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Quran Translated by George Sale 1734
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The Qur'an (George Sale) : Quran Translated by George Sale 1734
The Quran
tranlated by George Sale
original translation in 1734
Chapter 1

Intitled, The Preface, Or Introduction; Revealed at Mecca.

1:1 In the name of the most merciful God.
1:2 Praise be to God, the Lord of all creatures;
1:3 the most merciful,
1:4 the king of the day of judgement.

1:5 Thee do we worship, and of Thee do we beg assistance.

1:6 Direct us in the right way,

1:7 in the way of those to whom Thou hast been gracious;

not of those against whom Thou art incensed, nor of those who go astray.

Chapter 2

Intitled, The Cow; Revealed Partly At Mecca, And Partly At Medina.

In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
2:1 A. L. M.

2:2 There is no doubt in this book; it is a direction to the pious,

2:3 who believe in the mysteries of faith, who observe the appointed

times of prayer, and distribute alms out of what We have bestowed on them;

2:4 and who believe in that revelation, which hath been sent down unto

thee, and that which hath been sent down unto the prophets before thee,

and have firm assurance in the life to come:

2:5 these are directed by their Lord, and they shall prosper.

2:6 As for the unbelievers, it will be equal to them whether thou

admonish them, or do not admonish them; they will not believe.

2:7 God hath sealed up their hearts and their hearing; a dimness

covereth their sight, and they shall suffer a grievous punishment.

2:8 There are some who say, We believe in God, and the last day; but are

not really believers:

2:9 they seek to deceive God, and those who do believe, but they deceive

themselves only, and are not sensible thereof.

2:10 There is an infirmity in their hearts, and God hath increased that

infirmity; and they shall suffer a most painful punishment, because they

have disbelieved.

2:11 When one saith unto them, act not corruptly in the earth; they

reply, Verily we are men of integrity.

2:12 Are not they themselves corrupt doers? But they are not sensible


2:13 And when one saith unto them, believe ye as others believe; they

answer, shall we believe as fools believe? Are not they themselves

fools? But they know it not.

2:14 When they meet those who believe, they say, we do believe: But when

they retire privately to their devils, they say, we really hold with

you, and only mock at those people:

2:15 God shall mock at them, and continue them in their impiety; they

shall wander in confusion.

2:16 These are the men who have purchased error at the price of true

direction: But their traffick hath not been gainful, neither have they

been rightly directed.

2:17 They are like unto one who kindleth a fire, and when it hath

enlightened all around him; God taketh away their light and leaveth them

in darkness, they shall not see;

2:18 they are deaf, dumb, and blind, thereof will they not repent.

2:19 Or like a stormy cloud from heaven, fraught with darkness, thunder,

and lightning, they put their fingers in their ears, because of the

noise of the thunder, for fear of death; God encompasseth the infidels:

2:20 the lightning wanteth but little of taking away their sight; so

often as it enlighteneth them, they walk therein, but when darkness

cometh on them, they stand still; and if God so pleased, he would

certainly deprive them of their hearing and their sight, for God is


2:21 O men of Mecca serve your Lord who hath created you, and those who

have been before you peradventure ye will fear Him;

2:22 who hath spread the earth as a bed for you, and the heaven as a

covering, and hath caused water to descend from heaven, and thereby

produced fruits for your sustenance. Set not up therefore any equals

unto God, against your own knowledge.

2:23 If ye be in doubt concerning that revelation which We have sent

down unto our servant, produce a chapter like unto it, and call upon

your witnesses, besides God, if ye say truth.

2:24 But if ye do it not, nor shall ever be able to do it; justly fear

the fire whose fewel is men and stones, prepared for the unbeliebers.

2:25 But bear good tidings unto those who believe, and do good works,

that they shall have gardens watered by rivers; so often as they eat of

the fruit thereof for sustenance, they shall say, this is what we have

formerly eaten of; and they shall be supplied with several sorts of

fruit having a mutual resemblance to one another. There shall they enjoy

wives subject to no impurity, and there shall they continue for ever.

2:26 Moreover God will not be ashamed to propound in a parable a gnat,

or even a more despicable thing; for they who believe will know it to be

the truth from their Lord; but the unbelievers will say, What meaneth

God by this parable? He will thereby mislead many, and will direct many

thereby: but He will not mislead any thereby, except the transgressors,

2:27 who make void the covenant of God after the establishing thereof,

and cut in sunder that which God hath commanded to be joined, and act

corruptly in the earth; they shall perish.

2:28 How is it that ye believe not in God? Since ye were dead, and He

gave you life; He will hereafter cause you to die, and will again

restore you to life; then shall ye return unto Him.

2:29 It is He who hath created for you whatsoever is on earth, and then

set his mind to the creation of heaven, and formed it into seven

heavens; He knoweth all things.

2:30 When thy Lord said unto the angels, I am going to place a

substitute on earth; they said, Wilt thou place there one who will do

evil therein, and shed blood? But we celebrate thy praise, and sanctify

Thee. God answered, verily I know that which ye know not;

2:31 and He taught Adam the names of all things, and then proposed them

to the angels, and said, declare unto Me the names of these things if ye

say truth.

2:32 They answered, praise be unto thee, we have no knowledge but what

Thou teachest us, for Thou art knowing and wise.

2:33 God said, O Adam, tell them their names. And when he had told them

their names, God said, did I not tell you that I know the secrets of

heaven and earth, and know that which ye discover, and that which ye


2:34 And when We said unto the angels, worship Adam; they all worshipped

him, except Eblis who refused, and was puffed up with pride, and became

of the number of unbelievers.

2:35 And We said, O Adam, dwell thou and thy wife in the garden, and eat

of the fruit thereof plentifully wherever ye will; but approach not this

tree, lest ye become of the number of the transgressors.

2:36 But Satan caused them to forfeit paradise, and turned them out of

the state of happiness wherein they had been; whereupon We said, get ye

down, the one of you an enemy unto the other, and there shall be a

dwelling place for you in earth, and a provision for a season.

2:37 And Adam learned words of prayer from his Lord, and God turned unto

him, for He is easy to be reconciled and merciful.

2:38 We said, get ye all down from hence; hereafter shall there come

unto you a direction from me, and whoever shall follow my direction, on

them shall no fear come, neither shall they be grieved;

2:39 but they who shall be unbelievers, and accuse our signs of

falsehood, they shall be the companions of hell fire, therein shall they

remain for ever.

2:40 O children of Israel, remember my favour wherewith I have favoured

you; and perform your covenant with me, and I will perform my covenant

with you; and revere me:

2:41 and believe in the revelation which I have sent down, confirming

that which is with you, and be not the first who believe not therein,

neither exchange my signs for a small price; and fear me.

2:42 Cloath not the truth with vanity, neither conceal the truth against

your own knowledge;

2:43 observe the stated times of prayer, and pay your legal alms, and

bow down yourselves with those who bow down.

2:44 Will ye command men to do justice, and forget your own souls? Yet

ye read the book of the law: Do ye not therefore understand?

2:45 Ask help with perseverance and prayer; this indeed is grievous,

unless to the humble,

2:46 who seriously think they shall meet their Lord, and that to Him

they shall return.

2:47 O children of Israel, remember my favour wherewith I have favoured

you, and that I have preferred you above all nations:

2:48 Dread the day wherein one soul shall not make satisfaction for

another soul, neither shall any intercession be accepted from them, nor

shall any compensation be received, neither shall they be helped.

2:49 Remember when we delivered you from the people of Pharaoh, who

grievously oppressed you, they slew your male children, and let your

females live: Therein was a great trial from your Lord.

2:50 And when we divided the sea for you and delivered you, and drowned

Pharaoh's people while ye looked on.

2:51 And when we treated with Moses forty nights; then ye took the calf

for your God, and did evil;

2:52 yet afterwards we forgave you, that preadventure ye might give thanks.

2:53 And when we gave Moses the book of the law, and the distinction

between good and evil, that peradventure ye might be directed.

2:54 And when Moses said unto his people, O my people, verily ye have

injured your own souls, by your taking the calf for your God; therefore

be turned unto your Creator, and slay those among you who have been

guilty of that crime; this will be better for you in the sight of your

Creator; and thereupon He turned unto you, for He is easy to be

reconciled, and merciful.

2:55 And when ye said, O Moses, we will not believe thee, untill we see

God manifestly; therefore a punishment came upon you, while ye looked on;

2:56 then we raised you to life after ye had been dead, that

peradventure ye might give thanks.

2:57 And We caused clouds to overshadow you, and manna and quails to

descend upon you, saying, eat of the food things which We have given you

for food: And they injured not Us, but injured their own souls.

2:58 And when We said, enter into this city, and eat of the provisions

thereof plentifully as ye will; and enter the gate worshipping, and say,

forgiveness! We will pardon you your sins, and give increase unto the


2:59 But the ungodly changed the expression into another, different from

what had been spoken unto them; and we sent down upon the ungodly

indignation from heaven, because they had transgressed.

2:60 And when Moses asked drink for his people, We said, strike the rock

with thy rod; and there gushed thereout twelve fountains according to

the number of the tribes, and all men knew their respective

drinking-place. Eat and drink of the bounty of God, and commit not evil

in the earth, acting unjustly.

2:61 And when ye said, O Moses, we will by no means be satisfied with

one kind of food; pray unto thy Lord therefore for us, that He would

produce for us of that which the earth bringeth forth, herbs, and

cucumbers, and garlick, and lentils, and onions; Moses answered, will ye

exchange that which is better, for that which is worse? Get ye down in

Egypt, for there shall ye find what ye desire: And they were smitten

with vileness and misery, and drew on themselves indignation from God.

This they suffered, because they believed not in the signs of God, and

killed the prophets unjustly; this, because they rebelled and transgressed.

2:62 Surely those who believe, and those who Judaize, and Christians,

and Sabians, whoever believeth in God, and the last day, and doth that

which is right, they shall have their reward with their Lord, there

shall come no fear on them, neither shall they be grieved.

2:63 Call to mind also when we accepted your covenant, and lifted up the

mountain of Sinai over you, saying, receive the law which we have given

you, with a resolution to keep it, and remember that which is contained

therein, that ye may beware.

2:64 After this ye again turned back, so that if it had not been for

God's indulgence and mercy towards you, ye had certainly been destroyed.

2:65 Moreover ye know what befall those of your nation who transgressed

on the sabbath day; we said unto them, be ye changed into apes, driven

away from the society of men.

2:66 And we made them an example unto those who were contemporary with

them, and unto those who came after them, and a warning to the pious.

2:67 And when Moses said unto his people, verily God commandeth you to

sacrifice a cow; they answered, dost thou make a jest of us? Moses said,

God fobid that I should be one of the foolish.

2:68 They said, pray for us unto thy Lord, that He would shew us what

cow it is. Moses answered, he saith, she is neither an old cow, nor a

young heifer, but of a middle age between both: Do ye therefore that

which ye are commanded.

2:69 They said, pray for us unto thy Lord that he would shew us what

colour she is of. Moses answered, he saith, she is a red cow, intensely

red, her colour rejoiceth the beholders.

2:70 They said, pray for us unto thy Lord, that He would further shew us

what cow it is, for several cows with us are like one another, and we,

if God please, will be directed.

2:71 Moses answered, he saith, she is a cow not broken to plough the

earth, or water the field, a found one, there is no blemish in her. They

said, now hast thou brought the truth. Then they sacrificed her; yet

they wanted but little of leaving it undone.

2:72 And when ye slew a man, and contended among your selves concerning

him, God brought forth to light that which ye concealed.

2:73 For we said, strike the dead body with part of the sacrificed cow:

So God raiseth the dead to life, and sheweth you his signs, that

peradventure ye may understand.

2:74 Then were your hearts hardened after this, even as stones, or

exceeding them in hardness: For from some stones have rivers bursted

forth, others have been rent in sunder, and water hath issued from them,

and others have fallen down for fear of God. But God is not regardless

of that which ye do.

2:75 Do ye therefore desire that the Jews should believe you? Yet a part

of them heard the word of God, and then perverted it, after they had

understood it, against their own conscience.

2:76 And when they meet the true believers, they say, we believe: But

when they are privately assembled together, they say, will ye acquaint

them with what God hath revealed unto you, that they may dispute with

you concerning it in the presence of your Lord? Do ye not therefore


2:77 Do not they know that God knoweth that which they conceal as well

as that which they publish?

2:78 But there are illiterate men among them, who know not the book of

the law, but only lying stories, although they think otherwise.

2:79 And woe unto them who transcribe corruptly the book of the law with

their hands, and then say, this is from God: That they may sell it for a

small price. Therefore woe unto them because of that which their hands

have written; and woe unto them for that which they have gained.

2:80 They say, the fire of hell shall not touch us but for a certain

number of days. Answer, have ye received any promise from God to that

purpose? For God will not act contrary to his promise: Or do ye speak

concerning God that which ye know not?

2:81 Verily who so doth evil, and is encompassed by his iniquity, they

shall be the companions of hell fire, they shall remain therein for ever:

2:82 But they who believe and do good works, they shall be the

companions of paradise, they shall continue therein for ever.

2:83 Remember also, when We accepted the covenant of the children of

Israel, saying, ye shall not worship any other except God, and ye shall

shew kindness to your parents and kindred, and to orphans, and to the

poor, and speak that which is good unto men; and be constant at prayer,

and give alms. Afterwards ye turned back, except a few of you, and

retired afar off.

2:84 And when We accepted your covenant, saying, ye shall not shed your

brothers blood, nor dispossess one another of your habitations. Then ye

confirmed it, and were witnesses thereto.

2:85 Afterwards ye were they who slew one another, and turned several of

your brethren out of their houses, mutually assisting each other against

them with injustice and enmity; but if they come captives unto you, ye

redeem them: Yet it is equally unlawful for you to dispossess them. Do

ye therefore believe in part of the book of the law, and reject other

part thereof? But whoso among you doth this, shall have no other reward

than shame in this life, and on the day of resurrection they shall be

sent to a most grievous punishment; for God is not regardless of that

which ye do.

2:86 These are they who have purchased this present life, at the price

of that which is to come; wherefore their punishment shall not be

mitigated, neither shall they be helped.

2:87 We formerly delivered the book of the law unto Moses, and caused

Apostles to succeed him, and gave evident miracles to Jesus the son of

Mary, and strengthened him with the holy spirit. Do ye therefore,

whenever an Apostle cometh unto you with that which your souls desire

not, proudly reject him, and accuse some of imposture, and slay others?

2:88 The Jews say, our hearts are uncircumcised: But God hath cursed

them with their infidelity, therefore few shall believe.

2:89 And when a book came unto them from God, confirming the scriptures

which were with them, although they had before prayed for assistance

against those who believed not, yet when that came unto them which they

knew to be from God, they would not believe therein: therefore the curse

of God shall be on the infidels.

2:90 For a vile price have they sold their souls, that they should not

believe in that which God hath sent down; out of envy, because God

sendeth down his favours to such of his servants as he pleaseth:

Therefore they brought on themselves indignation on indignation; and the

unbelievers shall suffer an ignominious punishment.

2:91 When one saith unto them, believe in that which God hath sent down;

they answer, we believe in that which hath been sent down unto us: And

they reject what hath been revealed since, although it be the truth,

confirming that which is with them. Say, why therefore have ye slain the

prophets of God in times past, if ye be true believers?

2:92 Moses formerly came unto you with evident signs, but ye afterwards

took the calf for your god and did wickedly.

2:93 And when we accepted your covenant and lifted the mountain of Sinai

over you, saying, receive the law which we have given you, with a

resolution to perform it, and hear; they said, we have heard, and have

rebelled: And they were made to drink down the calf into their hearts

for their unbelief. Say, a grievous thing hath your faith commanded you,

if ye be true believers.

2:94 Say, if the future mansion with God be prepared peculiarly for you,

exclusive of the rest of mankind, wish for death, if ye say truth:

2:95 But they will never wish for it, because of that which their hands

have sent before them; God knoweth the wicked doers;

2:96 and thou shalt surely find them of all men the most covetous of

life, even more than the idolaters: One of them would desire his life to

be prolonged a thousand years, but none shall reprieve himself from

punishment, that his life may be prolonged: God seeth that which they do.

2:97 Say, whoever is an enemy to Gabriel -- for he hath caused the Koran

to descend on thy heart, by the permission of God, confirming that which

was before revealed, a direction, and good tidings to the faithful; --

2:98 whosoever is an enemy to God, or his angels, or his Apostles, or to

Gabriel, or Michael, verily God is an enemy to the unbelievers.

2:99 And now we have sent down unto thee evident signs, and none will

disbelieve them but the evil-doers.

2:100 Whenever they make a covenant, will some of them reject it? Yea

the greater part of them do not believe.

2:101 And when there came unto them an Apostle from God, confirming that

scripture which was with them, some of those to whom the scriptures were

given, cast the book of God behind their backs, as if they knew it not:

2:102 And they followed the device which the devils devised against the

kingdom of Solomon; and Solomon was not an unbeliever; but the devils

believed not, they taught men sorcery, and that which was sent down to

the two angels at Bábel, Harut and Marut: Yet those two taught no man

until they had said, verily we are a temptation, therefore be not an

unbeliever. So men learned from those two a charm by which they might

cause division between a man and his wife; but they hurt none thereby,

unless by God's permission; and they learned that which would hurt them,

and not profit them; and yet they knew that he who bought that art

should have no part in the life to come, and woful is the price for

which they have sold their souls, if they knew it.

2:103 But if they had believed, and feared God, verily the reward they

would have had from God, would have been better, if they had known it.

2:104 O true believers, say not to our Apostle, Raina; but say Ondhorna;

and hearken: The infidels shall suffer a grievous punishment.

2:105 It is not the desire of the unbelievers, either among those unto

whom the scriptures have been given, or among the idolaters, that any

good should be sent down unto you from your Lord: But God will

appropriate his mercy unto whom he pleaseth; for God is exceeding


2:106 Whatever verse we shall abrogate, or cause thee to forget, we will

bring a better than it, or one like unto it. Dost thou not know that God

is almighty?

2:107 Dost thou not know that unto God belongeth the kingdom of heaven

and earth? Neither have ye any protector or helper except God.

2:108 Will ye require of your Apostle according to that which was

formerly required of Moses? But he that hath exchanged faith for

infidelity, hath already erred from the strait way.

2:109 Many of those unto whom the scriptures have been given, desire to

render you again unbelievers, after ye have believed; out of envy from

their souls, even after the truth is become manifest unto them; but

forgive them, and avoid them, till God shall send his command; for God

is omnipotent.

2:110 Be constant in prayer, and give alms; and what good ye have sent

before for your souls, ye shall find it with God; surely God seeth that

which ye do.

2:111 They say, verily none shall enter paradise, except they who are

Jews or Christians: This is their wish. Say, produce your proof of this,

if ye speak truth.

2:112 Nay, but he who resigneth himself to God, and doth that which is

right, he shall have his reward with his Lord; there shall come no fear

on them, neither shall they be grieved.

2:113 The Jews say, the Christians are grounded on nothing; and the

Christians say, the Jews are grounded on nothing: Yet they both read the

scriptures. So likewise say they who know not the scripture, according

to their saying. But God shall judge between them on the day of the

resurrection, concerning that about which they now disagree.

2:114 Who is more unjust than he who prohibiteth the temples of God,

that his name should be remembered therin, and who hasteth to destroy

them? Those men cannot enter therein, but with fear: They shall have

shame in this world, and in the next a grievous punishment.

2:115 To God belongeth the east and the west; therefore whithersoever ye

turn your selves to pray, there is the face of God; for God is

omnipresent and omniscient.

2:116 They say, God hath begotten children: God forbid! To him belongeth

whatever is in heaven, and on earth; all is possessed by him,

2:117 the creator of heaven and earth; and when he decreeth a thing, he

only saith unto it, be, and it is.

2:118 And they who know not the scriptures say, unless God speak unto

us, or thou shew us a sign, we will not believe. So said those before

them, according to their saying: Their hearts resemble each other. We

have already shewn manifest signs unto people who firmly believe;

2:119 we have sent thee in truth, a bearer of good tidings, and a

preacher; and thou shalt not be questioned concerning the companions of


2:120 But the Jews will not be pleased with thee, neither the

Christians, until thou follow their religion; say, the direction of God

is the true direction. And verily if thou follow their desires, after

the knowledge which hath been given thee, thou shalt find no patron or

protector against God.

2:121 They to whom we have given the book of the Koran, and who read it

with its true reading, they believe therein; and whoever believeth not

therein, they shall perish.

2:122 O children of Israel, remember my favour wherewith I have favoured

you, and that I have preferred you before all nations;

2:123 and dread the day wherein one soul shall not make satisfaction for

another soul, neither shall any compensation be accepted from them, nor

shall any intercession avail, neither shall they be helped.

2:124 Remember when the Lord tried Abraham by certain words, which he

fulfilled: God said, verily I will constitute thee a model of religion

unto mankind; he answered, and also of my posterity; God said, my

covenant doth not comprehend the ungodly.

2:125 And when we appointed the holy house of Mecca to be a place of

resort for mankind, and a place of security; and said, take the station

of Abraham for a place of prayer; and we covenanted with Abraham and

Ismael, that they should cleanse my house for those who should compass

it, and those who should be devoutly assiduous there, and those who

should bow down and worship.

2:126 And when Abraham said, Lord, make this a territory of security,

and bounteously bestow fruits on its inhabitants, such of them as

believe in God and the last day; God answered, and whoever believeth

not, I will bestow on him little, afterwards I will drive him to the

punishment of hellfire; an ill journey shall it be!

2:127 And when Abraham and Ismael raised the foundations of the house,

saying, Lord, accept it from us, for thou art he who heareth and knoweth:

2:128 Lord, make us also resigned unto thee, and of our posterity a

people resigned unto thee, and shew us our holy ceremonies, and be

turned unto us, for thou art easy to be reconciled, and merciful:

2:129 Lord, send them likewise an Apostle from among them, who may

declare thy signs unto them, and teach them the book of the Koran and

wisdom, and may purify them; for thou art mighty and wise.

2:130 Who will be averse to the religion of Abraham, but he whose mind

is infatuated? Surely we have chosen him in this world, and in that

which is to come he shall be one of the righteous.

2:131 When his Lord said unto him, resign thy self unto me; he answered,

I have resigned my self unto the Lord of all creatures.

2:132 And Abraham bequeathed this religion to his children, and Jacob

did the same, saying, my children, verily God hath chosen this religion

for you, therefore die not, unless ye also be resigned.

2:133 Were ye present when Jacob was at the point of death? When he said

to his sons, whom will ye worship after me? They answered, we will

worship thy God, and the God of thy fathers Abraham, and Ismael, and

Isaac, one God, and to him will we be resigned.

2:134 That people are now passed away, they have what they have gained,

and ye shall have what ye gain; and ye shall not be questioned

concerning that which they have done.

2:135 They say, become Jews or Christians that ye may be directed. Say,

nay, we follow the religion of Abraham the orthodox, who was no idolater.

2:136 Say, we believe in God, and that which hath been sent down unto

us, and that which hath been sent down unto Abraham, and Ismael, and

Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which was delivered unto

Moses, and Jesus, and that which was delivered unto the prophets from

their Lord: We make no distinction between any of them, and to God are

we resigned.

2:137 Now if they believe according to what ye believe, they are surely

directed, but if they turn back, they are in schism. God shall support

thee against them, for he is the hearer, the wise.

2:138 The baptism of God have we received, and who it better than God to

baptize? Him do we worship.

2:139 Say, will ye dispute with us concernig God, who is our Lord, and

your Lord? We have our works, and ye have your works, and unto him are

we sincerely devoted.

2:140 Will ye say, truly Abraham, and Ismael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and

the tribes were Jews or Christians? Say, are ye wiser, or God? And who

is more unjust than he who hideth the testimony which he hath received

from God? But God is not regardless of that which ye do.

2:141 That people are passed away, they have what they have gained, and

ye shall have what ye gain, nor shall ye be questioned concerning that

which they have done.

2:142 The foolish men will say, what hath turned them from their Keblah,

towards which they formerly prayed? Say, unto God belongeth the east and

the west: He directeth whom he pleaseth into the right way.

2:143 Thus have we placed you, O Arabians, an intermediate nation, that

ye may be witnesses against the rest of mankind, and that the Apostle

may be a witness against you. We appointed the Keblah towards which thou

didst formerly pray, only that we might know him who followeth the

Apostle, from him who turneth back on his heel; though this change seem

a great matter, unless unto those whom God hath directed. But God will

not render your faith of none effect; for God is gracious and merciful

unto man.

2:144 We have seen thee turn about thy face towards heaven with

uncertainty, but we will cause thee to turn thy self towards a Keblah

that will please thee. Turn therefore thy face towards the holy temple

of Mecca; and wherever ye be, turn your faces towards that place. They

to whom the scripture hath been given, know this to be truth from their

Lord. God is not regardless of that which ye do.

2:145 Verily although thou shouldest shew unto those to whom the

scripture hath been given, all kinds of signs, yet they will not follow

thy Keblah, neither shalt thou follow their Keblah; nor will one part of

them follow the Keblah of the other. And if thou follow their desires,

after the knowledge which hath been given thee, verily thou wilt become

one of the ungodly.

2:146 They to whom we have given the scripture know our Apostle, even as

they know their own children; but some of them hide the truth, against

their own knowledge.

2:147 Truth is from thy Lord, therefore thou shalt not doubt.

2:148 Every fact hath a certain tract of heaven to which they turn

themselves in prayer; but for ye strive to run after good things:

Wherever ye be, God will bring you all back at the resurrection, for God

is almighty.

2:149 And from what place soever thou comest forth, turn thy face

towards the holy temple; for this is truth from thy Lord; neither is God

regardless of that which ye do.

2:150 From what place soever thou comest forth, turn thy face towards

the holy temple; and wherever ye be, thitherward turn your faces, left

men have matter of dispute against you; but as for those among them who

are unjust doers, fear them not, but fear me, that I may accomplish my

grace upon you, and that ye may be directed.

2:151 As we have sent unto you an Apostle from among you, to rehearse

our signs unto you, and to purify you, and to teach you the book of the

Koran and wisdom, and to teach you that which ye knew not:

2:152 Therefore remember me, and I will remember you, and give thanks

unto me, and be not unbelievers.

2:153 O true believers, beg assistance with patience and prayer, for God

is with the patient.

2:154 And say not of those who are slain in fight for the religion of

God, that they are dead; yea, they are living: But ye do not understand.

2:155 We will surely prove you by afflicting you in some measure with

fear, and hunger, and decrease of wealth, and loss of lives, and

scarcity of fruits: But bear good tidings unto the patient,

2:156 who when a misfortune befalleth them, say, we are God's, and unto

him shall we surely return.

2:157 Upon them shall be blessings from their Lord and mercy, and they

are the rightly directed.

2:158 Moreover Safa and Merwah are two of the monuments of God: Whoever

therefore goeth on pilgrimage to the temple of Mecca or visiteth it, it

shall be no crime in him if he compass them both. And as for him who

voluntarily performeth a good work; verily God is grateful and knowing.

2:159 They who conceal any of the evident signs, or the direction which

we have sent down, after what we have manifested unto men in the

scripture, God shall curse them; and they who curse shall curse them.

2:160 But as for those who repent and amend, and make known what they

concealed, I will be turned unto them, for I am easy to be reconciled

and merciful.

2:161 Surely they who believe not, and die in their unbelief, upon them

shall be the curse of God, and of the angels, and of all men;

2:162 they shall remain under it for ever, their punishment shall not be

alleviated, neither shall they be regarded.

2:163 Your God is one God, there is no God but He, the most merciful.

2:164 Now in the creation of heaven and earth, and the vicissitude of

night and day, and in the ship which saileth in the sea, loaden with

what is profitable for mankind, and in the rain water which God sendeth

from heaven, quickening thereby the dead earth, and replenishing the

same with all sorts of cattle, and in the change of winds, and the

clouds that are compelled to do service between heaven and earth, are

signs to people of understanding:

2:165 Yet some men take idols beside God, and love them as with the love

due to God; but the true believers are more servent in love towards God.

Oh that they who act unjustly did perceive, when they behold their

punishment, that all power belongeth unto God, and that he is severe in


2:166 When those who have been followed, shall separate themselves from

their followers, and shall see the punishment, and the cords of relation

between them shall be cut in sunder;

2:167 the followers shall say, if we could return to life, we would

separate our selves from them, as they have now separated themselves

from us. So God will shew them their works; they shall sigh grievously

and shall not come forth from the fire of hell.

2:168 O men, eat of that which is lawful and good on the earth; and

tread not in the steps of the devil, for he is your open enemy.

2:169 Verily he commandeth you evil and wickedness, and that ye should

say that of God which ye know not.

2:170 And when it is said unto them who believe not, follow that which

God hath sent down; they answer, nay, but we will follow that which we

found our fathers practise. What? Though their fathers knew nothing, and

were not rightly directed?

2:171 The unbelievers are like unto one who crieth aloud to that which

heareth not so much as his calling, or the sound of his voice. They are

deaf, dumb, and blind, therefore do they not understand.

2:172 O true believers, eat of the good things which we have bestowed on

you for food, and return thanks unto God, if ye serve him.

2:173 Verily he hath forbidden you to eat that which dieth of is self,

and blood, and swine's flesh, and that on which any other name but God's

hath been invocated. But he who is forced by necessity, not lusting, nor

returning to transgress, it shall be no crime in him if he eat of those

things, for God is gracious and merciful.

2:174 Moreover they who conceal any part of the scripture which God hath

sent down unto them, and sell it for a small price, they shall swallow

into their bellies nothing but fire; God shall not speak unto them on

the day of resurrection, neither shall he purify them, and they shall

suffer a grievous punishment.

2:175 These are they who have sold direction for error, and pardon for

punsishment: But how great will their suffering be in the fire!

2:176 This they shall endure, because God sent down the book of the

Koran with truth, and they who disagree concerning that book, are

certainly in a wide mistake.

2:177 It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces in prayer towards

the east and the west, but righteousness is of him who believeth in God

and the last day, and the angels, and the scriptures, and the prophets;

who giveth money for God's sake unto his kindred, and unto orphans, and

the needy, and the stranger, and those who ask, and for redemption of

captives; who is constant at prayer, and giveth alms; and of those who

perform their covenant, when they have covenanted, and who behave

themselves patiently in adversity, and hardships, and in time of

violence: These are they who are true, and these are they who fear God.

2:178 O true believers, the law of retaliation is ordained you for the

slain: The free shall die for the free, and the servant for the servant,

and a woman for a woman: But he whom his brother shall forgive, may be

prosecuted, and obliged to make satisfaction according to what is just,

and a fine shall be set on him with humanity. This is indulgence from

your Lord, and mercy. And he who shall transgress after this, by killing

the murderer, shall suffer a grievous punishment.

2:179 And in this law of retaliation ye have life, O ye of

understanding, that peradventure ye may fear.

2:180 It is ordained you, when any of you is at the point of death, if

he leave any goods, that he bequeath a legacy to his parents, and

kindred, according to what shall be reasonable. This is a duty incumbent

on those who fear God.

2:181 But he who shall change the legacy, after he hath heard it

bequeathed by the dying person, surely the sin thereof shall be on those

who change it, for God is he who heareth and knoweth.

2:182 Howbeit he who apprehendeth from the testator any mistake or

injustice, and shall compose the matter between them, that shall be no

crime in him, for God is gracious and merciful.

2:183 O true believers, a fast is ordained you, as it was ordained unto

those before you, that ye may fear God.

2:184 A certain number of days shall ye fast: But he among you who shall

be sick, or on a journey, shall fast an equal number of other days. And

those who can keep it, and do not, must redeem their neglect by

maintaining of a poor man. And he who voluntarily dealeth better with

the poor man than he is obliged, this shall be better for him. But if ye

fast it will be better for you, if ye knew it.

2:185 The month of Ramadan shall ye fast, in which the Koran was sent

down from heaven, a direction unto men, and declarations of direction,

and the distinction between good and evil. Therefore let him among you

who shall be present in this month, fast the same month; but he who

shall be sick, or on a journey, shall fast the like number of other

days. God would make this an ease unto you, and would not make it a

difficulty unto you; that ye may fulfill the number of days, and glorify

God, for that he hath directed you, and that ye may give thanks.

2:186 When my servants ask thee concerning me, verily I am near; I will

hear the prayer of him that prayeth, when he prayeth unto me: But let

them hearken unto me, and believe in me, that they may be rightly directed.

2:187 It is lawful for you on the night of the fast to go in unto your

wives; they are a garment unto you, and ye are a garment unto them. God

knoweth that ye defraud your selves therein, wherefore he turneth unto

you, and forgiveth you. Now therefore go in unto them; and earnestly

desire that which God ordaineth you, and eat and drink until ye can

plainly distinguish a white thread from a black thread by the day-break:

Then keep the fast until night, and go not in unto them, but be

constantly present in the places of worship. These are the prescribed

bounds of God, therefore draw not near them to transgress them. Thus God

declareth his signs unto men, that they may fear him.

2:188 Consume not your wealth among your selves in vain; nor present it

unto judges, that ye may devour part of men's substance unjustly,

against your own consciences.

2:189 They will ask thee concerning the phases of the moon: Answer, they

are times appointed unto men, and to shew the season of the pilgrimage

to Mecca. It is not righteousness that ye enter your houses by the back

parts thereof, but righteousness is of him who feareth God. Therefore

enter your houses by their doors; and fear God, that ye may be happy.

2:190 And fight for the religion of God against those who fight against

you, but transgress not by attacking them first, for God loveth not the


2:191 And kill them wherever ye find them, and turn them out of that

whereof they have dispossessed you, for temptation to idolatry is more

grievous than slaughter: Yet fight not against them in the holy temple,

until they attack you therein; but if they attack you, slay them there.

This shall be the reward of the infidels.

2:192 But if they desist, God is gracious and merciful.

2:193 Fight therefore against them, until there be no temptation to

idolatry, and the religion be God's: But if they desist, then let there

be no hostility, except against the ungodly.

2:194 A sacred month for a sacred month, and the holy limits of Mecca,

if they attack you therein, do ye also attack them therein in

retaliation; and whoever transgresseth against you by so doing, do ye

transgress against him in like manner as he hath transgressed against

you, and fear God, and know that God is with those who fear him.

2:195 Contribute out of your substance toward the defence of the

religion of God, and throw not your selves with your own hands into

perdition; and do good, for God loveth those who do good.

2:196 Perform the pilgrimage of Mecca, and the visitation of God: And if

ye be besieged, send that offering which shall be the easiest; and shave

not your heads, until your offering reacheth the place of sacrifice. But

whoever among you is sick, or is troubled with any distemper of the

head, must redeem the shaving his head by fasting, or alms, or some

offering. When ye are secure from enemies, he who tarrieth in the

visitation of the temple of Mecca until the pilgrimage, shall bring that

offering which shall be the easiest. But he who findeth not any thing to

offer, shall fast three days in the pilgrimage, and seven when ye are

returned: They shall be ten days complete. This is incumbent on him,

whose family shall not be present at the holy temple. And fear God and

know that God is severe in punishing.

2:197 The pilgrimage must be performed in the known months; whosoever

therefore purposeth to go on pilgrimage therein, let him not know a

woman, nor transgress, nor quarrel in the pilgrimage. The good which ye

do, God knoweth it. Make provision for your journey; but the best

provision is piety: And fear me, O ye of understanding.

2:198 It shall be no crime in you, if ye seek an increase from your

Lord, by trading during the pilgrimage. And when ye go in procession

from Arafat, remember God near the holy monument; and remember him for

that he hath directed you, although ye were before this of the number of

those who go astray.

2:199 Therefore go in procession from whence the people go in

procession, and ask pardon of God, for God is gracious and merciful.

2:200 And when ye have finished your holy ceremonies, remember God,

according as ye remember your fathers, or with a more reverend

commemoration. There are some men who say, O Lord, give us our portion

in this world; but such shall have no portion in the next life:

2:201 And there are others who say, O Lord, give us good in this world,

and also good in the next world, and deliver us from the torment of hell


2:202 They shall have a portion of that which they have gained: God is

swift in taking an account.

2:203 Remember God the appointed number of days: But if any haste to

depart from the valley of Mina in two days, it shall be no crime in him.

And if any tarry longer, it shall be no crime in him, in him who feareth

God. Therefore fear God, and know that unto him ye shall be gathered.

2:204 There is a man who causeth thee to marvel by his speech concerning

this present life, and calleth God to witness that which is in his

heart, yet he is most intent in opposing thee;

2:205 and when he turneth away from thee, he hasteth to act corruptly in

the earth, and to destroy that which is sown, and springeth up: But God

loveth not corrupt doing.

2:206 And if one say unto him, fear God; pride seizeth him, together

with wickedness; but hell shall be his reward, and an unhappy couch

shall it be.

2:207 There is also a man who selleth his soul for the sake of those

things which are pleasing unto God; and God is gracious unto his servants.

2:208 O true believers, enter into the true religion wholly, and follow

not the steps of Satan, for he is your open enemy.

2:209 If ye have slipped after the declarations of our will have come

unto you, know that God is mighty and wise.

2:210 Do the infidels expect less than that God should come down to them

overshadowed with clouds, and the angels also? But the thing is decreed,

and to God shall all things return.

2:211 Ask the children of Israel how many evident signs we have shewed

them; and whoever shall change the grace of God, after it shall have

come unto him, verily God will be severe in punishing him.

2:212 The present life was ordained for those who believe not, and they

laugh the faithful to scorn; but they who fear God shall be above them,

on the day of the resurrection: For God is bountiful unto whom he

pleaseth without measure.

2:213 Mankind was of one faith, and God sent prophets bearing good

tidings, and denouncing threats, and sent down with them the scripture

in truth, that it might judge between men of that concerning which they

disagreed: And none disagreed concerning it, except those to whom the

same scriptures were delivered, after the declarations of God's will had

come unto them, out of envy among themselves. And God directed those who

believed, to that truth concerning which they disagreed, by his will:

For God directeth whom he pleaseth into the right way.

2:214 Did ye think ye should enter paradise, when as yet no such thing

had happened unto you, as hath happened unto those who have been before

you? They suffered calamity, and tribulation, and were afflicted; so

that the Apostle, and they who believed with him, said; when will the

help of God come? Is not the help of God nigh?

2:215 They will ask thee what they shall bestow in alms: Answer, the

good which ye bestow, let it be given to parents, and kindred, and

orphans, and the poor, and the stranger. Whatsoever good ye do, God

knoweth it.

2:216 War is injoined you against the infidels; but this is hateful unto

you: Yet perchance ye hate a thing which is better for you, and

perchance ye love a thing which is worse for you: But God knoweth and ye

know not.

2:217 They will ask thee concerning the sacred month, whether they may

war therein: Answer, to war therein is grievous; but to obstruct the way

of God, and infidelity towards him, and to keep men from the holy

temple, and to drive out his people from thence, is more grievous in the

sight of God, and the temptation to idolatry is more grievous than to

kill in the sacred months. They will not cease to war against you, until

they turn you from your religion, if they be able: But whoever among you

shall turn back from his religion, and die an infidel, their works shall

be vain in this world, and the next; they shall be the companions of

hell fire, they shall remain therein for ever.

2:218 But they who believe, and who fly for the sake of religion, and

fight in God's cause, they shall hope for the mercy of God; for God is

gracious and merciful.

2:219 They will ask thee concerning wine and lots: Answer, in both there

is great sin, and also some things of use unto men; but there sinfulness

is greater than their use. They will ask thee also what they shall

bestow in alms: Answer, what ye have to spare. Thus God sheweth his

signs unto you, that peradventure ye might seriously think

2:220 of this present world, and of the next. They will also ask thee

concerning orphans: Answer, to deal righteously with them is best and if

ye intermeddle with the management of what belongs to them, do them no

wrong; they are your brethren: God knoweth the corrupt dealer from the

righteous; and of God please, he will surely distress you, for God is

mighty and wise.

2:221 Marry not women who are idolaters, until they believe: Verily a

maid servant who believeth, is better than an idolatress, although she

please you more. And give not women who believe, in marriage to the

idolaters, until they believe; for verily a servant, who is a true

believer, is better than an idolater, though he please you more. They

invite unto hell fire, but God inviteth unto paradise and pardon through

his will, and declareth his signs unto men, that they may remember.

2:222 They will ask thee also, concerning the courses of women: Answer,

they are a pollution: Therefore separate your selves from women in their

courses, and go not near them, until they be cleansed. But when they are

cleansed, go in unto them as God hath commanded you, for God loveth

those who repent, and loveth those who are clean.

2:223 Your wives are your tillage; go in therefore unto your tillage in

what manner soever ye will: And do first some act that may be profitable

unto your souls; and fear God, and know that ye must meet him; and bear

good tidings unto the faithful.

2:224 Make not God the object of your oaths, that ye will deal justly,

and be devout, and make peace among men; for God is he who heareth and


2:225 God will not punish you for an inconsiderate word in your oaths;

but he will punish you for that which your hearts have assented unto:

God is merciful and gracious.

2:226 They who vow to abstain from their wives, are allowed to wait four

months: But if they go back from their vow, verily God is gracious and


2:227 and if they resolve on a divorce, God is he who heareth and knoweth.

2:228 The women who are divorced shall wait concerning themselves until

they have their courses thrice, and it shall not be lawful for them to

conceal that which God hath created in their wombs, if they believe in

God and the last day; and their husbands will act more justly to bring

them back at this time, if they desire a reconciliation. The women ought

also to behave towards their husbands in like manner as their husbands

should behave towards them, according to what is just: But the men ought

to have a superiority over them. God is mighty and wise.

2:229 Ye may divorce your wives twice; and then either retain them with

humanity, or dismiss them with kindness. But it is not lawful for you to

take away any thing of what ye have given them, unless both fear that

they cannot observe the ordinances of God. And if ye fear that they

cannot observe the ordinances of God, it shall be no crime in either of

them of account of that for which the wife shall redeem her self. These

are the ordinances of God; therefore transgress them not; for whoever

transgresseth the ordinances of God, they are unjust doers.

2:230 But if the husband divorce her a third time, she shall not be

lawful for him again, until she marry another husband. But if he also

divorce her, it shall be no crime in them, if they return to each other,

if they think they can observe the ordinances of God; and these are the

ordinances of God, he declareth them to people of understanding.

2:231 But when ye divorce women, and they have fulfilled their

prescribed time, either retain them with humanity, or dismiss them with

kindness; and retain them not by violence, so that ye transgress; for he

who doth this, surely injureth his own soul. And make not the signs of

God a jest: But remember God's favour towards you, and that he hath sent

down unto you the book of the Koran, and wisdom, admonishing you

thereby; and fear God, and know that God is omniscient.

2:232 But when ye have divorced your wives, and they have fulfilled

their prescribed time, hinder them not from marrying their husbands,

when they have agreed among themselves according to what is honourable.

This is given in admonition unto him among you who believeth in God, and

the last day. This is most righteous for you, and most pure. God

knoweth, but ye know not.

2:233 Mothers after they are divorced shall give suck unto their

children two full years, to him who desireth the time of giving suck to

be completed; and the father shall be obliged to maintain them and

cloath them in the mean time, according to that which shall be

reasonable. No person shall be obliged beyond his ability. A Mother

shall not be compelled to what is unreasonable on account of her child,

nor a father on account of his child. And the heir of the father shall

be obliged to do in like manner. But if they choose to wean the child

before the end of two years, by common consent, and on mutual

consideration, it shall be no crime in them. And if ye have a mind to

provide a nurse for your children, it shall be no crime in you, in case

ye fully pay what ye offer her, according to that which is just. And

fear God, and know that God seeth whatsoever ye so.

2:234 Such of you as die, and leave wives, their wives must wait

concerning themselves four months and ten days, and when they shall have

fulfilled their term, it shall be no crime in you, for that which they

shall do with themselves, according to what is reasonable. God well

knoweth that which ye do.

2:235 And it shall be no crime in you, whether ye make public overtures

of marriage unto such women, within the said four months and ten days,

or whether ye conceal such your designs in your minds: God knoweth that

ye will remember them. But make no promise unto them privately, unless

ye speak honourable words; and resolve not on the knot of marriage,

until the prescribed time be accomplished; and know that God knoweth

that which is in your minds, therefore beware of him, and know that God

is gracious and merciful.

2:236 It shall be no crime in you, if ye divorce your wives, so long as

ye have not touched them, nor settled any dowry on them. And provide for

them -- he who is at his ease must provide according to his

circumstances, and he who is straitened according to his circumstances

-- necessaries, according to what shall be reasonable. This is a duty

incumbent on the righteous.

2:237 But if ye divorce them before ye have touched them, and have

already settled a dowry on them, ye shall give them half of what ye have

settled, unless they release any part, or he release part in whose hand

the knot of marriage is; and if ye release the whole, it will approach

nearer unto piety. And forget not liberality among you, for God seeth

that which ye do.

2:238 Carefully observe the appointed prayers, and the middle prayer,

and be assiduous therein, with devotion towards God.

2:239 But if ye fear any danger, pray on foot or on horseback; and when

ye are safe, remember God, how he hath taught you what as yet ye knew not.

2:240 And such of you as shall die and leave wives, ought to bequeath

their wives a year's maintenance, without putting them out of their

houses: But if they go out voluntarily, it shall be no crime in you, for

that which they shall do with themselves, according to what shall be

reasonable; God is mighty and wise.

2:241 And unto those who are divorced, a reasonable provision is also

due; this is a duty incumbent on those who fear God.

2:242 Thus God declareth his signs unto you, that ye may understand.

2:243 Hast thou not considered those, who left their habitations, -- and

they were thousands -- for fear of death? And God said unto them, die;

then he restored them to life, for God is gracious towards mankind; but

the greater part of men do not give thanks.

2:244 Fight for the religion of God, and know that God is he who heareth

and knoweth.

2:245 Who is he that will lend unto God on good usury? Verily he will

double it unto him manifold; for God contracteth and extendeth his hand

as he pleaseth, and to him shall ye return.

2:246 Hast thou not considered the assembly of the children of Israel,

after the time of Moses; when they said unto their prophet Samual, set a

king over us, that we may fight for the religion of God? The prophet

answered, if ye are injoined to go to war, will ye be near refusing to

fight? They answered, and what should ail us that we should not fight

for the religion of God, seeing we are dispossessed of our habitations,

and deprived of our children? But when they were injoined to go to war,

they turned back, except a few of them: And God knew the ungodly.

2:247 And their prophet said unto them, verily God hath set Jalut, king

over you: They answered, how shall he reign over us, seeing we are more

worthy of the kingdom than he, neither is he possessed of great riches?

Samual said, verily God hath chosen him before you, and hath caused him

to increase in knowledge and stature, for God giveth his kingdom unto

whom he pleaseth; God is bounteous and wise.

2:248 And their prophet said unto them, verily the sign of his kingdom

shall be, that the ark shall come unto you; Therein shall be tranquility

from your Lord, and the relicks which have been left by the family of

Moses, and the family of Aaron; the angels shall bring it. Verily this

shall be a sign unto you, if ye believe.

2:249 And when Jalut departed with his soldiers, he said, verily God

will prove you by the river: For he who drinketh thereof, shall not be

on my side -- but he who shall not taste thereof he shall be on my side

-- except he who drinketh a draught out of his hand. And they drank

thereof, except a few of them. And when they had passed the river, he

and those who believed with him, they said, we have no strength to day,

against Jalut and his forces. But they who considered that they should

meet God at the resurrection, said, how often hath a small army

discomfited a great army, by the will of God? And God is with those who

patiently persevere.

2:250 And when they went forth to battle against Jalut and his forces,

they said, O Lord, pour on us patience, and confirm our feet, and help

us against the unbelieving people.

2:251 Therefore they discomfited them, by the will of God, and David

slew Jalut. And God gave him the kingdom and wisdom, and taught him his

will, and if God had not prevented men, the one by the other, verily the

earth had been corrupted: But God is beneficent towards his creatures.

2:252 These are the signs of God: We rehearse them unto thee with truth,

and thou art surely one of those who have been sent by God.

2:253 These are the Apostles; we have preferred some of them before

others: Some of them hath God spoken unto, and hath exalted the degree

of others of them. And we gave unto Jesus the son of Mary manifest

signs, and strengthened him with the holy spirit. And if God had

pleased, they who came after those Apostles, would not have contended

among themselves, after manifest signs had been shewn unto them. But

they fell to variance; therefore some of them believed, and some of them

believed not; and if God had so pleased, they would not have contended

among themselves, but God doth what he will.

2:254 O true believers, give alms of that which we have bestowed on you,

before the day cometh wherein there shall be no merchandizing, nor

friendship, nor intercession. The infidels are unjust doers.

2:255 God! There is no God but he; the living, the self-subsisting:

Neither slumber nor sleep seizeth him; to him belongeth whatsoever is in

heaven, and on earth. Who is he that can intercede with him, but through

his good pleasure? He knoweth that which is past, and that which is to

come unto them, and they shall not comprehend any thing of his

knowledge, but so far as he pleaseth. His throne is extended over heaven

and earth, and the preservation of both is no burden unto him. He is the

high, the mighty.

2:256 Let there be no violence in religion. Now is right direction

manifestly distinguished from deceit: Whoever therefore shall deny

Tagut(false gods), and believe in God, he shall surely take hold on a

strong handle, which shall not be broken; God is he who heareth and seeth.

2:257 God is the patron of those who believe; he shall lead them out of

darkness into light: But as to those who believe not, their patrons are

Tagut(false gods); they shall lead them from the light into darkness;

they shall be the companions of hell fire, they shall remain therein for


2:258 Hast thou not considered him who disputed with Abraham concerning

his Lord, because God had given him the kingdom? When Abraham said, my

Lord is he who giveth life, and killeth: He answered, I give life, and I

kill. Abraham said, verily God bringeth the sun from the east, now do

thou bring it from the west. Whereupon the infidel was confounded; for

God directeth not the ungoldly people.

2:259 Or hast thou not considered how he behaved who passed by a city

which had been destroyed, even to her foundations? He said, how shall

God quicken this city, after she hath been dead? And God caused him to

die for an hundred years, and afterwards raised him to life. And God

said, how long hast thou tarried here? He answered, a day, or part of a

day. God said, nay, thou hast tarried here an hundred years. Now look on

thy food and thy drink, they are not yet corrupted; and look on thine

ass: And this have we done that we might make thee a sign unto men. And

look on the bones of thine ass, how we raise them, and afterwards cloath

them with flesh. And when this was shewn unto him, he said, I know that

God is able to do all things.

2:260 And when Abraham said, O Lord, shew me how thou wilt raise the

dead; God said, dost thou not yet believe? He answered, yea; but I ask

this that my heart may rest at ease. God said, take therefore four

birds, and divide them; then lay a part of them on every mountain; then

call them, and they shall come swiftly unto thee: And know that God is

mighty and wise.

2:261 The similitude of those who lay out their substance for advancing

the religion of God, is as a grain of corn which produceth seven ears,

and in every ear an hundred grains; for God giveth twofold unto whom he

pleaseth: God is bounteous and wise.

2:262 They who lay out their substance for the religion of God, and

afterwards follow not what they have so laid out by reproaches or

mischief, they shall have their reward with their Lord; upon them shall

no fear come, neither shall they be grieved.

2:263 A fait speech, and to forgive, is better than alms followed by

mischief. God is rich and merciful.

2:264 O true believers, make not your alms of none effect by

reproaching, or mischief, as he who layeth out what he hath to appear

unto men to give alms, and believeth not in God and the last day. The

likeness of such a one, is as a flint covered with earth, on which a

violent rain falleth, and leaveth it hard. They cannot prosper in any

thing which they have gained, for God directeth not the unbelieving people.

2:265 And the likeness of those who lay out their substance from a

desire to please God, and for an establishment for their souls, is as a

garden on a hill, on which a violent rain falleth, and it bringeth forth

its fruits twofold; and if a violent rain falleth not on it, yet the dew

falleth thereon: And God seeth that which ye do.

2:266 Doth any of you desire to have a garden of palm-trees and vines,

through which rivers flow, wherein he may have all kinds of fruits, and

that he may attain to old age, and have a weak off-spring? Then a

violent fiery wind shall strike it, so that it shall be burned. Thus God

declareth his signs unto you, that ye may consider.

2:267 O true believers bestow alms of the good things which ye have

gained, and of that which we have produced for you out of the earth, and

choose not the bad thereof, to give it in alms, such as ye would not

accept your selves, otherwise than by connivance: And know that God is

rich and worthy to be praised.

2:268 The devil threateneth you with poverty, and commandeth you filthy

covetousness, but God promiseth you pardon from himself and abundance:

God bounteous and wise.

2:269 He giveth wisdom unto whom he pleaseth, and he unto whom wisdom is

given, hath received much good: But none will consider, except the wise

of heart.

2:270 And whatever alms ye shall give, or whatever vow ye shall vow,

verily God knoweth it; but the ungodly shall have none to help them.

2:271 If ye make your alms to appear, it is well; but if ye conceal

them, and give them unto the poor, this will be better for you, and will

atone for your sins: And God is well informed of that which ye do.

2:272 The direction of them belongeth not unto thee; but God directeth

whom he pleaseth. The good that ye shall give in alms shall redound unto

your selves; and ye shall not give unless out of desire of seeing the

face of God. And what good thing ye shall give in alms, it shall be

repaid you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly;

2:273 unto the poor who are wholly employed in fighting for the religion

of God, and cannot go to and fro in the earth; whom the ignorant man

thinketh rich, because of their modesty: Thou shalt know them by this

mark, they ask not men with importunity; and what good ye shall give in

alms, verily God knoweth it.

2:274 They who distribute alms of their substance night and day, in

private and in public, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them

shall no fear come, neither shall they be grieved.

2:275 They who devour usury shall not arise from the dead, but as he

ariseth whom Satan hath infected by a touch: This shall happen to them

because they say. Truly selling is but as usury: And yet God hath

permitted selling and forbidden usury. He therefore who when there

cometh unto him an admonition from his Lord, abstaineth from usury for

the future, shall have what is past forgiven him, and his affair

belongeth unto God. But whoever returneth to usury, they shall be the

companions of hell fire, they shall continue therein for ever.

