Lord of mighty grace!

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