2:276 God shall take his blessing from usury, and shall increase alms:

For God loveth no infidel, or ungodly person.

2:277 But they who believe and do that which is right, and observe the

stated times of prayer, and pay their legal alms, they shall have their

reward with their Lord: There shall come no fear on them, neither shall

they be grieved.

2:278 O true believers, fear God, and remit that which remaineth of

usury, if ye really believe;

2:279 but if ye do it not, hearken unto war, which is declared against

you from God and his Apostle: Yet if ye repent, ye shall have the

capital of your money. Deal not unjustly with others, and ye shall not

be dealt with unjustly.

2:280 If there be an debtor under a difficulty of paying his debt, let

his creditor wait till it be easy for him to do it; but if ye remit it

as alms, it will be better for you, if ye knew it.

2:281 And fear the day wherein ye shall return unto God, then shall

every soul be paid what it hath gained, and they shall not be treated


2:282 O true believers, when ye bind yourselves one to the other in a

debt for a certain time, write it down; and let a writer write between

you according to justice, and let not the writer refuse writing

according to what God hath taught him; but let him write, and let him

who oweth the debt dictate, and let him fear God his Lord, and not

diminish ought thereof. But if he who oweth the debt be foolish, or

weak, or be not able to dictate himself, let his agent dictate according

to equity; and call to witness two witnesses of your neighbouring men;

but if there be not two men, let there be a man and two women of those

whom ye shall choose for witnesses: If one of those women should

mistake, the other of them will cause her to recollect. And the

witnesses shall not refuse, whensoever they shall be called. And disdain

not to write it down, be it a large debt, or be it a small one, until

its time of payment: This will be more just in the sight of God, and

more right for bearing witness, and more easy, that ye may not doubt.

But if it be a present bargain which ye transact between your selves, it

shall be no crime in you, if ye write it not down. And take witnesses

when ye sell one to the other, and let no harm be done to the writer,

nor to the witness; which if ye do, it will surely be injustice in you:

And fear God, and God will instruct you, for God knoweth all things.

2:283 And if ye be on a journey, and find no writer, let pledges be

taken: But if one of you trust the other, let him who is trusted return

what he is trusted with, and fear God his Lord. And conceal not the

testimony, for he who concealeth it, hath surely a wicked heart: God

knoweth that which ye do.

2:284 Whatever is in heaven, and on earth is God's: And whether ye

manifest that which is in your minds, or conceal it, God will call you

to account for it, and will forgive whom he pleaseth, and will punish

whom he pleaseth; for God is almighty.

2:285 The Apostle believeth in that which hath been sent down unto him

from his Lord, and the faithful also. Every one of them believeth in

God, and his angels, and his scriptures, and his Apostles: We make no

distinction at all between his Apostles. And they say, we have heard,

and do obey: We implore thy mercy, O Lord, for unto thee must we return.

2:286 God will not force any soul beyond its capacity: It shall have the

good which it gaineth, and it shall suffer the evil which it gaineth. O

Lord punisth us not, if we forget, or act sinfully: O Lord lay not on us

a burden like that which thou hast laid on those who have been before

us; neither make us, O Lord, to bear what we have not strength to bear,

but be favourable unto us, and spare us, and be merciful unto us. Thou

art our patron, help us therefore against the unbelieving nations.

Chapter 3

Intitled, The Family Of Imran; Revealed at Medina.

In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
3:1 A.L.M.

3:2 There is no God but God, the living, the self-subsisting.

3:3 He hath sent down unto thee the book of the Koran with truth,

confirming that which was revealed before it; for he had formerly sent

down the law, and the gospel,

3:4 a direction unto men; and he had also sent down the distinction

between good and evil. Verily those who believe not the signs of God,

shall suffer a grievous punishment; for God is mighty, able to revenge.

3:5 Surely nothing is hidden from God, of that which is on earth, or in


3:6 it is he who formeth you in the wombs, as he pleaseth; there is no

God but he, the mighty, the wise.

3:7 It is he who hath sent down unto thee the book, wherein are some

verses clear to be understood, they are the foundation of the book; and

others are parabolical. But they whose hearts are perverse will follow

that which is parabolical therein, out of love of schism, and a desire

of the interpretation thereof; yet none knoweth the interpretation

thereof, except God. But they who are well grounded in knowledge say, we

believe therein, the whole is from our Lord; and none will consider

except the prudent.

3:8 O Lord, cause not our hearts to swerve from truth, after thou hast

directed us: And give us from thee mercy, for thou art he who giveth.

3:9 O Lord, thou shalt surely gather mankind together, unto a day of

resurrection: There is no doubt of it, for God will not be contrary to

the promise.

3:10 As for the infidels, their wealth shall not profit them any thing,

nor their chlidren, against God: They shall be the fewel of hell fire.

3:11 According to the wont of the people of Pharaoh, and of those who

went before them, they charged our signs with a lie; but God caught them

in their wickedness, and God is severe in punishing.

3:12 Say unto those who believe not, ye shall be overcome, and thrown

together into hell ; an unhappy couch shall it be.

3:13 Ye have already had a miracle shewn you in two armies which

attacked each other: One army fought for God's true religion, but the

other were infidels; they saw the faithful twice as many as themselves

in their eye-sight; for God strengtheneth with his help whom he

pleaseth. Surely herein was an example unto men of understanding.

3:14 The love and eager desire of wives, and children, and sums heaped

up of gold and silver, and excellent horses, and cattle, and land, is

prepared for men: This is the provision of the present life; but unto

God shall be the most excellent return.

3:15 Say, shall I declare unto you better things than this? For those

who are devout are prepared with their Lord, gardens through which

rivers flow; therin shall they continue for ever : And they shall enjoy

wives free from impurity, and the favour of God; for God regardeth his


3:16 who say, O Lord we do sincerely believe; forgive us therefore our

sins, and deliver us from the pain of hell fire:

3:17 The patient, and the lovers of truth, and the devout, and the

almsgivers, and those who ask pardon early in the morning.

3:18 God hath born witness that there is no God but he; and the angels,

and those who are endowed with wisdom profess the same; who executeth

righteousness; there is no God but he; the mighty, the wise.

3:19 Verily the true religion in the sight of God, is Islam; and they

who had received the scriptures dissented not therefrom, until after the

knowledge of God's unity had come unto them, out of envy among

themselves; but whosoever believeth not in the signs of God, verily God

will be swift in bringing him to account.

3:20 If they dispute with thee, say, I have resigned my self unto God,

and he who followeth me doth the same: And say unto them who have

received the scriptures, and to the ignorant, do ye profess the religion

of Islam? Now if they embrace Isalm, they are surely directed; but if

they turn their backs, verily unto thee belongeth preaching only; for

God regardeth his servants.

3:21 And unto those who believe not in the signs of God, and slay the

prophets without a cause, and put those men to death who teach justice;

denounce unto them a painful punishment.

3:22 These are they whose works perish in this world, and in that which

is to come; and they shall have none to help them.

3:23 Hast thou not observed those unto whom part of the scripture was

given? They were called unto the book of God, that it might judge

between them; then some of them turned their backs, and retired afar off.

3:24 This they did because they said, the fire of hell shall by no means

touch us, but for a certain number of days: And that which they had

falsly devised, hath deceived them in their religion.

3:25 How then will it be with them, when we shall gather them together

at the day of judgement, of which there is no doubt; and every soul

shall be paid that which it hath gained, neither shall they be treated


3:26 Say, O God, who possessest the kingdom; thou givest the kingdom

unto whom thou wilt, and thou takest away the kingdom from whom thou

wilt: Thou exaltest whom thou wilt, and thou humblest whom thou wilt: In

thy had is good, for thou art almighty.

3:27 Thou makest the night to succeed the day: Thou bringest forth the

living out of the dead, and thou bringest forth the dead out of the

living; and providest food for whom thou wilt without measure.

3:28 Let not the faithful take the infidels for their protectors, rather

than the faithful: He who doth this, shall not be protected of God at

all; unless ye fear any danger from them: But God warneth you to beware

of himself; for unto God must ye return.

3:29 Say, whether ye conceal that which is in your breasts, or whether

ye declare it, God knoweth it; for he knoweth whatever is in heaven, and

whatever is on earth: God is almighty.

3:30 On the last day every soul shall find the good which it hath

wrought, present; and the evil which it hath wrought, it shall wish that

between it self and that were a wide distance: But God warneth you to

beware of himself; for God is gracious unto his servants.

3:31 Say, if ye love God, follow me: Then God shall love you, and

forgive you your sins; for God is gracious, and merciful.

3:32 Say, obey God, and his Apostle: But if ye go back, verily God

loveth not the unbelievers.

3:33 God hath surely chosen Adam, and Noah, and the family of Abraham,

and the family of Imran above the rest of the world;

3:34 a race descending the one from the other: God is he who heareth and


3:35 Remember when the wife of Imran said, Lord, verily I have vowed

unto thee that which is in my womb, to be dedicated to thy service:

Accept it therefore of me; for thou art he who heareth and knoweth.

3:36 And when she was delivered of it, she said, Lord, verily I have

brought forth a female, -- and God well knew what she had brought forth

-- and a male is not as a female: I have called her Mary; and I commend

her to thy protection, and also her issue, against Satan driven away

with stones.

3:37 Therefore the Lord accepted her with a gracious acceptance, and

caused her to bear an excellent offspring. And Zacharias took care of

the child; whenever Zacharias went into the chamber to her, he found

provisions with her: And he said, O Mary, whence hadst thou this? She

answered, this is from God: For God provideth for whom he pleaseth

without measure.

3:38 There Zacharias called on his Lord, and said, Lord, give me from

thee a good offspring, for thou art the hearer of prayer.

3:39 And the angels called to him, while he stood praying in the

chamber, saying, verily God promiseth thee a son named John, who shall

bear witness to the word which cometh from God; an honourable person,

chast, and one of the righteous prophets.

3:40 He answered, Lord, how shall I have a son, when old age hath

overtaken me, and my wife is barren? The angel said, so God doth that

which he pleaseth.

3:41 Zacharias answered, Lord, give me a sign. The angel said, thy sign

shall be, that thou shalt speak unto no man for three days, otherwise

than by gesture: Remember thy Lord often, and praise him evening and


3:42 And when the angels said, O Mary, verily God hath chosen thee, and

hath purified thee, and hath chosen thee above all the women of the world:

3:43 O Mary, be devout towards thy Lord, and worship, and bow down with

those who bow down.

3:44 This is a secret history: We reveal it unto thee, although thou

wast not present with them when they threw in their rods to cast lots

which of them should have the education of Mary; neither wast thou with

them, when they strove among themselves.

3:45 When the angels said; O Mary, verily God sendeth thee good tidings,

that thou shalt bear the word, proceeding from himself; his name shall

be Christ Jesus the son of Mary, honourable in this world and in the

world to come, and one of those who approach near to the presence of God;

3:46 and he shall speak unto men in the cradle, and when he is grown up;

and he shall be one of the righteous:

3:47 She answered, Lord, how shall I have a son, since a man hath not

touched me? The Angel said, so God createth that which he pleaseth: When

he decreeth a thing, he only saith unto it, be, and it is:

3:48 God shall teach him the scripture, and wisdom, and the law, and the


3:49 and shall appoint him his Apostle to the children of Israel; and he

shall say, verily I come unto you with a sign from your Lord; for I will

make before you, of clay, as it were the figure of a bird; then I will

breathe thereon, and it shall become a bird, by the permission of God:

And I will heal him that hath been blind from his birth; and the leper:

And I will raise the dead by the permission of God: And I will prophesy

unto you what ye eat, and what ye lay up for store in your houses.

Verily herein will be a sign unto you, if ye believe.

3:50 And I come to confirm the law which was revealed before me, and to

allow unto you as lawful, part of that which hath been forbidden you:

And I come unto you with a sign from your Lord; therefore fear God, and

obey me.

3:51 Verily God is my Lord, and your Lord: Therefore serve him. This is

the right way.

3:52 But when Jesus perceived their unbelief, he said, who will be my

helpers towards God? The apostles answered, we will be the helpers of

God; we believe in God, and do thou bear witness that we are true


3:53 O Lord, we believe in that which thou hast sent down, and we have

followed thy Apostle; write us down therefore with those who bear

witness of him.

3:54 And the Jews devised a stratagem against him; but God devised a

stratagem against them; and God is the best deviser of stratagems.

3:55 When God said, O Jesus, verily I will cause thee to die, and I will

take thee up unto me, and I will deliver thee from the unbelievers; and

I will place those who follow thee, above the unbelievers, until the day

of resurrection: Then unto me shall ye return, and I will judge between

you of that concerning which ye disagree.

3:56 Moreover, as for the infidels, I will punish them with a grievous

punishment in this world, and in that which is to come; and there shall

be none to help them.

3:57 But they who believe, and do that which is right, he shall give

them their reward; for God loveth not the wicked doers.

3:58 These signs, and this prudent admonition do we rehearse unto thee.

3:59 Verily the likeness of Jesus in the sight of God, is as the

likeness of Adam: He created him out of the dust, and then said unto

him, be; and he was.

3:60 This is the truth from thy Lord; be not therefore one of those who


3:61 And whoever shall dispute with thee concerning him, after the

knowledge which hath been given thee, say unto them, come, let us call

together our sons, and your sons, and our wives, and your wives, and our

selves, and your selves; then let us make imprecations, and lay the

curse of God on those who lie.

3:62 Verily this is a true history: And there is no God, but God; and

God is most mighty, and wise.

3:63 If they turn back, God well knoweth the evil doers.

3:64 Say, O ye who have received the scripture, come to a just

determination between us and you; that we worship not any except God,

and associate no creature with him; and that the one of us take not the

other for lords, beside God. But if they turn back, say, bear witness

that we are true believers.

3:65 O ye to whom the scriptures have been given, why do ye dispute

concerning Abraham, since the law and the gospel were not sent down

until after him? Do ye not therefore understand?

3:66 Behold ye are they who dispute concerning that which ye have some

knowledge in; why therefore do ye dispute concerning that which ye have

no knowledge of? God knoweth, but ye know not.

3:67 Abraham was neither a Jew, nor a Christian; but he was of the true

religion, one resigned unto God, and was not of the number of the


3:68 Verily the men who are the nearest of kin unto Abraham, are they

who follow him; and this prophet, and they who believe on him: God is

the patron of the faithful.

3:69 Some of those who have received the scriptures desire to seduce

you; but they seduce themselves only, and they perceive it not.

3:70 O ye who have received the scriptures, why do ye not believe in the

signs of God, since ye are witnesses of them?

3:71 O ye who have received the scriptures, why do ye clothes truth with

vanity, and knowingly hide the truth?

3:72 And some of those to whom the scriptures were given, say, believe

in that which hath been sent down unto those who believe, in the

beginning of the day; and deny it in the end thereof; that they may go

back from their faith:

3:73 And believe him only who followeth your religion. Say, verily the

true direction is the direction of God, that there may be given unto

some other a revelation like unto what hath been given unto you. Will

they dispute with you before your Lord? Say, surely excellence is in the

hand of God, he giveth it unto whom he pleaseth; God is bounteous and wise:

3:74 He will confer peculiar mercy on whom he pleaseth; for God is

indued with great beneficence.

3:75 There is of those who have received the scriptures, unto whom if

thou trust a talent, he will restore it unto thee; and there is also of

them, unto whom is thou trust a dinar, he will not restore it unto thee,

unless thou stand over him continually with great urgency. This they do

because they say, we are not obliged to observe justice with the

heathen: But they utter a lie against God, knowingly.

3:76 Yea; whoso keepeth his covenant, and feareth God, God surely loveth

those who fear him.

3:77 But they who make merchandize of God's covenant, and of their

oaths, for a small price, shall have no portion in the next life,

neither shall God speak to them or regard them on the day of

resurrection, nor shall he cleanse them; but they shall suffer a

grievous punishment.

3:78 And there are certainly some of them, who read the scriptures

perversely, that ye may think what they read to be really in the

scriptures, yet it is not in the scripture; and they say, this is from

God; but it is not from God: And they speak that which is false

concerning God, against their own knowledge.

3:79 It is not fit for a man, that God should give him a book of

revelations, and wisdom, and prophecy; and then he should say unto men,

be ye worshippers of me, besides God; but he ought to say, be ye perfect

in knowledge and in works, since ye know the scriptures, and exercise

your selves therein.

3:80 God hath not commanded you to take the angels and the prophets for

your Lords: Will He command you to become infidels, after ye have been

true believers?

3:81 And remember when God accepted the covenant of the prophets,

saying, this verily is the scripture and the wisdom which I have given

you: Hereafter shall an Apostle come unto you, conforming the truth of

that scripture which is with you; ye shall surely believe on Him, and ye

shall assist Him. God said, are ye firmly resolved, and do ye accept my

covenant on this condition? They answered, we are firmly resolved: God

said, be ye therefore witnesses; and I also bear witness with you:

3:82 And whosoever turneth back after this, they are surely the


3:83 Do they therefore seek any other religion but God's? Since to him

is resigned whosoever is in heaven or on earth, voluntarily, or of

force: And to him shall they return.

3:84 Say, we believe in God, and that which hath been sent down unto us,

and that which was sent down unto Abraham, and Ismael, and Isaac, and

Jacob, and the tribes, and that which was delivered to Moses, and Jesus,

and the prophets, from their Lord; we make no distinction between any of

them; and to him are we resigned.

3:85 Whoever followeth any other religion than Islam, it shall not be

accepted of him: And in the next life he shall be of those who perish.

3:86 How shall God direct men who have become infidels after they had

believed, and born witness that the Apostle was true, and manifest

declarations of the divine will had come unto them? For God directeth

not the ungodly people.

3:87 Their reward shall be, that on them shall fall the curse of God,

and of angels, and of all mankind:

3:88 They shall remain under the same for ever; their torment shall not

be mitigated, neither shall they be regarded;

3:89 except those who repent after this, and amend; for God is gracious

and merciful.

3:90 Moreover they who become infidels after they have believed, and yet

increase in infidelity, their repentance shall in no wise be accepted,

and they are those who go astray.

3:91 Verily they who believe not, and die in their unbelief, the world

full of gold shall in no wise be accepted from any of them, even though

he should give it for his ransom; they shall suffer a grievous

punishment, and they shall have none to help them.

3:92 Ye will never attain unto righteousness, until ye give in alms of

that which ye love: And whatever ye give, God knoweth it.

3:93 All food was permitted unto the children of Israel, except what

Israel forbad unto himself, before the Pentateuch was sent down. Say

unto the Jews, bring hither the Pentateuch and read it, if ye speak truth.

3:94 Whoever therefore contriveth a lie against God after this, they

will be evil doers.

3:95 Say, God is true: Follow ye therefore the religion of Abraham the

orthodox; for he was no idolater.

3:96 Verily the first house appointed unto men to worship in was that

which is in Becca; blessed, and a direction to all creatures.

3:97 Therein are manifest signs: The place where Abraham stood; and

whoever entreth therein, shall be safe. And it is a duty towards God,

incumbent on those who are able to go thither, to visit this house; but

whosoever disbelieveth, verily God needeth not the service of any creature.

3:98 Say, O ye who have received the scriptures, why do ye not believe

in the signs of God?

3:99 Say, O ye who have received the scriptures, why do ye keep back

from the way of God, him who believeth? Ye seek to make it crooked, and

yet are witnesses that it is the right: But God will not be unmindful of

what ye do.

3:100 O true believers, if ye obey some of those who have received the

scripture, they will render you infidels, after ye have believed:

3:101 And how can ye be infidels, when the signs of God are read unto

you, and his Apostle is among you? But he who cleaveth firmly unto God,

is already directed into the right way.

3:102 O believers, fear God with his true fear; and die not unless ye

also be true believers.

3:103 And cleave all of you unto the covenant of God, and depart not

from it, and remember the favour of God towards you: Since ye were

enemies, and he reconciled your hearts, and ye became companions and

brethren by his favour: And ye were on the brink of a pit of fire, and

he delivered you thence. Thus God declareth unto you his signs, that ye

may be directed.

3:104 Let there be people among you, who invite to the best religion;

and command that which is just, and forbid that which is evil; and they

shall be happy.

3:105 And be not as they who are divided, and disagree in matters of

religion, after manifest proofs have been brought unto them: They shall

suffer a great torment.

3:106 On the day of resurrection some faces shall become white, and

other faces shall become black. And unto them whose faces shall become

black, God will say, have ye returned unto your unbelief, after ye had

believed? Therefore taste the punishment, for that ye have been


3:107 But they whose faces shall become white shall be in the mercy of

God, therein shall they remain for ever.

3:108 These are the signs of God: We recite them unto thee with truth.

God will not deal unjustly with his creatures.

3:109 And to God belongeth whatever is in heaven and on earth; and to

God shall all things return.

3:110 Ye are the best nation that hath been raised up unto mankind: Ye

command that which is just, and ye forbid that which is unjust, and ye

believe in God. And if they who have recieved the scriptures had

believed, it had surely been the better for them: There are believers

among them, but the greater part of them are transgressors.

3:111 They shall not hurt you, unless with a slight hurt; and if they

fight against you, they shall turn their backs to you; and they shall

not be helped.

3:112 They are smitten with vileness wheresoever they are found; unless

they obtain security by entering into a treaty with God, and a treaty

with men: And they draw on themselves indignation from God, and they are

afflicted with poverty. This they suffer, because they disbelieved the

signs of God, and slew the prophets unjustly; this, because they were

rebellious, and transgressed.

3:113 Yet they are not all alike: There are of those who have received

the scriptures, upright people; they meditate on the signs of God in the

night season, and worship;

3:114 They believe in God, and the last day; and command that which is

just, and forbid that which is unjust, and zealously strive to excel in

good works: These are of the righteous.

3:115 And ye shall not be denied the reward of the good which ye do; for

God knoweth the pious.

3:116 As for the unbelievers, their wealth shall not profit them at all,

neither their children, against God: They shall be the companions of

hell fire; they shall continue therein for ever.

3:117 The likeness of that which they lay out in this present life, is

as a wind wherein there is a scorching cold: It falleth on the standing

corn of those men who have injured their own souls, and destroyeth it.

And God dealeth not unjustly with them; but they injure their own souls.

3:118 O true believers, contract not an intimate friendship with any

besides your selves: They will not fail to corrupt you. They wish for

that which may cause you to perish: Their hatred hath already appeared

from out of their mouths; but what their breasts conceal is yet more

inveterate. We have already shewn you signs of their ill will towards

you, if ye understand.

3:119 Behold, ye love them, and they do not love you: Ye believe in all

the scriptures, and when they meet you, they say, we believe; but when

they assemble privately togeher, they bite their fingers ends out of

wrath against you. Say unto them, die in your wrath: Verily God kneweth

the innermost part of your breasts.

3:120 If good happen unto you, it grieveth them; and if evil befall you,

they rejoice at it. But if ye be patient, and fear God, their sublty

shall not hurt you at all; for God comprehendeth whatever they do.

3:121 Call to mind when thou wentest forth early from thy family, that

thou mightest prepare the faithful a camp for war; and God heard and

knew it;

3:122 when two companies of you were anxiously thoughtful, so that ye

became faint-hearted; but God was the supporter of them both; and in God

let the faithful trust.

3:123 And God had already given you the victory at Bedr, when ye were

inferior in number; therefore fear God, that ye may be thankful.

3:124 When thou saidst unto the faithful, is it not enough for you, that

your Lord should assist you with three thousand angels, sent sown from


3:125 Verily if ye persevere, and fear God, and your enemies come upon

you suddenly, your Lord will assist you with five thousand angels,

distinguished by their horses and attire.

3:126 And this God designed only as good tidings for you that your

hearts might rest secure: For victory is from God alone, the mighty, the


3:127 That he should cut off the uttermost part of the unbelievers, or

cast them down, or that they should be overthrown and unsuccessful, is

nothing to thee.

3:128 It is no business of thine; whether God be turned unto them, or

whether he punish them; they are surely unjust doers.

3:129 To God belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth: He spareth

whom he pleaseth, and he punisheth whom he pleaseth; for God is merciful.

3:130 O true believers, devour not usury, doubling it twofold; but fear

God, that ye may prosper:

3:131 And fear the fire which is prepared for the unbelievers;

3:132 and obey God, and his Apostle, that ye may obtain mercy.

3:133 And run with emulation to obtain remission from your Lord, and

paradise, whose breadth equalleth the heavens and the earth, which is

prepared for the godly;

3:134 who give alms in prosperity and adversity; who bridle their anger,

and forgive men: For God loveth the benficent.

3:135 And who, after they have committed a crime, or dealt unjustly with

their own souls, remember God, and ask pardon for their sins, -- for who

forgiveth sins except God? -- and persevere not in what they have done


3:136 Their reward shall be pardon from their Lord, and gardens wherein

rivers flow, they shall remain therin for ever: And how excellent is the

reward of those who labour!

3:137 There have already been before you examples of punishment of

infidels, therefore go through the earth, and behold what hath been the

end of those who accuse God's Apostles of imposture.

3:138 This book is a declaration unto men, and a direction, and an

admonition to the pious.

3:139 And be not dismayed, neither be ye grieved; for ye shall be

superior to the unbelievers if ye believe.

3:140 If a wound hath happended unto you in war, a like wound hath

already happened unto the unbelieving people: And we cause these days of

different success interchangeably to succeed each other among men; that

God may know those who believe, and may have martyrs from among you: --

God loveth not the workers of iniquity; -

3:141 and that God might prove those who believe, and destroy the infidels.

3:142 Did ye imagine that ye should enter paradise , when as yet God

knew not those among you who fought strenuously in his cause; nor knew

those who persevered with patience?

3:143 Moreover ye did sometime wish for death before that ye met it; but

ye have now seen it, and ye looked on, but retreated from it.

3:144 Mohammed is no more than an Apostle; the other Apostles have

already deceased before him: If he die therefore, or be slain, will ye

turn back on your heels? But he who turneth back on his heels, will not

hurt God at all; and God will surely reward the thankful.

3:145 No soul can die unless by the permission of God, according to what

is written in the book containing the determinations of things. And

whoso chooseth the reward of this world, we will give him thereof: But

whoso chooseth the reward of the world to come, we will give him

thereof; and we will surely reward the thankful.

3:146 How many prophets have incountered those who had many myriads of

troops: And yet they desponded not in their mind for what had befallen

them in fighting for the religion of God; and were not weakened, neither

behaved themselves in an abject manner? God loveth those who persevere


3:147 And their speech was no other than that they said, our Lord

forgive us our offences and our transgressions in our business; and

confirm our feet, and help us against the unbelieving people.

3:148 And God gave them the reward of this world, and a glorious reward

in the life to come; for God leveth the well-doers.

3:149 O ye who believe, if ye obey the infidels, they will cause you to

turn back on your heels, and ye will be turned back and perish:

3:150 But God is your Lord; and he is the best helper.

3:151 We will surely cast a dread into the hearts of the unbelievers,

because they have associated with God that concerning which he sent them

down no power: Their dwelling shall be the fire of hell; and the

receptacle of the wicked shall be miserable.

3:152 God had already made good unto you his promise, when ye destroyed

them by his permission, until ye became faint-hearted and disputed

concerning the command of the Apostle, and were rebellious; after God

had shewn you what ye desired. Some of you chose this present world, and

others of you chose the world to come. Then he turned you to flight from

before them, that he might make trial of you: -- But he hath now

pardoned you; for God is indued with beneficence towards the faithful; -

3:153 when ye went up as ye fled, and looked not back on any; while the

Apostle called you, in the uttermost part of you. Therefore God rewarded

you with affliction on affliction, that ye be not grieved hereafter for

the spoils which ye fail of, nor for that which befalleth you; for God

is well acquainted with whatever ye do.

3:154 Then he sent down upon you after affliction security; a soft sleep

which fell on some part of you; but other part were troubled by their

own souls; falsely thinking of God a foolish imagination, saying, will

any thing of the matter happen unto us? Say, verily the matter belongeth

wholly unto God. They concealed in their minds what they declared not

unto thee; saying, if any thing of the matter had happened unto us, we

had not been slain here. Answer, if ye had been in your houses, verily

they would have gone forth to fight, whose slaughter was decreed, to the

places where they died, and this came to pass that God might try what

was in your breasts, and might discern what was in your hearts; for God

knoweth the innermost parts of the breasts of men.

3:155 Verily they among you who turned their backs on the day whereon

the two armies met each other at Ohod, Satan cause them so slip, for

some crime which they had committed: But now hath God forgiven them; for

God is gracious and merciful.

3:156 O true believers, be not as they who believed not, and said of

their brethren, when they had journeyed in the land or had been at war,

if they had been with us, those had not died, nor had these been slain:

Whereas what befell them was so ordained that God might make it matter

of sighing in their hearts. God giveth life, and causeth to die: And God

seeth that which ye do.

3:157 Moreover if ye be slain, or die in defence of the religion of God;

verily pardon from God, and mercy is better than what they heap together

of worldly riches.

3:158 And if ye die, or be slain, verily unto God shall ye be gathered.

3:159 And as to the mercy granted unto the disobedient from God, thou O

Mohammed hast been mild towards them; but if thou hadst been severe, and

hard-hearted, they had surely sepatated themselves from about thee.

Therefore forgive them, and ask pardon for them: And consult them in the

affair of war; and after thou hast deliberated, trust in God; for God

loveth those who trust in Him.

3:160 If God help you, none shall conquer you; but if he desert you, who

is it that will help you after Him? Therefore in God let the faithful


3:161 It is not the part of a prophet to defraud, for he who defraudeth,

shall bring with him what he hath defrauded any one of, on the day of

the resurrection. Then shall every soul be paid what he hath gained; and

they shall not be treated unjustly.

3:162 Shall he therefore who followeth that which is well-pleasing unto

God, be as he who bringeth on himslef wrath from God, and whose

receptacle is hell? An evil journey shall it be thither.

3:163 There shall be degrees of rewards and punishments with God, for

God seeth what they do.

3:164 Now hath God been gracious unto the believers when he raised up

among them an Apostle of their own nation, who should recite his signs

unto them, and purify them, and teach them the book of the Koran and

wisdom; whereas they were before in manifest error.

3:165 Afrer a misfortune hath befallen you at Ohod, -- ye had already

obtained two equal advantages -- do ye say, whence cometh this? Answer,

this is from yourselves: For God is almighty.

3:166 And what happened unto you, on the day whereon the two armies met,

was certainly by the permission of God; and that he might know the


3:167 and that he might know the ungodly. It was said unto them, come,

fight for the religion of God, or drive back the enemy: They answered,

if we had known ye went out to fight, we had certainly followed you.

They were on that day nearer unto unbelief, than they were to faith;

they spake with their mouths, what was not in their hearts: But God

perfectly knew what they concealed;

3:168 who said of their brethren, while themselves staid at home, if

they had obeyed us, they had not been slain. Say, then keep back death

from yourselves, if ye say truth.

3:169 Thou shalt in no wise reckon those who have been slain at Ohod in

the cause of God, dead; nay, they are sustained alive with their Lord,

3:170 rejoicing for what God of his favour hath granted them; and being

glad for those, who coming after them, have not as yer overtaken them;

because there shall no fear come on them, neither shall they be grieved.

3:171 They are filled with joy for the favour which they have received

from God, and his bounty; and for that God suffereth not the reward of

the faithful to perish.

3:172 They who hearkened unto God and his Apostle, after a wound had

befallen them at Ohod, such of them as do good works, and fear God,

shall have a great reward;

3:173 unto whom certain men said, verily the men of Mecca have already

gathered forces against you, be ye therefore afraid of them: But this

increased their faith, and they said, God is our support, and the most

excellent patron.

3:174 Wherefore they returned with favour from God, and advantage; no

evil befell them: And they followed what was well pleasing unto God; for

God is endowed with great liberality.

3:175 Verily that devil would cause you to fear his friends: But be ye

not afraid of them; but fear me, if ye be true believers.

3:176 They shall not grieve thee, who emulously hasten unto infidelity;

for they shall never hurt God at all. God will not give them a part in

the next life, and they shall suffer a great punishment.

3:177 Surely those who purchase infidelity with faith, shall by no means

hurt God at all, but they shall suffer a grievous punishment.

3:178 And let not the unbelievers think, because we grant them lives

long and prosperous, that it is better for their souls: We grant them

long and prosperous lives only that their iniquity may be increased; and

they shall suffer an ignominious punishment.

3:179 God is not disposed to leave the faithful in the condition which

ye are now in, until he sever the wicked from the good; nor is God

disposed to make you acquainted with what is a hidden secret, but God

chuseth such of his Apostles as he pleaseth, to reveal his mind unto:

Believe therefore in God, and his Apostles; and if ye believe, and fear

God, ye shall receive a great reward.

3:180 And let not those who covetous of what God of his bounty hath

granted them, imagine that their avarice is better for them: Nay, rather

it is worse for them. That which they have covetously reserved shall be

bound as a collar about their neck, on the day of the resurrection: Unto

God belongeth the inheritance of heaven and earth; and God is well

acquainted with what ye do.

3:181 God hath already heard the saying of those who said, verily God os

poor, and we are rich: We will surely write down what they have said,

and the slaughter which they have made of the prophets without a cause;

and we will say unto them, taste ye the pain of burning.

3:182 This shall they suffer for the evil which their hands have sent

before them; and because God is not unjust towards mankind;

3:183 who also say, surely God hath commanded us, that we should not

give credit to any Apostle, until one should come unto us with a

sacrifice, which should be consumed by fire. Say, Apostles have already

come unto you before me, with plain proofs, and with the miracle which

ye mention: Why therefore have ye slain them, if ye speak truth?

3:184 If they accuse thee of imposture, the Apostles before thee have

also been accounted impostors, who brought evident demonstrations, and

the scriptures, and the book which inlighteneth the understanding.

3:185 Every soul shall taste of death, and ye shall have your rewards on

the day of resurrection; and he who shall be far removed from hell fire,

and shall be admitted into paradise, shall be happy: But the present

life is only a deceitful provision.

3:186 Ye shall surely be proved in your possessions, and in your

persons; and ye shall hear from those unto whom the scripture was

delivered before you, and from the idolaters, much hurt: But if ye be

patient, and fear God, this is a matter that is absolutely determined.

3:187 And when God accepted the covenant of those to whom the book of

the law was given, saying, ye shall surely publish it unto mankind, ye

shall not hide it: Yet they threw it behind their backs, and sold it for

a small price; but woful is the price for which they have sold it.

3:188 Think not that they who rejoice at what they have done, and expect

to be praised for what they have not done; think not, O prophet, that

they shall escape from punishment, for they shall suffer a painful


3:189 and unto God belongeth the kingdom of heaven and earth: God is


3:190 Now in the creation of heaven and earth, and the vicissitude of

night and day, are signs unto those who are indued with understanding;

3:191 who remember God standing, and sitting, and lying on their sides;

and meditate on the creation of heaven and earth, saying, O Lord, thou

hast not created this in vain; far be it from thee: Therefore deliver us

from the torment of hell fire:

3:192 O Lord, surely whom thou shalt throw into the fire, thou wilt also

cover with shame: Nor shall the ungodly have any to help them.

3:193 O Lord, we have heard a preacher inviting us to the faith, and

saying, believe in your Lord: And we believed. O Lord, forgive us

therefore our sins, and expiate our evil deeds from us, and make us to

die with the righteous.

3:194 O Lord, give us also the reward which thou hast promised by thy

Apostles; and cover us not with shame on the day of resurrection; for

thou art not contrary to the promise.

3:195 Their Lord therefore answereth them, saying, I will not suffer the

work of him among you who worketh to be lost, whether he be male, or

female: The one of you is from the other. They therefore who have left

their country, and have been turned out of their houses, and have

suffered for my sake, and have been slain in battle; verily I will

expiate their evil deeds from them, and I will surely bring them into

gardens watered by rivers: a reward from God: And with God is the most

excellent reward.

3:196 Let not the prosperous dealing of the unbelievers in the land,

deceive thee:

3:197 It is but a slender provision; and then their receptacle shall be

hell; an unhappy couch shall it be.

3:198 But they who fear their Lord shall have gardens through which

rivers flow, they shall continue therein for ever : This is the gift of

God; for what is with God shall be better for the righteous than

short-lived worldly prosperity.

3:199 There are some of those who have received the scriptures, who

believe in God, and that which hath been sent down unto you, and that

which hath been sent down to them, submitting themselves unto God; they

sell not the signs of God for a small price: These shall have their

reward with their Lord; for God is swift in taking an account.

3:200 O true believers, be patient, and strive to excel in patience, and

be constant-minded, and fear God, that ye may be happy.

Chapter 4
Intitled, Women; Revealed at Medina.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

4:1 O men, fear your Lord, who hath created you out of one man, and out

of him created his wife, and from them two hath multiplied many men, and

women: And fear God by whom ye beseech one another; and respect women

who have born you, for God is watching over you.

4:2 And give the orphans when they come to age their substance; and

render them not in exchange bad for good: And devour not their

substance, by adding it to your own substance; for this is a great sin.

4:3 And if ye fear that ye shall not act with equity towards orphans of

the female sex, take in marriage of such other women as please you, two,

or three, or four, and not more. But if ye fear that ye cannot act

equitably towards so many, marry one only, or the slaves which ye shall

have acquired. This will be easier, that ye swerve not from righteousness.

4:4 And give women their dowry freely; but if they voluntarily remit

unto you any part of it, enjoy it with satisfaction and advantage.

4:5 And give not unto those who are weak of understanding, the substance

which God hath appointed you to preserve for them; but maintain them

thereout, and clothe them, and speak kindly unto them.

4:6 And examine the orphans until they attain the age of marriage: But

if ye perceive they are able to manage their affairs well, deliver their

substance unto them; and waste it not extravagantly, or hastily, because

they grow up. Let him who is rich abstain entirely from the orphans

estates; and let him who is poor take thereof according to what shall be

reasonable. And when ye deliver their substance unto them, call

witnesses thereof in their presence: God taketh sufficient account of

your actions.

4:7 Men ought to have a part of what their parents and kindred leave

behind them when they die: And women also ought to have a part of what

their parents and kindred leave, whether it be little, or whether it be

much; a determinate part is due to them.

4:8 And when they who are of kin are present at the dividing of what is

left, and also the orphans, and the poor; distribute unto them some part

thereof; and if the estate be too small, at least speak comfortably unto


4:9 And let those fear to abuse orphans, who if they leave behind them a

weak off-spring, are sollicitous for them: let them therefore fear God,

and speak that which is convenient.

4:10 Surely they who devour the possessions of orphans unjustly, shall

swallow down nothing but fire into their bellies, and shall broil in

raging flames.

4:11 God hath thus commanded you concerning your children. A male shall

have as much as the share of two females: But if they be females only,

and above two in number, they shall have two third parts of what the

deceased shall leave; and if there be but one, she shall have the half.

And the parents of the deceased shall have each of them a sixth part of

what he shall leave, if he have a child: But if he have no child, and

his parents be his heirs, then his mother shall have the third part. And

if he have brethren, his mother shall have a sixth part, after the

legacies which he shall bequeath, and his debts be paid. Ye know not

whether your patents or your children be of greater use unto you. This

is an ordinance from God, and God is knowing and wise.

4:12 Moreover ye may claim half of what your wives shall leave, if they

have no issue; but if they have issue, then ye shall have the fourth

part of what they shall leave, after the legacies which they shall

bequeath, and the debts be paid. They also shall have the fourth part of

what ye shall leave, in case ye have no issue; but if ye have issue,

then they shall have the eighth part of what ye shall leave, after the

legacies which ye shall bequeath, and your debts be paid. And if a man

or woman's substance be inherited by a distant relation, and he or she

have a brother or sister; each of them two shall have a sixth part of

the estate. But if there be more than this number, they shall be equal

sharers in a third part, after payment of the legacies which shall be

bequeathed, and the debts, without prejudice to the heirs. This is an

ordinance from God: And God is knowing and gracious.

4:13 These are the statutes of God. And whoso obeyeth God and his

Apostle, God shall lead him into gardens wherein rivers flow, they shall

continue therein for ever; and this shall be great happiness.

4:14 But whoso disobeyeth God, and his Apostle, and transgresseth his

statutes, God shall cast him into hell fire; he shall remain therein for

ever, and he shall suffer a shameful punishment.

4:15 If any of your women be guilty of whoredom, produce four witnesses

from among you against them, and if they bear witness against them,

imprison them in separate apartments until death release them, or God

affordeth them a way to escape.

4:16 And if two of you commit the like wickedness, punish them both: But

if they repent and amend, let them both alone; for God is easy to be

reconciled and merciful.

4:17 Verily repentance will be accepted with God, from those who do evil

ignorantly, and then repent speedily; unto them will God be turned: For

God is knowing and wise.

4:18 But no repentance shall be accepted from those who do evil until

the time when death presenteth it self unto one of them, and he saith,

verily I repent now; nor unto those who die unbelievers: For them have

we prepared a grievous punishment.

4:19 O true believers, it is not lawful for you to be heirs of women

against their will, nor to hinder them from marrying others, that ye may

take away part of what ye have given them in dowry; unless they have

been guilty of a manifest crime: But converse kindly with them. And if

ye hate them, it may happen that ye may hate a thing wherein God hath

placed much good.

4:20 If ye be desirous to exchange a wife for another wife, and ye have

already given one of them a talent; take not away any thing therefrom;

Will ye take it by slandering her, and doing her manifest unjustice?

4:21 And how can ye take it, since the one of you hath gone in unto the

other, and they have received from you a firm covenant?

4:22 Marry not women, whom your fathers have had to wife; -- except what

is already past: -- For this is uncleanness, and an abomination, and an

evil way.

4:23 Ye are forbidden to marry your mothers, and your daughters, and

your sisters, and your aunts both on the fathers and on the mothers

side, and your brothers daughters, and your sisters daughters, and your

mothers who have given you suck, and your foster-sisters, and your wives

mothers, and your daughters-in-law which are under your tuition, born of

your wives unto whom ye have gone in, -- but if ye have not gone in unto

them, it shall be no sin in you to marry them, -- and the wives of your

sons who proceed out of your loins; and ye are also forbidden to take to

wife two sisters; except what is already past: For God is gracious and


4:24 Ye are also forbidden to take to wife free women who are married,

except those women whom your right hands shall possess as slaves. This

is ordained you from God. Whatever is beside this, is allowed you; that

ye may with your substance provide wives for your selves, acting that

which is right, and avoiding whoredom. And for the advantage which ye

receive from them, give them their reward, according to what is

ordained: But it shall be no crime in you to make any other agreement

among your selves, after the ordinance shall be complied with; for God

is knowing and wise.

4:25 Whoso among you hath not means sufficient that he may marry free

women, who are believers, let him marry with such of your maid-servants

whom your right hands possess, as are true believers; for God well

knoweth your faith. Ye are the one from the other: Therefore marry them

with the consent of their masters; and give them their dower according

to justice; such as are modest, not guilty of whoredom, nor entertaining

lovers. And when they are married, if they be guilty of adultery, they

shall suffer half the punishment which is appointed for the free women.

This is allowed unto him among you, who feareth to sin by marrying free

women; but if ye abstain from marrying slaves, it will be better for

you; God is gracious and merciful.

4:26 God is willing to declare these things unto you and to direct you

according to the ordinances of those who have gone before you, and to be

merciful unto you. God is knowing and wise.

4:27 God desireth to be gracious unto you; but they who follow their

lusts, desire that ye should turn aside from the truth with great


4:28 God is minded to make His religion light unto you: For man was

created weak.

4:29 O true believers, consume not your wealth among your selves in

vanity; unless there be merchandizing among you by mutual consent:

neither slay your selves; for God is merciful towards you:

4:30 And whoever doth this maliciously and wickedly, he will surely cast

him to be broiled in hell fire; and this is easy with God.

4:31 If ye turn aside from the grievous sins, of those which ye are

forbidden to commit, we will cleanse you from your smaller faults; and

will introduce you into paradise with an honourable entry.

4:32 Covet not that which God hath bestowed on some of you preferably to

others. Unto the men shall be given a portion, of what they shall have

gained, and unto the women shall be given a portion, of what they shall

have gained: Therefore ask God of his bounty; for God is omniscient.

4:33 We have appointed unto every one kindred, to inherit part of what

their parents and relations shall leave at their deaths. And unto those

with whom your right hands have made an alliance, give their part of the

inheritance; for God is witness of all things.

4:34 Men shall have the pre-eminence above women, because of those

advantages wherein God hath caused the one of them to excel the other,

and for that which they expend of their substance in maintaining their

wives. The honest women are obedient, careful in the absence of their

husbands, for that God preserveth them, by committing them to the care

and protection of the men. But those, whose perverseness ye shall be

apprehensive of, rebuke; and remove them into separate apartments, and

chastise them. But if they shall be obedient unto you, seek not an

occasion of quarrel against them; for God is high and great.

4:35 And if ye fear a breach between the husband and wife, send a judge

out of his family, and a judge out of her family: If they shall desire a

reconciliation, God will cause them to agree; for God is knowing and wise.

4:36 Serve God, and associate no creature with him; and shew kindness

unto parents, and relations, and orphans, and the poor, and your

neighbour who is of kin to you, and also your neighbour who is a

stranger, and to your familiar companion, and the traveller, and the

captives whom your right hands shall possess;

4:37 for God loveth not the proud or vainglorious, who are covetous, and

recommend covetousness unto men, and conceal that which God of his

bounty hath given them, -- we have prepared a shameful punishment for

the unbelievers; -

4:38 and who bestow their wealth in charity to be observed of men, and

believe not in God, nor in the last day; and whoever hath Satan for a

companion, an evil companion hath he!

4:39 And what harm would befall them if they should believe in God, and

the last day, and give alms out of that which God hath bestowed on them?

Since God knoweth them who do this.

4:40 Verily God will not wrong any one even the weight of an ant: And if

it be a good action, he will double it, and will recompense it in his

sight with a great reward.

4:41 How will it be with the unbelievers, when we shall bring a witness

out of each nation against itself, and shall bring thee, O Mohammed, a

witness against these people?

4:42 In that day they who have not believed, and have rebelled against

the Apostle of God, shall wish the earth was levelled with them; and

they shall not be able to hide any matter from God.

4:43 O true believer , come not to prayer when ye are drunk, until ye

understand what ye say; nor when ye are polluted by emission of seed,

unless ye be travelling on the road, until ye wash yourselves. But if ye

be sick, or on a journey, or any of you come from easing nature, or have

touched women, and find no water; take fine clean sand and rub your

faces and your hands therewith; for God is merciful and inclined to


4:44 Hast thou not observed those unto whom part of the scripture was

delivered? They sell error, and desire that ye may wander from the right


4:45 but God well knoweth your enemies. God is a sufficient patron, and

God is a sufficient helper.

4:46 Of the Jews there are some who pervert words from their places; and

say, we have heard, and have disobeyed; and do thou hear without

understanding our meaning, and look upon us: Perplexing with their

tongues, and reviling the true religion. But if they had said, we have

heard, and do obey; and do thou hear, and regard us: Certainly it were

better for them, and more right. But God hath cursed them by reason of

their infidelity; therefore a few of them only shall believe.

4:47 O ye to whom the scriptures have been given, believe in the

revelation which we have sent down, confirming that which is with you;

before we deface your countenances, and render them as the back parts

thereof; or curse them, as we cursed those who transgressed on the

sabbath day; and the command of God was fulfilled.

4:48 Surely God will not pardon the giving Him an equal; but will pardon

any other sin, except that, to whom He pleaseth: And whoso giveth a

companion unto God, hath devised a great wickedness.

4:49 Hast thou not observed those who justify themselves? But God

justifieth whomsoever He pleaseth, nor shall they be wronged a hair.

4:50 Behold, how they imagine a lie against God; and therein is iniquity

sufficiently manifest.

4:51 Hast thou not considered those to whom part of the scripture hath

been given? They believe in false gods and idols, and say of those who

believe not, these are more rightly directed in the way of truth, than

they who believe on Mohammed.

4:52 Those are the men whom God hath cursed; and unto him whom God shall

curse, thou shalt surely find no helper.

4:53 Shall they have a part of the kingdom, since even then they would

not bestow the smallest matter on men?

4:54 Do they envy other men that which God of his bounty hath given

them? We formerly gave unto the family of Abraham a book of revelations

and wisdom; and we gave them a great kingdom.

4:55 There is of them who believeth on Him; and there is of them who

turneth aside from Him: But the raging fire of hell is a sufficient


4:56 Verily those who disbelieve our signs, we will surely cast to be

broiled in hell fire; so often as their skins shall be well burned, we

will give them other skins in exchange, that they may taste the sharper

torment; for God is mighty and wise.

4:57 But those who believe and do that which is right, we will bring

into gardens watered by rivers, therein shall they remain for ever, and

there shall they enjoy wives free from all impurity; and we will lead

them into perpetual shades.

4:58 Moreover God commandeth you to restore what ye are trusted with, to

the owners; and when ye judge between men, that ye judge according to

equity: And surely an excellent virtue it is to which God exhorteth you;

for God both heareth and seeth.

4:59 O true believers, obey God, and obey the Apostle, and those who are

in authority among you, and if ye differ in any thing, refer it unto God

and the Apostle, if ye believe in God, and the last day: This is better,

and a fairer method of determination.

4:60 Hast thou not observed those who pretend they believe in what hath

been revealed unto thee, and what been revealed before thee? They desire

to go to judgement before Taghut, although they have been commanded not

to believe in him; and Satan desireth to seduce them into a wide error.

4:61 And when it is said unto them, come unto the book which God hath

sent down, and to the Apostle; thou seest the ungodly turn aside from

thee, with great aversion.

4:62 But how will they behave when a misfortune shall befall them, for

that which their hands have sent before them? Then will they come unto

thee, and swear by God, saying, if we intended any other, than to do

good, and to reconcile the parties.

4:63 God knoweth what is in the hearts of these men; therefore let them

alone, and admonish them, and speak unto them a word which may affect

their souls.

4:64 We have not sent any Apostle, but that he might be obeyed by the

permission of God: But if they, after they have injured their own souls,

come unto thee, and ask pardon of God, and the Apostle ask pardon for

them, they shall surely find God easy to be reconciled and merciful.

4:65 And by thy Lord they will not perfectly believe, until they make

thee judge of their controversies; and shall not afterwards find in

their own minds any hardship in what thou shalt determine, but shall

acquiesce therein with entire submission.

4:66 And if we had commanded them, saying, slay your selves, or depart

from your houses; they would not have done it, except a few of them. And

if they had done what they were admonished, it would certainly have been

better for them, and more efficacious for confirming their faith;

4:67 and we should then have surely given them in our sight an exceeding

great reward,

4:68 and we should have directed them in the right way.

4:69 Whoever obeyeth God and the Apostle, they shall be with those unto

whom God hath been gracious, of the prophets, and the sincere, and the

martyrs, and the righteous; and these are the most excellent company.

4:70 This is bounty from God; and God is sufficiently knowing.

4:71 O true believers, take your necessary precaution against your

enemies, and either go forth to war in separate parties, or go forth all

together in a body.

4:72 There is of you who tarrieth behind; and if a misfortune befall

you, he saith, verily God hath been gracious unto me, that I was not

present with them:

4:73 But if success attend you from God, he will say, -- as if there was

no friendship between you and him, -- would to God I had been with them,

for I should have acquired great merit.

4:74 Let them therefore fight for the religion of God, who part with the

present life in exchange for that which is to come; for whosoever

fighteth for the religion of God, whether he be slain, or be victorious,

we will surely give him a great reward.

4:75 And what ails you, that ye fight not for God's true religion, and

in defence of the weak among men, women, and children, who say, O Lord,

bring us forth from this city, whose inhabitants are wicked; grant us

from before thee a protector, and grant us from before thee a defender.

4:76 They who believe fight for the religion of God; but they who

believe not fight for the religion of Taghut. Fight therefore against

the friends of Satan, for the stratagem of Satan is weak.

4:77 Hast thou not observed those unto whom it was said, withhold your

hands from war, and be constant at prayers, and pay the legal alms? But

when war is commanded them, behold, a part of them fear men as they

should fear God, or with a greater fear, and say, O Lord, wherefore hast

thou commanded us to go to war, and hast not suffered us to wait our

approaching end? Say unto them. The provision of this life is but small;

but the future shall be better for him who feareth God; and ye shall not

be in the least injured at the day of judgement.

4:78 Wheresoever ye be, death will overtake you, although ye be in lofty

towers. If good befall them, they say, this is from God; but if evil

befall them, they say, this is from thee, O Mohammed: Say, all is from

God; and what aileth these people, that they are so far from

understanding what is said unto them?

4:79 Whatever good befalleth thee, O man it is from God; and whatever

evil befalleth thee, it is from thy self. We have sent thee an Apostle

unto men, and God is a sufficient witness thereof.

4:80 Whoever obeyeth the Apostle, obeyeth God; and whoever turneth back,

we have not sent thee to be a keeper over them.

4:81 They say, obedience: Yet when they go forth from thee, part of them

meditate by night a matter different from what thou speakest; but God

shall write down what they meditate by night: Therefore let them alone,

and trust in God, for God is a sufficient protector.

4:82 Do they not attentively consider the Koran? If it had been from any

besides God, they would certainly have found therein many contradictions.

4:83 When any news cometh unto them, either of security or fear, they

immediately divulge it; but if they told it to the Apostle and to those

who are in authority among them, such of them would understand the truth

of the matter, as inform themselves thereof from the Apostle and his

chiefs. And if the favour of God and his mercy had not been upon you, ye

had followed the devil, except a few of you.

4:84 Fight therefore for the religion of God, and oblige not any to what

is difficult, except thy self; however excite the faithful to war,

perhaps God will restrain the courage of the unbelievers; for God is

stronger than they, and more able to punish.

4:85 He who intercedeth between men with a good intercession shall have

a portion thereof; and he who intercedeth with an evil intercession

shall have a portion thereof; for God overlooketh all things.

4:86 When ye are saluted with a salutation, salute the person with a

better salutation, or at least return the same; for God taketh an

account of all things.

4:87 God! There is no God but He; He will surely gather you together on

the day of resurrection; there is no doubt of it: And who is more true

than God in what he saith?

4:88 Why are ye divided concerning the ungodly into two parties; since

God hath overturned them for what they have committed? Will ye direct

him whom God hath led astray; since for him whom God shall lead astray,

thou shalt find no true path?

4:89 They desire that ye should become infidels, as they are infidels,

and that ye should be equally wicked with themselves. Therefore take not

friends from among them, until they fly their country for the religion

of God; and if they turn back from the faith, take them, and kill them

where-ever ye find them; and take no friend from among them, nor any


4:90 except those who go unto a people who are in alliance with you, or

those who come unto you, their hearts forbidding them either to fight

against you, or to fight against their own people. And if God pleased He

would have permitted them to have prevailed against you, and they would

have fought against you. But if they depart from you, and fight not

against you, and offer you peace, God doth not allow you to take or kill

of them.

4:91 Ye shall find others who are desirous to enter into a confidence

with you, and at the same time to preserve a confidence with their own

people: So often as they return to sedition, they shall be subverted

therein; and if they depart not from you, and offer you peace, and

restrain their hands from warring against you, take them and kill them

wheresoever ye find them; over these have we granted you a manifest power.

4:92 It is not lawful for a believer to kill a believer, unless it

happen by mistake; and whoso killeth a believer by mistake, the penalty

shall be the freeing of a believer from slavery, and a fine to be paid

to the family of the deceased, unless they remit it as alms: And if the

slain person be of a people at enmity with you, and be a true believer,

the penalty shall be the freeing of a believer; but if he be of a people

in confederacy with you, a fine to be paid to his family, and the

freeing of a believer. And he who findeth not wherewith to do this,

shall fast two months consecutively, as a penance injoined from God; and

God is knowing and wise.

4:93 But whoso killeth a believer designedly, his reward shall be hell;

he shall remain therein for ever; and God shall be angry with him; and

shall curse him, and shall prepare for him a great punishment.

4:94 O true believers, when ye are on a march in defence of the true

religion, justly discern such as ye shall happen to meet, and say not

unto him who saluteth you, thou art not a true believer; seeking the

accidental goods of the present life; for with God is much spoil: Such

have ye formerly been; but God hath been gracious unto you; therefore

make a just discernment, for God is well acquainted with that which ye do.

4:95 Those believers who sit still at home, not having any hurt, and

those who employ their fortunes and their persons for the religion of

God, shall not be held equal. God hath preferred those who employ their

fortunes and their persons in that cause, to a degree of honour above

those who sit at home: God hath indeed promised every one paradise, but

God hath preferred those who fight for the faith before those who sit


4:96 by adding unto them a great reward, by degrees of honour conferred

on them from him, and by granting them forgiveness, and mercy; for God

is indulgent and merciful.

4:97 Moreover unto those whom the angels put to death, having injured

their own souls, the angels said, of what religion were ye? They

answered, we were weak in the earth. The angels replied, was not God's

earth wide enough, that ye might fly therein to a place of refuge?

Therefore their habitation shall be hell; and an evil journey shall it

be thither:

4:98 Except the weak among men, and women, and children, who were not

able to find means, and were not directed in the way;

4:99 these peradventure God will pardon, for God is ready to forgive and


4:100 Whosoever flieth from his country for the sake of God's true

religion, shall find in the earth many forced to do the same, and plenty

of provisions. And whoever departeth from his house, and flieth unto God

and his Apostle, if death overtake him in the way, God will be obliged

to reward him, for God is gracious and merciful.

4:101 When ye march to war in the earth, it shall be no crime in you if

ye shorten your prayers, in case ye fear the infidels may attack you;

for the infidels are your open enemy.

4:102 But when thou, O prophet, shalt be among them, and shalt pray with

them, let a party of them arise to prayer with thee, and let them take

their arms; and when they shall have worshipped, let them stand behind

you, and let another party come that hath not prayed, and let them pray

with thee, and let them be cautious and take their arms. The unbelievers

would that ye should neglect your arms and your baggage while ye pray,

that they might turn upon you at once. It shall be no crime in you, if

ye be incommoded by rain, or be sick, that ye lay down your arms; but

take your necessary precaution: God hath prepared for the unbelievers an

ignominious punishment.

4:103 And when ye shall have ended your prayer, remember God, standing,

and sitting, and lying on your sides. But when ye are secure from

danger, complete your prayer; for prayer is commanded the faithful, and

appointed to be said at the stated times.

4:104 Be not negligent in seeking out the unbelieving people, though ye

suffer some inconvenience; for they also shall suffer, as ye suffer, and

ye hope for a reward from God which they cannot hope for; and God is

knowing and wise.

4:105 We have sent down unto thee the book of the Koran with truth; that

thou mayest judge between men through that wisdom which God sheweth thee

therein; and be not an advocate for the fraudulent;

4:106 but ask pardon of God for thy wrong intention, since God is

indulgent and merciful.

4:107 Dispute not for those who deceive one another, for God loveth not

him who is a deceiver or unjust.

4:108 Such conceal themselves from men, but they conceal not themselves

from God; for He is with them when they imagine by night a saying which

pleaseth Him not, and God comprehendeth what they do.

4:109 Behold, ye are they who have disputed for them in this present

life; but who shall dispute with God for them on the day of

resurrection, or who will become their patron?

4:110 Yet he who doth evil, or injureth his own soul, and afterwards

asketh pardon of God, shall find God gracious and merciful.

4:111 Whoso committeth wickedness, committeth it against his own soul:

God is knowing and wise.

4:112 And whoso committeth a sin or iniquity, and afterwards layeth it

on the innocent, he shall surely bear the guilt of calumny and manifest


4:113 If the indulgence and mercy of God had not been upon thee, surely

a part of them had studied to seduce thee; but they shall seduce

themselves only, and shall not hurt thee at all. God hath sent down unto

thee the book of the Koran and wisdom, and hath taught thee that which

thou knewest not; for the favour of God hath been great towards thee.

4:114 There is no good in the multitude of their private discourses,

unless in the discourse of him who recommendeth alms, or that which is

right, or agreement amongst men: Whoever doth this out of a desire to

please God, We will surely give him a great reward.

4:115 But whoso separateth himself from the Apostle, after true

direction hath been manifested unto him, and followeth any other way,

than that of the true believers, we will cause him to obtain that to

which he is inclined, and will cast him to be burned in hell; and an

unhappy journey shall it be thither.

4:116 Verily God will not pardon the giving Him a companion, but He will

pardon any crime besides that, unto whom He pleaseth: And he who giveth

a companion unto God, is surely led aside into a wide mistake:

4:117 The infidels invoke beside Him only female deities; and only

invoke rebellious Satan.

4:118 God cursed him; and he said, verily I will take of thy servants a

part cut off from the rest,

4:119 and I will seduce them, and will insinuate vain desires into them,

and I will command them and they shall cut off the ears of cattle; and I

will command them and they shall change God's creature. But whoever

taketh Satan for his patron, besides God, shall surely perish with a

manifest destruction.

4:120 He maketh them promises, and insinuateth into them vain desires;

yet Satan maketh them only deceitful promises.

4:121 The receptacle of these shall be hell, they shall find no refuge

from it.

4:122 But they who believe, and do good works, We will surely lead them

into gardens, through which rivers flow, they shall continue therein for

ever, according to the true promise of God; and who is more true than

God in what He saith?

4:123 It shall not be according to your desires, nor according to the

desires of those who have received the scriptures. Whoso doth evil,

shall be rewarded for it; and shall not find any patron or helper,

beside God;

4:124 but whoso doth good works, whether he be male or female, and is a

true believer; they shall be admitted into paradise, and shall not in

the least be unjustly dealt with.

4:125 Who is better in point of religion, than he who resigneth himself

unto God, and is a worker of righteousness, and followeth the law of

Abraham the orhodox? Since God took Abraham for his friend:

4:126 And to God belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth; God

comprehendeth all things.

4:127 They will consult thee concerning women; answer, God instructeth

you concerning them, and that which is read unto you in the book of the

Koran concerning female orphans, to whom ye give not that which is

ordained them, neither will ye marry them, and concerning weak infants,

and that ye observe justice towards orphans: Whatever good ye do, God

knoweth it.

4:128 If a woman fear ill usage, or aversion from her husband, it shall

be no crime in them if they agree the matter amicably between

themselves; for a reconciliation is better than a separation. Mens souls

are naturally inclined to covetousness: But if ye be kind towards women,

and fear to wrong them, God is well acquainted with what ye do.

4:129 Ye can by no means carry your selves equally between women in all

respects, although ye study to do it; Therefore turn not from a wife

with all manner of aversion, nor leave her like one in suspense: If ye

agree, and fear to abuse your wives, God is gracious and merciful;

4:130 but if they separate, God will satisfy them both of His abundance;

for God is extensive and wise,

4:131 and unto God belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth. We

have already commanded those unto whom the scriptures were given before

you, and we command you also, saying, fear God; but if ye disbelieve,

unto God belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth; and God is

self-sufficient, and to be praised;

4:132 for unto God belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth, and

God is a sufficient protector.

4:133 If He pleaseth He will take you away, O men, and will produce

others in your stead; for God is able to do this.

4:134 Whoso desireth the reward of this world, verily with God is the

reward of this world, and also of that which is to come; God both

heareth and seeth.

4:135 O true believers, observe justice when ye bear witness before God,

although it be against your selves, or your parents, or relations;

whether the party be rich, or whether he be poor; for God is more worthy

than them both: Therefore follow not your own lust in bearing testimony,

so that ye swerve from justice. And whether ye wrest your evidence, or

decline giving it, God is well acquainted with that which ye do.

4:136 O true believers, believe in God and his Apostle, and the book

which he hath caused to descend unto his Apostle, and the book which He

hath formerly sent down. And whosoever believeth not in God, and his

angels, and his scriptures, and his Apostles, and the last day, he

surely erreth in a wide mistake.

4:137 Moreover they who believed, and afterwards became infidels, and

then believed again, and after that disbelieved, and increased in

infidelity, God will by no means forgive them, nor direct them into the

right way.

4:138 Declare unto the ungodly that they shall suffer a painful punishment.

4:139 They who take the unbelievers for their protectors, besides the

faithful, do they seek for power with them? Since all power belongeth

unto God.

4:140 And he hath already revealed unto you, in the book of the Koran,

the following passage, when ye shall hear the signs of God, they shall

not be believed, but they shall be laughed to scorn. Therefore sit not

with them who believe not, until they engage in different discourse; for

if ye do ye will certainly become like unto them. God will surely gather

the ungodly and the unbelievers together in hell.

4:141 They who wait to observe what befalleth you, if victory be granted

you from God, say, were we not with you? But if any advantage happen to

the infidels, they say unto them, were we not superior to you, and have

we not defended you against the believers? God shall judge between you

on the day of resurrection; and God will not grant the unbelievers means

to prevail over the faithful.

4:142 The hypocrites act deceitfully with God, but he will deceive them;

and when they stand up to pray, they stand carelesly, affecting to be

seen of men, and remember not God, unless a little,

4:143 wavering between faith and infidelity, and adhering neither unto

these nor unto those: And for him whom God shall lead astray, thou shalt

find no true path.

4:144 O true believers, take not the unbelievers for your protectors,

besides the faithful. Will ye furnish God with an evident argument of

impiety against you?

4:145 Moreover the hypocrites shall be in the lowest bottom of hell

fire, and thou shalt not find any to help them thence.

4:146 But they who repent and amend, and adhere firmly unto God, and

approve the sincerity of their religion to God, they shall be numbered

with the faithful; and God will surely give the faithful a great reward.

4:147 And how should God go about to punisth you, if ye be thankful and

believe? For God is grateful and wise.

4:148 God loveth not the speaking ill of any one in public, unless he

who is injured call for assistance; and God heareth and knoweth:

4:149 Whether ye publish a good action, or conceal it, or forgive evil,

verily God is gracious and powerful.

4:150 They who believe not in God, and his Apostles, and would make a

distinction between God and his Apostles, and say, we believe in some of

the prophets and reject others of them, and seek to take a middle way in

this matter;

4:151 these are really unbelievers: And we have prepared for the

unbelievers an ignominious punishment.

4:152 But they who believe in God and his Apostles, and make no

distinction between any of them, unto those will we surely give their

reward; and God is gracious and merciful.

4:153 They who have received the scriptures will demand of thee, that

thou cause a book to descend unto them from heaven: They formerly asked

of Moses a greater thing than this; for they said, shew us God visibly.

Wherefore a storm of fire from heaven destroyed them, because of their

iniquity. Then they took the calf for their God, after that evident

proofs of the divine unity had come unto them: But we forgave them that,

and gave Moses a manifest power to punish them.

4:154 And we lifted the mountain of Sinai over them, when we exacted

from them their covenant; and said unto them, enter the gate of the city

worshipping. We also said unto them, transgress not on the sabbath day.

And we received from them a firm covenant, that they would observe these


4:155 Therefore for that they have made void their covenant, and have

not believed in the signs of God, and have slain the prophets unjustly,

and have said, our hearts are uncircumcised; -- but God hath sealed them

up, because of their unbelief; therefore they shall not believe, except

a few of them: -

4:156 And for that they have not believed on Jesus, and have spoken

against Mary a grievous calumny;

4:157 and have said, verily we have slain Christ Jesus the son of Mary,

the Apostle of God; yet they slew him not, neither crucified him, but he

was represented by one in his likeness; and verily they who disagreed

concerning him, were in a doubt as to this matter, and had no sure

knowledge thereof, but followed only an uncertain opinion. They did not

really kill him;

4:158 but God took him up unto Himself: And God is mighty and wise.

4:159 And there shall not be one of those who have received the

scriptures, who shall not believe in him, before his death; and on the

day of resurrection he shall be a witness against them.

4:160 Because of the iniquity of those who judaize, we have forbidden

them good things, which had been formerly allowed them; and because they

shut out many from the way of God,

4:161 and have taken usury, which was forbidden them by the law, and

devoured men's substance vainly: We have prepared for such of them as

are unbelievers a painful punishment.

4:162 But those among them who are well grounded in knowledge, and the

faithful, who believe in that which hath been sent down unto thee, and

that which hath been sent down unto the prophets before thee, and who

observe the stated times of prayer, and give alms, and believe in God

and the last day; unto these will we give a great reward.

4:163 Verily We have revealed our will unto thee, as We have revealed it

unto Noah and the prophets who succeeded him; and as we revealed it unto

Abraham, and Ismael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and unto

Jesus, and Job, and Jonas, and Aaron, and Solomon; and We have given

thee the Koran, as We gave the psalms unto David:

4:164 Some Apostles have We sent, whom We have formerly mentioned unto

thee, and other Apostles have We sent, whom We have not mentioned unto

thee; and God spake unto Moses, discoursing with him;

4:165 Apostles declaring good tidings, and denouncing threats, lest men

should have an argument of excuse against God, after the Apostles had

been sent unto them; God is mighty and wise.

4:166 God is witness of that revelation which He hath sent down unto

thee; He sent it down with his special knowledge: The angels also are

witnesses thereof; but God is a sufficient witness.

4:167 They who believe not, and turn aside others from the way of God,

have erred in a wide mistake.

4:168 Verily those who believe not, and act unjustly, God will by no

means forgive, neither will He direct them into any other way,

4:169 than the way of hell; they shall remain therein for ever: And this

is easy with God.

4:170 O men, now is the Apostle come unto you, with truth from your

Lord; believe therefore, it will be better for you. But if ye

disbelieve, verily unto God belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on

earth; and God is knowing and wise.

4:171 O ye who have received the scriptures, exceed not the just bounds

in your religion, neither say of God any other than the truth. Verily

Christ Jesus the son of Mary is the Apostle of God, and his word, which

he conveyed into Mary, and a spirit proceeding from him. Believe

therefore in God, and his Apostles, and say not, there are three Gods;

forbear this; it will be better for you. God is but one God. Far be it

from Him that He should have a son! Unto Him belongeth whatsoever is in

heaven and on earth; and God is a sufficient protector.

4:172 Christ doth not proudly disdain to be a servant unto God; neither

the angles who approach near to his presence: And whoso disdaineth his

service, and is puffed up with pride, God will gather them all to

Himself, on the last day.

4:173 Unto those who believe, and do that which is right, He shall give

their rewards, and shall superabundantly add unto them of his

liberality: But those who are disdainful and proud, He will punish with

a grievous punishment; and they shall not find any to protect or to help

them, besides God.

4:174 O men, now is an evident proof come unto you from your Lord, and

We have sent down unto you manifest light.

4:175 They who believe in God and firmly adhere to him, He will lead

them into mercy from him, and abundance; and He will direct them in the

right way to himself.

4:176 They will consult thee for thy decision in certain cases; say unto

them, God giveth you these determinations, concerning the more remote

degrees of kindred. If a man die without issue, and have a sister; she

shall have the half of what he shall leave: And he shall be heir to her,

in case she have no issue. But if there be two sisters, they shall have

between them two third parts of what he shall leave; and of there be

several, both brothers and sisters, a male shall have as much as the

portion of two females. God declareth unto you these precepts, lest ye

err: And God knoweth all things.
Chapter 5
Intitled, The Table; Revealed at Medina.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

5:1 O true believers, perform your contracts. Ye are allowed to eat the

brute cattle, other than what ye are commanded to abstain from, except

the game which ye are allowed at other times, but not while ye are on

pilgrimage to Mecca; God ordaineth that which He pleaseth.

5:2 O true believers, violate not the holy rites of God, nor the sacred

month, nor the offering, nor the ornaments hung thereon, nor those who

are travelling to the holy house, seeking favour from their Lord, and to

please Him. But when ye shall have finished your pilgrimage; then hunt.

And let not the malice of some, in that they hindered you from entering

the sacred temple, provoke you to transgress, by taking revenge on them

in the sacred months. Assist one another according to justice and piety,

but assist not one another in injustice and malice: Therefore fear God;

for God is severe in punishing.

5:3 Ye are forbidden to eat that which dieth of it self, and blood, and

swine's flesh, and that on which the name of any besides God, hath been

invocated; and that which hath been strangled, or killed by a blow, or

by a fall, or by the horns of another beast, and that which hath been

eaten by a wild beast, except what ye shall kill your selves; and that

which hath been sacrificed unto idols. It is likewise unlawful for you

to make division by casting lots with arrows. This is an impiety. On

this day, wo be unto those who have apostatized from their religion;

therefore fear not them, but fear Me. This day have I perfected your

religion for you, and have completed my mercy upon you; and I have

chosen for you Islam, to be your religion. But whosoever shall be driven

by necessity through hunger, to eat of what we have forbidden, not

designing to sin, surely God will be indulgent and merciful unto him.

5:4 They will ask thee what is allowed them as lawful to eat? Answer,

such things as are good are allowed you; and what ye shall teach animals

of prey to catch, training them up for hunting after the manner of dogs,

and teaching them according to the skill which God hath taught you. Eat

therefore of that which they shall catch for you; and commemorate the

name of God thereon; and fear God, for God is swift in taking an account.

5:5 This day are ye allowed to eat such things as are good, and the food

of those to whom the scriptures were given is also allowed as lawful

unto you; and your food is allowed as lawful unto them. And ye are also

allowed to marry free women that are believers, and also free women of

those who have received the scriptures before you, when ye shall have

assigned them their dower; living chastly with them, neither committing

fornication, nor taking them for concubines. Whoever shall renounce the

faith, his work shall be vain, and in the next life he shall be of those

who perish.

5:6 O true believers, when ye prepare your selves to pray, wash your

faces, and your hands unto the elbows; and rub your heads, and your feet

unto the ancles; and if ye be polluted by having lain with a woman, wash

your selves all over. But if ye be sick, or on a journey, or any of you

cometh from the privy, or if ye have touched women, and ye find no

water, take fine clean sand, and rub your faces and your hands

therewith; God would not put a difficulty upon you; but he desireth to

purify you, and to complete his favour upon you, that ye may give thanks.

5:7 Remember the favour of God towards you, and his covenant which he

hath made with you, when ye said, we have heard, and will obey.

Therefore fear God, for God knoweth the innermost parts of the breasts

of men.

5:8 O true believers, observe justice when ye appear as witnesses before

God, and let not hatred towards any induce you to do wrong: But act

justly; this will approach nearer unto piety; and fear God, for God is

fully acquainted with what ye do.

5:9 God hath promised unto those who believe, and do that which is

right, that they shall receive pardon and a great reward.

5:10 But they who believe not, and accuse our signs of falsehood, they

shall be the companions of hell.

5:11 O true believers, remember God's favour towards you, when certain

men designed to stretch forth their hands against you, but he restrained

their hands from hurting you; therefore fear God, and in God let the

faithful trust.

5:12 God formerly accepted the covenant of the children of Israel, and

we appointed out of them twelve leaders: And God said, verily I am with

you: If ye observe prayer, and give alms, and believe in my Apostles,

and assist them, and lend unto God on good usury, I will surely expiate

your evil deeds from you, and I will lead you into gardens, wherein

rivers flow: But he among you who disbelieveth after this, erreth from

the strait path.

5:13 Wherefore because they have broken their covenant, we have cursed

them, and hardened their hearts; they dislocate the words of the

pentateuch from their places, and have forgotten part of what they were

admonished; and thou wilt not cease to discover deceitful practices

among them, except a few of them. But forgive them, and pardon them, for

God loveth the beneficent.

5:14 And from those who say, we are Christians, we have received their

covenant; but they have forgotten part of what they were admonished;

wherefore we have raised up enmity and hatred among them, till the day

of resurrection; and God will then surely declare unto them what they

have been doing.

5:15 O ye who have received the scriptures, now is our Apostle come unto

you, to make manifest unto you many things which ye concealed in the

scriptures; and to pass over many things. Now is light and a perspicuous

book of revelations come unto you from God.

5:16 Thereby will God direct him who shall follow his good pleasure,

into the paths of peace; and shall lead them out of darkness into light,

by his will, and shall direct them in the right way.

5:17 They are infidels, who say, verily God is Christ the son of Mary.

Say unto them, and who could obtain any thing from God to the contrary,

if he pleased to destroy Christ the son of Mary, and his mother, and all

those who are on the earth? For unto God belongeth the kingdom of heaven

and earth, and whatsoever is contained between them; he createth what he

pleaseth, and God is almighty.

5:18 The Jews and the Christians say, we are the children of God, and

his beloved. Answer, why therefore doth he punish you for your sins?

Nay, but ye are men, of those whom he hath created. He forgiveth whom he

pleaseth, and punisheth whom he pleaseth, and unto God belongeth the

kingdom of heaven and earth, and of what is contained between them both;

and unto him shall all things return.

5:19 O ye who have received the scriptures, now is our Apostle come unto

you, declaring unto you the true religion, during the cessation of

Apostles, lest ye should say, there came unto us no bearer of good

tidings, nor any warner: But now is a bearer of good tidings, and a

warner come unto you; and God is almighty.

5:20 Call to mind when Moses said unto his people, O my people, remember

the favour of God towards you, since he hath appointed prophets among

you, and constituted you kings, and bestowed on you what he hath given

to no other nation in the world.

5:21 O my people, enter the holy land, which God hath decreed you, and

turn not your backs, lest ye be subverted and perish.

5:22 They answered, O Moses, verily there are a gigantic people in the

land; and we will by no means enter it, until they depart thence; but if

they depart thence, then will we enter therein.

5:23 And two men of those who feared God, unto whom God had been

gracious, said, enter ye upon them suddenly by the gate of the city; and

when ye shall have entered the same, ye shall surely be victorious:

Therefore trust in God, if ye are true believers.

5:24 They replied, O Moses, we will never enter the land, while they

remain therein: Go therefore thou, and thy Lord, and fight; for we will

sit here.

5:25 Moses said, O Lord, surely I am not master of any except my self,

and my brother; therefore make a distinction between us and the ungodly


5:26 God answered, verily the land shall be forbidden them forty years;

during which time they shall wander like men astonished in the earth;

therefore be not thou solicitous for the ungodly people.

5:27 Relate also unto them the history of the two sons of Adam, with

truth. When they offered their offering, and it was accepted from one of

them, and was not accepted from the other, Cain said to has brother, I

will certainly kill thee. Abel answered, God only accepteth the offering

of the pious;

5:28 if thou stretchest forth thy hand against me, to slay me, I will

not stretch forth my hand against thee, to slay thee; for I fear God the

Lord of all creatures.

5:29 I choose that thou shouldest bear my iniquity and thine own

iniquity; and that thou become a companion of hell fire; for that is the

reward of the unjust.

5:30 But his soul suffered him to slay his brother, and he slew him;

wherefore he became of the number of those who perish.

5:31 And God sent a raven, which scratched the earth, to shew him how he

should hide the shame of his brother, and he said, wo is me! Am I unable

to be like this raven, that I may hide my brother's shame? And he became

one of those who repent.

5:32 Wherefore we commanded the children of Israel, that he who slayeth

a soul, without adding thereto the murder of another soul, or without

committing wickedness in the earth, shall be as if he had slain all

mankind: But he who saveth a soul alive, shall be as if he had saved the

lives of all mankind. Our Apostles formerly came unto them, with evident

miracles; then were many of them, after this, transgressors on the earth.

5:33 But the recompense of those who fight against God and his Apostle,

and study to act corruptly in the earth, shall be, that they shall be

slain, or crucified, or have their hands and their feet cut off on the

opposite sides, or be banished the land. This shall be their disgrace in

this world, and in the next world they shall suffer a grievous punishment;

5:34 except those who shall repent, before ye prevail against them; for

know that God is inclined to forgive, and merciful.

5:35 O true believers, fear God, and earnestly desire a near conjunction

with Him, and fight for his religion, that ye may be happy.

5:36 Moreover they who believe not, although they had whatever is in the

earth, and as much more withal, that they might therewith redeem

themselves from punishment on the day of resurrection; it shall not be

accepted from them, but they shall suffer a painful punishment.

5:37 They shall desire to go forth from the fire, but they shall not go

forth from it, and their punishment shall be permanent.

5:38 If a man or a woman steal, cut off their hands, in retribution for

that which they have committed; this is an exemplary punishment

appointed by God; and God is mighty and wise.

5:39 But whoever shall repent after his iniquity, and amend, verily God

will be turned unto him, for God is inclined to forgive, and merciful.

5:40 Dost thou not know that the kingdom of heaven and earth is God's?

He punisheth whom he pleaseth, and he pardoneth whom he pleaseth; for

God is almighty.

5:41 O Apostle, let not them grieve thee, who hasten to infidelity,

either of those who say, we believe, with their mouths, but whose hearts

believe not; or of the Jews, who hearken to a lie, and hearken to other

people; who come not unto thee: They pervert the words of the law from

their true places, and say, if this be brought unto you, receive it; but

if it be not brought unto you, beware of receiving ought else; and in

behalf of him whom God shall resolve to seduce , thou shalt not prevail

with God at all. They whose hearts God shall not please to cleanse,

shall suffer shame in this world, and a grievous punishment in the next:

5:42 Who hearken to a lie, and eat that which is forbidden. But if they

come unto thee for judgement, either judge between them, or leave them;

and if thou leave them, they shall not hurt thee at all. But if thou

undertake to judge, judge between them with equity; for God loveth those

who observe justice.

5:43 And how will they submit to thy decision, since they have the law,

containing the judgement of God? Then will they turn their backs, after

this; but those are not true believers.

5:44 We have surely sent down the law, containing direction, and light:

Thereby did the prophets, who professed the true religion, judge these

who judaized; and the doctors and priests also judged by the book of

God, which had been committed to their custody; and they were witnesses

thereof. Therefore fear not men, but fear me; neither sell my signs for

a small price. And whoso judgeth not according to what God hath

revealed, they are infidels.

5:45 We have therein commanded them, that they should give life for

life, and eye for eye, and nose for nose, and ear for ear, and tooth for

tooth; and that wounds should also be punished by retaliation: But

whoever should remit it as alms, it should be accepted as an atonement

for him. And whoso judgeth not according to what God hath revealed, they

are unjust.

5:46 We also caused Jesus the son of Mary to follow the footsteps of the

prophets, confirming the lay which was sent down before him; and we gave

him the gospel, containing direction and light; confirming also the law

which was given before it, and a direction and admonition unto those who

fear God:

5:47 That they who have received the gospel might judge according to

what God hath revealed therein: And whoso judgeth not according to what

God hath revealed, they are transgressors.

5:48 We have also sent down unto thee the book of the Koran with truth,

confirming that scripture which was revealed before it; and preserving

the same safe from corruption. Judge therefore between them according to

that which God hath revealed; and follow not their desires, by swerving

from the truth which hath come unto thee. Unto every of you have we

given a law, and an open path; and if God had pleased, he had surely

made you one people; but he hath thought fit to give you different laws,

that he might try you in that which he hath given you respectively.

Therefore strive to excel each other in good works: Unto God shall ye

all return, and then will he declare unto you that concerning which ye

have disagreed.

5:49 Wherefore do thou, O prophet, judge between them according to that

which God hath revealed and follow not their desires; but beware of

them, lest they cause thee to err from part of those precepts which God

hath sent down unto thee; and if they turn back, know that God is

pleased to punish them for some of their crimes; for a great number of

men are transgressors.

5:50 Do they therefore desire the judgement of the time of ignorance?

But who is better than God, to judge between people who reason aright?

5:51 O true believers, take not the Jews, or Christians for your

friends; they are friends the one to the other; but whoso among you

taketh them for his friends, he is surely one of them: Verily God

directeth not unjust people.

5:52 Thou shalt see those in whose hearts there is an infirmity, to

hasten unto them, saying, we fear lest some adversity befall us; but it

is easy for God to give victory, or a command from Him, that they may

repent of that which they concealed in their minds.

5:53 And they who believe will say, are these the men who have sworn by

God, with a most firm oath, that they surely held with you? Their works

are become vain, and they are of those who perish.

5:54 O true believers, whoever of you apostatizeth from his religion,

God will certainly bring other people to supply his place, whom He will

love, and who will love Him; who shall be humble towards the believers,

but severe to the unbelievers: They shall fight for the religion of God,

and shall not fear the obloquy of the detracter. This is the bounty of

God, He bestoweth it on whom He pleaseth: God is extensive and wise.

5:55 Verily your protector is God, and his Apostle, and those who

believe, who observe the stated times of prayer, and give alms, and who

bow down to worship.

5:56 And whoso taketh God, and his Apostle, and the believers for his

friends, they are the party of God, and they shall be victorious.

5:57 O true believers, take not such of those to whom the scriptures

were delivered before you, or of the infidels, for your friends, who

make a laughingstock, and a jest of your religion; but fear God, if ye

be true believers;

5:58 nor those who, when ye call to prayer, make a laughing-stock and a

jest of it, this they do, because they are people who do not understand.

5:59 Say, O ye who have received the scriptures, do ye reject us for any

other reason than because we believe in God, and that revelation which

hath been sent down unto us, and that which was formerly sent down, and

for that the greater part of you are transgressors?

5:60 Say, shall I denounce unto you a worse thing than this, as to the

reward which ye are to expect with God? He whom God hath cursed, and

with whom he hath been angry, having changed some of them into apes and

swine, and who worship Taghut, they are in the worse condition, and err

more widely from the straitness of the path.

5:61 When they came unto you, they said, we believe: Yet they entered

into your company with infidelity, and went forth from you with the

same; but God well knew what they concealed.

5:62 Thou shalt see many of them hastening unto iniquity and malice, and

to eat things forbidden; and woe unto them for what they have done.

5:63 Unless their doctors and priests forbid them uttering wickedness,

and eating things forbidden; woe unto them for what they shall have


5:64 The Jews say, the hand of God is tied up. Their hands shall be tied

up, and they shall be cursed for that which they have said. Nay, his

hands are both stretched forth; He bestoweth as He pleaseth: That which

hath been sent down unto thee from thy Lord shall increase the

transgression and infidelity of many of them; and we have put enmity and

hatred between them, until the day of resurrection. So often as they

shall kindle a fire for war, God shall extinguish it; and they shall set

their minds to act corruptly in the earth, but God loveth not the

corrupt doers.

5:65 More, if they who have received the scriptures believe, and fear

God, We will surely expiate their sins from them, and We will lead them

into gardens of pleasure;

5:66 and if they observe the law, and the gospel, and the other

scriptures which have been sent down unto them from their Lord, they

shall surely eat of good things both from above them, and from under

their feet. Among them there are people who act uprightly; but how evil

is that which many of them do work!

5:67 O Apostle, publish the whole of that which hath been sent down unto

thee from thy Lord: For if thou do not, thou dost not in effect publish

any part thereof; and God will defend thee against wicked men; for God

directeth not the unbelieving people.

5:68 Say, O ye who have received the scriptures, ye are not grounded on

any thing, until ye observe the law and the gospel, and that which hath

been sent down unto you from your Lord. That which hath been sent down

unto thee from thy Lord shall surely increase the transgression and

infidelity of many of them: But be not thou solicitous for the

unbelieving people.

5:69 Verily they who believe, and those who judaize, and the Sabians,

and the Christians, whoever of them believeth in God and the last day,

and doth that which is right, there shall come no fear on them, neither

shall they be grieved.

5:70 We formerly accepted the covenant of the children of Israel, and

sent Apostles unto them. So often as an Apostle came unto them with that

which their souls desired not, they accused some of them of imposture,

and some of them they killed:

5:71 And they imagined that there should be no punishment for those

crimes, and they became blind, and deaf. Then was God turned unto them;

afterwards many of them again became blind and deaf; but God saw what

they did.

5:72 They are surely infidels, who say, verily God is Christ the son of

Mary; since Christ said, O children of Israel, serve God, my Lord and

your Lord; whoever shall give a companion unto God, God shall exclude

him from paradise, and his habitation shall be hell fire; and the

ungodly shall have none to help them.

5:73 They are certainly infidels, who say, God is the third of three:

For there is no God, besides one God; and if they refrain not from what

they say, a painful torment shall surely be inflicted on such of them as

are unbelievers.

5:74 Will they not therefore be turned unto God, and ask pardon of him?

Since God is gracious and merciful.

5:75 Christ, the son of Mary, is no more than an Apostle; other Apostles

have preceded him; and his mother was a woman of veracity: They both eat

food. Behold, how we declare unto them the signs of God's unity; and

then behold, how they turn aside from the truth.

5:76 Say unto them, will ye worship, besides God, that which can cause

you neither harm nor profit? God is He who heareth and seeth.

5:77 Say, O ye who have received the scriptures, exceed not the just

bounds in your religion, by speaking beside the truth; neither follow

the desires of peole who have heretofore erred, and who have seduced

many, and have gone astray from the strait path.

5:78 Those among the children of Israel who believed not, were cursed by

the tongue of David, and of Jesus the son of Mary. This befell them

because they were rebellious and transgressed:

5:79 They forbade not one another the wickedness which they committed;

and wo unto them for what they committed.

5:80 Thou shalt see many of them take for their friends, those who

believe not. Woe unto them for what their souls have sent before them,

for that God is incensed against them, and they shall remain in torment

for ever.

5:81 But, if they had believed in God, and the prophet, and that which

hath been revealed unto him, they had not taken them for their friends;

but many of them are evil doers.

5:82 Thou shalt surely find the most violent of all men in enmity

against the true believers, to be the Jews, and the idolaters: And thou

shalt surely find those among them to be the most inclinable to

entertain friendship for the true believers, who say, we are Christians.

This cometh to pass, because there are priests and monks among them; and

because they are not elated with pride:

5:83 And when they hear that which hath been sent down to the Apostle

read unto them, thou shalt see their eyes overflow with tears, because

of the truth which they perceive therein, saying, O Lord, we believe;

write us down therefore with those who bear witness to the truth:

5:84 And what should hinder us from believing in God, and the truth

which hath come unto us, and from earnestly desiring that our Lord would

introduce us into paradise with the righteous people?

5:85 Therefore hath God rewarded them, for what they have said, with

gardens through which rivers flow; they shall continue therein for ever;

and this is the reward of the righteous.

5:86 But they who believe not, and accuse our signs of falsehood, they

shall be the companions of hell.

5:87 O true believers, forbid not the good things which God hath allowed

you; but transgress not, for God loveth not the transgressors.

5:88 And eat of what God hath given you for food that which is lawful

and good: And fear God, in whom ye believe.

5:89 God will not punish you for an inconsiderate word in your oaths;

but he will punish you for what ye solemnly swear with deliberation. And

the expiation of such an inconsiderate oath shall be the feeding of ten

poor men with such moderate food as ye feed, your own families withal;

or to cloath them; or to free the neck of a true believer from

captivity: But he who shall not find wherewith to perform one of these

three things, shall fast three days. This is the expiation of your

oaths, when ye swear inadvertently. Therefore keep your oaths. Thus God

declareth unto you his signs, that ye may give thanks.

5:90 O true believers, surely wine, and lots, and images, and divining

arrows are an abomination of the work of Satan; therefore avoid them,

that ye may prosper.

5:91 Satan seeketh to sow dissension and hatred among you, by means of

wine and lots, and to divert you from remembring God, and from prayer:

Will ye not therefore abstain from them?

5:92 Obey God, and obey the Apostle, and take heed to your selves: But

if ye turn back, know that the duty of our Apostle is only to preach


5:93 In those who believe and do good works, it is no sin that they have

tasted wine or gaming before they were forbidden; if they fear God, and

believe, and do good works, and shall for the future fear God, and

believe, and shall persevere to fear Him, and to do good; for God loveth

those who do good.

5:94 O true believers, God will surely prove you in offering you plenty

of game, which ye may take with your hands or your lances, that God may

know who feareth him in secret; but whoever transgresseth after this,

shall suffer a grievous punishment.

5:95 O true believers, kill no game while ye are on pilgrimage;

whosoever among you shall kill any designedly, shall restore the like of

what he shall have killed, in domestic animals, according to the

determination of two just persons among you, to be brought as an

offering to the Caaba; or in attonement thereof shall feed the poor; or

instead thereof shall fast, that he may taste, the heinousness of his

deed. God hath forgiven what is past, but whoever returneth to

transgress, God will take vengeance on him; for God is mighty and able

to avenge.

5:96 It is lawful for you to fish in the sea, and to eat what ye shall

catch, as a provision for you and for those who travel; but is unlawful

for you to hunt by land, while ye are performing the rites of

pilgrimage; therefore fear God, before whom ye shall be assembled at the

last day.

5:97 God hath appointed the Caaba, the holy house, an establishment for

mankind; and hath ordained the sacred month, and the offering, and the

ornaments hung thereon. This hath He done that ye might know that God

knoweth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth, and that God is omniscient.

5:98 Know that God is severe in punishing, and that God is also ready to

forgive and merciful.

5:99 The duty of our Apostle is to preach only; and God knoweth that

which ye discover, and that which ye conceal.

5:100 Say, evil and good shall not be equally esteemed of, though the

abundance of evil pleaseth thee; therefore fear God, O ye of

understanding, that ye may be happy.

5:101 O true believers, inquire not concerning things, which, if they be

declared unto you, may give you pain; but if ye ask concerning them when

the Koran is sent down, they will be declared unto you: God pardoneth

you as to these matters; for God is ready to forgive, and gracious.

5:102 People who have been before you formerly enquired concerning them;

and afterwards disbelieved therein.

5:103 God hath not ordained any thing concerning Bahira, nor Saiba, nor

Wasila, nor Hami; but the unbelievers have invented a lie against God:

And the greater part of them do not understand.

5:104 And when it was said unto them, come unto that which God hath

revealed, and to the Apostle; they answered, that religion which we

found or fathers to follow is sufficient for us. What, though their

fathers knew nothing, and were not rightly directed?

5:105 O true believers, take care of your souls. He who erreth shall not

hurt you, while ye are rightly directed: Unto God shall ye all return,

and He will tell you that which ye have done.

5:106 O true believers, let witnesses be taken between you, when death

approaches any of you, at the time of making the testament; let there be

two witnesses, just men, from among you; or two others of a different

tribe or faith from your selves, if ye be journeying in the earth, and

the accident of death befall you. Ye shall shut them both up, after the

afternoon prayer, and they shall swear by God, if ye doubt them, and

they shall say, we will not sell our evidence for a bribe, although the

person concerned be one who is related to us, neither will we conceal

the testimony of God, for then should we certainly be of the number of

the wicked.

5:107 But if it appear that both have been guilty of iniquity, two

others shall stand up in their place, of those who have convicted them

of falsehood, the two nearest in blood, and they shall swear by God,

saying, verily our testimony is more true than the testimony of these

two, neither have we prevaricated; for then should we become of the

number of the unjust.

5:108 This will be easier, that men may give testimony according to the

plain intention thereof, or fear least a different oath be given, after

their oath. Therefore fear God, and hearken; for God directeth not the

unjust people.

5:109 On a certain day shall God assemble the Apostles, and shall say

unto them, what answer was retuned you, when ye preached unto the people

to whom ye were sent? They shall answer, we have no knowledge, but thou

art the knower of secrets.

5:110 When God shall say, O Jesus son of Mary, remember my favour

towards thee, and towards thy mother; when I strengthened thee with the

holy spirit, that thou shouldest speak unto men in the cradle, and when

thou wast grown up; and when I taught thee the scripture, and wisdom,

and the law, and the gospel; and when thou didst create of clay as it

were the figure of a bird, by my permission, and didst breathe thereon,

and it became a bird by my permission; and thou didst heal one blind

from his birth, and the leper, by my permission; and when thou didst

bring forth the dead from their graves, by my permission; and when I

with-held the children of Israel from killing thee, when thou hadst come

unto them with evident miracles, and such of them as believed not, said,

this is nothing but manifest sorcery.

5:111 And when I commanded the apostles of Jesus saying, believe in Me,

and in my messenger; they answered, we do believe; and do thou bear

witness that we are resigned unto thee.

5:112 Remember when the Apostles said, O Jesus son of Mary, is thy Lord

able to cause a table to descend unto us from heaven? He answered, fear

God, of ye be true believers.

5:113 They said, we desire to eat thereof, and that our hearts may rest

at ease, and that we may know that thou hast told us the truth, and that

we may be witnesses thereof.

5:114 Jesus the son of Mary said, O God our Lord, cause a table to

descend unto us from heaven, that the day of its descent may become a

festival day unto us, unto the first of us, and unto the last of us, and

a sign from thee; and do thou provide food for us, for thou art the best


5:115 God said, verily I will cause it to descend unto you; but whoever

among you shall disbelieve hereafter, I will surely punish him with a

punishment, wherewith I will not punish any other creature.

5:116 And when God shall say unto Jesus, at the last day, O Jesus son of

Mary, hast thou said unto men, take me and my mother for two gods,

beside God? He shall answer, praise be unto thee! It is not for me to

say that which I ought not; if I had said so, Thou wouldest surely have

known it: Thou knowest what is in me, but I know not what is in Thee;

for Thou art the knower of secrets.

5:117 I have not spoken to them any other than what Thou didst command

me; namely, worship God, my Lord and your Lord: And I was a witness of

their actions while I staid among them; but since thou hast taken me to

thy self, Thou hast been the watcher over them; for Thou art witness of

all things.

5:118 If Thou punish them, they are surely thy servants; and of Thou

forgive them, Thou art mighty and wise.

5:119 God will say, this day shall their veracity be of advantage unto

those who speak truth; they shall have gardens wherein rivers flow, they

shall remain therin for ever: God hath been well-pleased in them, and

they have been well-pleased in him. This shall be great felicity.

5:120 Unto God belongeth the kingdom of heaven and of earth, and of

whatever therein is; and he is almighty.
Chapter 6
Intitled, Cattle: Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

6:1 Praise be unto God, who hath created the heavens and the earth, and

hath ordained the darkness and the light; nevertheless they who believe

not in the Lord, equalize other gods with him.

6:2 It is He who hath created you of clay; and then decreed the term of

your lives; and the prefixed term is with him: Yet do ye doubt thereof.

6:3 He is God in heaven and in earth; He knoweth what ye keep secret,

and what ye publish, and knoweth what ye deserve.

6:4 There came not unto them any sign, of the signs of their Lord, but

they retired from the same;

6:5 and they have gainsaid the truth, after that it hath come unto them:

But a message shall come unto them, concerning that which they have

mocked at.

6:6 Do they not consider how many generations we have destroyed before

them? We had established them in the earth in a manner wherein we have

not established you; we sent the heaven to rain abundantly upon them,

and we gave them rivers which flowed under their feet: Yet we destroyed

them in their sins, and raised up other generations after them.

6:7 Although we had caused to descend unto thee a book written on paper,

and they had handled it with their hands, the unbelievers had surely

said, this is no other than manifest sorcery.

6:8 They said, unless an angel be sent down unto him, we will not

believe. But if We had sent down an angel, verily the matter had been

decreed, and they should not have been born with, by having time granted

them to repent.

6:9 And if We had appointed an angel for our messenger, We should have

sent him in the form of a man, and have cloathed him before them, as

they are cloathed.

6:10 Other Apostles have been laughed to scorn, before thee, but the

judgement which they made a jest of, encompassed those who laughed them

to scorn.

6:11 Say, go through the earth, and behold what hath been the end of

those, who accused our prophets of imposture.

6:12 Say, unto whom belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and earth? Say,

unto God. He hath prescribed unto himself mercy. He will surely gather

you together on the day of resurrection; there is no doubt of it. They

who destroy their own souls are those who will not believe.

6:13 Unto Him is owing whatsoever happeneth by night or by day; it is He

who heareth and knoweth.

6:14 Say, shall I take any other protector than God, the creator of

heaven and earth, who feedeth all and is not fed by any? Say, verily I

am commanded to be the first who professeth Islam, and it was said unto

me, thou shalt by no means be one of the idolaters.

6:15 Say, verily I fear, if I should rebel against my Lord, the

punishment of the great day:

6:16 From whomsoever it shall be averted on that day, God will have been

merciful unto him; this will be manifest salvation.

6:17 If God afflict thee with any hurt: There is none who can take it

off from thee, except Himself; but if He cause good to befall thee, He

is almighty:

6:18 He is the supreme Lord over his servants; and He is wise and knowing.

6:19 Say, what thing is the strongest in bearing testimony? Say, God; He

is witness between me and you. And this Koran was revealed unto me, that

I should admonish you thereby, and also those unto whom it shall reach.

Do ye really profess that there are other gods together with God? Say, I

do not profess this. Say, verily He is one God; and I am guiltless of

what ye associate with Him.

6:20 They unto whom We have given the scripture know our Apostle, even

as they know their own children; but they who destroy their own souls,

will not believe.

6:21 Who is more unjust than he who inventeth a lie against God, or

chargeth his signs with imposture? Surely the unjust shall not prosper.

6:22 And on the day of resurrection We will assemble them all; then will

We say unto those who associated others with God, were are your

companions, whom ye imagined to be those of God?

6:23 But they shall have no other excuse, than that they shall say, by

God our Lord, we have not been idolaters.

6:24 Behold, how they lie against themselves, and what they have

blasphemously imagined to be the companion of God flieth from them.

6:25 There is of them who hearkeneth unto thee when thou readest the

Koran; but We have cast vails over their hearts, that they should not

understand it, and a deafness in their ears: And though they should see

all kinds of signs, they will not believe therein; and their infidelity

will arrive to that height that they will even come unto thee, to

dispute with thee. The unbelievers will say, this is nothing but silly

fables of ancient times.

6:26 And they will forbid others from believing therein, and will retire

afar off from it; but they will destroy their own souls only, and they

are not sensible thereof.

6:27 If thou didst see, when they shall be set over the fire of hell!

And they shall say, would to God we might be sent back into the world;

we would not charge the signs of our Lord with imposture, and we would

become true believers:

6:28 Nay, but that is become manifest unto them, which they formerly

concealed; and though they should be sent back into the world, they

would surely return to that which was forbidden them; and they are

surely liars.

6:29 And they said, there is no other life than our present life;

neither shall we be raised again.

6:30 But if thou couldst see, when they shall be set before their Lord!

He shall say unto them, is not this in truth come to pass? They shall

answer, yea, by our Lord. God shall say, taste therefore the punishment

due unto you, for that ye have disbelieved.

6:31 They are lost who reject as a falsehood the meeting of God in the

next life, until the hour cometh suddenly upon them. Then will they say,

alas! For that we have behaved our selves negligently in our life time;

and they shall carry their burdens on their backs; will it not be evil

which they shall be loaden with?

6:32 This present life is no other than a play and a vain amusement; but

surely the future mansion shall be better for those who fear God: Will

they not therefore understand?

6:33 Now we know that what they speak grieveth thee: Yet they do not

accuse thee of falsehood; but the ungodly contradict the signs of God.

6:34 And Apostles before thee have been accounted liars: But they

patiently bore their being accounted liars, and their being vexed, until

our help came unto them; for there is none who can change the words of

God: And thou hast received some information concerning those who have

been formerly sent from him.

6:35 If their aversion to thy admonitions be grievous unto thee, if thou

canst seek out a den whereby thou mayest penetrate into the inward parts

of the earth, or a ladder by which thou mayest ascend into heaven, that

thou mayest shew them a sign, do so, but thy search will be fruitless;

for if God pleased He would bring them all to the true direction: Be not

therefore one of the ignorant.

6:36 He will give a favourable answer unto those only who shall hearken

with attention: And God will raise the dead; then unto him shall they


6:37 The infidels say, unless some sign be sent down unto him from his

Lord, we will not believe: Answer, verily God is able to send down a

sign: But the greater part of them know it not.

6:38 There is no kind of beast on earth, nor fowl which flieth with its

wings, but the same is a people like unto you; we have not omitted any

thing in the book of our decrees: Then unto their Lord shall they return.

6:39 They who accuse our signs of falsehood, are deaf and dumb, walking

in darkness: God will lead into error whom He pleaseth, and whom He

pleaseth He will put in the right way.

6:40 Say, what think ye? If the punishment of God come upon you, or the

hour of the resurrection come upon you, will ye call upon any other than

God, if ye speak truth?

6:41 Yea, Him shall ye call upon, and He shall free you from that which

ye shall ask Him to deliver you from, if He pleaseth; and ye shall

forget that which ye associated with Him.

6:42 We have already sent messengers unto sundry nations before thee,

and We afflicted them with trouble and adversity that they might humble


6:43 Yet when the affliction which we sent came upon them, they did not

humble themselves; but their hearts became hardened, and Satan prepared

for them that which they committed.

6:44 And when they had forgotten that concerning which they had been

admonished, we opened unto them the gates of all things; until, while

they were rejoicing for that which had been given them, we suddenly laid

hold on them, and behold, they were seized with despair;

6:45 and the utmost part of the people which had acted wickedly, was cut

off: Praise be unto God, the Lord of all creatures!

6:46 Say, what think ye? If God should take away your hearing and your

sight, and should seal up your hearts; what god besides God, will

restore them unto you? See how variously We shew forth the signs of

God's unity; yet do they turn aside from them.

6:47 Say unto them, what think ye? If the punishment of God come upon

you suddenly, or in open view; will any perish, except the ungodly people?

6:48 We send not our messengers otherwise than bearing good tidings and

denouncing threats. Whoso therefore shall believe and amend, on them

shall no fear come, neither shall they be grieved:

6:49 But whoso shall accuse our signs of falsehood, a punishment shall

fall on them, because they have done wickedly.

6:50 Say, I say not unto you, the treasures of God are in my power:

Neither do I say, I know the secrets of God: Neither do I say unto you,

verily I am an angel: I follow only that which is revealed unto me. Say,

shall the blind and the seeing be held equal? Do ye not therefore consider?

6:51 Preach it unto those who fear that they shall be assembled before

their Lord: They shall have no patron nor intercessor, except Him; that

peradventure they may take heed to themselves.

6:52 Drive not away those who call upon their Lord morning and evening,

desiring to see his face; it belongeth not unto thee to pass any

judgement on them, nor doth it belong unto them to pass any judgement on

thee: Therefore if thou drive them away, thou wilt become one of the


6:53 Thus have We proved some part of them by other part, that they may

say, are these the people among us unto whom God hath been gracious?

Doth not God most truly know those who are thankful?

6:54 And when they who believe in our signs shall come unto Thee, say,

peace be upon you. Your Lord hath prescribed unto Himself mercy; so that

whoever among you worketh evil through ignorance, and afterwards

repenteth, and amendeth; unto him will He surely be gracious and merciful.

6:55 Thus have We distinctly propounded our signs, that the path of the

wicked might be made known.

6:56 Say, verily I am forbidden to worship the false deities which ye

invoke, besides God. Say, I will not follow your desires; for then

should I err, neither should I be one of those who are rightly directed.

6:57 Say, I behave according to the plain declaration which I have

received from my Lord; but ye have forged lies concerning him. That

which ye desire should be hastened, is not on my power: Judgement

belongeth only unto God; He will determine the truth; and He is the best


6:58 Say, if what ye desire should be hastened were in my power, the

matter had been determined between me and you: But God well knoweth the


6:59 With him are the keys of the secret things; none knoweth them

besides Himself: He knoweth that which is on the dry land and in the

sea; there falleth no leaf, but He knoweth it; neither is there a single

grain in the dark parts of the earth, neither a green thing, nor a dry

thing, but it is written in the perspicuous book.

6:60 It is He who causeth you to sleep by night, and knoweth what ye

merit by day; He also awaketh you therein, that the prefixed term of

your lives may be fulfilled; then unto Him shall ye return, and He shall

declare unto you that which ye have wrought.

6:61 He is supreme over his servants, and sendeth the guardian angels to

watch over you, until, when death overtaketh one of you, our messengers

cause him to die; and they will not neglect our commands.

6:62 Afterwards shall they return unto God, their true Lord: Doth not

judgement belong unto Him? He is the most quick in taking an account.

6:63 Say, who delivereth you from the darkness of the land, and of the

sea, when ye call upon him humbly and in private, saying, verily if thou

deliver us from these dangers, we will surely be thankful?

6:64 Say, God delivereth you from them, and from every grief of mind;

yet afterwards ye give him companions.

6:65 Say, He is able to send on you a punishment from above you, or from

under your feet, or to ingage you in dissension, and to make some of you

taste the violence of others. Observe how variously we shew forth our

signs, that peradventure they may understand.

6:66 This people hath accused the revelation which thou hast brought of

falsehood, although it be the truth. Say, I am not a guardian over you:

6:67 Every prophecy hath its fixed time of accomplishment; and ye will

hereafter know it.

6:68 When thou seest those who are ingaged in cavilling at, or

ridiculing our signs; depart from them, until they be ingaged in some

other discourse: And if Satan cause thee to forget this precept, do not

sit with the ungodly people, after recollection.

6:69 They who fear God are not at all accountable for them, but their

duty is to remember, that they may take heed to themselves.

6:70 Abandon those who make their religion a sport and a jest; and whom

the present life hath deceived: And admonish them by the Koran, that a

soul becometh liable to destruction for what which it committeth: It

shall have no patron nor intercessor besides God: and if it could pay

the utmost price of redemption, it would not be accepted from it. They

who are delivered over to perdition for that which they heave committed,

shall have boiling water to drink, and shall suffer a grievous

punishment, because they have disbelieved.

6:71 Say, shall we call upon that, besides God, which can neither profit

us nor hurt us? And shall we turn back on our heels, after that God hath

directed us; like him whom the devils have infatuated, wandring amazedly

in the earth, and yet having companions who call him to the true

direction, saying, come unto us? Say, the direction of God is the true

direction: We are commanded to resign ourselves unto the Lord of all


6:72 and it is also commanded us, saying, observe the stated times of

prayer, and fear him; for it is He before whom ye shall be assembled.

6:73 It is He who hath created the heavens and the earth in truth; and

whenever He saith unto a thing, be, it is. His word is the truth; and

his will be the kingdom on the day whereon the trumpet shall be sounded:

He knoweth whatever is secret, and whatever is public; He is the wise,

the knowing.

6:74 Call to mind when Abraham said unto his father Azer, dost thou take

images for gods? Verily I perceive that thou and thy people are in a

manifest error.

6:75 And thus did We shew unto Abraham the kingdom of heaven and earth,

that he might become one of those who firmly believe.

6:76 And when the night overshadowed him, he saw a star, and he said,

this is my Lord; but when it set, he said, I like not gods which set.

6:77 And when he saw the moon rising, he said, this is my Lord; but when

he saw it set, he said, verily if my Lord direct me not, I shall become

one of the people who go astray.

6:78 And when he saw the sun rising, he said, this is my Lord, this is

the greatest; but when it set, he said, O my people, verily I am clear

of that which ye associate with God:

6:79 I direct my face unto Him who hath created the heavens and the

earth; I am orthodox, and am not one of the idolater.

6:80 And his people disputed with him: And he said, will ye dispute with

me concerning God? Since He hath now directed me, and I fear not that

which ye associate with Him, unless that my Lord willeth a thing; for my

Lord comprehendeth all things by his knowledge: Will ye not therefore


6:81 And how should I fear that which ye associate with God, since ye

fear not to have associated with God that concerning which He hath sent

down unto you no authority? Which therefore of the two parties is the

more safe, if ye understand aright?

6:82 They who believe, and clothe not their faith with injustice, they

shall enjoy security, and they are rightly directed.

6:83 And this is our argument wherewith we furnished Abraham that he

might make use of it against his people: We exalt unto degrees of wisdom

and knowledge whom we please; for thy Lord is wise and knowing.

6:84 And We gave unto him Isaac and Jacob; We directed them both: And

Noah had We before directed, and of his posterity David and Solomon; and

Job, and Joseph, and Moses, and Aaron: Thus do We reward the righteous:

6:85 And Zacharias, and John, and Jesus, and Elias; all of them were

upright men:

6:86 And Ismael, and Elisha, and Jonas, and Lot; all these have we

favoured above the rest of the world;

6:87 and also divers of their fathers, and their issue, and their

brethren; and we chose them, and directed them into the right way.

6:88 This is the direction of God, He directeth thereby such of his

servants as He pleaseth; but if they had been guilty of idolatry, that

which they wrought would have become utterly fruitless unto them.

6:89 Those were the persons unto whom We gave the scripture, and wisdom,

and prophecy; but if these believe not therein, We will commit the care

of them to a people who shall not disbelieve the same.

6:90 Those were the persons whom God hath directed, therefore follow

their direction. Say unto the inhabitants of Mecca, I ask of you no

recompense for preaching the Koran; it is no other than an admonition

unto all creatures.

6:91 They make not a due estimation of God, when they say, God hath not

sent down unto man any thing at all: Say, who sent down the book which

Moses brought, a light and a direction unto men; which ye transcribe on

papers, whereof ye publish some part, and great part whereof ye conceal?

And ye have been taught by Mohammed what ye knew not, neither your

fathers. Say, God sent it down: Then leave them to amuse themselves with

their vain discourse.

6:92 This book which We have sent down, is blessed; confirming that

which was revealed before it; and is delivered unto thee that thou

mayest preach it unto the metropolis of Mecca and to those who are round

about it. And they who believe in the next life, will believe therein,

and they will diligently observe their times of prayer.

6:93 Who is more wicked than he who forgeth a lie concerning God? Or

saith, this was revealed unto me; when nothing hath been revealed unto

him? And who saith, I will produce a revelation like unto that which God

hath sent down? If thou didst see when the ungodly are in the pangs of

death, and the angels reach out their hands, saying, cast forth your

souls; this day shall ye receive an ignominious punishment for that

which ye have falsely spoken concerning God; and because ye have proudly

rejected his signs.

6:94 And now are ye come unto Us alone, as We created you at first, and

ye have left that which We had bestowed on you, behind your backs;

neither do We see with you your intercessors, whom ye thought to have

been partners with God among you: Now is the relation between you cut

off, and what ye imagined hath deceived you.

6:95 God causeth the grain, and the date-stone to pur forth: He bringeth

forth the living from the dead, and He bingeth forth the dead from the

living. This is God. Why therefore are ye turned away from Him?

6:96 He causeth the morning to appear; and hath ordained the night for

rest, and the sun and the moon for the computing of time. This is the

disposition of the mighty, the wise God.

6:97 It is He who hath ordained the stars for you, that ye may be

directed thereby in the darkness of the land and of the sea. We have

clearly shewn forth our signs, unto people who understand.

6:98 It is He who hath produced you from one soul; and hath provided for

you a sure receptacle and a repository. We have clearly shewn forth our

signs, unto people who are wise.

6:99 It is He who sendeth down water from heaven, and We have thereby

produced the springing buds of all things, and have thereout produced

the green thing, from which We produce the grain growing in rows, and

palm-trees from whose branches proceed clusters of dates hanging close

together; and gardens of grapes, and olives, and pomegranates, both like

and unlike to one another. Look on their fruits, when they bear fruit,

and their growing to maturity. Verily herein are signs, unto people who


6:100 Yet they have set up the genii as partners with God, although He

created them: And they have falsely attributed unto Him sons and

daughters, without knowledge. Praise be unto Him; and far be that from

Him which they attribute unto Him!

6:101 He is the maker of heaven and earth: How should He have issue

since He hath no consort? He hath created all things, and He is omniscient.

6:102 This is God your Lord; there is no God but He, the creator of all

things: Therefore serve Him; for He taketh care of all things.

6:103 The sight comprehendeth Him not, but He comprehendeth the sight;

He is the gracious, the wise.

6:104 Now have evident demonstrations come unto you from your Lord;

whoso seeth them, the advantage thereof will redound to his own soul:

And whoso is wilfully blind, the consequence will be to himself. I am

not a keeper over you.

6:105 Thus do We variously explain our signs; that they may say, thou

hast studied diligently; and that we may declare them unto people of


6:106 Follow that which hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord;

there is no God but He: Retire therefore from the idolaters.

6:107 If God had so pleased, they had not been guilty of idolatry. We

have not appointed thee a keeper over them; neither art thou a guardian

over them.

6:108 Revile not the idols which they invoke besides God, lest they

maliciously revile God, without knowledge. Thus have We prepared for

every nation their works: Hereafter unto God shall they return, and He

shall declare unto them that which they have done.

6:109 They have sworn by God, by the most solemn oath, that if a sign

came unto them, they would certainly believe therein: Say, verily signs

are in the power of God alone; and He permitteth you not to understand

that when they come, they will not believe.

6:110 And We will turn aside their hearts and their sight from the

truth, as they believed not therein the first time; and We will leave

them to wander in their error.

6:111 And though We had sent down angels unto them, and the dead had

spoken unto them, and We had gathered together before them all things in

one view; they would not have believed, unless God had so pleased: But

the greater part of them know it not.

6:112 Thus have We appointed unto every prophet an enemy; the devils of

men, and of genii: Who privately suggest the one to the other specious

discourses to deceive; but if thy Lord pleased, they would not have done

it. Therefore leave them, and that which they have falsely imagined;

6:113 and let the hearts of those be inclined thereto, who believe not

in the life to come; and let them please themselves therein, and let

them gain that which they are gaining.

6:114 Shall I seek after any other judge besides God to judge between

us? It is He who hath sent down unto you the book of the Koran

distinguishing between good and evil; and they to whom We gave the

scripture know that it is sent down from thy Lord, with truth. Be not

therefore one of those who doubt thereof.

6:115 The words of thy Lord are perfect, in truth and justice; there is

none who can change his words: He both heareth and knoweth.

6:116 But if thou obey the greater part of them who are in the earth,

they will lead thee aside from the path of God: They follow an uncertain

opinion only, and speak nothing but lies;

6:117 verily thy Lord well knoweth those who go astray from his path,

and well knoweth those who are rightly directed.

6:118 Eat of that whereon the name of God hath been commemorated, if ye

believe in his signs:

6:119 And why do ye not eat of that whereon the name of God hath been

commemorated? Since He hath plainly declared unto you what He had

forbidden you; except that which ye be compelled to by necessity eat of:

Many lead others into error, because of their appetites, being void of

knowledge; but thy Lord well knoweth who are the transgressors.

6:120 Leave both the outside of iniquity, and the inside thereof: For

they who commit iniquity shall receive the reward of that which they

shall have gained.

6:121 Eat not therefore of that whereon the name of God hath not been

commemorated; for this is certainly wickedness: But the devils will

suggest unto their friends, that they dispute with you concerning this

precept; but if ye obey them, ye are surely idolaters.

6:122 Shall he who hath been dead, and whom We have restored unto life,

and unto whom We have ordained a light, whereby he may walk among men,

be as he whose similitude is in darkness, from whence he shall not come

forth? Thus was that which the infidels are doing, prepared for them.

6:123 And thus have we placed in every city chief leaders of the wicked

men thereof, that they may act deceitfully therein; but they shall act

deceitfully against their own souls only; and they know it not.

6:124 And when a sign cometh unto them, they say, we will by no means

believe until a revelation be brought unto us, like unto that which hath

been delivered unto the messengers of God. God best knoweth whom He will

appoint for his messenger. Vileness in the sight of God shall fall upon

those who deal wickedly, and a grievous punishment, for that they have

dealt deceitfully.

6:125 And whomsoever God shall please to direct, He will open his breast

to receive the faith of Islam: But whomsoever He shall please to lead

into error, He will render his breast strait and narrow, as though he

were climbing up to heaven. Thus doth God inflict a terrible punishment

on those who believe not.

6:126 This is the right way of thy Lord. Now have We plainly declared

our signs unto those people who will consider.

6:127 They shall have a dwelling of peace with their Lord, and He shall

be their patron, because of that which they have wrought.

6:128 Think on the day whereon God shall gather them all together, and

shall say, O company of genii, ye have been much concerned with mankind;

and their friends from among mankind shall say, O Lord, the one of us

hath received advantage from the other, and we are arrived at our

limited term which Thou hast appointed us. God will say, hell fire shall

be your habitation, therein shall ye remain for ever; unless as God

shall please to mitigate your pains, for thy Lord is wise and knowing.

6:129 Thus do We set some of the unjust over others of them, because of

that which they have deserved.

6:130 O company of genii and men, did not messengers from among your

selves come unto you, rehearsing my signs unto you, and forewarning you

of the meeting of this your day? They shall answer, we bear witness

against our selves: The present life deceived them: And they shall bear

witness against themselves that they were unbelievers.

6:131 This hath been the method of God's dealing with his creatures,

because thy Lord would not destroy the cities in their iniquity, while

their inhabitants were careless.

6:132 Every one shall have degrees of recompense of that which they

shall do; for thy Lord is not regardless of that which they do,

6:133 and thy Lord is self-sufficient and indued with mercy. If He

pleaseth He can destroy you, and cause such as He pleaseth to succeed

you, in like manner as He produced you from the posterity of other people.

6:134 Verily that which is threatened you, shall surely come to pass;

neither shall ye cause it to fail.

6:135 Say unto those of Mecca, O my people, act according to your power;

verily I will act according to my duty: And hereafter shall ye know

whose will be the reward of paradise. The ungodly shall not prosper.

6:136 Those of Mecca set apart unto God a portion of that which he hath

produced of the fruits of the earth, and of cattle; and say, this

belongeth unto God, -- according to their imaginations, -- and this unto

our companions. And that which is destined for their companions cometh

not unto God; yet that which is set apart unto God cometh unto their

companions. How ill do they judge!

6:137 In like manner have their companions induced many of the idolaters

to slay their children, that they might bring them to perdition, and

that they might render their religion obscure and confused unto them.

But if God had pleased, they had not done this: Therefore leave them,

and that which they falsely imagine.

6:138 They also say, these cattle and fruits of the earth are sacred;

none shall eat thereof but who we please, -- according to their

imagination; -- and there are cattle whose backs are forbidden to be

rode on, or loaden with burdens; and there are cattle on which they

commemorate not the name of God when they slay them, devising a lie

against him: God shall reward them for that which they falsely devise.

6:139 And they say, that which is in the bellies of these cattle, is

allowed our males to eat, and is forbidden to our wives: But if it prove

abortive, then they are both partakers thereof. God shall give them the

reward of their attributing these things to him: He is knowing and wise.

6:140 They are utterly lost who have slain their children foolishly,

without knowledge; and have forbidden that which God hath given them for

food, devising a lie against God. They have erred, and were not rightly


6:141 He it is who produceth gardens of vines, both those which are

supported on trails of wood, and those which are not supported, and

palm-trees, and the corn affording various food, and olives, and

pomegranates, alike and unlike unto one another. Eat of their fruit,

when they bear fruit, and pay the due thereof on the day whereon ye

shall gather it; but be not profuse, for God loveth not those who are

too profuse.

6:142 And God hath given you some cattle fit for bearing of burdens, and

some fit for slaughter only. Eat of what God hath given you for food;

and follow not the steps of Satan, for he is your declared enemy.

6:143 Four pair of cattle hath God given you; of sheep one pair, and of

goats one pair. Say unto them, hath God forbidden the two males, of

sheep and of goats, or the two females; or that which the wombs of the

two females contain? Tell me with certainty, if ye speak truth.

6:144 And of camels hath God given you one pair, and of oxen one pair.

Say, hath He forbidden the two males of these, or the two females; or

that which the wombs of the two females contain? Were ye present when

God commanded you this? And who is more unjust than he who deviseth a

lie against God, that he may seduce men without understanding? Verily

God directeth not unjust people.

6:145 Say, I find not in that which hath been revealed unto me, any

thing forbidden unto the eater, that he eat it not, except it be that

which dieth of it self, or blood poured forth, or swine's flesh: For

this is an abomination: Or that which is profane, having been slain in

the name of some other than of God. But whoso shall be compelled by

necessity to eat of these things, not lusting, nor wilfully

transgressing, verily thy Lord will be gracious unto him and merciful.

6:146 Unto the Jews did We forbid every beast having an undivided hoof;

and of bullocks and sheep, We forbade them the fat of both; except that

which should be on their backs, or their inwards, or which should be

intermixed with the bone. This have We rewarded them with, because of

their iniquity; and We are surely speakers of truth.

6:147 If they accuse thee of imposture, say, your Lord is indued with

extensive mercy; but his severity shall not be averted from wicked people.

6:148 The idolaters will say, if God had pleased, we had not been guilty

of idolatry, neither our fathers; and pretend that We have not forbidden

them any thing. Thus did they who were before them accuse the prophets

of imposture, until they tasted our severe punishment. Say, is there

with you any certain knowledge of what ye alledge, that ye may produce

it unto us? Ye follow only a false imagination; and ye only utter lies.

6:149 Say, therefore unto God belongeth the most evident demonstration;

for if he had pleased, he had directed you all.

6:150 Say, produce your witnesses, who can bear testimony that God hath

forbidden this. But if they bear testimony of this, do not thou bear

testimony with them, nor do thou follow the desires of those who accuse

our signs of falsehood, and who believe not in the life to come, and

equalize idols with their Lord.

6:151 Say, come; I will rehearse that which your Lord hath forbidden

you; that is to say, that ye be not guilty of idolatry, and that ye shew

kindness to your parents, and that ye murder not your children for fear

lest ye be reduced to poverty: We will provide for you and them; and

draw not near unto hainous crimes, neither openly nor in secret; and

slay not the soul which God hath forbidden you to slay, unless for a

just cause. This hath He injoined you that ye may understand.

6:152 And meddle not with the substance of the orphan, otherwise than

for the improving thereof, until he attain his age of strength; and use

a full measure, and a just balance. We will not impose a task on any

soul, beyond its ability. And when ye pronounce judgement observe

justice, although it be for or against one who is near of kin, and

fulfill the covenant of God. This hath God commanded you, that ye may be


6:153 and that ye may know that this is my right way: Therefore follow

it, and follow not the paths of others, lest ye be scattered from the

path of God. This hath He commanded you that ye may take heed.

6:154 We gave also unto Moses the book of the Law; a perfect rule unto

him who should do right, and a determination concerning all things

needful, and a direction and mercy; that the children of Israel might

believe the meeting of their Lord.

6:155 And this book which We have now sent down, is blessed; therefore

follow it and fear God that ye may obtain mercy:

6:156 Lest ye should say, the scriptures were only sent down unto two

people before us; and we neglected to peruse them with attention:

6:157 Or lest ye should say, if a book of divine revelations had been

sent down unto us, we would surely have better directed than they. And

now hath a manifest declaration come unto you from your Lord, and a

direction and mercy: And who is more unjust than he who deviseth lies

against the signs of God, and turneth aside from them? We will reward

those who turn aside from our signs with a grievous punishment, because

they have turned aside.

6:158 Do they wait for any other than that the angels should come unto

them, to part their souls from their bodies; or that thy Lord should

come to punish them; or that some of the signs of thy Lord should come

to pass, shewing the day of judgement to be at hand? On the day whereon

some of thy Lord's signs shall come to pass, its faith shall not profit

a soul which believed not before, or wrought not good in its faith. Say,

wait ye for this day; we surely do wait for it.

6:159 They who make a division in their religion, and become sectaries,

have thou nothing to do with them; their affair belongeth only unto God.

Hereafter shall He declare unto them that which they have done.

6:160 He who shall appear with good works, shall receive a tenfold

recompense for the same; but he who shall appear with evil works, shall

receive only an equal punishment for the same; and they shall not be

treated unjustly.

6:161 Say, verily my Lord hath directed me into a right way, a true

religion, the sect of Abraham the orthodox; and he was no idolater.

6:162 Say, verily my prayers, and my worship, and my life, and my death

are dedicated unto God, the Lord of all creatures:

6:163 He hath no companion. This have I been commanded: I am the first


6:164 Say, shall I desire any other Lord besides God? Since He is the

Lord of all things; and no soul shall acquire any merits or demerits but

for itself; and no burdened soul shall bear the burden of another.

Moreover unto your Lord shall ye return; and He shall declare unto you

that concerning which ye now dispute.

6:165 It is He who hath appointed you to succeed your predecessors in

the earth, and hath raised some of you above others by various degrees

of worldly advantages, that He might prove you by that which He hath

bestowed on you. Thy Lord is swift in punishing; and He is also gracious

and merciful.
Chapter 7
Intitled, Al Araf; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
7:1 A.L.M.S.

7:2 A book hath been sent down unto thee: And therefore let there be no

doubt in thy breast concerning it; that thou mayest preach the same, and

that it may be an admonition unto the faithful.

7:3 Follow that which hath been sent down unto you from your Lord; and

follow no guides besides Him: How little will ye be warned!

7:4 How many cities have We destroyed; which our vengeance overtook by

night, or while they were reposing themselves at noon-day!

7:5 And their supplication, when our punishment came upon them, was no

other than that they said, verily we have been unjust.

7:6 We will surely call those to an account, unto whom a prophet hath

been sent; and We will also call those to account who have been sent

unto them.

7:7 And We will declare their actions unto them with knowledge; for We

are not absent from them.

7:8 The weighing of mens actions on that day shall be just; and they

whose balances laden with their good works shall be heavy, are those who

shall be happy;

7:9 but they whose balances shall be light, are those who have lost

their souls, because they injured our signs.

7:10 And now have We placed you on the earth, and have provided you food

therein: But how little are ye thankful!

7:11 We created you, and afterwards formed you; and then said unto the

angels, worship Adam; and they all worshipped him, except Eblis, who was

not one of those who worshipped.

7:12 God said unto him, what hindered thee from worshipping Adam, since

I had commanded thee? He answered, I am more excellent than he: Thou

hast created me of fire, and hast created him of clay.

7:13 God said, get thee down therefore from paradise; for it is not fit

that thou behave thy self proudly therein: Get thee hence; thou shalt be

one of the contemptible.

7:14 He answered, give me respite until the day of resurrection.

7:15 God said, verily thou shalt be one of those who are respited.

7:16 The devil said, because thou hast depraved me, I will lay wait for

men in thy strait way;

7:17 then will I come upon them from before, and from behind, and from

their right hands, and from their left; and thou shalt not find the

greater part of them thankful.

7:18 God said unto him, get thee hence, despised, and driven far away:

Verily whoever of them shall follow thee, I will surely fill hell with

you all:

7:19 But as for thee, O Adam, dwell thou and thy wife in paradise; and

eat of the fruit thereof where-ever ye will; but approach not this tree,

lest ye become of the number of the unjust.

7:20 And Satan suggested to them both, that he would discover unto them

their nakedness, which was hidden from them; and he said, your Lord hath

not forbidden you this tree, for any other reason but lest ye should

become angels, or lest ye become immortal.

7:21 And he sware unto them, saying, verily I am one of those who

counsel you aright.

7:22 And he caused them to fall through deceit. And when they had tasted

of the tree, their nakedness appeared unto them; and they began to join

together the leaves of paradise, to cover themselves. And their Lord

called to them, saying, did I not forbid you this tree; and did I not

say unto you, verily Satan is your declared enemy?

7:23 They answered, O Lord, we have dealt unjustly with our own souls;

and if thou forgive us not, and be not merciful unto us, we shall surely

be of those who perish.

7:24 God said, get ye down, the one of you an enemy unto the other; and

ye shall have a dwelling place upon earth, and a provision for a season.

7:25 He said, therein shall ye live, and therein shall ye die, and from

thence shall ye be taken forth at the resurrection.

7:26 O children of Adam, we have sent down unto you apparel, to conceal

your nakedness, and fair garments; but the cloathing of piety is better.

This is one of the signs of God; that peradventure ye may consider.

7:27 O children of Adam, let not Satan seduce you, as he expelled your

parents out of paradise, by stripping them of their cloathing, that he

might shew them their nakedness: Verily he seeth you, both he and his

companions, whereas ye see not them. We have appointed the devils to be

the patrons of those who believe not:

7:28 And when they commit a filthy action, they say, we found our

fathers practising the same; and God hath commanded us to do it. Say,

verily God commandeth not filthy actions. Do ye speak concerning God

that which ye know not?

7:29 Say, my Lord hath commanded me to observe justice; therefore set

your faces to pray at every place of worship, and call upon Him,

approving unto Him the sincerity of your religion. As He produced you at

first, so unto Him shall ye return.

7:30 A part of mankind hath He directed; and a part hath been justly led

into error, because they have taken the devils for their patrons besides

God, and imagine that they are rightly directed.

7:31 O children of Adam, take your decent apparel at every place of

worship, and eat and drink, but be not guilty of excess; for He loveth

not those who are guilty of excess.

7:32 Say, who hath forbidden the decent apparel of God, which He hath

produced for his servants, and the good things which He hath provided

for food? Say, these things are for those who believe, in this present

life, but peculiarly on the day of resurrection. Thus do We distinctly

explain our signs unto people who understand.

7:33 Say, verily my Lord hath forbidden filthy actions, both that which

is discovered thereof, and that which is concealed, and also iniquity,

and unjust violence; and hath forbidden you to associate with God that

concerning which he hath sent you down no authority, or to speak of God

that which ye know not.

7:34 Unto every nation there is a predixed term; therefore when their

term is expired, they shall not have respite for an hour, neither shall

they be anticipated.

7:35 O children of Adam, verily Apostles from among you shall come unto

you, who shall expound my signs unto you: Whosoever therefore shall fear

God and amend, there shall come no fear on them, neither shall they be


7:36 But they who shall accuse our signs of falsehood, and shall proudly

reject them, they shall be the companions of hell fire; they shall

remain therein for ever.

7:37 And who is more unjust than he who deviseth a lie concerning God,

or accuseth his signs of imposture? Unto these shall be given their

portion of worldly happiness, according to what is written in the book

of God's decrees, until our messengers come unto them, and shall cause

them to die; saying, where are the idols which ye called upon, besides

God? They shall answer, they have disappeared from us. And they shall

bear witness against themselves, that they were unbelievers.

7:38 God shall say unto them at the resurrection, enter ye with the

nations which have preceded you, of genii and of men, into hell fire: So

often as one nation shall enter, it shall curse its sister, until they

shall all have successively entered therein. The latter of them shall

say of the former of them, O Lord, these have seduced us; therefore

inflict on them a double punishment of the fire of hell. God shall

answer, it shall be doubled unto all; but ye know it not.

7:39 And the former of them shall say unto the latter of them, ye have

not therefore any favour above us; taste the punishment for that which

ye have gained.

7:40 Verily they who shall charge our signs with falsehood, and shall

proudly reject them, the gates of heaven shall not be opened unto them,

neither shall they enter into paradise, until a camel pass trough the

eye of a needle; and thus will we reward the wicked doers.

7:41 Their couch shall be in hell, and over them shall be coverings of

fire; and thus will we reward the unjust.

7:42 But they who believe, and do that which is right, -- we will not

load any soul but according to its ability, -- they shall be the

companions of paradise; they shall remain therein for ever.

7:43 And we will remove all grudges from their minds; rivers shall run

at their feet, and they shall say, praised be God, who hath directed us

unto this felicity! For we should not have been rightly directed, if God

had not directed us: Now are we convinced by demonstration that the

Apostles of our Lord came unto us with truth. And it shall be proclaimed

unto them, this is paradise, whereof ye are made heirs, as a reward for

that which ye have wrought.

7:44 And the inhabitants of paradise shall call out to the inhabitants

of hell fire, saying, now have we found that which our Lord promised us,

to be true: Have ye also found that which your Lord promised you, to be

true? They shall answer, yea. And a cryer shall proclaim between them,

the curse of God shall be on the wicked;

7:45 who turn men aside from the way of God, and seek to render it

crooked, and who deny the life to come.

7:46 And between the blessed and the damned there shall be a vail; and

men shall stand on Al Araf, who shall know every one of them by their

marks; and shall call unto the inhabitants of paradise, saying, peace be

upon you: Yet they shall not enter therein, although they earnestly

desire it.

7:47 And when they shall turn their eyes towards the companions of hell

fire, they shall say, O Lord, place us not with the ungodly people!

7:48 And those who stand on Al Araf shall call unto certain men, whom

they shall know by their marks, and shall say, what hath your gathering

of riches availed you, and that ye were puffed up with pride?

7:49 Are these the men on whom ye sware that God would not bestow mercy?

Enter ye into paradise; there shall come no fear on you, neither shall

ye be grieved.

7:50 And the inhabitants of hell fire shall call unto the inhabitants of

paradise, saying, pour upon us some water, or of those refreshments

which God hath bestowed on you. They shall answer, verily God hath

forbidden them unto the unbelievers;

7:51 who made a laughing-stock and a sport of their religion, and whom

the life of the world hath deceived: Therefore this day will we forget

them, as they did forget the meeting of this day, and for that they

denied our signs to be from God.

7:52 And now have we brought unto those of Mecca a book of divine

revelations: We have explained it with knowledge; a direction and mercy

unto people who shall believe.

7:53 Do they wait for any other than the interpretation thereof? On the

day whereon the interpretation thereof shall come, they who had

forgotten the same before, shall say, now are we convinced by

demonstration that the messengers of our Lord came unto us with truth:

Shall we therefore have any intercessors, who will intercede for us? Or

shall we be sent back into the world, that we may do other works than

what we did in our life-time? But now have they lost their souls; and

that which they impiously imagined, hath fled from them.

7:54 Verily your Lord is God, who created the heavens and the earth in

six days; and then ascended his throne: He causeth the night to cover

the day; it succeedeth the same swiftly: He also created the sun and the

moon, and the stars, which are absolutly subject unto his command. Is

not the whole creation, and the empire thereof, his? Blessed be God, the

Lord of all creatures!

7:55 Call upon your Lord humbly and in secret; for He loveth not those

who transgress.

7:56 And act not corruptly in the earth, after its reformation; and call

upon Him with fear and desire: For the mercy of God is near unto the


7:57 It is He who sendeth the winds, spread abroad before his mercy,

until they bring a cloud heavy with rain, which We drive unto a dead

country; and We cause water to descend thereon, by which We cause all

sorts of fruits to spring forth. Thus will We bring forth the dead from

their graves; that peradventure ye may consider.

7:58 From a good country shall its fruit spring forth abundantly, by the

permission of its Lord; but from the land which is bad, it shall not

spring forth otherwise than scarcely. Thus do We explain the signs of

divine providence unto people who are thankful.

7:59 We formerly sent Noah unto his people: And he said, O my people,

worship God: Ye have no other God than Him. Verily I fear for you the

punishment of the great day.

7:60 The chiefs of his people answered Him, we surely perceive thee to

be in a manifest error.

7:61 He replied, O my people, there is no error in me; but I am a

messenger from the Lord of all creatures.

7:62 I bring unto you the messages of my Lord; and I counsel you aright:

For I know from God, that which ye know not.

7:63 Do ye wonder that an admonotion hath come unto your from your Lord

by a man from among you, to warn you, that ye may take heed to

yourselves, and that peradventure ye may obtain mercy?

7:64 And they accused him of imposture: But We delivered him and those

who were with him in the ark, and We drowned those who charged our signs

with falsehood; for they were a blind people.

7:65 And unto the tribe of Ad We sent their brother Hud. He said, O my

people worship God: Ye have no other God than Him; will ye not fear Him?

7:66 The chiefs of those among his people who believed not, answered,

Verily we perceive that thou art guided by folly; and we certainly

esteem thee to be one of the liars.

7:67 He replied, O my people, I am not guided by folly; but I am a

messenger unto you from the Lord of all creatures:

7:68 I bring unto you the messages of my Lord; and I am a faithful

counsellor unto you.

7:69 Do ye wonder that an admonition hath come unto you from your Lord,

by a man from among you, that he may warn you? Call to mind how He hath

appointed you successors unto the people of Noah, and hath added unto

you in stature largely. Remember the benefits of God, that ye may prosper.

7:70 They said, art thou come unto us, that we should worship God alone,

and leave the deities which our fathers worshipped? Now bring down that

judgement upon us, with which thou threatenest us, if thou speakest truth.

7:71 Hud answered, now shall there suddenly fall upon you from your Lord

vengeance and indignation. Will ye dispute with me concerning the names

which ye have named, and your fathers; as to which God hath not revealed

unto you any authority? Do ye wait therefore, and I will be one of those

who wait with you.

7:72 And We delivered him, and them who believed with him, by our mercy;

and We cut off the uttermost part of those who charged our signs with

falsehood, and were not believers.

7:73 And unto the tribe of Thamud We sent their brother Saleh. He said O

my people, worship God: Ye have no God besides Him. Now hath a manifest

proof come unto you from your Lord. This she-camel of God is a sign unto

you: Therefore dismiss her freely, that she may feed in God's earth; and

do her no hurt, lest a painful punishment seize you.

7:74 And call to mind how He hath appointed you successors unto the

tribe of Ad, and hath given you a habitation on earth; ye build

yourselves castles on the plains thereof, and cut out the mountains into

houses. Remember therefore the benefits of God, and commit not violence

in the earth, acting corruptly.

7:75 The chiefs among his people who were puffed up with pride, said

unto those who were esteemed weak, namely, unto those who believed among

them, do ye know that Saleh hath been sent from his Lord? They answered,

we do surely believe in that wherewith he hath been sent.

7:76 Those who were elated with pride replied, verily we believe not in

that wherein ye believe.

7:77 And they cut off the feet of the camel, and insolently transgressed

the command of their Lord, and said, oh, cause that to come upon us,

with which thou hast threatened us, if thou art one of those who have

been sent by God.

7:78 Whereupon a terrible noise from heaven assailed them; and in the

morning they were found in their dwellings prostrate on their breasts

and dead.

7:79 And Saleh departed from them, and said, O my people, now have I

delivered unto you the message of my Lord; and I advised you well, but

ye love not those who advise you well.

7:80 And remember Lot, when he said unto his people, do ye commit a

wickedness, wherein no creature hath set you an example?

7:81 Do ye approach lustfully unto men, leaving the women? Certainly ye

are people who transgress all modesty.

7:82 But the answer of his people was no other than that they said the

one to the other, expel them from your city; for they are men who

preserve themselves pure from the crimes which ye commit.

7:83 Therefore We delivered him and his family, except his wife; she was

one of those who stayed behind:

7:84 And we rained a shower of stones upon them. Behold therefore what

was the end of the wicked.

7:85 And unto Madian we sent their brother Shoaib. He said unto them, O

my people, worship God; ye have no God besides Him. Now hath an evident

demonstration come unto you from your Lord. Therefore give full measure

and just weight, and diminish not unto men ought of their matters;

neither act corruptly in the earth, after its reformation. This will be

better for you, if ye believe.

7:86 And beset not every way, threatening the passenger; and turning

aside from the path of God him who believeth in Him, and seeking to make

it crooked. And remember, when ye were few, and God multiplied you: And

behold, what hath been the end of those who acted corruptly.

7:87 And if part of you believe in that wherewith I am sent, and part

believe not, wait patiently until God judge between us; for He is the

best judge.

7:88 The chiefs of his people, who were elated with pride, answered, we

will surely cast thee, O Shoaib, and those who believe with thee, out of

our city; or else thou shalt certainly return unto our religion. He

said, what, though we be averse thereto?

7:89 We shall surely imagine a lie against God, if we return unto your

religion, after that God hath delivered us from the same: And we have no

reason to return unto it, unless God our Lord shall please to abandon

us. Our Lord comprehendeth every thing by his knowledge. In God do we

put our trust. O Lord, do thou judge between us and our nation with

truth; for Thou art the best judge.

7:90 And the chiefs of his people, who believed not, said, if ye follow

Shoaib, ye shall surely perish.

7:91 Therefore a storm from heaven assailed them, and in the morning

they were found in their dwellings dead and aprostrate.

7:92 They who accused Shoaib of imposture became as though they had

never dwelt therein; they who accused Shoaib of imposture perished


7:93 And he departed from them, and said, O my people, now have I

performed unto you the messages of my Lord; and I advised you aright:

But why should I be grieved for an unbelieving people?

7:94 We have never sent any prophet unto a city, but we afflicted the

inhabitants thereof with calamity and adversity, that they might humble


7:95 Then we gave them in exchange good in lieu of evil, until they

abounded, and said, adversity and prosperity formerly happened unto our

fathers, as unto us. Therefore we took vengeance on them suddenly, and

they perceived it not before-hand.

7:96 But if the inhabitants of those cities had believed and feared God,

We would surely have opened to them blessings both from heaven and

earth. But they charged our Apostles with falsehood; wherefore We took

vengeance on them, for that which they had been guilty of.

7:97 Were the inhabitants therefore of those cities secure, that our

punishment should not fall on them by night, while they slept?

7:98 Or were the inhabitants of those cities secure that our punishment

should not fall on them by day, while they sported?

7:99 Were they therefore secure from the stratagem of God? But none will

think himself secure from the stratagem of God, except the people who


7:100 And hath it not manifestly appeared unto those who have inherited

the earth after the former inhabitants thereof, that, if we please, we

can afflict them for their sins? But we will seal up their hearts; and

they shall not hearken.

7:101 We will relate unto thee some stories of these cities. Their

Apostles had come unto them with evident miracles, but they were not

disposed to believe in that which they had before gainsaid. Thus will

God seal up the hearts of the unbelievers.

7:102 And We found not in the greater part of them any observance of

their covenant; but We found the greater part of them wicked doers.

7:103 Then we sent, after the abovenamed Apostles, Moses with our signs

unto Pharaoh and his princes; who treated them unjustly: But behold what

was the end of the corrupt doers.

7:104 And Moses said, O Pharaoh, verily I am an Apostle sent from the

Lord of all creatures.

7:105 It is just that I should not speak of God other than the truth.

Now am I come unto you with an evident sign from your Lord: Send

therefore the children of Israel away with me.

7:106 Pharaoh answered, if thou comest with a sign, produce it, if thou

speakest truth.

7:107 Wherefore he cast down his rod; and behold, it became a visible


7:108 And he drew forth his hand out of his bosom; and behold it

appeared white unto the spectators.

7:109 The chiefs of the people of Pharaoh said, this man is certainly an

expert magician:

7:110 He seeketh to dispossess you of your land; what therefore do ye


7:111 They answered, put off him and his brother by fair promises for

some time, and in the mean while send unto the cities, and assemble the


7:112 that they may bring unto thee every expert magician.

7:113 So the magicians came unto Pharaoh; and they said, shall we surely

receive a reward, if we do overcome?

7:114 He answered, yea; and ye shall certainly be of those who approach

near unto my throne.

7:115 They said, O Moses, either do thou cast down thy rod first, or we

will cast down ours.

7:116 Moses answered, do ye cast down your rods first. And when they had

cast them down, they inchanted the eyes of the men who were present, and

terrified them; and they performed a great enchantment.

7:117 And we spake by revelation unto Moses, saying, throw down thy rod.

And behold, it swallowed up the rods which they had caused falsely to

appear changed into serpents.

7:118 Wherefore the truth was confirmed, and that which they had

wrought, vanished.

7:119 And Pharaoh and his magicians were overcome there, and were

rendered contemptible.

7:120 And the magicians prostrated themselves, worshipping;

7:121 and they said, we believe in the Lord of all creatures,

7:122 the Lord of Moses and Aaron.

7:123 Pharaoh said, have ye believed on him, before I have given you

permission? Verily this is a plot which ye have contrived in the city,

that ye might cast forth from thence the inhabitants thereof. But ye

shall surely know that I am your master;

7:124 for I will cause your hands and your feet to be cut off on the

opposite sides, then will I cause you all to be crucified.

7:125 The magicians answered, we shall certainly return unto our Lord,

in the next life;

7:126 for thou takest vengeance on us only because we have believed in

the signs of our Lord, when they have come unto us. O Lord, pour on us

patience; and cause us to die Moslems.

7:127 And the chiefs of Pharaoh's people said, wilt thou let Moses and

his people go, that they may act corruptly in the earth, and leave thee

and thy gods? Pharaoh answered, we will cause their male children to be

slain, and we will suffer their females to live; and by that means we

shall prevail over them.

7:128 Moses said unto his people, ask assistance of God, and suffer

patiently: For the earth is God's, He giveth it for an inheritance unto

such of his servants as He pleaseth; and the prosperous end shall be

unto those who fear Him.

7:129 They answered, we have been afflicted by having our male children

slain, before thou camest unto us, and also since thou hast come unto

us. Moses said, peradventure it may happen that your Lord will destroy

your enemy, and will cause you to succeed him in the earth, that he may

see how ye will act therein.

7:130 And we formerly punished the people of Pharaoh with dearth and

scarcity of fruits, that they might be warned.

7:131 Yet when good happened unto them, they said, this is owing unto

us: But if evil befell them, they attributed the same to the ill luck of

Moses, and those who were with him. Was not their ill luck with God? But

most of them knew it not.

7:132 And they said unto Moses, whatever sign thou shew unto us, to

inchant us therewith, we will not believe on thee.

7:133 Wherefore, We sent upon them a flood, and locusts, and lice, and

frogs, and blood; distinct miracles: But they behaved proudly, and

became a wicked people.

7:134 And when the plague fell on them, they said, O Moses, intreat thy

Lord for us, according to that which He hath covenanted with thee:

Verily if thou take the plague from off us, we will surely believe thee,

and we will let the children of Israel go with thee.

7:135 But when we had taken the plague from off them, until the term

which God had granted them was expired, behold, they broke their promise.

7:136 Wherefore we took vengeance on them, and drowned them in the red

sea; because they charged our signs with falsehood, and neglected them.

7:137 And We cause the people who had been rendered weak, to inherit the

eastern parts of the earth and the western parts thereof, which We

blessed with fertility; and the gracious word of they Lord was fulfilled

on the children of Israel, for that they had endured with patience: And

We destroyed the stuctures which Pharaoh and his people had made, and

that which they had erected.

7:138 And We caused the children of Israel to pass through the sea, and

they came unto a people who gave themselves up to the worship of their

idols, and they said, O Moses, make us a god, in like manner as these

people have gods. Moses answered, verily ye are an ignorant people:

7:139 For the religion which these follow will be destroyed, and that

which they do is vain.

7:140 He said, shall I seek for you any other god than God; since He

hath preferred you to the rest of the world?

7:141 And remember when we delivered you from the people of Pharaoh, who

grievously oppressed you; they slew your male children, and let your

females live: Therein was a great trial from your Lord.

7:142 And We appointed unto Moses a fast of thirty nights before we gave

him the law, and We completed them by adding of ten more; and the stated

time of his Lord was fulfilled in forty nights. And Moses said unto his

brother Aaron, be thou my deputy among my people during my absence; and

behave uprightly, and follow not the way of the corrupt doers.

7:143 And when Moses came at our appointed time, and his Lord spake unto

him, he said, O Lord, shew me thy glory, that I may behold thee. God

answered, thou shalt in no wise behold me; but look towards the

mountain, and if it stand firm in its place, then shalt thou see Me. But

when his Lord appeared with glory in the mount, He reduced it to dust.

And Moses fell down in a swoon. And when He came to himself, he said,

praise be unto thee! I turn unto thee with repentance, and I am the

first of true believers.

7:144 God said unto him, O Moses, I have chosen thee above all men, by

honouring thee with my commissions, and by my speaking unto thee:

Receive therefore that which I have brought thee, and be one of those

who give thanks.

7:145 And We wrote for him on the tables an admonition concerning every

matter, and a decision in every case, and said, receive this with

reverence; and command thy people that they live according to the most

excellent precepts thereof. I will shew you the dwelling of the wicked.

7:146 I will turn aside from my signs those who behave themselves

proudly in the earth, without justice: And although they see every sign,

yet they shall not believe therein; and although they see the way of

righteousness yet they shall not take that way; but if they see the way

of error they shall take that way. This shall come to pass because they

accuse our signs, of imposture, and neglect the same.

7:147 But as for them who deny the truth of our signs and the meeting of

the life to come, their works shall be vain: Shall they be rewarded

otherwise than according to what they shall have wrought?

7:148 And the people of Moses after his departure, took a corporeal

calf, made of their ornaments, which lowed. Did they not see that it

spake not unto them, neither directed them in the way? Yet they took it

for their god, and acted wickedly.

7:149 But when they repented with sorrow, and say that they had gone

astray, they said, verily if our Lord have not mercy upon us, and

forgive us not, we shall certainly become of the number of those who


7:150 And when Moses returned unto his people, full of wrath and

indignation, he said, an evil thing is it that ye have committed after

my departure; have ye hastened the command of your Lord? And he threw

down the tables, and took his brother by the hair of the head, and

dragged him unto him. And Aaron said unto him, son of my mother, verily

the people prevailed against me, and it wanted little but they had slain

me: Make not my enemies therefore to rejoice over me, neither place me

with the wicked people.

7:151 Moses said, O Lord, forgive me and my brother, and receive us into

thy mercy; for Thou art the most merciful of those who exercise mercy.

7:152 Verily as for them who took the calf for their god, indignation

shall overtake them from their Lord, and ignominy in this life: Thus

will We reward those who imagine falsehood.

7:153 But unto them who do evil, and afterwards repent, and believe in

God, verily thy Lord will thereafter be clement and merciful.

7:154 And when the anger of Moses was appeased, he took the tables; and

in what was written thereon was a direction and mercy, unto those who

feared their Lord.

7:155 And Moses chose out of his people seventy men, to go up with him

to the mountain at the time appointed by us: And when a storm of thunder

and lightening had taken them away, he said, O Lord, if Thou hadst

pleased, Thou hadst destroyed them before, and me also; wilt Thou

destroy us for that which the foolish men among us have committed? This

is only thy trial; Thou wilt thereby lead into error whom Thou pleasest,

and Thou wilt direct whom Thou pleasest. Thou art our protector,

therefore forgive us, and be merciful unto us; for Thou art the best of

those who forgive.

7:156 And write down for us good in this world, and in the life to come;

for unto Thee are we directed. God answered, I will inflict my

punishment on whom I please; and my mercy extendeth over all things: And

I will write down good unto those who shall fear me, and give alms, and

who shall believe in our signs;

7:157 who shall follow the Apostle, the illiterate prophet, whom they

shall find written down with them in the law and the gospel: He will

command them that which is just, and will forbid them what which is

evil; and will allow unto them as lawful the good things which were

before forbidden, and will prohibit those which are bad; and he will

ease them of their heavy burden, and of the yokes which were upon them.

And those who believe on him, and honour him, and assist him, and follow

the light, which hath been sent down with him, shall be happy.

7:158 Say, O men, verily I am the messenger of God unto you all: Unto

him belongeth the kingdom of heaven and earth; there is not God but He;

He giveth life, and He causeth to die. Believe therefore in God and his

Apostle, the illiterate prophet, who believeth in God and his word; and

follow him, that ye may be rightly directed.

7:159 Of the people of Moses there is a party who direct others with

truth, and act justly according to the same.

7:160 And We divided them into twelves tribes, as into so many nations.

And We spake by revelation unto Moses, when his people asked drink of

him, and We said, strike the rock with thy rod; and there gushed

thereout twelve fountains, and men knew their respective drinking place.

And We cause clouds to overshadow them, and manna and quails to descend

upon them, saying, eat of the good things which We have given you for

food: And they injured not Us, but they injured their own souls.

7:161 And call to mind when it was said unto them, dwell in this city,

and eat of the provisions thereof where-ever ye will, and say,

forgiveness! And enter the gate worshipping: We will pardon you your

sins, and will give increase unto the well-doers.

7:162 But they who were ungodly among them changed the expression into

another, which had not been spoken unto them. Wherefore We sent down

upon them indignation from heaven, because they had transgressed.

7:163 And ask them concerning the city, which was situate on the sea,

when they transgressed on the sabbath day: When their fish came unto

them on their sabbath say, appearing openly on the water; but on the day

whereon they celebrated no sabbath, they came not unto them. Thus did We

prove them, because they were wicked doers.

7:164 And when a party of them said unto the others, why do ye warn a

people whom God will destroy, or will punish with a grievous punishment?

They answered, this is an excuse for us unto your Lord; and peradventure

they will beware.

7:165 But when they had forgotten the admonitions which had been given

them, We delivered those who forbade them to do evil; and We inflicted

on those who had transgressed, a severe punishment, because they had

acted wickedly.

7:166 And when they proudly refused to desist from what had been

forbidden them, We said unto them, be ye transformed into apes, driven

away from the society of men.

7:167 And remember when thy Lord declared that He would surely send

against the Jews, until the day of resurrection, some nation who should

afflict them with a grievous oppression: For thy Lord is swift in

punishing, and He is also ready to forgive and merciful:

7:168 And We dispersed them among the nations in the earth. Some of them

are upright persons, and some of them are otherwise. And We proved them

with prosperity and with adversity, that they might return from their


7:169 and a succession of their prosterity hath succeeded after them,

who have inherited the book of the law, who receive the temporal goods

of this world, and say, it will surely be forgiven us: And if a temporal

advantage like the former be offered them, they accept it also. Is not

the covenant of the book of the law established with them, that they

should not speak of God ought but the truth? Yet they diligently read

that which is therein. But the enjoyment of the next life will be better

for those who fear God than the wicked gains of these people; -- do ye

not therefore understand? -

7:170 and for those who hold fast the book of the law, and are constant

at prayer: For We will by no means suffer the reward of the righteous to


7:171 And when We shook the mountain of Sinai over them, as though it

had been a covering, and they imagined that it was falling upon them;

and We said, receive the law which We have brought you, with reverence;

and remember that which is contained therein, that ye may take heed.

7:172 And when thy Lord drew forth their posterity from the loins of the

sons of Adam, and took them to witness against themselves, saying, am

not I your Lord? They answered, yea: We do bear witness. This was done

lest ye should say, at the day of resurrection, verily we were negligent

as to this matter, because we were not apprized thereof:

7:173 Or lest ye should say, verily our fathers were formerly guilty of

idolatry, and We are their posterity who have succeeded them; wilt thou

therefore destroy us for that which vain men have committed?

7:174 Thus do we explain our signs, that they may return from their


7:175 And relate unto the Jews the history of him unto whom We brought

our signs, and he departed from them; wherefore Satan followed him, and

he became one of those who were seduced.

7:176 And if We had pleased, We had surely raised him thereby unto

wisdom; but he inclined unto the earth, and followed his own desire.

Wherefore his likeness is as the likeness of a dog, which, if thou drive

him away, putteth forth his tongue, or, if thou let him alone, putteth

forth his tongue also. This is the likeness of the people, who accuse

our signs of falsehood. Rehearse therefore this history unto them, that

they may consider.

7:177 Evil is the similitude of those people who accuse our signs of

falsehood and injure their own souls.

7:178 Whomsoever God shall direct, He will be rightly directed; and

whomsoever He shall lead astray, they shall perish.

7:179 Moreover We have created for hell many of the genii and of men;

they have hearts by which they understand not, and they have eyes by

which they see not, and they have ears by which they hear not. These are

like the brute beasts; yea they go more astray: These are the negligent.

7:180 God hath most excellent names: Therefore call on him by the same;

and withdraw from those who use his names perversely: They shall be

rewarded for that which they shall have wrought.

7:181 And of those whom We have created there are a people who direct

others with truth, and act justly according thereto.

7:182 But those who devise lies against our signs, We will suffer them

to fall gradually into ruin, by a method which they know not:

7:183 And I will grant them to enjoy a long and prosperous life; for my

stratagem is effectual.

7:184 Do they not consider that there is no devil in their companion? He

is no other than a public preacher.

7:185 Or do they not contemplate the kingdom of heaven and earth, and

the things which God hath created; and consider that peradventure it may

be that their end draweth nigh? And in what new declaration will they

believe, after this?

7:186 He whom God shall cause to err, shall have no director; and He

shall leave them in their impiety, wandering in confusion.

7:187 They will ask thee concerning the last hour; at what time its

coming is fixed? Answer, verily the knowledge thereof is with my Lord;

none shall declare the fixed time thereof, except He. The expectation

thereof is grievous in heaven and on earth: It shall come upon you no

otherwise than suddenly. They will ask thee, as though thou wast well

acquainted therewith. Answer, verily the knowledge thereof is with God

alone: But the greater part of men know it not.

7:188 Say, I am able neither to procure advantage unto my self, nor to

avert mischief from me, but as God pleaseth. If I knew the secrets of

God, I should surely enjoy abundance of good, neither should evil befall

me. Verily I am no other than a denouncer of threats, and a messenger of

good tidings unto people who believe.

7:189 It is He who hath created you from one person and out of him

produced his wife, that he might dwell with her; and when he had known

her, she carried a light burden for a time, wherefore she walked easily

therewith. But when it became more heavy, they called upon God their

Lord, saying, if thou give us a child rightly shaped, we will surely be


7:190 Yet when He had given them a child rightly shaped, they attributed

companions unto Him, for that which He had given them. But far be that

from God, which they associated with Him!

7:191 Will they associate with Him false gods which create nothing, but

are themselves created;

7:192 and can neither give them assistance, nor help themselves?

7:193 And if ye invite them to the true direction, they will not follow

you: It will be equal unto you, whether ye invite them, or whether ye

hold your peace.

7:194 Verily the false deities whom ye invoke besides God, are servants

like unto you. Call therefore upon them, and let them give you an

answer, if ye speak truth.

7:195 Have they feet, to walk with? Or have they hands, to lay hold

with? Or have they eyes, to see with? Or have they ears, to hear with?

Say, call upon your companions, and then lay a snare for me, and defer

it not;

7:196 for God is my protector, who sent down the book of the Koran; and

He protecteth the righteous.

7:197 But they whom ye invoke besides Him, cannot assist you, neither do

they help themselves,

7:198 and if ye call on them to direct you, they will not hear. Thou

seest them look towards thee, but they see not.

7:199 Use indulgence, and command that which is just, and withdraw far

from the ignorant.

7:200 And if an evil suggestion from Satan be suggested unto thee, to

divert thee from thy duty, have recourse unto God; for He heareth and


7:201 Verily they who fear God , when a temptation from Satan assaileth

them, remember the divine commands, and behold, they clearly see the

danger of sin, and the wiles of the devil.

7:202 But as for the brethren of the devils, they shall continue them in

error; and afterwards they shall not preserve themselves therefrom.

7:203 And when thou bringest not a verse of the Koran unto them they

say, hast thou not put it together? Answer, I follow that only which is

revealed unto me from my Lord. This book containeth evident proofs from

your Lord, and is a direction and mercy unto people who believe.

7:204 And when the Koran is read, attend thereto, and keep silence; that

ye may obtain mercy.

7:205 And meditate on thy Lord in thine own mind, with humility and

fear, and without loud speaking, evening and morning; and be not one of

the negligent.

7:206 Moreover the angels who are with my Lord, do not proudly disdain

his service, but they celebrate his praise and worship Him.

Chapter 8
Intitled, The Spoils; Revealed at Medina.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

8:1 They will ask thee concerning the spoils: Answer, the division of

the spoils belongeth unto God and the Apostle. Therefore fear God, and

compose the matter amicably among you; and obey God and his Apostle, if

ye are true believers.

8:2 Verily the true believers are those whose hearts fear when God is

mentioned, and whose faith increaseth when his signs are rehearsed unto

them, and who trust in their Lord;

8:3 who observe the stated times of prayer, and give alms out of that

which we have bestowed on them.

8:4 These are really believers: They shall have superior degrees of

felicity with their Lord, and forgiveness, and an honourable provision.

8:5 As thy Lord brought thee forth from thy house, with truth; and part

of the believers were averse to thy directions:

8:6 They disputed with thee concerning the truth, after it had been made

known unto them; no otherwise than as if they had been led forth to

death, and had seen it with their eyes.

8:7 And call to mind when God promised you one of the two parties, that

it should be delivered unto you; and ye desired that the party which was

not furnished with arms should be delivered unto you: But God purposed

to make known the truth in his words, and to cut off the uttermost part

of the unbelievers;

8:8 that He might verify the truth, and destroy falsehood, although the

wicked were averse thereto.

8:9 When ye asked assistance of your Lord, and He answered you, verily I

will assist you with a thousand angels, following one another in order.

8:10 And this God designed only as good tidings for you, and that your

hearts might thereby rest secure: For victory is from God alone; and God

is mighty and wise.

8:11 When a sleep fell on you as a security from Him, and He sent down

upon you water from heaven, that He might thereby purify you, and take

from you the abomination of Satan, and that He might confirm your

hearts, and establish your feet thereby.

8:12 Also when thy Lord spake unto the angels, saying, verily I am with

you; wherefore confirm those who believe. I will cast a dread into the

hearts of the unbelievers. Therefore strike off their heads. And strike

off all the ends of their fingers.

8:13 This shall they suffer, because they have resisted God and his

Apostle: And whosoever shall oppose God and his Apostle, verily God will

be severe in punishing him.

8:14 This shall be your punishment; taste it therefore: And the infidels

shall also suffer the torment of hell fire.

8:15 O true believers, when ye meet the unbelievers marching in great

numbers against you, turn not your backs unto them:

8:16 For whoso shall turn his back unto them on that day, unless he

turneth aside to fight, or retreateth to another party of the faithful,

shall draw on himself the indignation of God, and his abode shall be

hell; an ill journey shall it be thither!

8:17 And ye slew not those who were slain at Bedr your selves, but God

slew them. Neither didst thou, O Mohammed, cast the gravel into their

eyes, when thou didst seem to cast it; but God cast it, that He might

prove the true believers by a gracious trial from Himself; for God

heareth and knoweth.

8:18 This was done that God might also weaken the crafty devices of the


8:19 If ye desire a decision of the matter between us, now hath a

decision come unto you: And if ye desist from opposing the Apostle, it

will be better for you. But if ye return to attack him, We will also

return to his assistance; and your forces shall not be of advantage unto

you at all, although they be numerous; for God is with the faithful.

8:20 O true believers, obey God and his Apostle, and turn not back from

him, since ye hear the admonitions of the Koran.

8:21 And be not as those who say, we hear, when they do not hear.

8:22 Verily the worst sort of beasts in the sight of God, are the deaf

and the dumb, who understand not.

8:23 If God had known any good in them, He would certainly have cause

them to hear: And if He had caused them to hear, they would surely have

turned back, and have retired afar off.

8:24 O true believers, answer God and his Apostle, when he inviteth you

unto that which giveth you life; and know that God goeth between a man

and his heart, and that before Him ye shall be assembled.

8:25 Beware of sedition; it will not affect those who are ungodly among

you, particularly, but all of you in general; and know that God is

severe in punishing.

8:26 And remember when ye were few, and reputed weak in the land; ye

feared lest men should snatch you away; but God provided you a place of

refuge, and He strengthened you with his assistance, and bestowed on you

good things, that ye might give thanks.

8:27 O true believers, deceive not God and his Apostle; neither violate

your faith, against your own knowledge.

8:28 And know that your wealth, and your children are a temptation unto

you; and that with God is a great reward.

8:29 O true believers, if ye fear God, He will grant you a distinction,

and will expiate your sins from you, and will forgive you; for God is

indued with great liberality.

8:30 And call to mind when the unbelievers plotted against thee, that

they might either detain thee in bonds, or put thee to death, or expel

thee the city; and they plotted against thee: But God laid a plot

against them; and God is the best layer of plots.

8:31 And when our signs are repeated unto them, they say, we have heard;

if we pleased we could certainly pronounce a composition like unto this:

This is nothing but fables of the ancients.

8:32 And when they said, O God, if this be the truth from Thee, rain

down stones upon us from heaven, or inflict on us some other grievous


8:33 But God was not disposed to punish them, while thou wast with them;

nor was God disposed to punish them when they asked pardon.

8:34 But they have nothing to offer in excuse why God should not punish

them, since they hindered the believers from visiting the holy temple,

although they are not the guardians thereof. The guardians thereof are

those only who fear God; but the greater part of them know it not.

8:35 And their prayer at the house of God is not other than whistling

and clapping of the hands. Taste therefore the punishment, for that ye

have been unbelievers.

8:36 They who believe not, expend their wealth to obstruct the way of

God: They shall expend it, but afterwards it shall become matter of

sighing and regret unto them, and at length they shall be overcome; and

the unbelievers shall be gathered together into hell;

8:37 that God may distinguish the wicked from the good, and may throw

the wicked one upon the other, and may gather them all in a heap, and

cast them into hell. These are they who shall perish.

8:38 Say unto the unbelievers, that if they desist from opposing thee,

what is already past shall be forgiven them; but if they return to

attack thee, the exemplary punishment of the former opposers of the

prophets is already past, and the like shall be inflicted on them.

8:39 Therefore fight against them until there be no opposition in favour

of idolatry, and the religion be wholly God's. If they desist, verily

God seeth that which they do:

8:40 But if they turn back, know that God is your patron; He is the best

patron, and the best helper.

8:41 And know that whenever ye gain any spoils, a fifth part thereof

belongeth unto God, and to the Apostle, and his kindred, and the

orphans, and the poor, and the traveller; if ye believe in God, and that

which we have sent down unto our servant on the day of distinction, on

the day whereon the two armies met: And God is almighty.

8:42 When ye were incamped on the hithermost side of the valley, and

they were incamped on the further side, and the caravan was below you;

and if ye had mutually appointed to come to a battle, ye would certainly

have declined the appointment; but ye were brought to an engagement

without any previous appointment, that God might accomplish the thing

which was decreed to be done, that he who perisheth hereafter may perish

after demonstrative evidence, and that he who liveth may live by the

same evidence God both heareth and knoweth.

8:43 When thy Lord caused the enemy to appear unto thee in thy sleep,

few in number; and if He had caused them to appear numerous unto thee,

ye would have been disheartened and would have disputed concerning the

matter: But God preserved you from this; for He knoweth the innermost

parts of the breasts of men.

8:44 And when He caused them to appear unto you, when ye met, to be few

in your eyes; and diminished your numbers in their eyes; that God might

accomplish the thing which was decreed to be done: And unto God shall

all things return.

8:45 O true believers, when ye meet a party of the infidels, stand firm,

and remember God frequently, that ye may prosper:

8:46 And obey God and his Apostle, and be not refractory, lest ye be

discouraged, and your success depart from you; but persevere with

patience, for God is with those who persevere.

8:47 And be not as those who went out of their houses in an insolent

manner, and to appear with ostentation unto men, and turned aside from

the way of God; for God comprehendeth that which they do.

8:48 And remember when Satan prepared their works for them, and said, no

man shall prevail against you to day; and I will surely be near to

assist you. But when the two armies appeared in sight of each other, he

turned back on his heels, and said, verily I am clear of you: I

certainly see that which ye see not; I fear God, for God is severe in


8:49 When the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts there was an

infirmity, said, their religion hath deceived these men: But whosoever

confideth in God cannot be deceived; for God is mighty and wise.

8:50 And if thou didst behold when the angels cause the unbelievers to

die: They strike their faces and their backs, and say unto them, taste

ye the pain of burning:

8:51 This shall ye suffer for that which your hands have sent before

you; and because God is not unjust towards his servants.

8:52 These have acted according to the wont of the people of Pharaoh,

and of those before them, who disbelieved in the signs of God: Therefore

God took them away in their iniquity; for God is mighty, and severe in


8:53 This hath come to pass because God changeth not his grace,

wherewith He hath favoured any people, until they change that which is

in their souls; and for that God both heareth and seeth.

8:54 According to the wont of the people of Pharaoh, and of those before

them, who charged the signs of their Lord with imposture, have they

acted: Wherefore We destroyed them in their sins, and We drowned the

people of Pharaoh; for they were all unjust persons.

8:55 Verily the worst cattle in the sight of God are those who are

obstinate infidels, and will not believe.

8:56 As to those who enter into a league with thee, and afterwards

violate their league at every convenient opportunity, and fear not God;

8:57 if thou take them in war, disperse, by making them an example,

those who shall come after them, that they may be warned;

8:58 or if thou apprehend treachery from any people, throw back their

league unto them, with like treatment; for God loveth not the treacherous.

8:59 And think not that the unbelievers have escaped God's vengeance,

for they shall not weaken the power of God.

8:60 Therefore prepare against them what force ye are able, and troops

of horse, whereby ye may strike a terror into the enemy of God, and your

enemy, and into other infidels besides them, whom ye know not, but God

knoweth them. And whatsoever ye shall expend in the defence of the

religion of God, it shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be

treated unjustly.

8:61 And if they incline unto peace, do thou also incline thereto; and

put thy confidence in God, for it is He who heareth and knoweth.

8:62 But if they seek to deceive thee, verily God will be thy support.

It is He who hath strengthened thee with his help, and with that of the


8:63 and hath united their hearts. If thou hadst expended whatever

riches are in the earth, thou couldest not have united their hearts, but

God united them; for He is mighty and wise.

8:64 O prophet, God is thy support, and such of the true believers who

followeth thee.

8:65 O prophet, stir up the faithful to war: If twenty of you persevere

with constancy, they shall overcome two hundred, and of there be one

hundred of you, they shall overcome a thousand of those who believe not;

because they are a people which do not understand.

8:66 Now hath God eased you, for He knew that ye were weak. If there be

an hundred of you who persevere with constancy, they shall overcome two

hundred; and if there be a thousand of you, they shall overcome two

thousand, by the permission of God; for God is with those who persevere.

8:67 It hath not been granted unto any prophet, that he should possess

captives, until he had made a great slaughter of the infidels in the

earth. Ye seek the accidental goods of this world, but God regardeth the

life to come; and God is mighty and wise.

8:68 Unless a revelation had been previously delivered from God, verily

a severe punishment had been inflicted on you, for the ransom which ye

took from the captives at Bedr.

8:69 Eat therefore of what ye have acquired, that which is lawful, and

good; for God is gracious and merciful.

8:70 O prophet, say unto the captives who are in your hands, if God

shall know any good to be in your hearts, He will give you better than

what hath been taken from you; and He will forgive you, for God is

gracious and merciful.

8:71 But if they seek to deceive thee, verily they have deceived God

before; wherefore He hath given thee power over them: And God is knowing

and wise.

8:72 Moreover they who have believed, and have fled their country, and

employed their substance and their persons in fighting for the religion

of God, and they who have given the prophet a refuge among them, and

have assisted him, these shall be deemed the one nearest of kin to the

other. But they who have believed, but have not fled their country,

shall have no right of kindred at all with you, until they also fly. Yet

if they ask assistance of you on account of religion, it belongeth unto

you to give them assistance; except against a people between whom and

yourselves there shall be a league subsisting: And God seeth that which

ye do.

8:73 And as to the infidels, let them be deemed of kin the one to the

other. Unless ye do this, there will be a sedition in the earth, and

grievous corruption.

8:74 But as for them who have believed, and left their country, and have

fought for God's true religion, and who have allowed the prophet a

retreat among them, and have assisted him, these are really believers;

they shall receive mercy, and an hounourable provision.

8:75 And they who have believed since, and have fled their country, and

have fought with you, these also are of you. And those who are related

by consanguinity shall be deemed the nearest of kin to each other,

preferably to strangers, according to the book of God; God knoweth all

Chapter 9

Intitled, The Declaration Of Immunity; Revealed at Medina.

9:1 A declaration of immunity from God and his Apostle, unto the

idolaters with whom ye have entered into league.

9:2 Go to and fro in the earth securely four months; and know that ye

shall not weaken God, and that God will disgrace the unbelievers.

9:3 And a declaration from God and his Apostle unto the people, on the

day of the greater pilgrimage, that God is clear of the idolaters, and

his Apostle also. Wherefore if ye repent, this will be better for you;

but if ye turn back, know that ye shall not weaken God: And denounce

unto those who believe not, a painful punishment.

9:4 Except such of the idolaters with whom ye shall have entered into a

league, and who afterwards shall not fail you in any instance, nor

assist any other against you. Wherefore perform the covenant which ye

shall have made with them, until their time shall be elapsed; for God

loveth those who fear him.

9:5 And when the months wherein ye are not allowed to attack them shall

be past, kill the idolaters wheresoever ye shall find them, and take

them prisoners, and besiege them, and lay wait for them in every

convenient place. But if they shall repent, and observe the appointed

times of prayer, and pay the legal alms, dismiss them freely; for God is

gracious and merciful.

9:6 And if any of the idolaters shall demand protection of thee, grant

him protection, that he may hear the word of God; and afterwards let him

reach the place of his security. This shalt thou do, because they are

people which know not the excellency of the religion thou preachest.

9:7 How shall the idolaters be admitted into a league with God and with

his Apostle; except those with whom ye entered into a league at the holy

temple? So long as they behave with fidelity towards you, do ye also

behave with fidelity towards them; for God loveth those who fear him.

9:8 How can they be admitted into a league with you, since, if they

prevail against you, they will not regard in you either consanguinity or

faith? They will please you with their mouths, but their hearts will be

averse from you; for the greater part of them are wicked doers.

9:9 They sell the signs of God for a small price, and obstruct his way;

it is certainly evil which they do.

9:10 They regard not in a believer either consanguinity or faith; and

these are the transgressors.

9:11 Yet if they repent, and observe the appointed times of prayer, and

give alms, they shall be deemed your brethren in religion. We distinctly

propound our signs unto people who understand.

9:12 But if they violate their oaths, after their league, and revile

your religion, oppose the leaders of infidelity, -- for there is no

trust in them, -- that they may desist from their treachery.

9:13 Will ye not fight against people who have violated their oaths, and

conspired to expel the Apostle of God; and who of their own accord

assaulted you the first time? Will ye fear them? But it is more just

that ye should fear God, if ye are true believers.

9:14 Attack them therefore; God shall punish them by your hands, and

will cover them with shame, and will give you the victory over them; and

He will heal the breasts of the people who believe,

9:15 and will take away the indignation of their hearts: For God will be

turned unto whom He pleaseth; and God is knowing and wise.

9:16 Did ye imagine that ye should be abandoned, whereas God did not yet

know those among you who fought for his religion, and took not any

besides God, and his Apostle, and the faithful for their friends? God is

well acquainted with that which ye do.

9:17 It is not fitting that the idolaters should visit the temples of

God, being witnesses against their own souls of their infidelity. The

works of these men are vain; and they shall remain in hell fire for ever.

9:18 But he only shall visit the temples of God, who believeth in God

and the last day, and is constant at prayer, and payeth the legal alms,

and feareth God alone. These perhaps may become of the number of those

who are rightly directed.

9:19 Do ye reckon the giving drink to the pilgrims, and the visiting of

the holy temple to be actions as meritorious as those performed by him

who believeth in God and the last day, and fighteth for the religion of

God? They shall not be held equal with God: For God directeth not the

unrighteous people.

9:20 They who have believed, and fled their country, and employed their

substance and their persons in the defence of God's true religion, shall

be in the highest degree of honour with God; and these are they who

shall be happy.

9:21 Their Lord sendeth them good tidings of mercy from Him, and good

will, and of gardens wherein they shall enjoy lasting pleasure;

9:22 they shall continue therein for ever: For with God is a great reward.

9:23 O true believers, take not your fathers or your brethren for

friends, if they love infidelity above faith; and whosoever among you

shall take them for his friends, they will be unjust doers.

9:24 Say, if your fathers, and your sons, and your brethren, and your

wives, and your relations, and your substance which ye have acquired,

and your merchandize which ye apprehend may not be sold off, and your

dwellings wherein ye delight, be more dear unto you than God, and his

Apostle, and the advancement of his religion; wait, until God shall send

his command: For God directeth not the ungodly people.

9:25 Now hath God assisted you in many engagements, and particularly at

the battle of Honein; when ye pleased your selves in your multitude, but

it was no manner of advantage unto you, and the earth became too strait

for you, notwithstanding it was spacious; then did ye retreat and turn

your backs.

9:26 Afterwards God sent down his security upon his Apostle and upon the

faithful, and sent down troops of angels which ye saw not; and he

punished those who disbelieved: And this was the reward of the unbelievers.

9:27 Nevertheless God will hereafter be turned unto whom He pleaseth;

for God is gracious and merciful.

9:28 O true believers, verily the idolaters are unclean; let them not

therefore come near unto the holy temple after this year. And if ye fear

want, by the cutting off trade and communication with them, God will

enrich you of his abundance, if He pleaseth; for God is knowing and wise.

9:29 Fight against them who believe not in God, nor in the last day, and

forbid not that which God and his Apostle have forbidden, and profess

not the true religion, of those unto whom the scriptures have been

delivered, until they pay tribute by right of subjection, and they be

reduced low.

9:30 The Jews say, Ezra is the son of God: And the Christians say Christ

is the son of God. They say this (only) with their mouths: They imitate

the saying of those who were unbelievers in former times. May God curse

them (literally: fight against them)! How can they be so infatuated?

9:31 They take their priests and their monks for their lords, besides

God, and Christ the son of Mary; although they are commanded to worship

one God only: There is no God but He; far be that from Him, which they

associate with Him!

9:32 They seek to extinguish the light of God with their mouths; but God

willeth no other than to perfect his light, although the infidels be

averse thereto.

9:33 It is He who hath sent his Apostle with the direction, and true

religion: That He may cause it to appear superior to every other

religion; although the idolaters be averse thereto.

9:34 O true believers, verily many of the priests and monks devour the

substance of men in vanity, and obstruct the way of God. But unto whose

who treasure up gold and silver, and employ it not for the advancement

of God's true religion, denounce a grievous punishment.

9:35 On the day of judgment their treasures shall be intensely heated in

the fire of hell, and their foreheads, and their sides, and their backs

shall be stigmatized therewith; and their tormentors shall say, this is

what ye have treasured up for your souls; taste therefore that which ye

have treasured up.

9:36 Moreover, the complete number of months with God, is twelve months,

which were ordained in the book of God, on the day whereon He created

the heavens and the earth: Of these, four are sacred. This is the right

religion: Therefore deal not unjustly with your selves therein. But

attack the idolaters in all the months, as they attack you in all; and

know that God is with those who fear Him.

9:37 Verily the transferring of a sacred month to another month, is an

additional infidelity. The unbelievers are led into an error thereby:

They allow a month to be violated one year, and declare it sacred

another year, that they may agree in the number of months which God hath

commanded to be kept sacred; and they allow that which God hath

forbidden. The evil of their actions hath been prepared for them: For

God directeth not the unbelieving people.

9:38 O true believers, what ailed you, that, when it was said unto you,

go forth to fight for the religion of God, ye inclined heavily towards

the earth? Do ye prefer the present life to that which is to come? But

the provision of this life, in respect of that which is to come, is but


9:39 Unless ye go forth when ye are summoned to war, God will punish you

with a grievous punishment; and He will place another people in your

stead, and ye shall not hurt him at all; for God is almighty.

9:40 If ye assist not the prophet, verily God will assist him, as he

assisted him formerly, when the unbelievers drove him out of Mecca, the

second of two: When they were both in the cave; when he said unto his

companion, be not grieved, for God is with us. And God sent down his

security upon him, and strenghtened him with armies of angels, whom ye

saw not. And He made the word of those who believed not, to be abased,

and the word of God was exalted; for God is mighty and wise.

9:41 Go forth to battle, both light, and heavy, and employ your

substance and your persons for the advancement of God's religion. This

will be better for you; if ye know it.

9:42 If it had been a near advantage, and a moderate journey, they had

surely followed thee; but the way seemed tedious unto them: And yet they

will swear by God, saying, if we had been able, we had surely gone forth

with you. They destroy their own souls; for God knoweth that they are


9:43 God forgive thee! Why didst thou give them leave to stay at home,

until they who speak the truth, when they excuse themselves, had become

manifested unto thee, and thou hadst known the liars?

9:44 They who believe in God and the last day, will not ask leave of

thee, to be excused from employing their substance and their persons for

the advancement of God's true religion; and God knoweth those who fear him.

9:45 Verily they only will ask leave of thee to stay behind, who believe

not in God and the last day, and whose hearts doubt concerning the

faith: Wherefore they are tossed to and fro in their doubting.

9:46 If they had been willing to go forth with thee, they had certainly

prepared for that purpose a provision of arms and necessaries: But God

was averse to their going forth; wherefore He rendered them slothful,

and it was said unto them, sit ye still with those who sit still.

9:47 If they had gone forth with you, they had only been a burden unto

you, and had run to and fro between you, stirring you up to sedition;

and there would have been some among you, who would have given ear unto

them: An God knoweth the wicked.

9:48 They formerly sought to raise a sedition, and they disturbed thy

affairs, until the truth came, and the decree of God was made manifest;

although they were averse thereto.

9:49 There is of them who saith unto thee, give me leave to stay behind,

and expose me not to temptation. Have they not fallen into temptation at

home? But hell will surely encompass the unbelievers.

9:50 If good happen unto thee, it grieveth them: But if a misfortune

befall thee, they say, we ordered our business before; and they turn

their backs, and rejoice at thy mishap.

9:51 Say, nothing shall befall us, but what God hath decreed for us: He

is our patron; and on God let the faithful trust.

9:52 Say, do ye expect any other should befall us, than one of the two

most excellent things; either victory or martyrdom? But we expect

concerning you, that God inflict a punishment on you, either from

himslef, or by our hands. Wait therefore to see what will be the end of

both; for we will wait with you.

9:53 Say, expend your money in pious uses, either voluntarily, or by

constraint, it shall not be accepted of you; because ye are wicked people.

9:54 And nothing hindreth their contributions from being accepted of

them, but that they believe not in God and his Apostle, and perform not

the duty of prayer, otherwise than sluggishly; and expend not their

money for God's service, otherwise than unwillingly.

9:55 Let not therefore their riches, or their children cause thee to

marvel. Verily God intendeth only to punish them by these things in this

world; and that their souls may depart while they are unbelievers.

9:56 They swear by God that they are of you; yet they are not of you,

but are people who stand in fear.

9:57 If they find a place of refuge, or caves, or a retreating hole,

they surely turn towards the same, and in a headstrong manner haste


9:58 There is of them also who spreadeth ill reports of thee, in

relation to thy distribution of the alms: Yet if they receive part

thereof, they are well pleased; but if they receive not a part thereof,

behold, they are angry.

9:59 But if they had been pleased with that which God and his Apostle

had given them, and had said, God is our support; God will give unto us

of his abundance and his prophet also; verily unto God do we make our

supplications: It would have been more decent.

9:60 Alms are to be distributed only unto the poor, and the needy, and

those who are employed in collecting and distributing the same, and unto

those whose hearts are reconciled, and for the redemption of captives,

and unto those who are in debt and insolvent, and for the advancement of

God's religion, and unto the traveller. This is an ordinance from God:

And God is knowing and wise.

9:61 There are some of them who injure the prophet, and say, he is an

ear: Answer, he is an ear of good unto you; he believeth in God, and

giveth credit to the faithful, and is a mercy unto such of you who

believe. But they who injure the Apostle of God, shall suffer a painful


9:62 They swear unto you by God, that they may please you; but it is

more just that they should please God and his Apostle, if they are true


9:63 Do they not know that he who opposeth God and his Apostle, shall

without doubt be punished with the fire of hell; and shall remain

therein for ever? This will be great ignominy.

9:64 The hypocrites are apprehensive lest a sura should be revealed

concerning them, to declare unto them that which is in their hearts. Say

unto them, scoff ye; but God will surely bring to light that which ye

fear should be discovered.

9:65 And if thou ask them the reason of this scoffing, they say, verily

we were only engaged in discourse, and jesting among ourselves. Say, do

ye scoff at God and his signs, and at his Apostle?

9:66 Offer not an excuse: Now are ye become infidels, after your faith.

If we forgive a part of you, we will punish a part, for that they have

been wicked doers.

9:67 Hypocritical men and women are the one of them of the other: They

command that which is evil, and forbid that which is just, and shut

their hands from giving alms. They have forgotten God; wherefore He hath

forgotten them: Verily the hypocrites are those who act wickedly.

9:68 God denounceth unto the hypocrites, both men and women, and to the

unbelievers, the fire of hell; they shall remain therein for ever: This

will be their sufficient reward; God hath cursed them, and they shall

endure a lasting torment.

9:69 As they who have been before you, so are ye. They were superior to

you in strength, and had more abundance of wealth and of children; and

they enjoyed their portion in this world; and ye also enjoy your portion

here, as they who have preceded you, enjoyed their portion. And ye

engage your selves in vain discourses, like unto those wherein they

engaged themselves. The works of these are vain both in this world, and

in that which is to come; and these are they who perish.

9:70 Have they not been acquainted with the history of those who have

been before them? Of the people of Noah, and of Ad, and of Thamud, and

of the people of Abraham, and of the inhabitants of Madian, and of the

cities which were overthrown? Their Apostles came unto them with evident

demonstrations: And God was not disposed to treat them unjustly; but

they dealt unjustly with their own souls.

9:71 And the faithful men, and the faithful women are friends one to

another: They command that which is just, and they forbid that which is

evil; and they are constant at prayer, and pay their appointed alms; and

they obey God, and his Apostle: Unto these will God be merciful; for He

is mighty and wise.

9:72 God promiseth unto the true believers, both men and women, gardens

through which rivers flow, wherein they shall remain for ever; and

delicious dwellings in gardens of perpetual abode: But good will from

God shall be their most excellent reward. This will be great felicity.

9:73 O prophet, wage war against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and

be severe unto them: For their dwelling shall be hell; an unhappy

journey shall it be thither!

9:74 They swear by God that they said not what they are charged with:

Yet they spake the word of infidelity, and became unbelievers, after

they had embraced Islam. And they designed that which they could not

effect; and they did not disapprove the design for any other reason,

than because God and his Apostle had inriched them, of his bounty. If

they repent, it will be better for them; but if they relapse, God will

punish them with a grievous torment, in this world and in the next; and

they shall have no patron on earth, nor any protector.

9:75 There are some of them who made a covenant with God, saying, verily

if He give us of his abundance, we will give alms, and become righteous


9:76 Yet when He had given unto them of his abundance, they became

covetous thereof, and turned back, and retired afar off.

9:77 Wherefore He hath caused hypocrisy to succeed in their hearts,

until the day whereon they shall meet Him; for that they failed to

perform unto God that which they had promised Him, and for that they


9:78 Do they not know that God knoweth whatever they conceal, and their

private discourses; and that God is the knower of secrets?

9:79 They who traduce such of the believers as are liberal in giving

alms beyond what they are obliged, and those who find nothing to give,

but what they gain by their industry; and therefore scoff at them: God

shall scoff at them, and they shall suffer a grievous punishment.

9:80 Ask forgiveness for them, or do not ask forgiveness for them; it

will be equal. If thou ask forgiveness for them seventy times, God will

by no means forgive them. This is the divine pleasure, for that they

believe not in God, and his Apostle; and God directeth not the ungodly


9:81 They who were left at home in he expedition of Tabuc, were glad of

their staying behind the Apostle of God, and were unwilling to employ

their substance and their persons for the advancement of God's true

religion; and they said, go not forth in the heat. Say, the fire of hell

will be hotter; if they understood this.

9:82 Wherefore let them laugh little, and weep much, as a reward for

that which they have done.

9:83 If God bring thee back unto some of them, and they ask thee leave

to go forth to war with thee, say, ye shall not go forth with me for the

future, neither shall ye fight an enemy with me; ye were pleased with

sitting at home the first time; sit ye at home therefore with those who

stay behind.

9:84 Neither do thou ever pray over any of them who shall die, neither

stand at his grave; for that they believed not in God and his Apostle,

and die in their wickedness.

9:85 Let not their riches or their children cause thee to marvel: For

God intendeth only to punish them therewith in this world; and that

their souls may depart, while they are infidels.

9:86 When a sura is sent down, wherein it is said, believe in God, and

go forth to war with his Apostle; those who are in plentiful

circumstances among them ask leave of thee to stay behind, and say,

suffer us to be of the number of those who sit at home.

9:87 They are well pleased to be with those who stay behind, and their

hearts are sealed up; wherefore they do not understand.

9:88 But the Apostle, and those who have believed with him, expose their

fortunes and their lives for God's service; they shall enjoy the good

things of either life, and they shall be happy.

9:89 God hath prepared for them gardens through which rivers flow; they

shall remain therein for ever. This will be great felicity.

9:90 And certain Arabs of the desert came to excuse themselves, praying

that they might be permitted to stay behind; and they sat at home who

had renounced God and his Apostle. But a painful punishment shall be

inflicted on such of them as believe not.

9:91 In those who are weak, or are afflicted with sickness, or in those

who find not wherewith to contribute to the war, it shall be no crime if

they stay at home; provided they behave themselves faithfully towards

God and his Apostle. There is no room to lay blame on the righteous; for

God is gracious and merciful:

9:92 Nor on those, unto whom, when they came unto thee, requesting that

thou wouldest supply them with necessaries for travelling, thou didst

answer, I find not wherewith to supply you, returned, their eyes

shedding tears for grief, that they found not wherewith to contribute to

the expedition.

9:93 But there is reason to blame those who ask leave of thee to sit at

home, when they are rich. They are pleased to be with those who stay

behind, and God hath sealed up their hearts; wherefore they do not


9:94 They will excuse themselves unto you, when ye are returned unto

them. Say, excuse not your selves; we will by no means believe you: God

hath acquainted us with your behaviour; and God will observe your

actions, and his Apostle also: And hereafter shall ye be brought before

Him who knoweth that which is hidden, and that which is manifest; and He

will declare unto you that which ye have done.

9:95 They will swear unto you by God, when ye are returned unto them,

that ye may let them alone. Let them alone therefore, for they are an

abomination, and their dwelling shall be hell, a reward for that which

they have deserved.

9:96 They will swear unto you, that ye may be well pleased with them;

but if ye be well pleased with them, verily God will not be well pleased

with people who prevaricate.

9:97 The Arabs of the desert are more obstinate in their unbelief and

hypocrisy; and it is easier for them to be ignorant of the ordinances of

that which God hath sent down unto his Apostle: And God is knowing and


9:98 Of the Arabs of the desert there is who reckoneth that which he

expendeth for the service of God, to be as tribute; and waiteth that

some change of fortune may befall you. A change for evil shall happen

unto them; for God both heareth and knoweth.

9:99 And of the Arabs of desert there is who believeth in God, and in

the last day; and esteemeth that which he layeth out for the service of

God to be the means of bringing him near unto God, and the prayers of

the Apostle. Is it not unto them the means of a near approach? God shall

lead them into his mercy; for God is gracious and merciful.

9:100 As for the leaders and the first of the Mohajerin, and the Ansars,

and those who have followed them in well doing; God is well pleased with

them, and they are well pleased in him: And He hath prepared for them

gardens watered by rivers; they shall remain therein for ever. This

shall be great felicity.

9:101 And of the Arabs of the desert who dwell round about you, there

are hypocritical persons: And of the inhabitants of Medina there are

some who are obstinate in hypocrisy. Thou knowest them not, O prophet,

but We know them: We will surely punish them twice; afterwards shall

they be sent to a grievous torment.

9:102 And others have acknowledged their crimes. They have mixed a good

action with another which is bad: Peradventure God will be turned unto

them; for God is gracious and merciful.

9:103 Take alms of their substance, that thou mayest cleanse them, and

purify them thereby; and pray for them; For thy prayers shall be a

security of mind unto them; and God both heareth and knoweth.

9:104 Do they not know that God accepteth repentance from his servants,

and accepteth alms; and that God is easy to be reconciled, and merciful?

9:105 Say unto them, work as ye will; but God will behold your work, and

his Apostle also, and the true believers: And ye shall be brought before

Him who knoweth that which is kept secret, and that which is made

public; and He will declare unto you whatever ye have done.

9:106 And there are others who wait with suspense the decree of God;

whether He will punish them, or whether He will be turned unto them: But

God is knowing and wise.

9:107 There are some who have built a temple to hurt the faithful, and

to propagate infidelity, and to foment division among the true

believers, and for a lurking place for him who hath fought against God

and his Apostle in time past; and they swear, saying, verily we intended

no other than to do for the best: But God is witness that they do

certainly lie.

9:108 Stand not up to pray therein for ever. There is a temple founded

on piety, from the first day of its building. It is more just that thou

stand up to pray therein: Therein are men who love to be purified; for

God loveth the clean.

9:109 Whether therefore is he better, who hath founded his building on

the fear of God and his good will; or he who hath founded his building

on the brink of a bank of earth which is washed away by waters, so that

it falleth with him into the fire of hell? God directeth not the ungodly


9:110 Their building which they have built will not cease to be an

occasion of doubting in their hearts, until their hearts be cut in

pieces; and God is knowing and wise.

9:111 Verily God hath purchased of the true believers their souls, and

their substance, promising them the enjoyment of paradise; on condition

that they fight for the cause of God: Whether they slay or be slain, the

promise for the same is assuredly due by the law, and the gospel, and

the Koran. And who performeth his contract more faithfully than God?

Rejoice therefore in the contract which ye have made. This shall be

great happiness.

9:112 The penitent, and those who serve God, and praise him, and who

fast, and bow down, and worship; and who command that which is just, and

forbid that which is evil, and keep the ordinances of God, shall

likewise be rewarded with paradise: Wherefore bear good tidings unto the


9:113 It is not allowed unto the prophet, nor those who are true

believers, that they pray for idolaters, although they be of kin, after

it is become known unto them, that they are inhabitants of hell.

9:114 Neither did Abraham ask forgiveness for his father, otherwise than

in pursuance of a promise which he had promised unto him: But when it

became known unto him, that he was an enemy unto God, he declared

himself clear of him. Verily Abraham was putiful and compassionate.

9:115 Nor is God disposed to lead people into error, after that He hath

directed them, until that which they ought to avoid is become known unto

them; for God knoweth all things.

9:116 Verily unto God belongeth the kingdom of heaven and of earth; He

giveth life, and He causeth to die; and ye have no patron or helper

besides God.

9:117 God is reconciled unto the prophet, and unto the Mohajerin, and

the Ansars, who followed Him in the hour of distress, after that it had

wanted little but that the hearts of a part of them had swerved from

their duty: Afterwards was He turned unto them; for He was compassionate

and merciful towards them.

9:118 And He is also reconciled unto the three who were left behind, so

that the earth became too strait for them, notwithstanding its

spaciousness, and their souls became straitened within them, and they

considered that there was no refuge from God, otherwise than by having

recourse unto Him. Then was He turned unto them, that they might repent;

for God is easy to be reconciled and merciful.

9:119 O true believers, fear God, and be with the sincere.

9:120 There was no reason why the inhabitants of Medina, and the Arabs

of the desert who dwell around them, should stay behind the Apostle of

God, or should prefer themselves before him. This is unreasonable:

Because they are not distressed either by thirst, or labour, or hunger,

for the defence of God's true religion; neither do they stir a step,

which may irritate the unbelievers; neither do they receive from the

enemy any damage, but a good work is written down unto them for the

same; for God suffereth not the reward of the righteous to perish.

9:121 And they contribute not any sum either small or great, nor do they

pass a valley, but it is written down unto them, that God may reward

them with a recompense exceeding that which they have wrought.

9:122 The believers are not obliged to go forth to war all together; If

a part of every band of them go not forth, it is that they may

diligently instruct themselves in their religion; and may admonish their

people, when they return unto them, that they may take heed to themselves.

9:123 O true believers, wage war against such of the infidels as are

near you; and let them find severity in you: And know that God is with

those who fear him.

9:124 Whenever a sura is sent down, there are some of them who say,

which of you hath this caused to increase in faith? It will increase the

faith of those who believe, and they shall rejoice:

9:125 But unto those in whose hearts there is an infirmity, it will add

farther doubt unto their present doubt; and they shall die in their


9:126 Do they not see that they are tried every year once or twice? Yet

they repent not, neither are they warned.

9:127 And whenever a sura is sent down, they look at one another,

saying, doth any one see you? Then do they turn aside. God shall turn

aside their hearts from the truth; because they are a people who do not


9:128 Now hath an Apostle come unto you of our own nation, an excellent

person: It is grievous unto him that ye commit wickedness; He is careful

over you, and compassionate and merciful towards the believers.

9:129 If they turn back, say, God is my support: There is no God but He.

On Him do I trust; and He is the Lord of the magnificent throne.

Chapter 10
Intitled, Jonas; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
10:1 A.L.R. These are the signs of the wise book.

10:2 Is it a strange thing unto the men of Mecca, that We have revealed

our will unto a man from among them, saying, denounce threats unto men

if they believe not; and bear good tidings unto those who believe, that

on the merit of their sincerity they have an interest with their Lord?

The unbelievers say, this is manifest sorcery.

10:3 Verily your Lord is God, who hath created the heavens and the earth

in six days; and then ascended his throne, to take on himself the

government of all things. There is no intercessor, but by his

permission. This is God, your Lord; therefore serve him. Will ye not


10:4 Unto Him shall ye all return, according to the certain promise of

God: For He produceth a creature, and then causeth it to return again;

that He may reward those who believe and do that which is right, with

equity. But as for the unbelievers, they shall drink boiling water, and

they shall suffer a grievous punishment, for that they have disbelieved.

10:5 It is He who hath ordained the sun to shine by day, and the moon

for a light by night; and hath appointed her stations, that ye might

know the number of years, and the computation of time. God hath not

created this, but with truth. He explaineth his signs unto people who


10:6 Moreover in the vicissitude of night and day, and whatever God hath

created in heaven and earth, are surely signs unto men who fear Him.

10:7 Verily they who hope not to meet Us at the last day, and delight in

this present life, and rest securely in the same, and who are negligent

of our signs;

10:8 their dwelling shall be hell fire, for that which they have deserved.

10:9 But as to those who believe, and work righteousness, their Lord

will direct them because of their faith; they shall have rivers flowing

through gardens of pleasure.

10:10 Their prayer therein shall be, praise be unto thee, O God! And

their salutation therein shall be, peace! And the end of their prayer

shall be, praise be unto God, the Lord of all creatures!

10:11 If God should cause evil to hasten unto men, according to their

desire of hastening good, verily their end had been decreed. Wherefore

We suffer those who hope not to meet Us at the resurrection, to wander

amazedly in their error.

10:12 When evil befalleth a man; he prayeth unto Us lying on his side,

or sitting, or standing: But when We deliver him from his affliction, he

continueth his former course of life, as though he had not called upon

Us to defend him against the evil which had befallen him. Thus was that

which the transgressors committed prepared for them.

10:13 We have formerly destroyed the generations who were before you, O

men of Mecca, when they had acted unjustly, and our Apostles had come

unto them with evident miracles and they would not believe. Thus do We

reward the wicked people.

10:14 Afterwards did We cause you to succeed them in the earth; that We

might see how ye would act.

10:15 When our evident signs are recited unto them, they who hope not to

meet us at the resurrection, say, bring a different Koran from this; or

make some change therein. Answer, it is not fit for me, that I should

change it at my pleasure: I follow that only which is revealed unto me.

Verily I fear, if I should be disobedient unto my Lord, the punishment

of the great day.

10:16 Say, if God had so pleased, I had not read it unto you, neither

had I taught you the same. I have already dwelt among you to the age of

forty years, before I received it. Do ye not therefore understand?

10:17 And who is more unjust than he who deviseth a lie against God, or

accuseth his signs of falsehood? Surely the wicked shall not prosper.

10:18 They worship besides God, that which can neither hurt them nor

profit them, and they say, these are our intercessors with God. Answer,

will ye tell God that which He knoweth not, neither in heaven nor in

earth? Praise be unto Him! And far be that from Him, which they

associate with Him!

10:19 Men were professors of one religion only, but they dissented

therefrom; and if a decree had not previously issued from thy Lord,

deferring their punishment, verily the matter had been decided between

them, concerning which they disagreed.

10:20 They say, unless a sign be sent down unto him from his Lord, we

will not believe. Answer, verily that which is hidden is known only unto

God: Wait therefore the pleasure of God; and I also will wait with you.

10:21 And when We caused the men of Mecca to taste mercy, after an

affliction which had befallen them, behold, they devised a stratagem

against our signs. Say unto them, God is more swift in executing a

stratagem, than ye. Verily our messengers write down that which ye

deceitfully devise.

10:22 It is He who hath given you conveniencies for travelling by land

and by sea; so that ye be in ships, which sail with them, with a

favourable wind, and they rejoice therein. And when a tempestuous wind

overtaketh them, and waves come upon them from every side, and they

think themselves to be encompassed with inevitable dangers; they call

upon God, exhibiting the pure religion unto Him, and saying, verily if

Thou deliver us from this peril, we will be of those who give thanks.

10:23 But when He had delivered them, behold, they behaved themselves

insolently in the earth, without justice. O men, verily the violence

which ye commit against your own souls, is for the enjoyment of this

present life only; afterwards unto Us shall ye return, and We will

declare unto you that which ye have done.

10:24 Verily the likeness of this present life is no other than as

water, which We send down from heaven, and wherewith the productions of

the earth are mixed, of which men eat, and cattle also, until the earth

receive its vesture, and be adorned with various plants: The inhabitants

thereof imagine that they have power over the same; but our command

cometh unto it by night, or by day, and we render it as though it had

been mown, as though it had not yesterday abounded with fruits. Thus do

We explain our signs unto people who consider.

10:25 God inviteth unto the dwelling of peace, and directeth whom He

pleaseth into the right way.

10:26 They who do right shall receive a most excellent reward, and a

superabundant addition; neither blackness nor shame shall cover their

faces. These shall be the inhabitants of paradise; they shall continue

therein for ever.

10:27 But they who commit evil shall receive the reward of evil, equal

thereunto, and they shall be covered with shame, -- for they shall have

no protector against God; -- as though their faces were covered with the

profound darkness of the night. These shall be the inhabitants of hell

fire; they shall remain therein for ever.

10:28 On the day of the resurrection We will gather them altogether;

then will We say unto the idolaters, get ye to your place, ye and your

companions: And We will separate them from one another; and their

companions shall say unto them, ye did not worship us;

10:29 and God is a sufficient witness between us and you; neither did we

mind your worshipping of us.

10:30 There shall every soul experince that which it shall have sent

before it; and they shall be brought before God, their true Lord; and

the false deities which they vainly imagined, shall disappear from

before them.

10:31 Say, who provideth you food from heaven and earth? Or who hath the

absolute power over the hearing and the sight? And who bringeth forth

the living from the dead, and bringeth forth the dead from the living?

And who governeth all things? They will surely answer, God. Say, will ye

not therefore fear Him?

10:32 This is therefore God, your true Lord: And what remaineth there

after truth, except error? How therefore are ye turned aside from the


10:33 Thus is the word of thy Lord verified upon them who do wickedly,

that they believe not.

10:34 Say, is there any of your companions who produceth a creature, and

then causeth it to return unto Himself? Say, God produceth a creature,

and then causeth it to return unto Himself. How therefore are ye turned

aside from his worship?

10:35 Say, is there any of your companions who directeth unto the truth?

Say, God directeth unto the truth. Whether is he therefore, who

directeth unto the truth, more worthy to be followed; or he who

directeth not, unless he be directed? What aileth you therefore, that ye

judge as ye do?

10:36 And the greater part of them follow an uncertain opinion only; but

a meer opinion attaineth not unto any truth. Verily God knoweth that

which they do.

10:37 This Koran could not have been composed by any except God; but it

is a confirmation of that which was revealed before it, and an

explanation of the scripture; there is no doubt thereof; sent down from

the Lord of all creatures.

10:38 Will they say, Mohammed hath forged it? Answer, bring therefore a

chapter like unto it; and call whom ye may to your assistance, besides

God, if ye speak truth.

10:39 But they have charged that with falsehood, the knowledge whereof

they do not comprehend, neither hath the interpretation thereof come

unto them. In the same manner did those who were before them, accuse

their prophets of imposture; but behold, what was the end of the unjust.

10:40 There are some of them who believe therein; and there are some of

them who believe not therein: And thy Lord well knoweth the corrupt doers.

10:41 If they accuse thee of imposture, say, I have my work, and ye have

your work; ye shall be clear of that which I do, and I will be clear of

that which ye do.

10:42 There are some of them who hearken unto thee; but wilt thou make

the deaf to hear, although they do not understand?

10:43 And there are some of them who look at thee; but wilt thou direct

the blind, although they see not?

10:44 Verily God will not deal unjustly with men in any respect: But men

deal unjustly with their own souls.

10:45 On a certain day He will gather them together, as though they had

not tarried above an hour of a day: They shall know one another. Then

shall they perish who have denied the meeting of God; and were not

rightly directed.

10:46 Whether We cause thee to see a part of the punishment wherewith We

have threatened them, or whether We cause thee to die before thou see

it; unto Us shall they return: Then shall God be witness of that which

they do.

10:47 Unto every nation hath an Apostle been sent: And when their

Apostle came, the matter was decided between them with equity; and they

were not treated unjustly.

10:48 The unbelievers say, when will this threatening be made good, if

ye speak truth?

10:49 Answer, I am able neither to procure advantage unto my self, nor

to avert mischief from me, but as God pleaseth. Unto every nation is a

fixed term decreed; when their term therefore is expired, they shall not

have respite for an hour, neither shall their punishment be anticipated.

10:50 Say, tell me; if the punishment of God overtake you by night, or

by day, what part thereof will the ungodly wish to be hastened?

10:51 When it falleth on you, do ye then believe it? Now do ye believe,

and wish it far from you, when as ye formerly desired it should be


10:52 Then shall it be said unto the wicked, taste ye the punishment of

eternity: Would ye receive other than the reward of that which ye have


10:53 They will desire to know of thee, whether this be true. Answer,

yea, by my Lord, it is certainly true; neither shall ye weaken God's

power, so as to escape it.

10:54 Verily, if every soul which hath acted wickedly had whatever is on

the earth, it would willingly redeem it self therewith at the last day.

Yet they will conceal their repentance, after they shall have seen the

punishment: And the matter shall be decided between them with equity;

and they shall not be unjustly treated.

10:55 Doth not whatsoever is in heaven and on earth belong unto God? Is

not the promise of God true? But the greater part of them know it not.

10:56 He giveth life, and He causeth to die; and unto Him shall ye all


10:57 O men, now hath an admonition come unto you from your Lord, and a

remedy for the doubts which are in your breasts; and a direction, and

mercy unto the true believers.

10:58 Say, through the grace of God, and his mercy: Therein therefore

let them rejoice; this will be better than what they heap together of

worldly riches.

10:59 Say, tell me; of that which God hath sent down unto you for food,

have ye declared part to be lawful, and other part to be unlawful? Say,

hath God permitted you to make this distinction? Or do ye devise a lie

concerning God?

10:60 But what will be the opinion of those who devise a lie concerning

God, on the day of the resurrection? Verily God is indued with

beneficence towards mankind; but the greater part of them do not give


10:61 Thou shalt be engaged in no business, neither shalt thou be

employed in meditating on any passage of the Koran; nor shall ye do any

action, but We will be witnesses over you, when ye are employed therein.

Nor is so much as the weight of an ant hidden from thy Lord, in earth or

in heaven: Neither is there any thing lesser than that, or greater, but

it is written in the perspicuous book.

10:62 Are not the friends of God the persons, on whom no fear shall

come, and who shall not be grieved?
10:63 They who believe and fear God,

10:64 shall receive good tidings in this life, and in that which is to

come. There is no change in the words of God. This shall be great felicity.

10:65 Let not their discourse grieve thee; for all might belongeth unto

God: He both heareth and knoweth.

10:66 Is not whoever dwelleth in heaven and on earth, subject unto God?

What therefore do they follow, who invoke idols, besides God? They

follow nothing but a vain opinion; and they only utter lies.

10:67 It is He who hath ordained the night for you, that ye may take

your rest therein, and the clear day for labour: Verily herein are signs

unto people who hearken.

10:68 They say, God hath begotten children: God forbid! He is

self-sufficient. Unto Him belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on

earth: Ye have no demonstrative proof of this. Do ye speak of God that

which ye know not?

10:69 Say, verily they who imagine a lie concerning God, shall not prosper.

10:70 They may enjoy a provision in this world; but afterwards unto Us

shall they return, and We will then cause them to taste a grievous

punishment, for that they were unbelievers.

10:71 Rehearse unto them the history of Noah: When he said unto his

people, O my people, if my standing forth among you, and my warning you

of the signs of God, be grievous unto you; in God do I put my trust.

Therefore lay your design against me, and assemble your false Gods; but

let not your design be carried on by you in the dark: Then come forth

against me, and delay not.

10:72 And if ye turn aside from my admonition, I ask not any reward of

you for the same; I expect my reward from God alone, and I am commanded

to be one of those who are resigned unto Him.

10:73 But they accused him of imposture; wherefore We delivered him, and

those who were with him in the ark, and We caused them to survive the

flood, but We drowned those who charged our signs with falsehood. Behold

therefore, what was the end of those who were warned by Noah.

10:74 Then did We send, after him, Apostles unto their respective

people, and they came unto them with evident demonstrations: Yet they

were not disposed to believe in that which they had before rejected as

false. Thus do We seal up the hearts of the transgressors.

10:75 Then did we send, after them, Moses and Aaron unto Pharaoh and his

princes with our signs: But they behaved proudly, and were a wicked people.

10:76 And when the truth from Us had come unto them, they said, verily

this is manifest sorcery.

10:77 Moses said unto them, do ye speak this of the truth, after it hath

come unto you? Is this sorcery? But sorcerers shall not prosper.

10:78 They said, art thou come unto us to turn us aside from that

religion, which we found our fathers practise; and that ye two may have

the command in the land? But we do not believe you.

10:79 And Pharaoh said, bring unto me every expert magician.

10:80 And when the magicians were come, Moses said unto them, cast down

that which ye are about to cast down.

10:81 And when they had cast down their rods and cords, Moses said unto

them, the enchantment which ye have performed, shall God surely render

vain; for God prospereth not the work of the wicked doers.

10:82 And God will verify the truth of his words, although the wicked be

averse thereto.

10:83 And there believed not any on Moses, except a generation of his

people, for fear of Pharaoh and of his princes, lest he should afflict

them. And Pharaoh was lifted up with pride in the earth, and was surely

one of the transgressors.

10:84 And Moses said, O my people, if ye believe in God, put your trust

in Him, if ye be resigned to his will.

10:85 They answered, we put our trust in God: O Lord, suffer us not to

be afflicted by unjust people;

10:86 but deliver us, through thy mercy, from the unbelieving people.

10:87 And We spake by inspiration unto Moses and his brother, saying,

provide habitations for your people in Egypt, and make your houses a

place of worship, and be constant at prayer; and bear good news unto the

true believers.

10:88 And Moses said, O Lord, verily Thou hast given unto Pharaoh and

his people pompous ornaments, and riches in this present life, O Lord,

that they may be seduced from thy way: O Lord, bring their riches to

nought, and harden their hearts; that they may not believe, until they

see their grievous punishment.

10:89 God said, your petition is heard: Be ye upright therefore, and

follow not the way of those who are ignorant.

10:90 And we caused the children of Israel to pass through the sea; and

Pharaoh and his army followed them in a violent and hostile manner;

until, when he was drowning, he said, I believe that there is no God but

He, on whom the children of Israel believe; and I am one of the resigned.

10:91 Now dost thou believe; when thou hast been hitherto rebellious,

and one of the wicked doers?

10:92 This day will We raise thy body from the bottom of the sea, that

thou mayest be a sign unto those who shall be after thee; and verily a

great number of men are negligent of our signs.

10:93 And We prepared for the children of Israel an established dwelling

in the land of Canaan, and We provided good things for their sustenance:

And they differed not in point of religion, until knowledge had come

unto them; verily thy Lord will judge between them on the day of

resurrection, concerning that wherein they disagreed.

10:94 If thou art in a doubt concerning any part of that which We have

sent down unto thee, ask them who have read the book of the law before

thee. Now that the truth come unto thee from thy Lord; be not therefore

one of those who doubt:

10:95 Neither be thou one of those who charge the signs of God with

falsehood, lest thou become one of those who perish.

10:96 Verily those against whom the word of thy Lord is decreed, shall

not believe,

10:97 although there come unto them every kind of miracle; until they

see the grievous punishment prepared for them.

10:98 And if it were not so, some city, among the many which have been

destroyed, would have believed; and the faith of its inhabitants would

have been of advantage unto them: But none of them believed, before the

execution of their sentence, except the people of Jonas. When they

believed, We delivered them from the punishment of shame in this world,

and suffered them to enjoy their lives and possessions for a time.

10:99 But if they Lord had pleased, verily all who are in the earth

would have believed in general. Wilt thou therefore forcibly compel men

to be true believers?

10:100 No soul can believe, but by the permission of God: And He shall

pour out his indignation on those who will not understand.

10:101 Say, consider whatever is in heaven and on earth: But signs are

of no avail, neither preachers, unto people who will not believe.

10:102 Do they therefore expect any other than some terrible judgement,

like unto the judgements which have fallen on those who have gone before

them? Say, wait ye the issue; and I also will wait with you:

10:103 Then will We deliver our Apostles and those who believe. Thus is

it a justice due from Us, that We should deliver the true believers.

10:104 Say, O men of Mecca, if ye be in doubt concerning my religion,

verily I worship not the idols which ye worship, besides God; but I

worship God, who will cause you to die: And I am commanded to be one of

the true believers.

10:105 And it was said unto me, set thy face towards the true religion,

and be orthodox; and by no means be one of those who attribute

companions unto God;

10:106 neither invoke, besides God, that which can neither profit thee

nor hurt thee: For if thou do, thou wilt then certainly become one of

the unjust.

10:107 If God afflict thee with hurt, there is none who can relieve thee

from it, except He; and if He willeth thee any good, there is none who

can keep back his bounty: He will confer it on such of his servants as

He pleaseth; and He is gracious and merciful.

10:108 Say, O men, now hath the truth come unto you from your Lord. He

therefore who shall be directed, will be directed to the advantage of

his own soul: But he who shall err, will err only against the same. I am

no guardian over you.

10:109 Do thou, O prophet, follow that which is revealed unto thee: And

persevere with patience, until God shall judge; for He is the best judge.

Chapter 11
Intitled, Hud; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

11:1 A.L.R. This book, the verses whereof are guarded against

corruption, and are also distinctly explained, is a revelation from the

wise, the knowing God:

11:2 That ye serve not any other than God; -- verily I am a denouncer of

threats, and a bearer of good tidings unto you from Him; -

11:3 and that ye ask pardon of your Lord, and then be turned unto Him.

He will cause you to enjoy a plentiful provision, until a prefixed time:

And unto every one that hath merit by good works, will He give his

abundant reward. But if ye turn back, verily I fear for you the

punishment of the great day:

11:4 Unto God shall ye return; and He is almighty.

11:5 Do they not double the folds of their breasts, that they may

conceal their designs from him? When they cover themselves with their

garments, doth not He know that which they conceal, and that which they

discover? For He knoweth the innermost parts of the breasts of men.

11:6 There is no creature which creepeth on the earth, but God provideth

its food; and He knoweth the place of its retreat, and where it is laid

up. The whole is written in the perspicuous book of his decrees.

11:7 It is He who hath created the heavens and the earth in six days, --

but his throne was above the waters before the creation thereof, -- that

He might prove you, and see which of you would excel in works. If thou

say, ye shall surely be raised again, after death; the unbelievers will

say, this is nothing but manifest sorcery.

11:8 And verily if We defer their punishment unto a determined season,

they will say, what hindreth it from falling on us? Will it not come

upon them on a day, wherein there shall be none to avert it from them;

and that which they scoffed at shall incompass them?

11:9 Verily, if We cause man to taste mercy from Us, and afterwards take

it away from him; he will surely become desperate, and ungrateful.

11:10 And if we cause him to taste favour, after an affliction hath

befallen him, he will surely say, the evils which I suffered are passed

from me; and he will become joyful and insolent:

11:11 Except those who persevere with patience, and do that which is

right; they shall receive pardon, and a great reward.

11:12 Peradventure thou wilt omit to publish part of that which hath

been revealed unto thee, and thy breast will become straitened, lest

they say, unless a treasure be sent down unto him, or an angel come with

him, to bear witness unto him, we will not believe. Verily thou art a

preacher only; and God is the governor of all things.

11:13 Will they say, he hath forged the Koran? Answer, bring therefore

ten chapters like unto it, forged by your selves; and call on whomsoever

ye may to assist you, except God, if ye speak truth.

11:14 But if they whom ye call to your assistance hear you not; know

that this book hath been revealed by the knowledge of God only, and that

there is no God, but He. Will ye therefore become Moslems?

11:15 Whoso chooseth the present life, and the pomp thereof, unto them

will We give the recompense of their works therein, and the same shall

not be diminished unto them.

11:16 These are they for whom no other reward is prepared in the next

life, except the fire of hell: That which they have done in this life

shall perish; and that which they have wrought shall be vain.

11:17 Shall he therefore be compared with them, who followeth the

evident declaration of his Lord, and whom a witness from him attendeth,

preceded by the book of Moses, which was revealed for a guide, and out

of mercy to mankind? These believe in the Koran: But whosoever of the

confederate infidels believeth not therein, is threatened with the fire

of hell, which threat shall certainly be executed: Be not therefore in a

doubt concerning it; for it is the truth from they Lord: But the greater

part of men will not believe.

11:18 Who is more unjust than he who imagineth a lie concerning God?

They shall be set before their Lord, at the day of judgement, and the

witnesses shall say, these are they who devised lies against their Lord.

Shall not the curse of God fall on the unjust;

11:19 who turn men aside from the way of God, and seek to render it

crooked, and who believe not in the life to come?

11:20 These were not able to prevail against God on earth, so as to

escape punishment; neither had they any protectors besides God: Their

punishment shall be doubled unto them. They could not hear, neither did

they see.

11:21 These are they who have lost their souls; and the idols which they

falsely imagined, have abandoned them.

11:22 There is no doubt but they shall be most miserable in the world to


11:23 But as for those who believe, and do good works, and humble

themselves before their Lord, they shall be the inhabitants of paradise;

they shall remain therein for ever.

11:24 The similitude of the two parties is as the blind and the deaf,

and as he who seeth and heareth: Shall they be compared as equal? Will

ye not therefore consider?

11:25 We formerly sent Noah unto his people; and he said, verily I am a

public preacher unto you;

11:26 that ye worship God alone: Verily I fear for you the punishment of

the terrible day.

11:27 But the chiefs of his people, who believed not, answered, we see

thee to be no other than a man, like unto us; and we do not see that any

follow thee, except those who are the most abject among us, who have

believed on thee by a rash judgement; neither do we perceive any

excellence in you above us: But we esteem you to be liars.

11:28 Noah said, O my people, tell me; if I have received an evident

declaration from my Lord, and He hath bestowed on me mercy from Himself,

which is hidden from you, do we compel you to receive the same, in case

ye be averse thereto?

11:29 O my people, I ask not of you any riches, for my preaching unto

you: My reward is with God alone. I will not drive away those who have

believed: Verily they shall meet their Lord, at the resurrection; but I

perceive that ye are ignorant men.

11:30 O my people, who shall assist me against God, if I drive them

away? Will ye not therefore consider?

11:31 I say not unto you, the treasures of God are in my power; neither

do I say, I know the secrets of God: Neither do I say, verily I am an

angel; neither do I say of those whom your eyes do condemn, God will by

no means bestow good on them: -- God best knoweth that which is in their

souls; -- for then should I certainly be one of the unjust.

11:32 They answered, O Noah, thou hast already disputed with us, and

hast multiplied disputes with us; now therefore do thou bring that

punishment upon us wherewith thou hast threatened us, if thou speakest


11:33 Noah said, verily God alone shall bring it upon you, if He

pleaseth; and ye shall not prevail against Him, so as to escape the same.

11:34 Neither shall my counsel profit you, although I endeavour to

counsel you aright, if God shall please to lead you into error. He is

your Lord, and unto Him shall ye return.

11:35 Will the Meccans say, Mohammed hath forged the Koran? Answer, if I

have forged it, on me be my guilt; and let me be clear of that which ye

are guilty of.

11:36 And it was revealed unto Noah, saying, verily none of thy people

shall believe, except he who hath already believed: Be not therefore

grieved, for that which they are doing.

11:37 But make an ark in our presence, according to the form and

dimensions which We have revealed unto thee: And speak not unto Me in

behalf of those who have acted unjustly; for they are doomed to be drowned.

11:38 And he built the ark; and so often as a company of his people

passed by him, they derided him: But he said, though ye scoff at us now,

we will scoff at you hereafter, as ye scoff at us;

11:39 and ye shall surely know on whom a punishment shall be inflicted,

which shall cover him with shame, and on whom a lasting punishment shall


11:40 Thus were they imployed until our sentence was put in execution,

and the oven poured forth water. And We said unto Noah, carry into the

ark of every species of animals one pair; and thy family, -- except him

on whom a previous sentence of destruction hath passed, -- and those who

believe. But there believed not with him, except a few.

11:41 And Noah said, embark thereon, in the name of God; while it moveth

forward, and while it standeth still; for my Lord is gracious and merciful.

11:42 And the ark swam with them between waves like mountains: And Noah

called unto his son, who was separated from him, saying, embark with us,

my son, and stay not with the unbelievers.

11:43 He answered, I will get on a mountain, which will secure me from

the water. Noah replied, there is no security this day from the decree

of God, except for him on whom He shall have mercy. And a wave passes

between them, and he became one of those who were drowned.

11:44 And it was said, O earth, swallow up thy waters, and thou, O

heaven, withhold thy rain. And immediately the water abated, and the

decree was fulfilled, and the ark rested on the mountain Al Judi; and it

was said, away with the ungodly people!

11:45 And Noah called upon his Lord, and said, O Lord, verily my son is

of my family; and thy promise is true: For thou art the most just of

those who exercise judgement.

11:46 God answered, O Noah, verily he is not of thy family: This

intercession of thine for him, is not a righteous work. Ask not of me

therefore that wherein thou hast no knowledge: I admonish thee that thou

become not one of the ignorant.

11:47 Noah said, O Lord, I have recourse unto Thee for the assistance of

thy grace, that I ask not of Thee that wherein I have no knowledge: And

unless thou forgive me, and be merciful unto me, I shall be one of those

who perish.

11:48 It was said unto him, O Noah, come down from the ark, with peace

from us, and blessings upon thee, and upon a part of those who are with

thee: But as for a part of them, We will suffer them to enjoy the

provision of this world; and afterwards shall a grievous punishment from

us be inflicted on them, in the life to come.

11:49 This is a secret history, which we reveal unto thee: Thou didst

not know it, neither did thy people, before this. Wherefore persevere

with patience; for the prosperous issue shall attend the pious.

11:50 And unto the tribe of Ad we sent their brother Hud. He said, O my

people worship God; ye have no God besides him: Ye only imagine

falsehood, in setting up idols and intercessors of your own making.

11:51 O my people, I ask not of you for this my preaching, any

recompense: My recompense do I expect from Him only, Who hath created

me. Will ye not therefore understand?

11:52 O my people, ask pardon of your Lord; and be turned unto Him: He

will send the heaven to pour forth rain plentifully upon you, and He

will increase your strength by giving unto you farther strength:

Therefore turn not aside, to commit evil.

11:53 They answered, O Hud, thou hast brought us no proof of what thou

sayest; therefore we will not leave our gods for thy saying, neither do

we believe thee.

11:54 We say no other than that some of our gods have afflicted thee

with evil. He replied, verily I call God to witness, and do ye also bear

witness, that I am clear of that which ye associate with God,

11:55 besides Him. Do ye all therefore join to devise a plot against me,

and tarry not;

11:56 for I put my confidence in God, my Lord and your Lord. There is no

beast, but he holdeth it by its forelock: Verily my Lord proceedeth in

the right way.

11:57 But if ye turn back, I have already declared unto you that with

which I was sent unto you; and my Lord shall substitute another nation

in your stead; and ye shall not hurt him at all: For my Lord is guardian

over all things.

11:58 And when our sentence came to be put in execution, We delivered

Hud, and those who had believed with him, through our mercy; and We

delivered them from a grievous punishment.

11:59 And this tribe of Ad wittingly rejected the signs of their Lord,

and were disobedient unto his messengers, and they followed the command

of every rebellious perverse person.

11:60 Wherefore they were followed in this world by a curse, and they

shall be followed by the same on the day of resurrection. Did not Ad

disbelieve in their Lord? Was it not said, away with Ad, the people of Hud?

11:61 And unto the tribe of Thamud we sent their brother Saleh. He said

unto them, O my people, worship God; ye have no God besides Him. It is

He who hath produced you out of the earth, and hath given you an

habitation therein. Ask pardon of Him therefore, and be turned unto Him;

for my Lord is near, and ready to answer.

11:62 They answered, oh, thou wast a person on whom we placed our hopes

before this. Dost thou forbid us to worship that which our fathers

worshipped? But we are certainly in doubt concerning the religion to

which thou dost invite us, as justly to be suspected.

11:63 Saleh said, O my people, tell me; if I have received an evident

declaration from my Lord, and He hath bestowed on me mercy from Himself;

who will protect me from the vengeance of God, if I be disobedient unto

Him? For ye shall not add unto me, other than loss.

11:64 And he said, O my people, this she-camel of God is a sign unto

you; therefore dismiss her freely that she may feed in God's earth, and

do her no harm, lest a swift punishment seize you.

11:65 Yet they killed her; and Saleh said, enjoy yourselves in your

dwellings for three days; after which ye shall be destroyed. This is an

infallible prediction.

11:66 And when our decree came to be executed, we delivered Saleh and

those who believed with him, through our mercy, also from the disgrace

of that day; for thy Lord is the strong, the mighty God.

11:67 But a terrible noise from heaven assailed those who had acted

unjustly; and in the morning they were found in their houses, lying dead

and prostrate;

11:68 as though they had never dwelt therein. Did not Thamud disbelieve

in their Lord? Was not Thamud cast far away?

11:69 Our messengers also came formerly unto Abraham, with good tidings:

They said, peace be upon thee. And he answered, and on you be peace! And

he tarried not, but brought a roasted calf.

11:70 And when he saw that their hands did not touch the meat, he

misliked them, and entertained a fear of them. But they said, fear not:

For we are sent unto the people of Lot.

11:71 And his wife Sarah was standing by, and she laughed; and We

promised her Isaac, and after Isaac, Jacob.

11:72 She said, alas! Shall I bear a son, who am old; this my husband

also being advanced in years? Verily this would be a wonderful thing.

11:73 The angels answered, dost thou wonder at the effect of the command

of God? The mercy of God and his blessings be upon you, the family of

the house: For He is praiseworthy, and to be glorified.

11:74 And when his apprehension had departed from Abraham, and the good

tidings of Isaac's birth had come unto him, he disputed with us

concerning the people of Lot:

11:75 For Abraham was a pitiful, compassionate, and devout person.

11:76 The angels said unto him, O Abraham, abstain from this; for now is

the command of thy Lord come, to put their sentence in execution, and an

inevitable punishment is ready to fall upon them.

11:77 And when our messengers came unto Lot, he was troubled for them,

and his arm was straitened concerning them, and he said, this is a

grievous day.

11:78 And his people came unto him, rushing upon him: And they had

formerly been guilty of wickedness. Lot said unto them, O my people,

these my daughters are more lawful for you: Therefore fear God, and put

me not to shame by wronging my guests. Is there not a man of prudence

among you?

11:79 They answered, thou knowest that we have no need of thy daughters;

and thou well knowest what we would have.

11:80 He said, if I had strength sufficient to oppose you, or I could

have recourse unto a powerful support; I would certainly do it.

11:81 The angels said, O Lot, verily we are the messengers of thy Lord;

they shall by no means come in unto thee. Go forth therefore with thy

family, in some part of the night, and let not any of you turn back: But

as for thy wife, that shall happen unto her, which shall happen unto

them. Verily the prediction of their punishment shall be fulfilled in

the morning: Is not the morning near?

11:82 And when our command came, We turned those cities upside down, and

We rained upon them stones of baked clay, one following another,

11:83 and being marked, from thy Lord; and they are not far distant from

those who act unjustly.

11:84 And unto Madian We sent their brother Shoaib: He said, O my

people, worship God; ye have no God but Him: And diminish not measure

and weight. Verily I see you to be in a happy condition: But I fear for

you the punishment of the day which will encompass the ungodly.

11:85 O my people, give full measure, and just weight; and diminish not

unto men ought of their matters; neither commit injustice in the earth,

acting corruptly.

11:86 The residue which shall remain unto you as the gift of God, after

ye shall have done justice to others, will be better for you, than

wealth gotten by fraud; if ye be true believers. I am no guardian over you.

11:87 They answered, O Shoaib, do thy prayers injoin thee, that we

should leave the gods which our fathers worshipped; or that we should

not do what we please with our substance? Thou only, it seems, art the

wise person, and fit to direct.

11:88 He said, O my people, tell me; if I have received an evident

declaration from my Lord, and He hath bestowed on me an excellent

provision, and I will not consent unto you in that which I forbid you;

do I seek any other than your reformation, to the utmost of my power? My

support is from God alone; on Him do I trust, and unto Him do I turn me.

11:89 O my people, let not your opposing of me, draw on you a vengeance

like unto that which fell on the people of Noah, or the people of Hud,

or the people of Saleh: Neither was the people of Lot far distant from you.

11:90 Ask pardon therefore of your Lord; and be turned unto him: For my

Lord is merciful, and loving.

11:91 They answered, O Shoaib, we understand not much of what thou

sayest; and we see thee to be a man of no power among us: If it had not

been for the sake of thy family, we had surely stoned thee, neither

couldest thou have prevailed against us.

11:92 Shoaib said, O my people, is my family more worthy in your

opinion, than God? And do ye cast him behind you with neglect? Verily my

Lord comprehendeth that which ye do.

11:93 O my people, do ye work according to your condition; I will surely

work according to my duty. And ye shall certainly know, on whom will be

inflicted a punishment which shall cover him with shame, and who is a

liar. Wait therefore the event; for I also will wait it with you.

11:94 Wherefore when our decree came to be executed, we delivered Shoaib

and those who believed with him, through our mercy: And a terrible noise

from heaven assailed those who had acted unjustly; and in the morning

they were found in their houses lying dead and prostrate,

11:95 as though they had never dwelt therein. Was not Madian removed

from off the earth, as Thamud had been removed?

11:96 And we formerly sent Moses with our signs, and manifest power,

11:97 unto Pharaoh and his princes: But they followed the command of

Pharaoh; although the command of Pharaoh did not direct them aright.

11:98 Pharaoh shall precede his people on the day of resurrection, and

he shall lead them into hell fire; an unhappy way shall it be which they

shall be led.

11:99 They were followed in this life by a curse, and on the day of

resurrection miserable shall be the gift which shall be given them.

11:100 This is a part of the histories of the cities, which We rehearse

unto thee. Of them there are some standing; and others which are utterly


11:101 And We treated them not unjustly, but they dealt unjustly with

their own souls: And their gods which they invoked, besides God, were of

no advantage unto them at all, when the decree of thy Lord came to be

executed on them, neither were they any other than a detriment unto them.

11:102 And thus was the punishment of thy Lord inflicted, when He

punished the cities which were unjust; for his punishment is grievous

and severe.

11:103 Verily herein is a sign unto him who feareth the punishment of

the last day: That shall be a day, whereon all men shall be assembled,

and that shall be a day whereon witness shall be born;

11:104 We defer it not, but to a determined time.

11:105 When that day shall come, no soul shall speak to excuse it self,

or to intercede for another, but by the permission of God. Of them one

shall be miserable, and another shall be happy.

11:106 And they who shall be miserable, shall be thrown into hell fire;

there shall they wail and bemoan themselves:

11:107 They shall remain therein so long as the heavens and the earth

shall endure; except what thy Lord shall please to remit of their

sentence; for thy Lord effecteth that which He pleaseth.

11:108 But they who shall be happy, shall be admitted into paradise;

they shall remain therein so long as the heavens and the earth endure;

besides what thy Lord shall please to add unto their bliss; a bounty

which shall not be interrupted.

11:109 Be not therefore in doubt concerning that which these men

worship: They worship not other than what their fathers worshipped

before them; and We will surely give them their full portion, not in the

least diminished.

11:110 We formerly gave unto Moses the book of the law; and disputes

arose among his people concerning it: And unless a previous decree had

proceeded from thy Lord, to bear with them during this life, the matter

had been surely decided between them. And thy people are also jealous

and in doubt concerning the Koran.

11:111 But unto every one of them will thy Lord render the reward of

their works; for He well knoweth that which they do.

11:112 Be thou stedfast therefore, as thou hast been commanded; and let

him also be stedfast who shall be converted with thee; and transgress

not: For He seeth that which ye do.

11:113 And incline not unto those who act unjustly, lest the fire of

hell touch you: For ye have no protectors, except God; neither shall ye

be assisted against Him.

11:114 Pray regularly morning and evening; and in the former part of the

night, for good works drive away evils. This is an admonition unto those

who consider:

11:115 Wherefore persevere with patience ; for God suffereth not the

reward of the righteous to perish.

11:116 Were such of the generations before you, indued with

understanding and virtue, who forbad the acting corruptly in the earth,

any more than a few only of those whom We delivered? But they who were

unjust followed the delights which they enjoyed in this world, and were

wicked doers:

11:117 And thy Lord was not of such a disposition as to destroy the

cities unjustly, while their inhabitants behaved themselves uprightly.

11:118 And if thy Lord pleased, He would have made all men of one

religion: But they shall not cease to differ among themselves,

11:119 unless those on whom thy Lord shall have mercy: And unto this

hath He created them; for the word of thy Lord shall be fulfilled, when

He said, verily I will fill hell altogether with genii and men.

11:120 The whole which we have related of the histories of our Apostles

do we relate unto thee, that we may confirm thy heart thereby; and

herein is the truth come unto thee, and an admonition, and a warning

unto the true believers.

11:121 Say unto those who believe not, act ye according to your

condition; we surely will act according to our duty:

11:122 And wait the issue; for we certainly wait it also.

11:123 Unto God is known that which is secret in heaven and earth; and

unto Him shall the whole matter be referred. Therefore worship Him, and

put thy trust in Him; for thy Lord is not regardless of that which ye do.

Chapter 12
Intitled, Joseph; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

12:1 A.L.R. These are the signs of the perspicuous book,

12:2 which We have sent down in the Arabic tongue, that peradventure ye

might understand.

12:3 We relate unto thee a most excellent history, by revealing unto

thee this Koran, whereas thou wast before one of the negligent.

12:4 When Joseph said unto his father, O my father, verily I saw in my

dream eleven stars, and the sun and the moon; I saw them make obeisance

unto me.

12:5 Jacob said, O my child, tell not thy vision to thy brethren, lest

they devise some plot against thee; for the devil is a professed enemy

unto man:

12:6 And thus, according to thy dream, shall thy Lord choose thee, and

teach thee the interpretation of dark sayings, and He shall accomplish

his favour upon thee and upon the family of Jacob, as He hath fomerly

accomplished it upon thy fathers Abraham and Isaac; for thy Lord is

knowing and wise.

12:7 Surely in the history of Joseph and his brethren there are signs of

God's providence to the inquisitive;

12:8 when they said to one another, Joseph and his brother are dearer to

our father than we, who are the greater number: Our father certainly

maketh a wrong judgement.

12:9 Wherefore slay Joseph, or drive him into some distant or desert

part of the earth, and the face of your father shall be cleared towards

you; and ye shall afterwards be people of integrity.

12:10 One of them spoke and said; slay not Joseph, but throw him to the

bottom of the well; and some travellers will take him up, if ye do this.

12:11 They said, unto Jacob, O father, why dost thou not intrust Joseph

with us, since we are sincere well-wishers unto him?

12:12 Send him with us to morrow, into the field, that he may divert

himself, and sport, and we will be his guardians.

12:13 Jacob answered, it grieveth me that ye take him away; and I fear

lest the wolf devour him, while ye are negligent of him.

12:14 They said, surely if the wolf devour him, when there are so many

of us, we shall be weak indeed.

12:15 And when they had carried him with them, and agreed to set him at

the bottom of the well, they executed their design: And We sent a

revelation unto him, saying, thou shalt hereafter declare this their

action unto them; and they shall not perceive thee to be Joseph.

12:16 And they came to their father at even, weeping,

12:17 and said, father, we went and ran races with one another, and we

left Joseph with our baggage, and the wolf hath devoured him; but thou

wilt not believe us, although we speak the truth.

12:18 And they produced his inner garment stained with false blood.

Jacob answered, nay, but ye your selves have contrived the thing for

your own sakes: However patience is most becoming, and God's assistance

is to be implored to enable me to support the misfortune which ye relate.

12:19 And certain travellers came, and sent one to draw water for them:

And he let down his bucket, and said, good news! This is a youth. And

they concealed him, that they might sell him as a piece of merchandize:

But God knew that which they did.

12:20 And they sold him for a mean price, for a few pence, and valued

him lightly.

12:21 And the Egyptian who bought him said to his wife, use him

honourably; peradventure he may be serviceable to us, or we may adopt

him for our son. Thus did we prepare an establishment for Joseph in the

earth, and we taught him the interpretation of dark sayings: For God is

well able to effect his purpose; but the greater part of men do not


12:22 And when he had attained his age of strength, we bestowed on him

wisdom, and knowledge; for thus do we recompense the righteous.

12:23 And she, in whose house he was, desired him to lie with her; and

she shut the doors and said, come hither. He answered, God forbid!

Verily my lord hath made my dwelling with Him easy; and the ungrateful

shall not prosper.

12:24 But she resolved within her self to enjoy him, and he would have

resolved to enjoy her, had he not seen the evident demonstration of his

Lord. So We turned away evil and filthiness from him, because he was one

of our sincere servants.

12:25 And they ran to get one before the other to the door; and she rent

his inner garment behind. And they met her lord at the door. She said,

what shall be the reward of him who seeketh to commit evil in thy

family, but imprisonment, and a painful punishment?

12:26 And Joseph said, she asked me to lie with her. And a witness of

her family bore witness, saying, if his garment be rent before, she

speaketh truth, and he is a liar:

12:27 But if his garment be rent behind, she lieth, and he is a speaker

of truth.

12:28 And when her husband saw that his garment was torn behind, he

said, this is a cunning contrivance of your sex; for surely your cunning

is great.

12:29 O Joseph, take no farther notice of this affair: And thou, O

woman, ask pardon for thy crime; for thou art a guilty person.

12:30 And certain women said publicly in the city, the nobleman's wife

asked her servant to lie with her: He hath inflamed her breast with his

love; and we perceive her to be in a manifest error.

12:31 And when she heard of their subtle behaviour, she sent unto them,

and prepared a banquet for them, and she gave to each of them a knife;

and she said unto Joseph, come forth unto them. And when they saw him,

they praised him greatly; and they cut their own hands, and said, O God!

This is not a mortal; he is not other than an angel, deserving the

highest respect.

12:32 And his mistress said, this is he, for whose sake ye blamed me: I

asked him to lie with me, but he hath constantly refused. But if he do

not perform that which I command him, he shall surely be cast into

prison, and he shall be made one of the contemptible.

12:33 Joseph said, O Lord, a prison is more eligible unto me than the

crime to which they invite me; but unless thou turn aside their snares

from me, I shall youthfully incline unto them, and I shall become one of

the foolish.

12:34 Wherefore his Lord heard him, and turned aside their snare from

him, for He both heareth and knoweth.

12:35 And it seemed good unto them even after they had seen the signs of

his innocency, to imprison him for a time.

12:36 And there entered into the prison with him two of the king's

servants. One of them said, it seemed to me in my dream that I pressed

wine out of grapes. And the other said, it seemed unto me in my dream

that I carried bread on my head, whereof the birds did eat. Declare unto

us the interpretation of our dreams, for we perceive that thou art a

beneficent person.

12:37 Joseph answered, no food, wherewith ye may be nourished, shall

come unto you, but I will declare unto you the interpretation thereof,

before it come unto you. This knowledge is a part of that which my Lord

hath taught me: For I have left the religion of people who believe not

in God, and who deny the life to come;

12:38 and I follow the religion of my fathers, Abraham, and Isaac, and

Jacob. It is not lawful for us to associate any thing with God. This

knowledge of the divine unity hath been given us of the bounty of God

towards us, and towards mankind; but the greater part of men are not


12:39 O my fellow-prisoners, are sundry lords better, or the only true

and mighty God?

12:40 Ye worship not, besides Him, other than the names which ye have

named, ye and your fathers, concerning which God hath sent down no

authoritative proof: Yet judgement belongeth unto God alone; who hath

commanded that ye worship none besides Him. This is the right religion;

but the greater part of men know it not.

12:41 O my fellow-prisoners, verily the one of you shall serve wine unto

his lord, as formerly; but the other shall be crucified, and the birds

shall eat from off his head. The matter is decreed concerning which ye

seek to be informed.

12:42 And Joseph said unto him whom he judged to be the person who

should escape of the two, remember me in the presence of thy lord. But

the devil caused him to forget to make mention of Joseph unto his lord;

wherefore he remained in the prison some years.

12:43 And the king of Egypt said, verily I saw in my dream seven fat

kine, which seven lean kine devoured, and seven green ears of corn, and

other seven withered ears. O nobles, expound my vision unto me, if ye be

able to interpret a vision.

12:44 They answered, they are confused dreams; neither are we skilled in

the interpretation of such kind of dreams.

12:45 And Joseph's fellow-prisoner who had been delivered, said, -- for

he remembred Joseph after a certain space of time, -- I will declare

unto you the interpretation thereof; wherefore let me go unto the person

who will interpret it unto me.

12:46 And he went to the prison, and said, O Joseph, thou man of

veracity, teach us the interpretation of seven fat kine, which seven

lean kine devourd, and of seven green ears of corn; and other seven

withered ears, which the king saw in his dream; that I may return unto

the men who have sent me, that peradventure they may understand the same.

12:47 Joseph answered, ye shall sow seven years as usual: And the corn

which ye shall reap, do ye leave in its ear, except a little whereof ye

may eat.

12:48 Then shall there come, after this, seven grievous years of famine,

which shall consume what ye shall have laid up as a provision for the

same, except a little which ye shall have kept.

12:49 Then shall there come, after this, a year wherein men shall have

plenty of rain, and wherein thay shall press wine and oil.

12:50 And when the chief butler had reported this, the king said, bring

him unto me. And when the messenger came unto Joseph, he said, return

unto thy lord, and ask of him, what was the intent of the women who cut

their hands; for my Lord well knoweth the snare which they laid for me.

12:51 And when the women were assembled before the king, he said unto

them, what was your design, when ye solicited Joseph to unlawful love?

They answered, God be praise! We know not any ill of him. The nobleman's

wife said, now is the truth become manifest: I solicited him, to lie

with me; and he is one of those who speak truth.

12:52 And when Joseph was acquainted therewith he said, this discovery

hath been made, that my lord might know that I was not unfaithful unto

him in his absence, and that God directeth not the plot of the deceivers.

12:53 Neither do I absolutely justify my self: Since every soul is prone

unto evil, except those on whom my Lord shall shew mercy; for my Lord is

gracious and merciful.

12:54 And the king said, bring him unto me: I will take him into my own

peculiar service. And when Joseph was brought unto the king, and he had

discoursed with him, he said, thou art this day firmly established with

us, and shalt be intrusted with our affairs.

12:55 Joseph answered, set me over the store-houses of the land; for I

will be a skilful keeper thereof.

12:56 Thus did We establish Joseph in the land, that he might provide

himself a dwelling therein, where he pleased. We bestow our mercy on

whom We please, and We suffer not the reward of the righteous to perish:

12:57 And certainly the reward of the next life is better, for those who

believe, and fear God.

12:58 Moreover Joseph's brethren came, and went in unto him; and he knew

them, but they knew not him.

12:59 And when he had furnished them with their provisions, he said,

bring unto me your brother, the son of your father: Do ye not see that I

give full measure, and that I am the most hospitable receiver of guests?

12:60 But if ye bring him not unto me, there shall be no corn measured

unto you from me, neither shall ye approach my presence.

12:61 They answered, we will endeavour to obtain him of his father, and

we will certainly perform what thou requirest.

12:62 And Joseph said to his servants, put their money which they have

paid for their corn, into their sacks, that they may perceive it, when

they shall be returned to their family: Peradventure they will come back

unto us.

12:63 And when they were returned unto their father, they said, O

father, it is forbidden to measure out corn unto us any more, unless we

carry our brother Benjamin with us: Wherefore send our brother with us,

and we shall have corn measured unto us; and we will certainly guard him

from any mischance.

12:64 Jacob answered, shall I trust him with you with any better success

than I trusted your brother Joseph with you heretofore? But God is the

best guardian; and He is the most merciful of those who shew mercy.

12:65 And when they opened their provisions, they found their money had

been returned unto them; and they said, O father, what do we desire

farther? This our money hath been returned unto us: We will therefore

return, and provide corn for our family: We will take care of our

brother; and we shall receive a camel's burden more than we did the last

time. This is a small quantity.

12:66 Jacob said, I will by no means send him with you, until ye give me

a solemn promise, and swear by God that ye will certainly bring him back

unto me, unless ye be encompassed by some inevitable impediment. And

when they had given him their solemn promise, he said, God is witness of

what we say.

12:67 And he said, my sons, enter not into the city by one and the same

gate; but enter by different gates. But this precaution will be of no

advantage unto you against the decree of God; for judgement belongeth

unto God alone: In Him do I put my trust, and in Him let those confide

who seek in whom to put their trust.

12:68 And when they entered the city, as their father had commanded

them, it was of no advantage unto them against the decree of God; and

the same served only to satisfy the desire of Jacob's soul, which he had

charged them to perform: For he was indued with knowledge of that which

We had taught him; but the greater part of men do not understand.

12:69 And when they entered into the presence of Joseph, he received his

brother Benjamin as his guest, and said, verily I am thy brother: Be not

therefore afflicted for that which they have committed against us.

12:70 And when he had furnished them with their provisions, he put his

cup in his brother Benjamin's sack. Then a cryer cried after them

saying, O company of travellers, ye are surely thieves.

12:71 They said, -- and turned back unto them, -- what is it that ye miss?

12:72 They answered, we miss the prince's cup: And unto him who shall

produce it, shall be given a camel's load of corn; and I will be surety

for the same.

12:73 Joseph's brethren replied, by God, ye do well know, that we come

not to act corruptly in the land, neither are we thieves.

12:74 The Egyptians said, what shall be the reward of him, who shall

appear to have stolen the cup, if ye be found liars?

12:75 Joseph's brethren answered, as to the reward of him, in whose sack

it shall be found, let him become a bondman in satisfaction for the

same: Thus do we reward the unjust, who are guilty of theft.

12:76 Then he began by their sacks, before he searched the sack of his

brother; and he drew out the cup from his brother's sack. Thus did we

furnish Joseph with a stratagem. It was not lawful for him to take his

brother for a bondman, by the law of the king of Egypt, had not God

pleased to allow it, according to the offer of his brethren. We exalt to

degrees of knowledge and honour whom we please: And there is one who is

knowing above all those who are indued with knowledge.

12:77 His brethren said, if Benjamin be guilty of theft, his brother

Joseph hath been also guilty of theft heretofore. But Joseph concealed

these things in his mind, and did not discover them unto them: And he

said within himself, ye are in a worse condition than us two; and God

best knoweth what ye discourse about.

12:78 They said unto Joseph, noble lord, verily this lad hath an aged

father; wherefore take one of us in his stead; for we perceive that thou

art a beneficent person.

12:79 Joseph answered, God forbid that we should take any other than him

with whom we found our goods; for then should we certainly be unjust.

12:80 And when they despaired of obtaining Benjamin, they retired to

confer privately together. And the elder of them said, do ye not know

that your father hath received a solemn promise from you, in the name of

God; and how perfidiously ye behaved heretofore towards Joseph?

Wherefore I will by no means depart the land of Egypt, until my father

give me leave to return unto him, or God maketh known his will to me;

for he is the best judge.

12:81 Return ye to your father, and say, O father, verily thy son hath

committed theft; we bear witness of no more than what we know, and we

could not guard against what we did not foresee:

12:82 And do thou inquire in the city, where we have been, and of the

company of merchants, with whom we are arrived, and thou wilt find that

we speak the truth.

12:83 And when they were returned, and had spoken thus to their father,

he said, nay but rather ye your selves have contrived the thing for your

own sakes: But patience is most proper for me; peradventure God will

restore them all unto me; for he is knowing and wise.

12:84 And he turned from them and said, oh how am I grieved for Joseph!

And his eyes became white with mourning, he being oppressed with deep


12:85 His sons said, by God, thou wilt not cease to remember Joseph,

until thou be brought to death's door, or thou be actually destroyed by

excessive affliction.

12:86 He answered, I only represent my grief, which I am not able to

contain, and my sorrow unto God; but I know by revelation from God that

which ye know not.

12:87 O my sons, go and make inquiry after Joseph and his brother; and

despair not of the mercy of God; for none despaireth of God's mercy,

except the unbelieving people.

12:88 Wherefore Joseph's brethren returned into Egypt: And when they

came into his presence they said, noble lord, the famine is felt by us

and our family, and we are come with a small sum of money: Yet give unto

us full measure, and bestow corn upon us as alms; for God rewardeth the


12:89 Joseph said unto them, do ye know what ye did unto Joseph and his

brother, when ye were ignorant of the consequences thereof?

12:90 They answered, art thou really Joseph? He replied, I am Joseph;

and this is my brother. Now hath God been gracious unto us. For whoso

feareth God, and persevereth with patience, shall at length find relief;

since God will not suffer the reward of the righteous to perish.

12:91 They said, by God, now hath God chosen thee above us; and we have

surely been sinners.

12:92 Joseph answered, let there be no reproach cast on you this day.

God forgiveth you; for he is the most merciful of those who shew mercy.

12:93 Depart ye with this my inner garment, and throw it on my fathers's

face; and he shall recover his sight: And then come unto me with all

your family.

12:94 And when the company of travellers was departed from Egypt on

their journey towards Canaan, their father said unto those who were

about him, verily I perceive the smell of Joseph: Although ye think that

I dote.

12:95 They answered, by God, thou art in thy old mistake.

12:96 But when the messenger of good tidings was come with Joseph's

inner garment, he threw it over his face; and he recovered his

eye-sight. And Jacob said, did I not tell you that I knew from God, that

which ye knew not?

12:97 They answered, O father, ask pardon of our sins for us, for we

have surely been sinners.

12:98 He replied, I will surely ask pardon for you of my Lord; for He is

gracious and merciful.

12:99 And when Jacob and his family arrived in Egypt, and were

introduced unto Joseph, he received his parents unto him, and said,

enter ye into Egypt, by God's favour, in full security.

12:100 And he raised his parents to the seat of state, and they,

together with his brethren, fell down and did obeisance unto him. And he

said, O my father, this is the interpretation of my vision, which I saw

heretofore: Now hath my Lord rendered it true. And He hath surely been

gracious unto me, since He took me forth from the prison, and hath

brought you hither from the desert; after that the devil had sown

discord between me and my brethren: For my Lord is gracious unto whom He

pleaseth; and He is the knowing, the wise God.

12:101 O Lord, Thou hast given me a part of the kingdom, and hast taught

me the interpretation of dark sayings. The Creator of heaven and earth!

Thou art my protector in this world, and in that which is to come: Make

me to die a Moslem, and join me with the righteous.

12:102 This is a secret history, which We reveal unto thee, O Mohammed,

although thou wast not present with the brethren of Joseph, when they

concerted their design, and contrived a plot against him.

12:103 But the greater part of men, although thou earnestly desire it,

will not believe.

12:104 Thou shalt not demand of them any reward for thy publishing the

Koran; it is no other than an admonition unto all creatures.

12:105 And how many signs soever there be of the being, unity, and

providence of God, in the heavens and the earth; they will pass by them,

and will retire afar off from them.

12:106 And the greater part of them believe not in God, without being

also guilty of idolatry.

12:107 Do they not believe that some overwhelming affliction shall fall

on them, as a punishment from God; or that the hour of judgement shall

overtake them suddenly, while they consider not its approach?

12:108 Say unto those of Mecca, this is my way: I invite you unto God,

by an evident demonstration; both I and he who followeth me; and, praise

be unto God! I am not an idolater.

12:109 We sent not any Apostles before thee, except men, unto whom We

revealed our will, and whom We chose out of those who dwelt in cities.

Will they not go through the earth, and see what hath been the end of

those who have preceded them. But the dwelling of the next life shall

surely be better for those who fear God. Will they not therefore


12:110 Their predecessors were born with for a time, until, when our

Apostles despaired of their conversion, and they thought that they were

liars, our help came unto them, and We delivered whom We pleased; but

our vengeance was not turned away from the wicked people.

12:111 Verily in the histories of the prophets and their people there is

an instructive example unto those who are indued with understanding. The

Koran is not a new invented fiction; but a confirmation of those

scriptures which have been revealed before it, and a distinct

explication of every thing necessary, in respect either to faith or

practice, and a direction and mercy unto people who believe.

Chapter 13
Intitled, Thunder; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

13:1 A.L.M.R. These are the signs of the book of the Koran: And that

which hath been sent down unto thee from thy Lord, is the truth; but the

greater part of men will not believe.

13:2 It is God who hath raised the heavens without visible pillars; and

then ascended his throne, and compelled the sun and the moon to perform

their services: Every of the heavenly bodies runneth an appointed

course. He ordereth all things. He sheweth his signs distinctly, that ye

may be assured ye must meet your Lord at the last day.

13:3 It is He who hath stretched forth the earth, and placed therein

stedfast mountains, and rivers; and hath ordained therein of every fruit

two different kinds. He causeth the night to cover the day. Herein are

certain signs unto people who consider.

13:4 And in the earth are tracts of land of different natures, though

bordering on each other; and also vineyards, and seeds, and palm-trees

springing several from the same root, and singly from distinct roots.

They are watered with the same water, yet We render some of them more

excellent than others to eat. Herein are surely signs unto people who


13:5 If thou dost wonder at the infidels denying the resurrection,

surely wonderful is their saying, after We shall have been reduced to

dust, shall We be restored in a new creature? These are they who believe

not in their Lord; these shall have collars on their necks, and these

shall be the inhabitants of hell fire: Therein shall they abide for ever.

13:6 They will ask of thee to hasten evil rather than good: Although

there have already been examples of the divine vengeance before them.

Thy Lord is surely indued with indulgence towards men, notwithstanding

their iniquity; but thy Lord is also severe in punishing.

13:7 The infidels say, unless a sign be sent down unto him from his

Lord, we will not believe. Thou art commissioned to be a preacher only,

and not a worker of miracles: And unto every people hath a director been


13:8 God knoweth what every female beareth in her womb; and what the

wombs want or exceed of their due time, or number of young. With him is

every thing regulated according to a determined measure.

13:9 He knoweth that which is hidden, and that which is revealed. He is

the great, the most high.

13:10 He among you who concealeth his words, and he who proclaimeth them

in public; he also who seeketh to hide himself in the night, and he who

goeth forth openly in the day, is equal in respect to the knowledge of God.

13:11 Each of them hath angels mutually succeeding each other, before

him, and behind him; they watch him by the command of God. Verily God

will not change his grace which is in men, until they change the

disposition in their souls by sin. When God willeth evil on a people,

there shall be none to avert it; neither shall they have any protector

beside Him.

13:12 It is He who causeth the lightening to appear unto you, to strike

fear, and to raise hope, and Who formeth the pregnant clouds.

13:13 The thunder celebrateth his praise, and the angels also, for fear

of Him. He sendeth his thunderbolts, and striketh therewith whom He

pleaseth, while they dispute concerning God; for He is mighty in power.

13:14 It is He who ought of right to be invoked; and the idols which

they invoke besides Him, shall not hear them at all; otherwise than as

he is heard, who stretcheth forth his hands to the water that it may

ascend to his mouth, when it cannot ascend thither: The supplication of

the unbelievers is utterly erroneous.

13:15 Whatsoever is in heaven and on earth worshippeth God, voluntarily

or of force; and their shadows also, morning and evening.

13:16 Say, who is the Lord of heaven and earth? Answer, God. Say, have

ye therefore taken unto your selves protectors beside Him, who are

unable either to help, or to defend themselvs from hurt? Say, shall the

blind and the seeing be esteemed equal? Or shall darkness and light be

accounted the same? Or have they attributed companions unto God who have

created as He hath created, so that their creation bear any resemblance

unto His? Say, God the creator of all things; he is the one, the

victorious God.

13:17 He causeth water to descend from heaven, and the brooks flow

according to their respective measure, and the floods bear the floating

froth: And from the metals which they melt in the fire, seeking to cast

ornaments or vessels for use, there ariseth a scum like unto it: Thus

God setteth forth truth and vanity. But the scum is thrown off, and that

which is useful to mankind remaineth on the earth. Thus doth God put

forth parables.

13:18 Unto those who obey their Lord, shall be given the most excellent

reward: But those who obey Him not, although they were possessed of

whatever is in the whole earth and as much more, they would give it all

for their ransom. These will be brought to a terrible account: Their

abode shall be hell; an unhappy couch shall it be!

13:19 Shall he therefore, who knoweth that what hath been sent down unto

thee from thy Lord, is truth, be rewarded as he who is blind? The

prudent only will consider;

13:20 who fulfil the covenant of God, and break not their contract;

13:21 and who join that which God hath commanded to be joined, and who

fear their Lord, and dread an ill account;

13:22 and who persevere out of a sincere desire to please their Lord,

and observe the stated times of prayer, and give alms out of what We

have bestowed on them, in secret and openly, and who turn away evil with

good: The reward of these shall be paradise,

13:23 gardens of eternal abode, which they shall enter, and also whoever

shall have acted uprightly, of their fathers, and their wives, and their

posterity: And the angels shall go in unto them by every gate, saying,

13:24 peace be upon you, because ye have endured with patience; how

excellent a reward is paradise!

13:25 But as for those who violate the covenant of God, after the

establishment thereof, and who cut in sunder that which God hath

commanded to be joined, and act corruptly in the earth, on them shall a

curse fall, and they shall have a miserable dwelling in hell.

13:26 God giveth provision in abundance unto whom He pleaseth, and is

sparing unto whom He pleaseth. Those of Mecca rejoice in the present

life; although the present life, in respect of the future, is but a

precarious provision.

13:27 The infidels say, unless a sign be sent down unto him from his

Lord, we will not believe. Answer, verily God will lead into error whom

He pleaseth, and will direct unto Himself him who repenteth,

13:28 and those who believe, and whose hearts rest securely in the

meditation of God; shall not mens hearts rest securely in the meditation

of God?

13:29 They who believe and do that which is right shall enjoy

blessedness, and partake of a happy resurrection.

13:30 Thus have We sent thee to a nation which other nations have

preceded, unto whom prophets have likewise been sent, that thou mayest

rehearse unto them that which We have revealed unto thee, even while

they believe not in the merciful God. Say unto them, He is my Lord;

there is no God but He: In him do I trust, and unto Him must I return.

13:31 Though a Koran were revealed by which mountains should be removed,

or the earth cleaved in sunder, or the dead be caused to speak, it would

be in vain. But the matter belongeth wholly unto God. Do not therefore

the believers know, that if God pleased, He would certainly direct all

men? Adversity shall not cease to afflict the unbelievers for that which

they have committed, or to sit down near their habitations, until God's

promise come: For God is not contrary to the promise.

13:32 Apostles before thee have been laughed to scorn; and I permitted

the infidels to enjoy a long and happy life: But afterwards I punished

them; and how severe was the punishment which I inflicted on them!

13:33 Who is it therefore that standeth over every soul, to observe that

which it committeth? They attribute companions unto God. Say, name them:

Will ye declare unto Him that which He knoweth not in the earth? Or will

ye name them in outward speech only? But the deceitful procedure of the

infidels was prepared for them; and they are turned aside from the right

path: For he whom God shall cause to err, shall have no director.

13:34 They shall suffer a punishment in this life; but the punishment of

the next shall be more grievous: And there shall be none to protect them

against God.

13:35 This is the description of paradise, which is promised to the

pious. It is watered by rivers; its food is perpetual, and its shade

also: This shall be the reward of those who fear God. But the reward of

the infidels shall be hell fire.

13:36 Those to whom We have given the scriptures, rejoice at what hath

been revealed unto thee. Yet there are some of the confederates who deny

part thereof. Say unto them, verily I am commanded to worship God alone;

and to give Him no companion: Upon Him do I call, and unto Him shall I


13:37 To this purpose have We sent down the Koran, a rule of judgement,

in the Arabic language. And verily if thou follow their desires, after

the knowledge which hath been given thee, there shall be none to defend

or protect thee against God.

13:38 We have formerly sent Apostles before thee, and bestowed on them

wives and children; and no Apostle had the power to come with a sign,

unless by the permission of God. Every age hath its book of revelation:

13:39 God shall abolish and shall confirm what he pleaseth. With Him is

the original of the book.

13:40 Moreover, whether We cause thee to see any part of that punishment

wherewith we have threatened them, or whether We cause thee to die

before it be inflicted on them, verily unto thee belongeth preaching

only, but unto us inquisition.

13:41 Do they not see that We come into their land, and straiten the

borders thereof, by the conquests of the true believers? When God

judgeth, there is none to reverse his judgement; and He will be swift in

taking an account.

13:42 Their predecessores formerly devised subtle plots against their

prophets; but God is master of every subtle device. He knoweth that

which every soul deserveth: And the infidels shall surely know, whose

will be the reward of paradise.

13:43 The unbelievers will say, thou art not sent of God. Answer, God is

a sufficient witness between me and you, and he who understandeth the

Chapter 14
Intitled, Abraham; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

14:1 A.L.R. This book have We sent down unto thee, that thou mayest lead

men forth from darkness into light, by the permission of their Lord,

into the glorious and laudable way.

14:2 God is He unto whom belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth:

And woe be to the infidels, because a grievous punishment waiteth them;

14:3 who love the present life above that which is to come, and turn men

aside from the way of God, and seek to render it crooked: These are in

an error far distant from the truth.

14:4 We have sent no Apostle but with the language of his people, that

he might declare their duty plainly unto them: For God causeth to err

whom He pleaseth, and directeth whom He pleaseth; and He is the mighty,

the wise.

14:5 We formerly sent Moses with our signs, and commanded him saying,

lead forth thy people from darkness into light, and remind them of the

favours of God: Verily therein are signs unto every patient and grateful


14:6 And call to mind when Moses said unto his people, remember the

favour of God towards you, when He delivered you from the people of

Pharaoh: They grievously oppressed you, and they slew your male

children, but let your females live: Therein was a great trial from your


14:7 And when your Lord declared by the mouth of Moses, saying, if ye be

thankful, I will surely increase my favours towards you; but if ye be

ungrateful, verily my punishment shall be severe.

14:8 And Moses said, if ye be ungrateful, and all who are in the earth

likewise; verily God needeth not your thanks, though He deserveth the

highest praise.

14:9 Hath not the history of the nations your predecessors reached you;

namely, of the people of Noah, and of Ad, and of Thamud, and of those

who succeeded them; whose number none knoweth except God? Their Apostles

came unto them with evident miracles; but they clapped their hands to

their mouths out of indignation, and said, we do not believe the message

with which ye pretend to be sent; and we are in a doubt concerning the

religion to which ye invite us, as justly to be suspected.

14:10 Their Apostles answered, is there any doubt concerning God, the

creator of heaven and earth? He inviteth you to the true faith that He

may forgive you part of your sins, and may respite your punishment, by

granting you space to repent, until an appointed time. They answered, ye

are but men, like unto us: Ye seek to turn us aside from the gods which

our fathers worshipped; wherefore bring us an evident demonstration by

some miracle, that ye speak truth.

14:11 Their Apostles replied unto them, we are no other than men like

unto you; but God is bountiful unto such of his servants as He pleaseth:

And it is not in our power to give you a miraculous demonstration of our

mission, unless by the permission of God; in God therfore let the

faithful trust.

14:12 And what excuse have we to alledge, that we should not put our

trust in God; since He hath directed us our paths? Wherefore we will

certainly suffer with patience the persecution wherewith ye shall

afflict us: In God therefore let those put their confidence who seek in

whom to put their trust.

14:13 And those who believed not, said unto their Apostles, we will

surely expel you out of our land; or ye shall return unto our religion.

And their Lord spake unto them by revelation, saying, We will surely

destroy the wicked doers;

14:14 and We will cause you to dwell in the earth, after them. This

shall be granted unto him who shall dread the appearance at my tribunal,

and shall fear my threatening.

14:15 And they asked assistance of God, and every rebellious perverse

person failed of success.

14:16 Hell lyeth unseen before him, and he shall have filthy water given

him to drink:

14:17 He shall sup it up by little and little, and he shall not easily

let it pass his throat, because of its nauseousness; death also shall

come upon him from every quarter, yet he shall not die; and before him

shall there stand prepared a grievous torment.

14:18 This is the likeness of those who believe not in their Lord. Their

works are as ashes, which the wind violently scattereth in a stormy day:

They shall not be able to obtain any solid advantage from that which

they have wrought. This is an error most distant from truth.

14:19 Dost thou not see that God hath created the heavens and the earth

in wisdom? If He please, he can destroy you, and produce a new creature

in your stead:
14:20 Neither will this be difficult with God.

14:21 And they shall all come forth into the presence of God at the last

day: And the weak among them shall say unto those who behaved themselves

arrogantly, verily we were your followers on earth; will ye not

therefore avert from us some part of the divine vengeance? They shall

answer, if God had directed us aright, we had certainly directed you. It

is equal unto us whether we bear our torments impatiently, or whether we

endure them with patience: For we have no way to escape.

14:22 And Satan shall say, after judgement shall have been given, verily

God promised you a promise of truth: And I also made you a promise; but

I deceived you. Yet I had not any power over you to compel you; but I

called you only, and ye answered me: Wherefore accuse not me, but accuse

your selves. I cannot assist you; neither can ye assist me. Verily I do

now renounce your having associated me with God heretofore. A grievous

punishment is prepared for the unjust.

14:23 But they who shall have believed and wrought righteousness, shall

be introduced into gardens, wherein rivers flow; they shall remain

therein for ever, by the permission of their Lord; and their salutation

therein shall be, Peace!

14:24 Dost thou not see how God putteth forth a parable; representing a

good word, as a good tree, whose root is firmly fixed in the earth, and

whose branches reach unto heaven;

14:25 which bringeth forth its fruit in all seasons, by the will of its

Lord? God propoundeth parables unto men, that they may be instructed.

14:26 And the likeness of an evil word is as an evil tree; which is torn

up from the face of the earth, and hath no stability.

14:27 God shall confirm them who believe, by the stedfast word of faith,

both in this life and in that which is to come: But God shall lead the

wiched into error; for God doth that which He pleaseth.

14:28 Hast thou not considered those who have changed the grace of God

to infidelity, and cause their people to descend into the house of


14:29 namely, into hell? They shall be thrown to burn therein; and an

unhappy dwelling shall it be.

14:30 They also set up idols as copartners with God, that they might

cause men to stray from his path. Say unto them, enjoy the pleasures of

this life for a time; but your departure hence shall be into hell fire.

14:31 Speak unto my servants who have believed, that they be assiduous

at prayer, and give alms out of that which We have bestowed on them,

both privately and in public; before the day cometh, wherein there shall

be no buying nor selling, neither any friendship.

14:32 It is God who hath created the heavens and the earth; and causeth

water to descend from heaven, and by means thereof produceth fruits for

your sustenance: And by his command He obligeth the ships to sail in the

sea for your service; and He also forceth the rivers to supply your uses:

14:33 He likewise compelleth the sun and the moon, which diligently

perform their courses, to serve you; and hath subjected the day and the

night to your service.

14:34 He giveth you of every thing which ye ask him; and of ye attempt

to reckon up the favours of God, ye shall not be able to compute the

same. Surely man is unjust and ungrateful.

14:35 Remember when Abraham said, O Lord, make this land a place of

security; and grant that I and my children may avoid the worship of idols;

14:36 for they, O Lord, have seduced a great number of men. Whoever

therefore shall follow me, he shall be of me: And whosoever shall

disobey me; verily thou wilt be gracious and merciful.

14:37 O Lord, I have caused some of my offspring to settle in an

unfruitful valley, near thy holy house, O Lord, that they may be

constant at prayer. Grant, therefore, that the hearts of some men may be

affected with kindness towards them; and do thou bestow on them all

sorts of fruits; that they may give thanks.

14:38 O Lord, thou knowest whatsoever we conceal, and whatsoever we

publish; for nothing is hidden from God, either on earth, or in heaven.

14:39 Praise be unto God, who hath given me, in my old age Ismael and

Isaac: For my Lord is the hearer of supplication.

14:40 O Lord, grant that I may be an observer of prayer, and a part of

my posterity also, O Lord, and receive my supplication.

14:41 O Lord, forgive me, and my parents, and the faithful, on the day

whereon an account shall be taken.

14:42 Think not, O prophet, that God is regardless of what the ungodly

do. He only deferreth their punishment unto the day whereon mens eyes

shall be fixed:

14:43 They shall hasten forward, at the voice of the angel calling to

judgement, and shall lift up their heads; they shall not be able to turn

their sight from the object whereon it shall be fixed, and their hearts

shall be void of sense, through excessive terror.

14:44 Wherefore do thou threaten men with the day, whereon their

punishment shall be inflicted on them, and whereon those who have acted

unjustly shall say, O Lord, give us respite unto a term near at hand;

and we will obey thy call, and we will follow thy Apostles. But it shall

be answered unto them, did ye not swear heretofore, that no reverse

should befall you?

14:45 Yet ye dwelt in the dwellings of those who had treated their own

souls unjustly; and it appeared plainly unto you how We had dealt with

them; and We propounded their destruction as examples unto you.

14:46 They employ their utmost subtlety to oppose the truth; but their

subtlety is apparent unto God, who is able to frustrate their designs;

although their subtlety were so great, that the mountains might be moved


14:47 Think not therefore, O prophet, that God will be contrary to his

promise of assistance, made unto his Apostles; for God is mighty, able

to avenge.

14:48 The day will come, when the earth shall be changed into another

earth, and the heavens into other heavens; and men shall come forth from

their graves to appear before the only, the mighty God.

14:49 And thou shalt see the wicked on that day bound together on fetters:

14:50 Their inner garments shall be of pitch, and fire shall cover their


14:51 that God may reward every soul, according to what it shall have

deserved; for God is swift in taking an account.

14:52 This is a sufficient admonition unto men, that they may be warned

thereby, and that they may know that there is but one God; and that

those who are indued with understanding may consider.

Chapter 15
Intitled, Al Hejr; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

15:1 A.L.R. These are the signs of the book, and of the perspicuous Koran.

15:2 The time may come when the unbelievers shall wish that they had

been Moslems.

15:3 Suffer them to eat, and to enjoy themselves in this world; and let

hope entertain them: But they shall hereafter know their folly.

15:4 We have not destroyed any city, but a fixed term of repentance was

appointed them.

15:5 No nation shall be punished before their time shall be come;

neither shall they be respited after.

15:6 The Meccans say, O thou to whom the admonition hath been sent down,

thou art certainly possessed with a devil:

15:7 Wouldest thou not have come unto us with an attendance of angels,

if thou hadst spoken truth?

15:8 Answer, we send not down the angels, unless on a just occasion; nor

should they be then respited any longer.

15:9 We have surely sent down the Koran; and We will certainly preserve

the same from corruption.

15:10 We have heretofore sent Apostles before thee, among the ancient


15:11 And there came no Apostle unto them, but they laughed him to scorn.

15:12 In the same manner will we put it into the hearts of the wicked

Meccans to scoff at their prophet:

15:13 They shall not believe on him; and the sentence of the nations of

old hath been executed heretofore.

15:14 If We should open a gate in the heaven above them, and they should

ascend thereto all the day long,

15:15 they would surely say, our eyes are only dazzled; or rather we are

a people deluded by inchantments.

15:16 We have placed the twelve signs in the heaven, and have set them

out in various figures, for the observation of spectators:

15:17 And we guard them from every devil driven away with stones;

15:18 except him who listeneth by stealth, at whom a visible flame is


15:19 We have also spread forth the earth, and thrown thereon stable

mountains; and we have caused every kind of vegetable to spring forth in

the same, according to a determinate weight:

15:20 And we have provided therein necessaries of life for you, and for

him whom ye do not sustain.

15:21 There is no one thing but the store-houses thereof are in our

hands; and We distribute not the same otherwise than in a determinate


15:22 We also send the winds driving the pregnant clouds, and We send

down from heaven water, whereof We give you to drink, and which ye keep

not in store.

15:23 Verily we give life, and We put to death; and We are the heirs of

all things.

15:24 We know those among you who go before; and We know those who stay


15:25 And thy Lord shall gather them together at the last day; for he is

knowing and wise.

15:26 We created man of dried clay, of black mud, formed into shape:

15:27 And We had before created the devil of subtile fire.

15:28 And remember when thy Lord said unto the angels, verily I am about

to create man of dried clay, of black mud, wrought into shape;

15:29 when therefore I shall have completely formed him, and shall have

breathed of my spirit into him; do ye fall down and worship him.

15:30 And all the angels worshipped Adam together,

15:31 except Eblis, who refused to be with those who worshipped him.

15:32 And God said unto him, O Eblis, what hindered thee from being with

those who worshipped Adam?

15:33 He answered, it is not fit that I should worship man, whom thou

hast created of dried clay, of black mud, wrought into shape.

15:34 God said, get thee therefore hence; for thou shalt be driven away

with stones:

15:35 And a curse shall be on thee, until the day of judgement.

15:36 The devil said, O Lord, give me respite until the day of


15:37 God answered, verily thou shalt be one of those who are respited

15:38 until the day of the appointed time.

15:39 The devil replied, O Lord, because thou hast seduced me, I will

surely tempt them to disobedience in the earth; and I will seduce them all,

15:40 except such of them as shall be thy chosen servants.

15:41 God said, this is the right way with me.

15:42 Verily as to my servants, thou shalt have no power over them; but

over those only who shall be seduced, and who shall follow thee.

15:43 And hell is surely denounced unto them all:

15:44 It hath seven gates; unto every gate a distinct company of them

shall be assigned.

15:45 But those who fear God shall dwell in gardens, amidst fountains.

15:46 The angels shall say unto them, enter ye therein in peace and


15:47 And we will remove all grudges from their breasts; they shall be

as brethren, sitting over against one another on couches:

15:48 Weariness shall not affect them therein, neither shall they be

cast out thence for ever.

15:49 Declare unto my servants that I am the gracious, the merciful God;

15:50 and that my punishment is a grievous punishment.

15:51 And relate unto them the history of Abraham's guests.

15:52 When they went in unto him, and said, peace be unto thee; he

answered, verily we are afraid of you:

15:53 And they replied, fear not; we bring thee the promise of a wise son.

15:54 He said, do ye bring me the promise of a son now old age hath

overtaken me? What is it therefore that ye tell me?

15:55 They said, we have told thee the truth; be not therefore one of

those who despair.

15:56 He answered, and who despaireth of the mercy of God, except those

who err?

15:57 And he said, what is your errand therefore, O messengers of God?

15:58 They answered, verily we are sent to destroy a wicked people:

15:59 But as for the family of Lot, we will save them all,

15:60 except his wife; we have decreed that she shall be one of those

who remain behind to be destroyed with the infidels.

15:61 And when the messengers came to the family of Lot,

15:62 he said unto them, verily ye are people who are unknown to me.

15:63 They answered, but we are come unto thee to execute that sentence,

concerning which your fellow citizens doubted:

15:64 We tell thee a certain truth; and we are messengers of veracity.

15:65 Therefore lead forth thy family, in some time of the night; and do

thou follow behind them, and let none of you turn back; but go whither

ye are commanded.

15:66 And We gave him this command; because the utmost remnant of those

people was to be cut off in the morning.

15:67 And the inhabitants of the city came unto Lot, rejoicing at the

news of the arrival of some strangers.

15:68 And he said unto them, verily these are my guests: Wherefore do

not disgrace me by abusing them;
15:69 but fear God, and put me not to shame.

15:70 They answered, have we not forbidden thee from entertaining or

protecting any man?

15:71 Lot replied, these are my daughters; therefore rather make use of

them, if ye be resolved to do what ye purpose.
15:72 As thou livest they wander in their folly.

15:73 Wherefore a terrible storm from heaven assailed them at sun-rise:

15:74 And We turned the city upside down; and We rained on them stones

of baked clay.

15:75 Verily herein are signs unto men of sagacity:

15:76 And those cities were punished, to point out a right way for men

to walk in.

15:77 Verily herein is a sign unto the true believers.

15:78 The inhabitants of the wood near Midian were also ungodly:

15:79 Wherefore We took vengeance on them. And both of them were

destroyed, to serve as a manifest rule for men to direct their actions by.

15:80 And the inhabitants of Al Hejr likewise heretofore accused the

messengers of God of imposture:

15:81 And We produced our signs unto them, but they retired afar off

from the same.

15:82 And they hewed houses out of mountains, to secure themselves.

15:83 But a terrible noise from heaven assailed them in the morning:

15:84 Neither was what they had wrought of any advantage unto them.

15:85 We have not created the heavens and the earth, and whatever is

contained between them, otherwise than in justice: And the hour of

judgement shall surely come. Wherefore, O Mohammed, forgive thy people

with a gracious forgiveness.

15:86 Verily thy Lord is the creator of thee and of them, and knoweth

what is most expedient.

15:87 We have already brought unto thee seven verses which are

frequently to be repeated, and the glorious Koran.

15:88 Cast not thine eyes on the good things which We have bestowed on

several of the unbelievers, so as to covet the same; neither be thou

grieved on their account. Behave thy self with meekness towards the true

15:89 and say, I am a public preacher.

15:90 If they believe not, We will inflict a like punishment on them, as

We have inflicted on the dividers,

15:91 who distinguished the Koran into different parts;

15:92 for by thy Lord, We will demand an account from them all,

15:93 of that which they have wrought.

15:94 Wherefore publish that which thou hast been commanded, and

withdraw from the idolaters.

15:95 We will surely take thy part against the scoffers,

15:96 who associate with God another god; they shall surely know their


15:97 And now We well know that thou art deeply concerned on account of

that which they say:

15:98 but do thou celebrate the praise of thy Lord; and be one of those

who worship;

15:99 and serve thy Lord, until death shall overtake thee.

Chapter 16
Intitled, The Bee; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

16:1 The sentence of God will surely come to be executed; wherefore do

not hasten it. Praise be unto Him! And far be that from Him which they

associate with Him!

16:2 He shall cause the angels to descend with a revelation by his

command, unto such of his servants as He pleaseth, saying, preach that

there is no God, except my self; therefore fear Me.

16:3 He hath created the heavens and the earth to manifest his justice:

Far be that from Him which they associate with him!

16:4 He hath created man of seed; and yet behold, he is a professed

disputer against the resurrection.

16:5 He hath likewise created the cattle for you: From them ye have

wherewith to keep your selves warm, and other advantages; and of them do

ye also eat.

16:6 And they are likewise a credit unto you, when ye drive them home in

the evening, and when ye lead them forth to feed in the morning:

16:7 And they carry your burdens to a distant country, at which ye could

not otherwise arrive, unless with great difficulty to yourselves; for

your Lord is compassionate and merciful.

16:8 And He hath also created horses, and mules, and asses, that ye may

ride thereon, and for an ornament unto you; and He likewise createth

other things which ye know not.

16:9 It appertaineth unto God, to instruct men in the right way; and

there is who turneth aside from the same: But if He had pleased, He

would certainly have directed you all.

16:10 It is He who sendeth down from heaven rain water, whereof ye have

to drink, and from which plants, whereon ye feed your cattle, receive

their nourishment.

16:11 And by means thereof He causeth corn, and olives, and palm-trees,

and grapes, and all kinds of fruits to spring forth for you. Surely

herein is a sign of the divine power and wisdom unto people who consider.

16:12 And He hath subjected the night and the day to your service; and

the sun, and the moon, and the stars, which are copelled to serve by his

command. Verily herein are signs unto people of understanding.

16:13 And He hath also given you dominion over whatever He hath created

for you in the earth, distinguished by its different colour. Surely

herein is a sign unto people who reflect.

16:14 It is He who hath subjected the sea unto you, that ye might eat

fish thereout, and take from thence ornaments for you to wear: And thou

seest the ships plowing the waves thereof, that ye may seek to enrich

your selves of his abundance, by commerce; and that ye might give thanks.

16:15 And He hath thrown upon the earth mountains firmly rooted, lest it

should move with you, and also rivers, and paths, that ye might be


16:16 And He hath likewise ordained marks whereby men may know their

way; and they are directed by the stars.

16:17 Shall God therefore who createth, be as he who createth not? Do ye

not therefore consider?

16:18 If ye attempt to reckon up the favours of God, ye shall not be

able to compute their number: God is surely gracious, and merciful;

16:19 and God knoweth that which ye conceal and that which ye publish.

16:20 But the idols which ye invoke, besides God, create nothing, but

are themselves created.

16:21 They are dead, and not living; neither do they understand when

they shall be raised.

16:22 Your God is one God. As to those who believe not in the life to

come, their hearts deny the plainest evidence, and they proudly reject

the truth.

16:23 There is no doubt but God knoweth that which they conceal and that

which they discover: Verily He loveth not the proud.

16:24 And when it is said unto them, what hath your Lord sent down unto

Mohammed? They answer, fables of ancient times.

16:25 Thus are they given up to error, that they may bear their own

burdens without diminution on the day of resurrection, and also a part

of the burdens of those whom they cause to err, without knowledge. Will

it not be an evil burden which they shall bear?

16:26 Their predecessors devised plots heretofore; but God came unto

their building, to overthrow it from the foundations: And the roof fell

on them from above, and a punishment came upon them, from whence they

did not expect.

16:27 Also on the day of resurrection He will cover them with shame; and

will say, where are my companions, concerning whom ye disputed? Those

unto whom knowledge shall have been given, shall answer, this day shall

shame and misery fall upon the unbelievers.

16:28 They whom the angels shall cause to die, having dealt unjustly

with their own souls, shall offer to make their peace in the article of

death, saying, we have done no evil. But the angels shall reply, yea;

verily God well knoweth that which ye have wrought:

16:29 Wherefore enter the gates of hell, therein to remain for ever; and

miserable shall be the abode of the proud.

16:30 And it shall be said unto those who shall fear God, what hath your

Lord sent down? They shall answer, good: Unto those who do right shall

be given an excellent reward in this world; but the dwelling of the next

life shall be better; and happy shall be the dwelling of the pious!

16:31 Namely, gardens of eternal abode, into which they shall enter;

rivers shall flow beneath the same; therein shall they enjoy whatever

they wish. Thus will God recompense the pious.

16:32 Unto the righteous whom the angels shall cause to die, they shall

say, peace be upon you; enter ye into paradise, as a reward for that

which ye have wrought.

16:33 Do the unbelievers expect any other than that the angels come unto

them, to part their souls from their bodies; or that the sentence of thy

Lord come to be executed on them? So did they act who were before them;

and God was not unjust towards them in that He destroyed them; but they

dealt unjustly with their own souls:

16:34 The evils of that which they committed, reached them; and the

divine judgement which they scoffed at, fell upon them.

16:35 The idolaters say, if God had pleased, we had not worshipped any

thing besides Him, neither had our fathers: Neither had we forbidden any

thing, without Him. So did they who were before them. But is the duty of

the Apostles any other, than public preaching?

16:36 We have heretofore raised up in every nation an Apostle to

admonish them, saying, worship God, and avoid Taghut. And of them there

were some whom God directed, and there were others of them who were

decreed to go astray. Wherefore go through the earth, O tribe of

Koreish, and see what hath been the end of those who accused their

Apostles of imposture.

16:37 If thou, O prophet, dost earnestly wish for their direction;

verily God will not direct him whom He hath resolved to lead into error;

neither shall they have any helpers.

16:38 And they swear most solemnly by God, saying, God will not raise

the dead. Yea; the promise thereof is true: But the greater part of men

know it not.

16:39 He will raise them that He may clearly shew them the truth

concerning which they now disagree, and that the unbelievers may know

that they are liars.

16:40 Verily our speech unto any thing, when We will the same, is, that

we only say unto it, be; and it is.

16:41 As for those who have fled their country for the sake of God,

after they had been unjustly persecuted; We will surely provide them an

excellent habitation in this world, but the reward of the next life

shall be greater; if they knew it.

16:42 They who persevere patiently, and put their trust in their Lord,

shall not fail of happiness in this life and in that which is to come.

16:43 We have not sent any before thee, as our Apostles, other than men,

unto whom We spake by revelation. Enquire therefore of those who have

the custody of the scriptures, if ye know not this to be truth.

16:44 We sent them with evident miracles, and written revelations; and

We have sent down unto thee this Koran, that thou mayest declare unto

mankind that which hath been sent down unto them, and that they may


16:45 Are they who have plotted evil against their prophet secure, that

God will not cause the earth to cleave under them, or that a punishment

will not come upon them, from whence they do not expect;

16:46 or that He will not chastise them while they are busied in

travelling from one place to another, and in traffick? -- for they shall

not be able to elude the power of God, --

16:47 or that He will not chastise them by a gradual destruction? But

your Lord is truly gracious and merciful in granting you respite.

16:48 do they not consider the things which God hath created; whose

shadows are cast on the right hand and on the left, worshipping God, and

become contracted?

16:49 Whatever moveth both in heaven and on earth, worshippeth God, and

the angels also; and they are not elated with pride, so as to disdain

his service:

16:50 They fear their Lord, Who is exalted above them, and perform that

which they are commanded.

16:51 God said, take not unto yourselves two gods; for there is but one

God: And revere Me.

16:52 Unto Him belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth; and unto

Him is obedience eternally due. Will ye therefore fear any besides God?

16:53 Whatever favours ye have received, are certainly from God; and

when evil afflicteth you, unto Him do ye make your supplication;

16:54 yet when He taketh the evil from off you, behold, a part of you

give a companion unto their Lord,

16:55 to shew their ingratitude for the favours We have bestowed on

them. Delight your selves in the enjoyments of this life: But hereafter

shall ye know that ye cannot escape the divine vengeance.

16:56 And they set apart unto idols which have no knowledge, a part of

the food which We have provided for them. By God, ye shall surely be

called to account for that which ye have falsely devised.

16:57 They attribute daughters unto God; -- far be it from him! -- but

unto themselves children of the sex which they desire.

16:58 And when any of them is told the news of the birth of a female,

his face becometh black, and he is deeply afflicted:

16:59 He hideth himself from the people, because of the ill tidings

which have been told him; considering within himself whether he shall

keep it with disgrace, or whether he shall bury it in the dust. Do they

not make an ill judgement?

16:60 Unto those who believe not in the next life, the similitude of

evil ought to be applied, and unto God the most sublime similitude: For

He is mighty and wise.

16:61 If God should punish men for their iniquity, He would not leave on

the earth any moving thing: But He giveth them respite unto an appointed

time; and when their time shall come, they shall not be respited an

hour, neither shall their punishment be anticipated.

16:62 They attribute unto God that which they dislike themselves, and

their tongues utter a lie; namely, that the reward of paradise is for

them. There is no doubt but that the fire of hell is prepared for them,

and that they shall be sent thither before the rest of the wicked.

16:63 By God, We have heretofore sent messengers unto the nations before

thee: But Satan prepared their works for them; he was their patron in

this world, and in that which is to come they shall suffer a grievous


16:64 We have not sent down the book of the Koran unto thee, for any

other purpose, than that thou shouldest declare unto them that truth

concerning which they disagree; and for a direction and mercy unto

people who believe.

16:65 God sendeth down water from heaven, and causeth the earth to

revive after it hath been dead. Verily herein is a sign of the

resurrection unto people who hearken.

16:66 Ye have also in cattle an example of instruction: We give you to

drink of that which is in their bellies, a liquor between digested

dregs, and blood; namely pure milk, which is swallowed with pleasure by

those who drink it.

16:67 And of the fruits of palm-trees, and of grapes, ye obtain an

inebriating liquor, and also good nourishment. Verily herein is a sign

unto people who understand.

16:68 Thy Lord spake by inspiration unto the bee, saying, provide thee

houses in the mountains, and in the trees, and of those materials

wherewith men build hives for thee:

16:69 Then eat of every kind of fruit, and walk in the beaten pathes of

thy Lord. There proceedeth from their bellies a liquor of various

colour; wherein is a medicine for men. Verily herein is a sign unto

people who consider.

16:70 God hath created you, and He will hereafter cause you to die: And

some of you shall have his life prolonged to a decrepit age, so that he

shall forget whatever he knew; for God is wise and powerful.

16:71 God causeth some of you to excel others in worldly possessions:

Yet they who are caused to excel, do not give their wealth unto the

slaves whom their right hands possess, that they may become equal

sharers therein. Do they therefore deny the beneficence of God?

16:72 God hath ordained you wives from among yourselves, and of your

wives hath granted you children and grand-children; and hath bestowed on

you good things for food. Will they therefore believe in that which is

vain, and ungratefully deny the goodness of God?

16:73 They worship, besides God, idols which possess nothing wherewith

to sustain them, either in heaven, or on earth; and have no power.

16:74 Wherefore liken not any thing unto God: For God knoweth, but ye

know not.

16:75 God propoundeth as a parable a possessed slave, who hath power

over nothing, and him on whom we have bestowed a good provision from us,

and who giveth alms thereout both secretly and openly: Shall these two

be esteemed equal? God forbid! But the greater part of them know it not.

16:76 God also propoundeth as a parable two men; one of them born dumb,

who is unable to do or understand any thing, but is a burden unto his

master; whithersoever he shall send him, he shall not return with any

good success: Shall this man, and he who hath his speech and

understanding, and who commandeth that which is just, and followeth the

right way, be esteemed equal?

16:77 Unto God alone is the secret of heaven and earth known. And the

business of the last hour shall be only as the twinkling of an eye, or

even more quick: For God is almighty.

16:78 God hath brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers; ye knew

nothing, and He gave you the senses of hearing and seeing, and

understandings, that ye might give thanks.

16:79 Do they not behold the fowls which are enabled to fly in the open

firmament of heaven? None supporteth them except God. Verily herein are

signs unto people who believe.

16:80 God hath also provided you houses for habitations for you; and

hath also provided you tents of the skins of cattle, which ye find light

to be removed on the day of your departure to new quarters, and easy to

be pitched on the day of your sitting down therein: And of their wool,

and their fur, and their hair hath He supplied you with furniture and

household-stuff for a season.

16:81 And God hath provided for you, of that which He hath created,

conveniences to shade you from the sun, and He hath also provided you

places of retreat in the mountains, and He hath given you garments to

defend you from the heat, and coats of mail to defend you in your wars.

Thus doth He accomplish his favour towards you, that ye may resign your

selves unto Him.

16:82 But if they turn back; verily thy duty is public preaching only.

16:83 They acknowledge the goodness of God, and afterwards they deny the

same; but the greater part of them are unbelievers.

16:84 On a certain day We will raise a witness out of every nation: Then

they who shall have been unbelievers shall not be suffered to excuse

themselves, neither shall they be received into favour.

16:85 And when they who shall have acted unjustly shall see the torment

prepared for them; -- it shall not be mitigated unto them, neither shall

they be respited; --

16:86 and when those who shall have been guilty of idolatry shall see

their false gods, they shall say, O Lord, these are our idols which we

invoked, besides Thee. But they shall return an answer unto them,

saying, verily ye are liars.

16:87 And on that day shall the wicked offer submission unto God; and

the false deities which they imagined shall abandon them.

16:88 As for those who shall have been infidels, and shall have turned

aside others from the way of God, We will add unto them punishment upon

punishment, because they have corrupted others.

16:89 On a certain day We will raise up in every nation a witness

against them, from among themselves; and We will bring thee, O Mohammed,

as a witness against these Arabians. We have sent down unto thee the

book of the Koran, for an explication of every thing necessary both as

to faith and practice, and a direction, and mercy, and good tidings unto

the Moslems.

16:90 Verily God commandeth justice, and the doing of good, and the

giving unto kindred what shall be necessary; and He forbiddeth

wickedness, and iniquity, and oppression: He admonisheth you that ye may


16:91 Perform your covenant with God, when ye enter into covenant with

Him; and violate not your oaths, after the ratification thereof; since

ye have made God a witness over you. Verily God knoweth that which ye do.

16:92 And be not like unto her who undoeth that which she hath spun,

untwisting it after she hath twisted it strongly; taking your oaths

between you deceitfully, because one party is more numerous than another

party. Verily God only tempteth you therein; and He will make that

manifest unto you, on the day of resurrection, concerning which ye now


16:93 If God had pleased, He would surely have made you one people: But

He will lead into error whom He pleaseth, and He will direct whom He

pleaseth; and ye shall surely give an account of that which ye have done.

16:94 Therefore take not your oaths between you deceitfully, lest your

foot slip, after it hath been stedfastly fixed, and ye taste evil in

this life, for that ye have turned aside from the way of God; and ye

suffer a grievous punishment in the life to come.

16:95 And sell not the covenant of God for a small price; for with God

is a better recompense prepared for you, if ye be men of understanding.

16:96 That which is with you will fail; but that which is with God is

permanent: And We will surely reward those who shall persevere,

according to the utmost merit of their actions.

16:97 Whoso worketh righteousness, whether he be male or female, and is

a true believer, We will surely raise him to a happy life; and We will

give them their reward, according to the utmost merit of their actions.

16:98 When thou readest the Koran, have recourse unto God, that He may

preserve thee from Satan driven away with stones:

16:99 He hath no power over those who believe, and who put their

confidence in their Lord;

16:100 but his power is over those only, who take him for their patron,

and who give companions unto God.

16:101 When We substitute in the Koran an abrogating verse in lieu of a

verse abrogated, -- and God best knoweth the fitness of that which He

revealeth, -- the infidels say, thou art only a forger of these verses:

But the greater part of them know not truth from falsehood.

16:102 Say, the holy spirit hath brought the same down from thy Lord

with truth; that He may confirm those who believe, and for a direction

and good tidings unto the Moslems.

16:103 We also know that they say, verily, a certain man teacheth him to

compose the Koran. The tongue of the person unto whom they incline, is a

foreign tongue; but this, wherein the Koran is written, is the

perspicuous Arabic tongue.

16:104 Moreover as of those who believe not in the signs of God, God

will not direct them, and they shall suffer a painful torment:

16:105 Verily they imagine a falsehood who believe not in the signs of

God, and they are really the liars.

16:106 Whoever denieth God, after he hath believed, except him who shall

be compelled against his will, and whose heart continueth stedfast in

the faith, shall be severely chastised: But whoever shall voluntarily

profess infidelity, on those shall the indignation of God fall, and they

shall suffer a grievous punishment.

16:107 This shall be their sentence, because they have loved the present

life above that which is to come, and for that God directeth not the

unbelieving people.

16:108 These are they whose hearts, and hearing, and sight God hath

sealed up; and these are the negligent:

16:109 There is no doubt but that in the next life they shall perish.

16:110 Moreover thy Lord will be favourable unto those who have fled

their country, after having suffered persecution, and been compelled to

deny the faith by violence, and who have since fought in defence of the

true religion, and have persevered with patience; verily unto these will

thy Lord be gracious and merciful, after they shall have shewn their


16:111 On a certain day shall every soul come to plead for it self, and

every soul shall be repaid that which it shall have wrought; and they

shall not be treated unjustly.

16:112 God propoundeth as a parable a city which was secure and quiet,

unto which her provisions came in abundance from every side; but she

ungratefully denied the favours of God: Wherefore God caused her to

taste the extreme famine, and fear, because of that which they had done.

16:113 And now is an Apostle come unto the inhabitants of Mecca from

among themselves; and they accuse him of imposture: Wherefore a

punishment shall be inflicted on them, while they are acting unjustly.

16:114 Eat of what God hath given you for food, that which is lawful and

good; and be thankful for the favours of God, if ye serve Him.

16:115 He hath only forbidden you that which dieth of it self, and

blood, and swine's flesh, and that which hath been slain in the name of

any, besides God. But unto him who shall be compelled by necessity to

eat of these things, not lusting nor wilfully transgressing, God will

surely be gracious and merciful.

16:116 And say not that wherein your tongues utter a lie; this is

lawful, and this is unlawful; that ye may devise a lie concerning God:

For they who devise a lie concerning God, shall not prosper.

16:117 They shall have small enjoyment in this world, and in that which

is to come they shall suffer a grievous torment.

16:118 Unto the Jews did We forbid that which we have told thee

formerly: And We did them no injury in that respect; but they injured

their own souls.

16:119 Moreover thy Lord will be favourable unto those who do evil

through ignorance; and afterwards repent and amend: Verily unto these

will thy Lord be gracious and merciful, after their repentance.

16:120 Abraham was a model of true religion, obedient unto God,

orthodox, and was not an idolater:

16:121 He was also grateful for his benefits: Wherefore God chose him,

and directed him into the right way.

16:122 And We bestowed on him good in this world; and in the next he

shall surely be one of the righteous.

16:123 We have also spoken unto thee, O Mohammed, by revelation, saying,

follow the religion of Abraham, who was othodox, and was no idolater.

16:124 The sabbath was only appointed unto those who differed with their

prophet concerning it; and thy Lord will surely judge between them, on

the day of resurrection, as to that concerning which they differed.

16:125 Invite men unto the way of thy Lord, by wisdom, and mild

exhortation; and dispute with them in the most condescending manner: For

thy Lord well knoweth him who strayeth from his path, and He well

knoweth those who are rightly directed.

16:126 If ye take vengeance on any, take a vengeance proportionable to

the wrong which hath been done you; but if ye suffer wrong patiently,

verily this will be better for the patient.

16:127 Wherefore do thou bear opposition with patience; but thy patience

shall not be practicable, unless with God's assistance. And be not thou

grieved on account of the unbelievers; neither be thou troubled for that

which they subtly devise;

16:128 for God is with those who fear Him, and are upright.

Chapter 17
Intitled, The Night Journey; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

17:1 Praise be unto Him, who transported his servant by night, from the

sacred temple of Mecca to the farther temple of Jerusalem, the circuit

of which We have blessed, that We might shew him some of our signs; for

God is He who heareth, and seeth.

17:2 And We gave unto Moses the book of the law, and appointed the same

to be a direction unto the children of Israel, commanding them, saying,

beware that ye take not any other patron besides Me.

17:3 O posterity of those whom We carried in the ark with Noah: Verily

he was a grateful servant.

17:4 And We expressly declared unto the children of Israel in the book

of the law, saying, ye will surely commit evil in the earth twice, and

ye will be elated with great insolence.

17:5 And when the punishment threatened for the first of those

transgressions came to be executed, We sent against you our servants,

indued with exceeding strength in war, and they searched the inner

apartments of your houses; and the prediction became accomplished.

17:6 Afterwards We gave you the victory over them, in your turn, and We

granted you increase of wealth and children, and We made you a more

numerous people, saying,

17:7 if ye do well, ye will do well to your own souls; and if ye do

evil, ye will do it unto the same. And when the punishment threatened

for your latter transgression came to be executed, We sent enemies

against you to afflict you, and to enter the temple, as they entered it

the first time, and utterly to destroy that which they had conquered.

17:8 Peradventure your Lord will have mercy on you hereafter: But if ye

return to transgress a third time, We also will return to chastise you;

and We have appointed hell to be the prison of the unbelievers.

17:9 Verily this Koran directeth unto the way which is most right, and

declareth unto the faithful, who do good works, that they shall receive

a great reward;

17:10 and that for those who believe not in the life to come, We have

prepared a grievous punishment.

17:11 Man prayeth for evil, as he prayeth for good; for man is hasty.

17:12 We have ordained the night and the day for two signs of our power:

Afterwards We blot out the sign of the night, and We cause the sign of

the day to shine forth, that ye may endeavour to obtain plenty from your

Lord by doing your business therein, and that ye may know the number of

years, and the computation of time; and every thing necessary have We

explained by a perspicuous explication.

17:13 The fate of every man have we bound about his neck; and we will

produce unto him, on the day of resurrection, a book wherein his actions

shall be recorded:

17:14 It shall be offered him open, and the angels shall say unto him,

read thy book; thine own soul will be a sufficient accountant against

thee, this day.

17:15 He who shall be rightly directed, shall be directed to the

advantage only of his own soul; and he who shall err, shall err only

against the same: Neither shall any laden soul be charged with the

burden of another. We did not punish any people, until we had first sent

an Apostle to warn them.

17:16 And when We resolved to destroy a city, We commanded the

inhabitants thereof, who lived in affluence, to obey our Apostle; but

they acted corruptly herein: Wherefore the sentence was justly

pronounced against that city; and We destroyed it with an utter


17:17 And how many generations have We consumed since Noah? For thy Lord

suffinciently knoweth and seeth the sins of his servants.

17:18 Whosoever chooseth this transitory life, We will bestow on him

therein before hand that which We please; on him, namely, whom We

please: Afterwards will We appoint him hell for his abode; he shall be

thrown into the same to be scorched, covered with ignominy, and utterly

rejected from mercy.

17:19 But whosoever chooseth the life to come, and directeth his

endeavour towards the same, being also a true believer; the endeavour of

these shall be acceptable unto God.

17:20 On all will We bestow the blessings of this life, both on these

and on those, of the gift of thy Lord; for the gift of thy Lord shall

not be denied unto any.

17:21 Behold, how We have caused some of them to surpass others in

wealth and dignity: But the next life shall be more considerable in

degrees of honour, and greater in excellence.

17:22 Set not up another god with the true God, lest thou sit down in

disgrace, and destitute.

17:23 Thy Lord hath commanded that ye worship none, besides Him; and

that ye shew kindness unto your parents, whether the one of them, or

both of them attain to old age with thee. Wherefore say not unto them,

fie on you! Neither reproach them, but speak respectfully unto them;

17:24 and submit to behave humbly towards them, out of tender affection,

and say, O Lord, have mercy on them both, as they nursed me when I was


17:25 Your Lord well knoweth that which is in your souls; whether ye be

men of integrity: And He will be gracious unto those who sincerely

return unto Him.

17:26 And give unto him who is of kin to you his due, and also unto the

poor, and the traveller. And waste not thy substance profusely:

17:27 For the profuse are brethren of the devils: And the devil was

ungrateful unto his Lord.

17:28 But if thou turn from them, in expectation of the mercy which thou

hopest from thy Lord; at least, speak kindly unto them.

17:29 And let not thy hand be tied up to thy neck; neither open it with

an unbounded expansion, lest thou become worthy of reprehension, and be

reduced to poverty.

17:30 Verily thy Lord will inlarge the store of whom He pleaseth, and

will be sparing unto whom He pleaseth; for He knoweth and regardeth his


17:31 Kill not your children for fear of being brought to want; We will

provide for them and for you: Verily the killing them is a great sin.

17:32 Draw not near unto fornication; for it is wickedness, and an evil


17:33 Neither slay the soul which God hath forbidden you to slay, unless

for a just cause; and whosoever shall be slain unjustly, We have given

his heir power to demand satisfaction; but let him not exceed the bounds

of moderation in putting to death the murderer in too cruel a manner, or

by revenging his friend's blood on any other than the person who killed

him; since he is assisted by this law.

17:34 And meddle not with the substance of the orphan, unless it be to

improve it, until he attain his age of strength: And perform your

covenant; for the performance of your covenant shall be inquired into


17:35 And give full measure, when you measure ought; and weigh with a

just balance. This will be better, and more easy for determining every

man's due.

17:36 And follow not that whereof thou hast no knowledge; for the

hearing, and the sight, and the heart, every of these shall be examined

at the last day.

17:37 Walk not proudly in the land, for thou canst not cleave the earth,

neither shalt thou equal the mountains in stature.

17:38 All this is evil, and abominable in the sight of thy Lord.

17:39 These precepts are a part of the wisdom which thy Lord hath

revealed unto thee. Set not up any other god as equal unto God, lest

thou be cast into hell, reproved and rejected.

17:40 Hath your Lord preferably granted unto you sons, and taken for

himself daughters from among the angels? Verily in asserting this ye

utter a grievous saying.

17:41 And now have we used various arguments and repetitions in this

Koran, that they may be warned; yet it only rendereth them more disposed

to fly from the truth.

17:42 Say unto the idolaters, if there were other gods with him, as ye

say, they would surely seek an occasion of making some attempt against

the possessor of the throne:

17:43 God forbid! And far, very far, be that from Him which they utter!

17:44 The seven heavens praise Him, and the earth, and all who are

therein: Neither is there any thing which doth not celebrate his praise;

but ye understand not their celebration thereof: He is gracious and


17:45 When thou readest the Koran, We place between thee and those who

believe not in the life to come, a dark vail;

17:46 and we put coverings over their hearts, lest they should

understand it, and in their ears thickness of hearing. And when thou

makest mention, in repeating the Koran, of thy Lord only, they turn

their backs, flying the doctrine of his unity.

17:47 We well know with what design they hearken, when they hearken unto

thee, and when they privately discourse together: When the ungodly say,

ye follow no other than a mad-man.

17:48 Behold! What epithets they bestow on thee. But they are deceived;

neither can they find any just occasion to reproach thee.

17:49 They also say, after we shall have become bones and dust, shall we

surely be raised a new creature?
17:50 Answer, be ye stones, or iron,

17:51 or some creature more improbable in your opinions to be raised to

life. But they will say, who shall restore us to life? Answer, He who

created you the first time: And they will wag their heads at thee,

saying, when shall this be? Answer, peradventure it is nigh.

17:52 On that day shall God call you forth from your sepulchres, and ye

shall obey, with celebration of his praise; and ye shall think that ye

tarried but a little while.

17:53 Speak unto my servants, that they speak mildly unto the

unbelievers, lest ye exasperate them, for Satan soweth discord among

them, and Satan is a declared enemy unto man.

17:54 Your Lord well knoweth you; if He pleaseth, He will have mercy on

you, or, if He pleaseth, He will punish you: And We have not sent thee

to be a steward over them.

17:55 Thy Lord well knoweth all persons in heaven and on earth. We have

bestowed peculiar favours on some of the prophets, preferably to others;

and We gave unto David the psalms.

17:56 Say, call upon those whom ye imagine to be gods besides Him; yet

they will not be able to free you from harm, or to turn it on others.

17:57 Those whom ye invoke, do themselves desire to be admitted to a

near conjunction with their Lord; striving which of them shall approach

nearest unto Him: They also hope for his mercy, and dread his

punishment; for the punishment of thy Lord is terrible.

17:58 There is no city but We will destroy the same before the day of

resurrection, or We will punish it with a grievous punishment. This is

written in the book of our eternal decrees.

17:59 Nothing hindered us from sending thee with miracles, except that

the former nations have charged them with imposture. We gave unto the

tribe of Thamud, at their demand, the she-camel visible to their sight;

yet they dealt unjustly with her: And We send not a prophet with

miracles, but to strike terror.

17:60 Remember when We said unto thee, verily thy Lord encompasseth men

by his knowledge and power. We have appointed the vision which We shewed

thee, and also the tree cursed in the Koran, only for an occasion of

dispute unto men, and to strike them with terror; but it shall cause

them to transgress only the more enormously.

17:61 And remember when We said unto the angels, worship Adam; and they

all worshipped him except Eblis, who said, shall I worship him whom Thou

hast created of clay?

17:62 And he said, what thinkest thou, as to this man whom thou hast

honoured above me? Verily, if thou grant me respite until the day of

resurrection, I will extirpate his off-spring, except a few.

17:63 God answered, be gone, I grant thee respite: But whosoever of them

shall follow thee, hell shall surely be your reward;

17:64 an ample reward for your demerits! And intice to vanity such of

them as thou canst, by thy voice; and assault them on all sides with thy

horsemen and thy footmen; and partake with them in their riches, and

their children; and make them promises; -- but the devil shall make them

no other than deceitful promises: --

17:65 As to my servants, thou shalt have no power over them; for thy

Lord is a sufficient protector of those who trust in Him.

17:66 It is your Lord who driveth forward the ships for you in the sea,

that ye may seek to enrich your selves of his abundance by commerce; for

He is merciful towards you.

17:67 When a misfortune befalleth you at sea, the false deities whom ye

invoke are forgotten by you, except Him alone: Yet when He bringeth you

safe to dry land, ye retire afar off from Him, and return to your idols;

for man is ungrateful.

17:68 Are ye therefore secure that He will not cause the dry land to

swallow you up, or that He will not send against you a whirlwind driving

the sands to overwhelm you? Then shall ye find none to protect you.

17:69 Or are ye secure that He will not cause you again to commit your

selves to the sea another time, and send against you a tempestuous wind,

and drown you; for that ye have been ungrateful? Then shall ye find none

to defend you against Us, in that distress.

17:70 And now have We honoured the children of Adam by sundry peculiar

privileges and endowments; and We have given them conveniencies of

carriage by land and by sea, and have provided food for them of good

things; and We have preferred them before many of our creatures which We

have created, by granting them great prerogatives.

17:71 On a certain day We will call all men to judgement with their

respective leader: And whosoever shall have his book given him into his

right hand, they shall read their book with joy and satisfaction; and

they shall not be wronged a hair.

17:72 And whoever hath been blind in this life, shall be also blind in

the next, and shall wander more widely from the path of salvation.

17:73 It wanted little but the unbelievers had tempted thee to swerve

from the instructions which We had revealed unto thee, that thou

shouldest devise concerning Us a different thing; and then would they

have taken thee for their friend:

17:74 And unless We had confirmed thee, thou hadst certainly been very

near inclining unto them a little.

17:75 Then would We surely have caused thee to taste the punishment of

life, and the punishment of death; and thou shouldest not have found any

to protect thee against Us.

17:76 The unbelievers had likewise almost caused thee to depart the

land, that they might have expelled thee thence: But then should they

not have tarried therein after thee, except a little while.

17:77 This is the method of dealing which We have prescribed our selves

in respect to our Apostles, whom We have already sent before thee: And

thou shalt not find any change in our prescribed method.

17:78 Regularly perform thy prayer at the declension of the sun, at the

first darkness of the night, and the prayer of day-break; for the prayer

of day-break is born witness unto by the angels.

17:79 And watch some part of the night in the same exercise, as a work

of supererogation for thee; peradventure thy Lord will raise thee to an

honourable station.

17:80 And say, O Lord, cause me to enter with a favourable entry and

cause me to come forth with a fabourable coming forth; and grant me from

Thee an assisting power.

17:81 And say, truth is come, and falsehood is vanished: For falsehood

is of short continuance.

17:82 We send down of the Koran that which is a medicine and mercy unto

the true believers, but it shall only increase the perdition of the unjust.

17:83 When We bestow favours on man, he retireth and withdraweth himself

ungratefully from Us: But when evil toucheth him, he despaireth of our


17:84 Say, every one acteth after his own manner: But your Lord best

knoweth who is most truly directed in his way.

17:85 They will ask thee concerning the spirit: Answer, the spirit was

created at the command of my Lord: But ye have no knowledge given unto

you, except a little.

17:86 If We pleased, We should certainly take away that which We have

revealed unto thee; in such case thou couldest not find any to assist

thee therein against Us,

17:87 unless through mercy from thy Lord; for his favour towards thee

hath been great.

17:88 Say, verily if men and genii were purposely assembled, that they

might produce a book like this Koran, they could not produce one like

unto it, although the one of them assisted the other.

17:89 And We have variously propounded unto men in this Koran, every

kind of figurative argument; but the greater part of men refuse to

receive it, merely out of infidelity.

17:90 And they say, we will by no means believe on thee, until thou

cause a spring of water to gush forth for us out of the earth;

17:91 or thou have a garden of palm-trees and vines, and thou cause

rivers to spring forth from the midst thereof in abundance;

17:92 or thou cause the heaven to fall down upon us, as thou hast given

out, in pieces; or thou bring down God and the angels to vouch for thee;

17:93 or thou have a house of gold; or thou ascend by a ladder to

heaven: Neither will we believe thy ascending thither alone, until thou

cause a book to descend unto us, bearing witness of thee, which we may

read. Answer, my Lord be praised! Am I other than a man, sent as an


17:94 And nothing hindreth men from believing, when a direction is come

unto them, except that they say, hath God sent a man for his Apostle?

17:95 Answer, if the angels had walked on earth as familiar inhabitants

thereof, We had surely sent down unto them from heaven an angel for our


17:96 Say, God is a sufficient witness between me and you: For He

knoweth and regardeth his servants.

17:97 Whom God shall direct, he shall be the rightly directed; and whom

He shall cause to err, thou shalt find none to assist, besides him. And

We will gather them together on the day of resurrection, creeping on

their faces, blind, and dumb, and deaf: Their abode shall be hell; so

often as the fire thereof shall be extinguished, We will rekindle a

burning flame to torment them.

17:98 This shall be their reward, because they disbelieve in our signs,

and say, when we shall have been reduced to bones and dust, shall we

surely be raised new creatures?

17:99 Do they not perceive that God, who created the heavens and the

earth, is able to create other bodies, like their present? And He hath

appointed them a limited term; there is no doubt thereof: But the

ungoldly reject the truth, merely out of unbelief.

17:100 Say, if ye possessed the treasures of the mercy of my Lord, ye

would surely refrain from using them, for fear of spending them; for man

is covetous.

17:101 We heretofore gave unto Moses the power of working nine evident

signs. And do thou ask the children of Israel as to the story of Moses;

when he came unto them, and Pharaoh said unto him, verily I esteem thee,

O Moses, to be deluded by sorcery.

17:102 Moses answered, thou well knowest that none hath sent down these

evident signs except the Lord of heaven and earth; and I surely esteem

thee, O Pharaoh, a lost man.

17:103 Wherefore Pharaoh sought to drive them out of the land; but We

drowned him, and all those who were with him.

17:104 And We said unto the children of Israel, after his destruction,

dwell ye in the land: And when the promise of the next life shall come

to be fulfilled, We will bring you both promiscuously to judgement.

17:105 We have sent down the Koran with truth, and it hath descended

with truth: And we have not sent thee otherwise than to be a bearer of

good tidings, and a denouncer of threats.

17:106 And We have divided the Koran, revealing it by parcels, that thou

mightest read it unto men with deliberation; and We have sent it down,

causing it to descend as occasion required.

17:107 Say, whether ye believe therein, or do not believe, verily those

who have been favoured with the knowledge of the scriptures which were

revealed before it, when the same is rehearsed unto them, fall down on

their faces, worshipping,

17:108 and say, our Lord be praised, for that the promise of our Lord is

surely fulfilled!

17:109 And they fall down on their faces, weeping; and the hearing

thereof increaseth their humility.

17:110 Say, call upon God, or call on the Merciful: By which soever of

the two names ye invoke Him, it is equal; for He hath most excellent

names. Pronounce not thy prayer aloud, neither pronounce it with two low

a voice, but follow a middle way between these:

17:111 And say, praise be unto God, Who hath not begotten any child; Who

hath no partner in the kingdom, nor hath any to protect him from

contempt: And magnify Him by proclaiming his greatness.

Chapter 18
Intitled, The Cave; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

18:1 Praise be unto God, who hath sent down unto his servant the book of

the Koran, and hath not inserted any crookedness, but hath made it a

strait rule:

18:2 That He should threaten a grievous punishment unto the unbelievers,

from his presence; and should bear good tidings unto the faithful, who

work righteousness, that they shall receive an excellent reward, namely,

18:3 wherein they shall remain for ever:

18:4 And that He should warn those who say, God hath begotten issue;

18:5 of which matter they have no knowledge, neither had their fathers.

A grievous saying it is, which proceedeth from their mouths: They speak

no other than a lie.

18:6 Peradventure thou wilt kill thy self with grief after them, out of

thy earnest zeal for their conversion, if they believe not in this new

revelation of the Koran.

18:7 Verily we have ordained whatsoever is on the earth for the ornament

thereof, that we might make trial of men, and see which of them

excelleth in works:

18:8 And we will surely reduce whatever is thereon, to dry dust.

18:9 Dost thou consider that the companions of the cave, and Al Rakim,

were one of our signs, and a great miracle?

18:10 When the young men took refuge in the cave, they said, O Lord,

grant us mercy from before thee, and dispose our business for us to a

right issue.

18:11 Wherefore We struck their ears with deafness, so that they slept

without disturbance in the cave for a great number of years:

18:12 Then We awaked them, that We might know which of the two parties

was more exact in computing the space which they had remainded there.

18:13 We will relate unto thee their history with truth. Verily they

were young men who had believed in their Lord; and We had abundantly

directed them:

18:14 And We fortified their hearts with constancy when they stood

before the tyrant; and they said, our Lord is the Lord of heaven and

earth: We will by no means call on any god besides Him; for then should

we surely utter an extravagance.

18:15 These our fellow people have taken other gods, besides Him;

although they bring no demonstrative argument for them: And who is more

unjust than he who deviseth a lie concerning God?

18:16 And they said the one to the other, when ye shall separate

yourselves from them, and from the deities which they worship, except

God, fly into the cave: Your Lord will pour his mercy on you abundantly,

and will dispose your business for you to advantage.

18:17 And thou mightest have seen the sun, when it had risen, to decline

from their cave towards the right hand; and when it went down, to leave

them on the left hand: And they were in the spacious part of the cave.

This was one of the signs of God. Whomsoever God shall direct, he shall

be rightly directed; and whomsoever He shall cause to err, thou shalt

not find any to defend or to direct.

18:18 And thou wouldst have judged them to have been awake, while they

were sleeping; and We caused them to turn themselves to the right hand,

and to the left. And their dog stretched forth his fore-legs in the

mouth of the cave: If thou hadst come suddenly upon them, verily thou

wouldest have turned thy back and fled from them, and thou wouldest have

been filled with fear at the sight of them.

18:19 And so We awaked them from their sleep, that they might ask

questions of one another. One of them spake and said, how long have ye

tarried here? They answered, we have tarried a day, or part of a day.

The others said, your Lord, best knoweth the time ye have tarried: And

now send one of you with this your money into the city, and let him see

which of its inhabitants hath the best and cheapest food, and let him

bring you provision from him; and let him behave circumspectly, and not

discover you to any one.

18:20 Verily, if they come up against you, they will stone you, or force

you to return to their religion; and then shall ye not prosper for ever.

18:21 And so We made their people acquainted with what had happened to

them; that they might know that the promise of God is true, and that

there is no doubt of the last hour; when they disputed among themselves

concerning their matter. And they said, erect a building over them:

Their Lord best knoweth their condition. Those who prevailed in their

affair answered, we will surely build a chappel over them.

18:22 Some say, the sleepers were three; and their dog was the fourth:

And others say, they were five; and their dog was the sixth; guessing at

a secret matter: And others say, they were seven; and their dog was the

eighth. Say, my Lord best knoweth their number: None shall know them,

except a few. Wherefore dispute not concerning them, unless with a clear

disputation, according to what hath been revealed unto thee: And ask not

any of the Christians concerning them.

18:23 Say not of any matter, I will surely do this to morrow;

18:24 unless thou add, if God please. And remember thy Lord, when thou

forgettest, and say, my Lord is able to direct me with ease, that I may

draw near unto the truth of this matter rightly.

18:25 And they remained in their cave three hundred years, and nine

years over.

18:26 Say, God best knoweth how long they continued there: Unto Him are

the secrets of heaven and earth known; do thou make him to see and to

hear. The inhabitants thereof have no protector besides Him; neither

doth He suffer nay one to have a share in the establishment or knowledge

of his decree.

18:27 Read that which hath been revealed unto thee, of the book of thy

Lord, without presuming to make any change therein: There is none who

hath power to change his words; and thou shalt not find any to fly to,

besides Him, if thou attempt it.

18:28 Behave thy self with constancy towards those who call upon their

Lord morning and evening, and who seek his favour; and let not thine

eyes be turned away from them, seeking the pomp of this life; neither

obey him whose heart We have caused to neglect the remembrance of us,

and who followeth his lusts, and leaveth the truth behind him.

18:29 And say, the truth is from your Lord; wherefore let him who will,

believe, and let him who will, be incredulous. We have surely prepared

for the unjust hell fire, the flame and smoke wereof shall surround them

like a pavilion: And if they beg relief, they shall be relieved with

water like molten brass, which shall scald their faces; O how miserable

a potion, and how unhappy a couch!

18:30 As to those who believe, and do good works, we will not suffer the

reward of him who shall work righteousness to perish:

18:31 For them are prepared gardens of eternal abode, which shall be

watered by rivers; they shall be adorned therein with bracelets of gold,

and shall be clothed in green garments of fine silk and brocades;

reposing themselves therein on thrones. O how happy a reward, and how

easy a couch!

18:32 And propound unto them as a parable two men: On the one of whom We

had bestowed two vineyards, and had surrounded them with palm-trees, and

had caused corn to grow between them.

18:33 Each of the gardens brought forth its fruit every season, and

failed not at all; and we caused a river to flow in the midst thereof:

18:34 And he had great abundance. And he said unto his companion by way

of debate, I am superior to thee in wealth, and have a more powerful


18:35 And he went into his garden, being guilty of injustice against his

own soul, and said, I do not think that this garden will decay for ever;

18:36 neither do I think that the last hour will come: And although I

should return unto my Lord, verily I shall find a better garden than

this in exchange.

18:37 And his companion said unto him, by way of debate, dost thou not

believe in Him who created thee of the dust, and afterwards of seed; and

then fashioned thee into a perfect man?

18:38 But as for me, God is my Lord; and I will not associate any other

deity with my Lord.

18:39 And when thou enterest thy garden, wilt thou not say, what God

pleaseth shall come to pass; there is no power but in God alone?

Although thou seest me to be inferior to thee in wealth and number of


18:40 my Lord is well able to bestow on me a better gift than thy

garden, and to shoot his arrows against the same from heaven, so that it

shall become barren dust;

18:41 or its water may sink deep into the earth, that thou canst not

draw thereof.

18:42 And his possessions were incompassed with destruction, as his

companion had forewarned him: Wherefore he began to turn down the palms

of his hands out of sorrow and regret for that which he had expended

thereon; for the vines thereof were fallen down on their trails: And he

said, would to God that I had not associated any other deity with my Lord!

18:43 And he had no party to assist him, besides God, neither was he

able to defend himself against his vengeance.

18:44 In such case protection belongeth of right unto God alone; He is

the best rewarder, and the best giver of success.

18:45 And propound to them a similitude of the present life. It is like

water which We send down from heaven; and the herb of the earth is mixed

therewith, and after it hath been green and flourishing, in the morning

it becometh dry stubble, which the winds scatter abroad: And God is able

to do all things.

18:46 Wealth and children are the ornaments of this present life: But

good works, which are permanent, are better in the sight of thy Lord,

with respect to the reward, and better with respect to hope.

18:47 On a certain day We will cause the mountains to pass away, and

thou shalt see the earth appearing plain and even; and We will gather

mankind together, and We will not leave any one of them behind.

18:48 And they shall be set before thy Lord in distinct order, and He

shall say unto them, now are ye come unto us naked, as We created you

the first time: But ye thought that We should not perform our promise

unto you.

18:49 And the book wherein every one's actions are recorded shall be put

into his hand; and thou shalt see the wicked in great terror, because of

that which is written therein, and they shall say, Alas for us! What

meaneth this book? It omitteth neither a small action nor a great one,

but it comprizeth the same; and they shall find that which they have

wrought, present before their eyes: And thy Lord will not deal unjustly

with any one.

18:50 Remember when We said unto the angels, worship ye Adam: And they

all worshipped him, except Eblis, who was one of the genii, and departed

from the command of his Lord. Will ye therefore take him and his

offspring for your patrons besides Me, notwithstanding they are your

enemies? Miserable shall such a change be to the ungodly!

18:51 I called not them to be present at the creation of the heavens and

of the earth, nor at the creation of themselves, neither did I take

those seducers for my assistants.

18:52 On a certain day, God shall say unto the idolaters, call those

whom ye imagined to be my companions, to protect you: And they shall

call them, but they shall not answer them; and We will place a valley of

destruction between them:

18:53 And the wicked shall see hell fire; and they shall know that they

shall be thrown into the same, and they shall find no way to avoid it.

18:54 And now have We variously propounded unto men, in this Koran, a

parable of every kind; but man cavilleth at most things therein.

18:55 Yet nothing hindreth men from believing, now a direction is come

unto them, and from asking pardon of their Lord, excepting that they

wait until the punishment of their predecessors come to be inflicted on

them, or that the chastisement of the next life come upon them publicly.

18:56 We send not our messengers, but to bear good tidings, and to

denounce threats. Those who believe not, dispute with vain arguments,

that they may thereby render the truth of no effect: And they hold my

signs, and the admonitions which have been made them, in derision.

18:57 And who is more unjust than he who hath been acquainted with the

signs of his Lord, and retireth afar off from the same, and forgetteth

that which his hands have formerly committed? Verily We have cast vails

over their hearts, lest they should understand the Koran, and into their

ears thickness of hearing: If thou invite them to the true direction,

yet will they not therefore be directed for ever.

18:58 Thy Lord is gracious, indued with mercy; if He would have punished

them for that which they have committed, He would doubtless have

hastened their punishment: But a threat hath been denounced against

them, and they shall find no refuge, besides Him.

18:59 And those former cities did We destroy, when they acted unjustly;

and We gave them previous warning of their destruction.

18:60 And remember when Moses said unto his servant Joshua, the son of

Nun, I will not cease to go forward, until I come to the place where the

two seas meet; or I will travel for a long space of time.

18:61 But when they were arrived at the meeting of the two seas, they

forgot their fish, which they had taken with them; and the fish took its

way freely in the sea.

18:62 And when they had passed beyond that place, Moses said unto his

servant, bring us our dinner; for now are we fatigued with this our


18:63 His servant answered, dost thou know what has befallen me? When we

took up our lodging at the rock, verily I forgot the fish: And none made

me to forget it, except Satan, that I should not remind thee of it. And

the fish took its way in the sea, in a wonderful manner.

18:64 Moses said, this is what we sought after. And they both went back,

returning by the way they came.

18:65 And coming to the rock they found one of our servants, unto whom

We had granted mercy from us, and whom We had taught wisdom from before us.

18:66 And Moses said unto him, shall I follow thee, that thou mayest

teach me part of that which thou hast been taught, for a direction unto me?

18:67 He answered, verily thou canst not bear with me:

18:68 For how canst thou patiently suffer those things, the knowledge

whereof thou dost not comprehend?

18:69 Moses replied, thou shalt find me patient, if God please; neither

will I be disobedient unto thee in any thing.

18:70 He said, if thou follow me therefore, ask me not concerning any

thing, until I shall declare the meaning thereof unto thee.

18:71 So they both went on by the sea shore, until they went up into a

ship; and he made a hole therein. And Moses said unto him, hast thou

made a hole therein, that thou mightest drown those who are on board?

Now hast thou done a strange thing.

18:72 He answered, did I not tell thee that thou couldest not bear with me?

18:73 Moses said, rebuke me not, because I did forget; and impose not on

me a difficulty in what I am commanded.

18:74 Wherefore they left the ship and proceeded, until they met with a

youth; and he slew him. Moses said, hast thou slain an innocent person,

without his having killed another? Now hast thou committed an unjust


18:75 He answered, did I not tell thee that thou couldest not bear with me?

18:76 Moses said, if I ask thee concerning any thing hereafter, suffer

me not to accompany thee: Now hast thou received an excuse from me.

18:77 They went forwards therefore, until they came to the inhabitants

of a certain city: And they asked food of the inhabitants thereof; but

they refused to receive them. And they found therein a wall, which was

ready to fall down; and he set it upright. Whereupon Moses said unto

him, if thou wouldest, thou mightest doubtless have received a reward

for it.

18:78 He answered, this shall be a separation between me and thee: But I

will first declare unto thee the signification of that which thou

couldest not bear with patience.

18:79 The vessel belonged to certain poor men, who did their business in

the sea: And I was minded to render it unserviceable, because there was

a king behind them, who took every sound ship by force.

18:80 As to the youth, his parents were true believers; and we feared

lest he, being an unbeliever, should oblige them to suffer his

perverseness and ingratitude:

18:81 Wherefore we desired that their Lord might give them a more

righteous child in exchange for him, and one more affectionate towards


18:82 And the wall belonged to two orphan youths in the city, and under

it was a treasure hidden which belonged to them; and their father was a

righteous man: And thy Lord was pleased that they should attain their

full age, and take forth their treasure, through the mercy of thy Lord.

And I did not what thou hast seen of mine own will, but by God's

direction. This is the interpretation of that which thou couldest not

bear with patience.

18:83 The Jews will ask thee concerning Dhu'lkarnein. Answer, I will

rehearse unto you an account of him.

18:84 We made him powerful in the earth, and We gave him means to

accomplish every thing he pleased.
18:85 And he followed his way,

18:86 until he came to the place where the sun setteth; and he found it

to set in a spring of black mud; and he found near the same a certain

people. And we said, O Dhu'lkarnein, either punish this people, or use

gentleness towards them.

18:87 He answered, whosoever of them shall commit injustice, we will

surely punish him in this world; afterwards shall he return unto his

Lord, and He shall punish him with a severe punishment.

18:88 But whosoever believeth, and doth that which is right, shall

receive the most excellent reward, and We will give him in command that

which is easy.
18:89 Then he continued his way,

18:90 until he came to the place where the sun riseth; and he found it

to rise on certain people, unto whom We had not given any thing

wherewith to shelter themselves therefrom.

18:91 Thus it was; and we comprehended with our knowledge the forces

which were with him.

18:92 And he prosecuted his journey from south to north,

18:93 until he came between the two mountains; beneath which he found

certain people, who could scarce understand what was said.

18:94 And they said, O Dhu'lkarnein, verily Gog and Magog waste the

land; shall we therefore pay thee tribute, on condition that thou build

a rampart between us and them?

18:95 He answered, the power wherewith my Lord hath strengthened me, is

better than your tribute: But assist me strenuously, and I will set a

strong wall between you and them.

18:96 Bring me iron in large pieces, until it fill up the space between

the two sides of these mountains. And he said to the workmen, blow with

your bellows, until it make the iron red hot as fire. And he said

further, bring me molten brass, that I may pour upon it.

18:97 Wherefore, when this wall was finished, Gog and Magog could not

scale it, neither could they dig through it.

18:98 And Dhu'lkarnein said, this is a mercy from my Lord: But when the

prediction of my Lord shall come to be fulfilled, he shall reduce the

wall to dust; and the prediction of my Lord is true.

18:99 On that day We will suffer some of them to press tumultuously like

waves on others; and the trumpet shall be sounded, and We will gather

them in a body together.

18:100 And We will set hell, on that day, before the unbelievers;

18:101 whose eyes have been veiled from my remembrance, and who could

not hear my words.

18:102 Do the unbelievers think that I will not punish them, for that

they take my servants for their protectors besides me? Verily We have

prepared hell for the abode of the infidels.

18:103 Say, shall We declare unto you those whose works are vain,

18:104 whose endeavour in the present life hath been wrongly directed,

and who think they do the work which is right?

18:105 These are they who believe not in the signs of their Lord, or

that they shall be assembled before Him; wherefore their works are vain,

and We will not allow them any weight on the day of resurrection.

18:106 This shall be their reward, namely, hell; for that they have

disbelieved, and have held my signs and my Apostles in derision.

18:107 But as for those who believe and do good works, they shall have

the gardens of paradise for their abode;

18:108 they shall remain therein for ever; they shall wish for no change


18:109 Say, if the sea were ink to write the words of my Lord, verily

the sea would fail, before the words of my Lord would fail; although We

added another sea like unto it as a farther supply.

18:110 Say, verily I am only a man as ye are. It is revealed unto me

that your God is one only God: Let him therefore who hopeth to meet his

Lord, work a righteous work; and let him not make any other to partake

in the worship of his Lord.
Chapter 19
Intitled, Mary; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
19:1 C.H.Y.A.S.

19:2 A commemoration of the mercy of thy Lord towards his servant

Zacharias when he called upon his Lord, invoking him in secret,

19:4 and said, O Lord, verily my bones are weakened, and my head is

become white with hoariness and I have never been unsuccessful in my

prayers to thee, O Lord.

19:5 But now I fear my nephews, who are to succeed after me, for my wife

is barren: Wherefore give me a successor of my own body from before thee;

19:6 who may be my heir, and may be an heir of the family of Jacob; and

grant, O Lord, that he may be acceptable unto thee.

19:7 And the angel answered him, O Zacharias, verily We bring thee

tidings of a son, whose name shall be John; We have not caused any to

bear the same name before him.

19:8 Zacharias said, Lord, how shall I have a son, seeing my wife is

barren, and I am now arrived at a great age, and am decrepit?

19:9 The angel said so shall it be: Thy Lord saith, this is easy with

Me; since I created thee heretofore, when thou wast nothing.

19:10 Zacharias answered, O Lord, give me a sign. The angel replied, thy

sign shall be, that thou shalt not speak to men for three nights,

although thou be in perfect health.

19:11 And he went forth unto his people, from the chamber, and he made

signs unto them, as if he should say, praise ye God in the morning and

in the evening.

19:12 And We said unto his son, O John, receive the book of the law,

with a resolution to study and observe it. And We bestowed on him

wisdom, when he was yet a child,

19:13 and mercy from us, and purity of life; and he was a devout person,

19:14 and dutiful towards his partents, and was not proud or rebellious.

19:15 Peace be on him the day whereon he was born, and the day whereon

he shall die, and the day whereon he shall be raised to life.

19:16 And remember in the book of the Koran the story of Mary; when she

retired from her family to a place towards the east,

19:17 and took a veil to conceal herself from them; and We sent our

spirit Gabriel unto her, and he appeared unto her in the shape of a

perfect man.

19:18 She said, I fly for refuge unto the merciful God, that He may

defend me from thee: If thou fearest Him, thou wilt not approach me.

19:19 He answered, verily I am the messenger of thy Lord, and am sent to

give thee a holy son.

19:20 She said, how shall I have a son, seeing a man hath not touched

me, and I am no harlot?

19:21 Gabriel replied, so shall it be: Thy Lord saith, this is easy with

Me; and We will perform it, that We may ordain him for a sign unto men,

and a mercy from Us: For it is a thing which is decreed.

19:22 Wherefore she conceived him: And she retired aside with him in her

womb to a distant place;

19:23 and the pains of childbirth came upon her near the trunk of a

palm-tree. She said, would to God I had died before this, and had become

a thing forgotten, and lost in oblivion!

19:24 And He who was beneath her called to her, saying, be not grieved:

Now hath God provided a rivulet under thee;

19:25 and do thou shake the body of the palm-tree, and it shall let fall

ripe dates upon thee, ready gathered.

19:26 And eat, and drink, and calm thy mind. Moreover if thou see any

man, and he question thee, say, verily I have vowed a fast unto the

merciful; wherefore I will by no means speak to a man this day.

19:27 So she brought the child to her people, carrying him in her arms.

And they said unto her, O Mary, now hast thou done a strange thing:

19:28 O sister of Aaron, thy father was not a bad man, neither was thy

mother a harlot.

19:29 But she made signs unto the child to answer them; and they said,

how shall we speak to him, who is an infant in the cradle?

19:30 Whereupon the child said, verily I am the servant of God; He hath

given me the book of the gospel, and hath appointed me a prophet.

19:31 And He hath made me blessed, wheresoever I shall be; and hath

commanded me to observe prayer, and to give alms, so long as I shall live;

19:32 and he hath made me dutiful towards my mother, and hath not made

me proud, or unhappy.

19:33 And peace be on me the day whereon I was born, and the day whereon

I shall die, and the day whereon I shall be raised to life.

19:34 This was Jesus the son of Mary; the word of truth, concerning whom

they doubt.

19:35 It is not meet for God, that He should have any son: God forbid!

When He decreeth a thing, He only saith unto it, be; and it is.

19:36 And verily God is my Lord, and your Lord; wherefore serve Him:

This is the right way.

19:37 Yet the sectaries differ among themselves concerning Jesus; but

woe be unto those who are unbelievers, because of their appearance at

the great day.

19:38 Do Thou cause them to hear, and do Thou cause them to see, on the

day whereon they shall come unto Us to be judged: But the ungodly are

this day in a manifest error.

19:39 And do thou forewarn them of the day of sighing, when the matter

shall be determined, while they are now sunk in negligence and do not


19:40 Verily We will inherit the earth, and whatever creatures are

therein; and unto Us shall they all return.

19:41 And remember Abraham in the book of the Koran; for he was one of

great veracity, and a prophet.

19:42 When he said unto his father, O my father, why dost thou worship

that which heareth not, neither seeth, nor profiteth thee at all?

19:43 O my father, verily a degree of knowledge hath been bestowed on

me, which hath not been bestowed on thee: Wherefore follow me; I will

lead thee into an even way.

19:44 O my father, serve not Satan; for Satan was rebellious unto the


19:45 O my father, verily I fear lest a punishment be inflicted on thee

from the Merciful, and thou become a companion of Satan.

19:46 His father answered, dost thou reject my gods, O Abraham? If thou

forbear not, I will surely stone thee: Wherefore leave me for a long time.

19:47 Abraham replied, peace be on thee: I will ask pardon for thee of

my Lord; for He is gracious unto me.

19:48 And I will separate my self from you, and from the idols which ye

invoke besides God; and I will call upon my Lord: It may be that I shall

not be unsuccessful in calling on my Lord, as ye are in calling upon them.

19:49 And when he had separated himself from them, and from the idols

which they worshipped besides God, We gave him Isaac and Jacob; and We

made each of them a prophet;

19:50 and We bestowed on them, through our mercy, the gift of prophecy,

and children, and wealth; and We caused them to deserve the highest


19:51 And remember Moses in the book of the Koran: For he was sincerely

upright, and was an Apostle and a prophet.

19:52 And We called unto him from the right side of mount Sinai, and

caused him to draw near, and to discourse privately with Us.

19:53 And We gave him, through our mercy, his brother Aaron, a prophet,

for his assistant.

19:54 Remember also Ismael in the same book: For he was true to his

promise; and was an Apostle, and a prophet.

19:55 And he commanded his family to observe prayer, and to give alms;

and he was acceptable unto his Lord.

19:56 And remember Edris in the same book; for he was a just person, and

a prophet:
19:57 And we exalted him to a high place.

19:58 These are they unto whom God hath been bounteous, of the prophets

of the posterity of Adam, and of those whom We carried in the ark with

Noah; and of the posterity of Abraham, and of Israel, and of those whom

We have directed and chosen. When the signs of the Merciful were read

unto them, they fell down, worshipping, and wept:

19:59 But a succeeding generation have come after them, who neglect

prayer, and follow their lusts; and they shall surely fall into evil:

19:60 Except him who repenteth, and believeth, and doth that which is

right; these shall enter paradise, and they shall not in the least be


19:61 Gardens of perpetual abode shall be their reward, which the

Merciful hath promised unto his servants, as an object of faith; for his

promise will surely come to be fulfilled.

19:62 Therein shall they hear no vain discourse, but peace; and their

provision shall be prepared for them therein morning and evening.

19:63 This is paradise, which We will give for an inheritance unto such

of our servants as shall be pious.

19:64 We descend not from heaven, unless by the command of thy Lord:

Unto Him belongeth whatsoever is before us, and whatsoever is behind us,

and whatsoever is in the intermediate space; neither is thy Lord

forgetful of thee.

19:65 He is the Lord of heaven and earth, and of whatsoever is between

them: Wherefore worship Him, and be constant in his worship. Dost thou

know any named like Him?

19:66 Man saith, after I shall have been dead, shall I really be brought

forth alive from the grave?

19:67 Doth not man remember that We created him heretofore, when he was


19:68 But by thy Lord We will surely assemble them and the devils to

judgement; then will We set them round about hell on their knees:

19:69 Afterwards We will draw forth from every sect such of them as

shall have been a more obstinate rebel against the Merciful;

19:70 and We best know which of them are more worthy to be burned therein.

19:71 There shall be none of you but shall descend into the same hell:

This is an established decree upon thy Lord.

19:72 Afterwards We will deliver those who shall have been pious, but We

will leave the ungodly therein on their knees.

19:73 When our manifest signs are read unto them, the infidels say unto

the true believers, which of the two parties is in the more eligible

condition, and formeth the more excellent assembly?

19:74 But how many generations have We destroyed before them, which

excelled them in wealth, and in outward appearance?

19:75 Say, whosoever is in error, the Merciful will grant him a long and

prosperous life; until they see that with which they are threatened,

whether it be the punishment of this life, or that of the last hour; and

hereafter they shall know who is in the worse condition, and the weaker

in forces.

19:76 God shall more fully direct those who receive direction; and the

good works which remain for ever, are better in the sight of thy Lord

than worldly possessions, in respect to the reward, and more eligible in

respect to the future recompence.

19:77 Hast thou seen him who believeth not in our signs, and saith, I

shall surely have riches and children bestowed on me?

19:78 Is he acquainted with the secrets of futurity; or hath he received

a covenant from the Merciful that it shall be so?

19:79 By no means. We will surely write down that which he saith; and

increasing We will increase his punishment:

19:80 And We will be his heir as to that which he speaketh of, and on

the last day he shall appear before Us alone and naked.

19:81 They have taken other gods, besides God, that they may be a glory

unto them.

19:82 By no means. Hereafter shall they deny their worship; and they

shall become adversaries unto them.

19:83 Dost thou not see that we send the devils against the infidels, to

incite them to sin by their instigations?

19:84 Wherefore be not in hast to call down destruction upon them; for

we number unto them a determined number of days of respite.

19:85 On a certain day we will assemble the pious before the Merciful in

an honourable manner, as embassadores come into the presence of a prince;

19:86 but we will drive the wicked into hell, as cattle are driven to


19:87 They shall obtain no intercession, except he only who hath

received a covenant from the Merciful.
19:88 They say, the Merciful hath begotten issue.
19:89 Now have ye uttered an impious thing:

19:90 It wanteth little but that on occasion thereof the heavens be

rent, and the earth cleave in sunder, and the mountains be overthrown

and fall,

19:91 for that they attribute children unto the Merciful;

19:92 whereas it becometh not God to beget children.

19:93 Verily there is none in heaven or on earth, but shall approach the

Merciful as his servant.

19:94 He encompasseth them by his knowledge and power, and numbereth

them with an exact computation:

19:95 And they shall all come unto him on the day of resurrection,

destitute both of helpers and followers.

19:96 But as for those who believe and do good works, the Merciful will

bestow on them love.

19:97 Verily we have rendered the Koran easy for thy tongue, that thou

mayest thereby declare our promises unto the pious, and mayest thereby

denounce threats unto contentious people.

19:98 And how many generations have we destroyed before them? Dost thou

find one of them remaining? Or dost thou hear so much as a whisper

concerning them?
Chapter 20
Intitled, T. H.; Revealed at Mecca
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
20:1 T.H.

20:2 We have not sent down the Koran unto thee, that thou shouldest be


20:3 but for an admonition unto him who feareth God:

20:4 Being sent down from Him who created the earth, and the lofty heavens.

20:5 The Merciful sitteth on his throne:

20:6 Unto him belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth, and

whatsoever is between them, and whatsoever is under the earth.

20:7 If thou pronounce thy prayers with a loud voice, know that it is

not necessary in respect to God; for he knoweth that which is secret,

and what is yet more hidden.

20:8 God! There is no god but he: He hath most excellent names.

20:9 Hast thou been informed of the history of Moses?

20:10 When he saw fire, and said unto his family, tarry ye here; for I

perceive fire: Peradventure I may bring you a brand thereout, or may

find a direction in our way by the fire.

20:11 And when he was come near unto it, a voice called unto him,

saying, O Moses!

20:12 Verily I am thy Lord: Wherefore put off thy shoes; for thou art in

the sacred valley Towa.

20:13 And I have chosen thee; therefore hearken with attention unto that

which is revealed unto thee.

20:14 Verily I am God; there is no god beside me: Wherefore worship me,

and perform thy prayer in remembrance of me.

20:15 Verily the hour cometh: I will surely manifest the same, that

every soul may receive its reward for that which it hath deliberately done.

20:16 Let not him who believeth not therein, and who followeth his lust,

prevent thee from believing in the same, lest thou perish.

20:17 Now what is that in thy rigth hand O Moses?

20:18 He answered, it is my rod whereon I lean, and with which I beat

down leaves for my flock; and I have other uses for it.

20:19 God said unto him, cast it down, O Moses.

20:20 And he cast it down, and behold, it became a serpent, which ran


20:21 God said, take hold on it, and fear not: We will reduce it to its

former condition.

20:22 And put thy right hand under thy left arm: It shall come forth

white, without any hurt. This shall be another sign:

20:23 That we may shew thee some of our greatest signs.

20:24 Go unto Pharaoh: For he is exceedingly impious.

20:25 Moses answered, Lord, enlarge my breast,

20:26 and make what thou hast commanded me easy unto me:

20:27 And loose the knot of my tongue,
20:28 that they may understand my speech.
20:29 And give me a counsellor of my family,
20:30 namely, Aaron my brother.
20:31 Gird up my loins by him,
20:32 and make him my collegue in the business:
20:33 That we may praise thee greatly,
20:34 and may remember thee often;
20:35 for thou regardest us.

20:36 God replied, now hast thou obtained thy requesr, O Moses:

20:37 And we have heretofore been gracious unto thee,

20:38 another time; when we revealed unto thy mother that which was

revealed unto her, saying,

20:39 put him into the ark, and cast him into the river, and the river

shall throw him on the shore; and my enemy and his enemy shall take him

and bring him up; and I bestow on thee love love from me, that thou

mightest be bred up under my eye.

20:40 When thy sister went and said, shall I bring you unto one who will

nurse the child? So we returned thee unto thy mother, that her mind

might be set at easy, and that she might not be afflicted. And thou

slewest a soul, and we delivered thee from trouble; and we proved thee

by several trials: And afterwards thou didst dwell some years among the

inhabitants of Madian. Then thou camest hither according to our decree,

O Moses;
20:41 and I have chosen thee for my self:

20:42 Wherefore go thou and thy brother with my signs; and be not

negligent in remembring me.

20:43 Go ye unto Pharaoh, for he is excessively impious:

20:44 And speak mildly unto him; peradventure he will consider, or will

fear our threats.

20:45 They answered, O Lord, verily we fear lest he be precipitately

violent against us, or lest he transgress more exorbitantly.

20:46 God replied, fear not; for I am with you: I will hear and will see.

20:47 Go ye therefore unto him, and say, verily we are the messengers of

thy Lord: Wherefore send the children of Israel with us, and do not

afflict them. Now are we come unto thee with a sign from thy Lord: And

peace be upon him who shall follow the true direction.

20:48 Verily it hath been revealed unto us, that a punishment shall be

inflicted on him who shall charge us with imposture, and shall turn

back. And when they had delivered their message,
20:49 Pharaoh said, who is your Lord, O Moses?

20:50 He answered, our Lord is he who giveth all things: He hath created

them, and directed them by his providence.

20:51 Pharaoh said, what therefore is the condition of the former


20:52 Moses answered, the knowledge thereof is with my Lord, in the book

of his decrees: My Lord erreth not, neither doth he forget.

20:53 It is he who hath spread the earth as a bed for you, and hath made

you paths therein; and who sendeth down rain from heaven, whereby we

cause various kinds of vegetables to spring forth;

20:54 saying, eat of part, and feed your cattle with other part thereof.

Verily herein are signs unto those who are indued with understanding.

20:55 Out of the ground have we created you; and to the same will we

cause you to return, and we will bring you forth from thence another time.

20:56 And we shewed Pharaoh all our signs which we had impowered Moses

to perform: But he accused him of imposture, and refused to believe;

20:57 and he said, art thou come unto us that thou mayest dispossess us

of our land by thy inchantments, O Moses?

20:58 Verily we will meet thee with the like inchantments: Wherefore fix

an appointment between us and thee; we will not fail it, neither shalt

thou, in an equal place.

20:59 Moses answered, let your appointment be on the day of your solemn

feast; and let the people be assembled in open day.

20:60 And Pharaoh turned away from Moses, and gathered together the most

expert magicians, to execute his stratagem; and then came to the


20:61 Moses said unto them, wo be unto you! Do not devise a lie against

God, lest he utterly destroy you by some judgement: For he shall not

prosper who deviseth lies.

20:62 And the magicians disputed concerning their affair among

themselves, and discoursed in private:

20:63 And they said, these two are certainly magicians: They seek to

dispossess you of your land by their sorcery, and to lead away with them

your chiefest and most considerable men.

20:64 Wherefore collect all your cunning, and then come in order: For he

shall prosper this day, who shall be superior.

20:65 They said, O Moses, whether wilt thou cast down thy rod first, or

shall we be the first who cast down our rods?

20:66 He answered, do ye cast down your rods first. And behold, their

cords and their rods appeared unto him, by their inchantment, to run

about like serpents:

20:67 Wherefore Moses conceived fear in his heart.

20:68 But we said unto him, fear not; for thou shalt be superior:

20:69 Therefore cast down the rod which is in thy right hand; and it

shall swallow up the seeming serpents which they have made: For what

they have made is only the deceipt of an inchanter; and an inchanter

shall not prosper, whithersoever he cometh.

20:70 And the magicians, when they saw the miracle which Moses

performed, fell down and worshipped, saying, we believe in the Lord of

Aaron and of Moses.

20:71 Pharaoh said unto them, do ye believe in him before I give you

persission? Verily this is your master, who hath taught you magic. But I

will surely cut off your hands and your feet on the opposite sides; and

I will crucify you on trunks of palm-trees: And ye shall know which of

us is more severe in punishing, and can longer protract your pains.

20:72 They answered, we will by no means have greater regard unto thee,

than unto those evident miracles which have been shewn us, or than unto

him who hath created us. Pronounce therefore that sentence against us

which thou art about to pronounce: For thou canst only give sentence as

to this present life.

20:73 Verily we believe on our Lord, that he may forgive us our sins,

and the sorcery which thou hast forced us to exercise: For God is better

to reward, and more able to prolong punishment than thou.

20:74 Verily whosoever shall appear before his Lord on the day of

judgement, polluted with crimes, shall have hell for his reward; he

shall not die therein, neither shall he live.

20:75 But whoever shall appear before him, having been a true believer,

and shall have worked righteousness, for these are prepared the highest

degrees of happiness;

20:76 namely, gardens of perpetual abode, which shall be watered by

rivers; they shall remain therein for ever: And this shall be the reward

of him who shall be pure.

20:77 And we spake by revelation unto Moses, saying, go forth with my

servants out of Egypt by night; and smite the waters with thy rod, and

make them a dry path throught the sea: Be not apprehensive of Pharaoh's

overtaking thee; neither be thou afraid.

20:78 And when Moses had done so, Pharaoh followed them with his forces;

and the waters of the sea which overwhelmed them, overwhelmed them.

20:79 And Pharaoh caused his people to err, neither did he direct them


20:80 Thus, O children of Israel, we delivered you from your enemy; and

we appointed you the right side of mount Sinai to discourse with Moses

and to give him the law; and we caused manna and quails to descend upon


20:81 saying, eat of the good things which we have given you for food;

and transgress not therein, lest my indignation fall on you: And on

whomsoever my indignation shall fall, he shall go down headlong into


20:82 But I will be gracious unto him who shall repent and believe, and

shall do that which is right; and who shall be rightly directed.

20:83 What hath caused thee to hasten from thy people, O Moses, to

receive the law?

20:84 He answered, these follow close on my footsteps; but I have

hastened unto thee, O Lord, that thou mightest be well pleased with me.

20:85 God said, we have already made a trial of thy people, since thy

departure; and al Sameri hath seduced them to idolatry.

20:86 Wherefore Moses returned unto his people in great wrath, and

exceedingly afflicted. And he said, O my people, had not your Lord

promised you a most excellent promise? Did the time of my absence seem

long unto you? Or did ye desire that indignation from your Lord should

fall on you, and therefore failed to keep the promise which ye made me?

20:87 They answered, we have not failed in what we promised thee of our

own authority; but we were made to carry in several loads of gold and

silver, of the ornaments of the people, and we cast them into the fire;

and in like manner al Sameri also cast in what he had collected,

20:88 and he produced unto them a corporeal calf, which lowed. And al

Sameri and his companions said, this is your god, and the god of Moses;

but he hath forgotten him, and is gone to seek some other.

20:89 Did they not therefore see that their idol returned them no

answer, and was not able to cause them either hurt or profit?

20:90 And Aaron had said unto them before, O my people, verily ye are

only proved by this calf; for your Lord is the Merciful: Wherefore

follow me, and obey my command.

20:91 They answered, we will by no means cease to be devoted to its

worship, until Moses return unto us.

20:92 And when Moses was returned, he said, O Aaron, what hindered thee,

when thou sawest that they went astray,

20:93 that thou didst not follow me? Hast thou therefore been

disobedient to my command?

20:94 Aaron answered, O son of my mother, drag me not by my beard, nor

by the hair of my head. Verily I feared lest thou shouldest say, thou

hast made a division among the children of Israel, and thou hast not

observed my saying.

20:95 Moses said unto al Sameri, what was thy design, O Sameri?

20:96 He answered, I saw that which they saw not; wherefore I took a

handful of dust from the footsteps of the messenger of God, and I cast

it into the molten calf; for so did my mind direct me.

20:97 Moses said, get thee gone; for thy punishment in this life shall

be, that thou shalt say unto those who shall meet thee, touch me not;

and a treat is denounced against thee of more terrible pains, in the

life to come, which thou shalt by no means escape. And behold now thy

god, to whose worship thou hast continued assiduously devoted: Verily we

will burn it; and we will reduce it to powder, and scatter it in the sea.

20:98 Your God is the true God, besides whom there is no other god: He

comprehendeth all things by his knowledge.

20:99 Thus do we recite unto thee, O Mohammed, relations of what hath

passed heretofore; and we have given thee an admonition from us.

20:100 He who shall turn aside from it, shall surely carry a load of

guilt on the day of resurrection:

20:101 They shall continue thereunder for ever; and a grievous burden

shall it be unto them on the day of resurrection.

20:102 On that day the trumpet shall be sounded; and we will gather the

wicked together on that day, having grey eyes.

20:103 They shall speak with a low voice to one another, saying, ye have

not tarried above ten days.

20:104 We well know what they will say; when the most conspicuous among

them for behaviour shall say, ye have not tarried above one day.

20:105 They will ask thee concerning the mountains: Answer, my Lord will

reduce them to dust, and scatter them abroad;

20:106 and he will leave them a plain equally extended:

20:107 Thou shalt see no part of them higher or lower than another.

20:108 On that day mankind shall follow the angel who will call them to

judgement, none shall have power to turn aside from him; and their

voices shall be low before the Merciful, neither shalt thou hear any

more than the hollow sound of their feet.

20:109 On that day the intercession of none shall be of advantage unto

another, except the intercession of him to whom the Merciful shall grant

permission, and who shall be acceptable unto him in what he saith.

20:110 God knoweth that which is before them, and that which is behind

them; but they comprehend not the same by their knowledge:

20:111 And their faces shall be humbled before the living, the

self-subsisting God; and he shall be wretched who shall bear his iniquity.

20:112 But whosoever shall do good works, being a true believer, shall

not fear any injustice, or any diminution of his reward from God.

20:113 And thus have we sent down this book, being a Koran in the Arabic

tongue; and we have inserted various threats and promises therein, that

men may fear God, or that it may awaken some consideration in them:

20:114 Wherefore let God be highly exalted, the king, the truth! Be not

overhasty in receiving or repeating the Koran, before the revelation

thereof be completed unto thee; and say, Lord, increase my knowledge.

20:115 We heretofore gave a command unto Adam; but he forgot the same,

and eat of the forbidden fruit; and we found not in him a form resolution.

20:116 And remember when we said unto the angels, worship ye Adam; and

they worshipped him: But Eblis refused.

20:117 And we said, O Adam, verily this is an enemy unto thee, and thy

wife: Wherefore beware lest he turn you out of paradise; for then shalt

thou be miserable.

20:118 Verily we have made a provision for thee, that thou shalt not

hunger therein, neither shalt thou be naked:

20:119 And there is also a provision made for thee, that thou shalt not

thirst therein, neither shalt thou be incommoded by heat.

20:120 But Satan whispered evil suggestions unto him, saying, O Adam,

shall I guide thee to the tree of eternity, and a kingdom which faileth


20:121 And they both eat thereof: And their nakedness appeared unto

them; and they began to sew together the leaves of paradise, to cover

themselves. And thus Adam became disobedient unto his Lord, and was


20:122 Afterwards his Lord accepted him, on his repentance, and was

turned unto him, and directed him.

20:123 And God said, get ye down hence, all of you: The one of you shall

be an enemy unto the other. But hereafter shall a direction come unto

you from me: And whosoever shall follow my direction, shall not err,

neither shall he be unhappy;

20:124 but whosoever shall turn aside from my admonition, verily he

shall lead a miserable life, and we will cause him to appear before us

on the day of resurrection, blind.

20:125 And he shall say, O Lord, why hast thou brought me before thee

blind, whereas before I saw clearly?

20:126 God shall answer, thus have we done, because our signs came unto

thee, and thou didst forget them; and in the same manner shalt thou be

forgotten this day.

20:127 And thus will we reward him who shall be negligent, and shall not

believe in the signs of his Lord: And the punishment of the life to come

shall be more severe, and more lasting, than the punishment of this life.

20:128 Are not the Meccans therefore acquainted how many generations we

have destroyed before them; in whose dwellings they walk? Verily herein

are signs unto those who are indued with understanding.

20:129 And unless a decree had previously gone forth from thy Lord for

their respite, verily their destruction had necessarily followed: But

there is a certain time determined by God for their punishment.

20:130 Wherefore do thou, O Mohammed, patiently bear that which they

say; and celebrate the praise of thy Lord before the rising of the sun,

and before the setting thereof, and praise him in the hours of the

night, and in the extremities of the day, that thou mayest be well

pleased with the prospect of receiving favour from God.

20:131 And cast not thine eyes on that which we have granted divers of

the unbelievers to enjoy, namely, the splendor of this present life,

that we may prove them thereby: For the provision of thy Lord is better,

and more permanent.

20:132 Command thy family to observe prayer; and do thou persevere

therein. We require not of thee that thou labour to gain necessary

provisions for thy self and family: We will provide for thee; for the

prosperous issue shall attend on piety.

20:133 The unbelievers say, unless he come unto us with a sign from his

Lord, we will not believe on him. Hath not a plain declaration come unto

them, of that which is contained in the former volumes of scripture, by

the revelation of the Koran?

20:134 If we had destroyed them by a judgement before the same had been

revealed, they would have said, at the resurrection, O Lord, how could

we believe since thou didst not send unto us an Apostle, that we might

follow thy signs, before we were humbled and covered with shame?

20:135 Say, each of us wait the issue: Wait therefore; for ye shall

surely know hereafter who have been the followers of the even way, and

who hath been rightly directed.
Chapter 21
Intitled, The Prophets; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

21:1 The time of giving up their account draweth nigh unto the people of

Mecca; while they are sunk in negligence, turning aside from the

consideration thereof.

21:2 No admonition cometh unto them from their Lord, being lately

revealed in the Koran, but when they hear it, they turn it to sport:

21:3 Their hearts are taken up with delights. And they who act unjustly

discourse privately together, saying, is this Mohammed any more than a

man like yourselves? Will ye therefore come to hear a piece of sorcery,

when ye plainly perceive it to be so?

21:4 Say, my Lord knoweth whatever is spoken in heaven and on earth: It

is He who heareth and knoweth.

21:5 But they say, the Koran is a confused heap of dreams: Nay, he hath

forged it; nay, he is a poet: Let him come unto us therefore with some

miracle, in like manner as the former prophets were sent.

21:6 None of the cities which We have destroyed, believed the miracles

which they saw performed, before them: Will these therefore believe, if

they see a miracle?

21:7 We sent none as our Apostles before thee, other than men, unto whom

We revealed our will. Ask those who are acquainted with the scripture,

if ye know not this.

21:8 We gave them not a body which could be supported without their

eating food; neither were they immortal.

21:9 But We made good our promise unto them: Wherefore We delivered

them, and those whom We pleased; but We destroyed the exorbitant


21:10 Now have We sent down unto you, O Koreish, the book of the Koran;

wherein there is honourable mention of you: Will ye not therefore


21:11 And how many cities have We overthrown, which were ungodly; and

caused other nations to rise up after them?

21:12 And when they felt our severe vengeance, behold, they fled swiftly

from those cities.

21:13 And the angels said, scoffingly, unto them, do not fly; but return

to that wherein ye delighted, and to your habitations: Peradventure ye

will be asked.

21:14 They answered, alas for us! Verily we have been unjust.

21:15 And this their lamentation ceased not, until we had rendered them

like corn which is mowen down, and utterly extinct.

21:16 We created not the heavens and the earth, and that which is

between them, by way of sport.

21:17 If We had pleased to take diversion, verily We had taken it with

that which beseemeth Us; if We had resolved to have done this.

21:18 But We will oppose truth to vanity, and it shall confound the

same; and behold, it shall vanish away. Woe be unto you, for that which

ye impiously utter concerning God!

21:19 Since whoever is in heaven and on earth is subject unto Him; and

the angels who are in his presence do not insolently disdain his

service, neither are they tired therewith.

21:20 They praise Him night and day: They faint not.

21:21 Have they taken gods from the earth? Shall they raise the dead to


21:22 If there were either in heaven or on earth gods besides God,

verily both would be corrupted. But far be that which they utter, from

God, the Lord of the throne!

21:23 No account shall be demanded of Him for what He shall do; but an

account shall be demanded of them.

21:24 Have they taken other gods besides Him? Say, produce your proof

thereof. This is the admonition of those who are contemporary with me,

and the admonition of those who have been before me: But the greater

part of them know not the truth, and turn aside from the same.

21:25 We have sent no Apostle before thee, but We revealed unto him that

there is no god besides my self: Wherefore serve Me.

21:26 They say, the Merciful hath begotten issue; and the angels are his

daughters. God forbid! They are his honoured servants:

21:27 They prevent Him not in any thing which they say; and they execute

his command.

21:28 He knoweth that which is before them, and that which is behind

them: They shall not intercede for any, except for whom it shall please

Him; and they tremble for fear of Him.

21:29 Whoever of them shall say, I am a god besides Him; that angel will

We reward with hell: For so will We reward the unjust.

21:30 Do not the unbelievers therefore know, that the heavens and the

earth were solid, and We clave the same in sunder; and made every living

thing of water? Will they not therefore believe?

21:31 And We placed stable mountains on the earth, lest it should move

with them; and We made broad passages between them for paths, that they

might be directed in their journeys:

21:32 And We made the heaven a roof well supported. Yet they turn aside

from the signs thereof, not considering that they are the workmanship of


21:33 It is He who hath created the night, and the day, and the sun, and

the moon; all the celestial bodies move swiftly, each in its respective


21:34 We have not granted unto any man before thee, eternal permanency

in this world; if thou die therefore, will they be immortal?

21:35 Every soul shall taste of death: And We will prove you with evil,

and with good, for a trial of you; and unto Us shall ye return.

21:36 When the unbelievers see thee, they receive thee only with

scoffing, saying, is this he who mentioneth your gods with contempt? Yet

themselves believe not what is mentioned to them of the Merciful.

21:37 Man is created of precipitation. Hereafter will I shew you my

signs, so that ye shall not wish them to be hastened.

21:38 They say, when will this threat be accomplished, if ye speak truth?

21:39 If they who believe not, knew that the time will surely come, then

they shall not be able to drive back the fire of hell from their faces,

nor from their backs, neither shall they be helped, they would not

hasten it.

21:40 But the day of vengeance shall come upon them suddenly, and shall

strike them with astonishment: They shall not be able to avert it;

neither shall they be respited.

21:41 Other Apostles have been mocked before thee: But the punishment

which they scoffed at, fell upon such of them as mocked.

21:42 Say unto the scoffers, who shall save you by night and by day from

the Merciful? Yet they utterly neglect the remembrance of their Lord.

21:43 Have they gods who will defend them, besides us? They are not able

to help themselves; neither shall they be assisted against us by their


21:44 But We have permitted these men and their fathers to enjoy worldly

prosperity, so long as life was continued unto them. Do they not

perceive that We come unto the land of the unbelievers, and straiten the

borders thereof? Shall they therefore be the conquerors?

21:45 Say, I only preach unto you the revelation of God: But the deaf

will not hear thy call, whenever they are preached unto.

21:46 Yet if the least breath of the punishment of thy Lord touch them,

they will surely say, alas for us! Verily we have been unjust.

21:47 We will appoint just balances for the day of resurrection; neither

shall any soul be injured at all: Although the merit or guilt of an

action be of the weight of a grain of mustard-seed only, We will produce

it publicly; and there will be sufficient accountants with Us.

21:48 We formerly gave unto Moses and Aaron the law, being a distinction

between good and evil, and a light and admonition unto the pious;

21:49 who fear their Lord in secret, and who dread the hour of judgement.

21:50 And this book also is a blessed admonition; which We have sent

down from heaven: Will ye therefore deny it?

21:51 And We gave unto Abraham his direction heretofore, and We knew him

to be worthy of the revelations wherewith he was favoured.

21:52 Remember when he said unto his father, and his people, what are

these images, to which ye are so entirely devoted?

21:53 They answered, we found our fathers worshipping them.

21:54 He said, verily both ye and your fathers have been in a manifest


21:55 They said, dost thou seriously tell us the truth, or art thou one

who jestest with us?

21:56 He replied, verily your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the

earth; it is He who hath created them: And I am one of those who bear

witness thereof.

21:57 By God, I will surely devise a plot against your idols, after ye

shall have retired from them, and shall have turned your backs.

21:58 And in the peoples absence he went into the temple where the idols

stood, and he brake them all in pieces, except the biggest of them; that

they might lay the blame upon that. And when they were returned,

21:59 and saw the havock which had been made, they said, who hath done

this to our gods? He is certainly an impious person.

21:60 And certain of them answered, we heard a young man speak

reproachfully of them: He is named Abraham.

21:61 They said, bring him therefore before the eyes of the people, that

they may bear witness against him.

21:62 And when he was brought before the assembly, they said unto him,

hast thou done this unto our gods, O Abraham?

21:63 He answered, nay, that biggest of them hath done it: But ask them,

if they can speak.

21:64 And they returned unto themselves, and said the one to the other,

verily ye are the impious persons.

21:65 Afterwards they relapsed into their former obstinacy, and said,

verily thou knowest that these speak not.

21:66 Abraham answered, do ye therefore worship, besides God, that which

cannot profit you at all, neither can it hurt you?

21:67 Fie on you; and upon that which ye worship besides God! Do ye not


21:68 They said, burn him, and avenge your gods: If ye do this it will

be well.

21:69 And when Abraham was cast into the burning pile, We said, O fire,

be thou cold, and a preservation unto Abraham.

21:70 And they sought to lay a plot against him: But We caused them to

be the sufferers.

21:71 And We delivered him, and Lot, by bringing them into the land

wherein We have blessed all creatures.

21:72 And We bestowed on him Isaac, and Jacob, as an additional gift:

And We made all of them rightous persons.

21:73 We also made them models of religion, that they might direct

others by our command: And We inspired into them the doing of good

works, and the observance of prayer, and the giving of alms; and they

served us.

21:74 And unto Lot We gave wisdom and knowledge, and We delivered him

out of the city which committed filthy crimes; for they were a wicked

and insolent people:

21:75 And We led him into our mercy; for he was an upright person.

21:76 And remember Noah, when he called for destruction on his people,

before the prophets abovementioned; and We heard him, and delivered him

and his family from a great strait:

21:77 And We protected him from the people who accused our signs of

falsehood; for they were a wicked people, wherefore We drowned them all.

21:78 And remember David, and Solomon, when they pronounced judgement

concerning a field, when the sheep of certain people had fed therein by

night, having no shepherd; and We were witnesses of their judgement:

21:79 And We gave the understanding thereof unto Solomon. And on all of

them We bestowed wisdom, and knowledge. And We compelled the mountains

to praise Us with David; and the birds also: And We did this.

21:80 And We taught him the art of making coats of mail for you, that

they may defend you in your wars: Will ye therefore be thankful?

21:81 And unto Solomon We subjected a strong wind; it ran at his command

to the land whereon We had bestowed our blessing: And We knew all things.

21:82 And We also subjected unto his command divers of the devils, who

might dive to get pearls for him, and perform other work besides this;

and We watched over them.

21:83 And remember Job; when he cried unto his Lord, saying, verily evil

hath afflicted me: But thou art the most merciful of those who shew mercy.

21:84 Wherefore We heard him, and relieved him from the evil which was

upon him: And We restored unto him his family, and as many more with

them, through our mercy, and for an admonition unto those who serve God.

21:85 And remember Ismael, and Edris, and Dhu'lkefl. All these were

patient persons:

21:86 Wherefore We led them into our mercy; for they were righteous doers.

21:87 And remember Dhu'lnun, when he departed in wrath, and thought that

We could not exercise our power over him. And he cried out in the

darkness, saying, there is no God, besides Thee: Praise be unto Thee!

Verily I have been one of the unjust.

21:88 Wherefore We heard him, and delivered him from affliction: For so

do We deliver the true believers.

21:89 And remember Zacharias, when he called upon his Lord, saying, O

Lord, leave me not childless: Yet thou art the best heir.

21:90 Wherefore We heard him, and We gave him John; and We rendered his

wife fit for bearing a child unto him. These strove to excel in good

works, and called upon us with love, and with fear; and humbled

themselves before us.

21:91 And remember her who preserved her virginity, and into whom We

breathed of our spirit; ordaining her and her son for a sign unto all


21:92 Verily this your religion is one religion; and I am your Lord;

wherefore serve Me.

21:93 But the Jews and Christians have made schisms in the affair of

their religion among themselves: But all of them shall appear before us.

21:94 Whosoever shall do good works, being a true believer, there shall

be no denial of the reward due to his endeavours; and We will surely

write it down unto him.

21:95 An inviolable prohibition is laid on every city which We shall

have destroyed;

21:96 for that they shall not return any more into the world; until Gog

and Magog shall have a passage opened for them, and they shall hasten

from every high hill;

21:97 and the certain promise shall draw near to be fulfilled: And

behold, the eyes of the infidels shall be fixed with astonishment, and

they shall say, alas for us! We were formerly regardless of this day;

yea, we were wicked doers.

21:98 Verily both ye, O men of Mecca, and the idols which ye worship

besides God, shall be cast as fuel into hell fire: Ye shall go down into

the same.

21:99 If these were really gods, they would not go down into the same:

And all of them shall remain therein for ever.

21:100 In that place shall they groan for anguish; and they shall not

hear ought therein.

21:101 As for those unto whom the most excellent reward of paradise hath

been predestinated by us, thay shall be transported far off from the same;

21:102 they shall not hear the least sound thereof: And they shall

continue for ever in the felicity which their souls desire.

21:103 The greatest terror shall not trouble them, and the angels shall

meet them to congratulate them, saying, this is your day which ye were


21:104 On that day We will roll up the heavens, as the angel al Sijil

rolleth up the book wherein every man's actions are recorded. As We made

the first creature out of nothing, so We will also reproduce it at the

resurrection. This is a promise which it lieth on Us to fulfil: We will

surely perform it.

21:105 And now have We written in the psalms, after the promulgation of

the law, that my servants the righteous shall inherit the earth.

21:106 Verily in this book are contained sufficient means of salvation,

unto people who serve God.

21:107 We have not sent thee, O Mohammed, but as a mercy unto all


21:108 Say, no other hath been revealed unto me, than that your God is

one God: Will ye therefore be resigned unto Him?

21:109 But if they turn their backs to the confession of God's unity,

say, I proclaim war against you all equally: But I know not whether that

which ye are theatened with be nigh, or whether it be far distant.

21:110 Verily God knoweth the discourse which is spoken in public; and

He also knoweth that which ye hold in private.

21:111 I know not but peradventure the respite granted you is for a

trial of you; and that ye may enjoy the prosperity of this world for a


21:112 Say, Lord, judge between me and my adversaries with truth. Our

Lord is the Merciful; whose assistance is to be implored against the

blasphemies and calumnies which ye utter.
Chapter 22
Intitled, The Pilgrimage; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

22:1 O men of Mecca, fear your Lord. Verily the shock of the last hour

will be a terrible thing.

22:2 On the day whereon ye shall see it, every woman who giveth suck

shall forget the infant which she suckleth, and every female that is

with young shall cast her burden; and thou shalt see men seemingly

drunk, yet they shall not be really drunk: But the punishment of God

will be severe.

22:3 There is a man who disputeth concerning God without knowledge, and

followeth every rebellious devil:

22:4 Against whom it is written, that whoever shall take him for his

patron, he shall surely seduce him, and shall lead him into the torment

of hell.

22:5 O men, if ye be in doubt concerning the resurrection, consider that

We first created you of the dust of the ground; afterwards, of seed;

afterwards, of a little coagulated blood; afterwards, of a piece of

flesh, perfectly formed in part, and in part imperfectly formed; that We

might make our power manifest unto you: And We cause that which We

please to rest in the wombs, until the appointed time of delivery. Then

We bring you forth infants; and afterwards We permit you to attain your

age of full strength: And one of you dieth in his youth, and another of

you is postponed to a decrepit age, so that he forgetteth whatever he

knew. Thou seest the earth sometimes dried up and barren: But when We

send down rain thereon, it is put in motion, and swelleth, and produceth

every kind of luxuriant vegetables.

22:6 This sheweth that God is the truth, and that He raiseth the dead to

life, and that He is almighty;

22:7 and that the hour of judgement will surely come, -- there is no

doubt thereof, -- and that God will raise again those who are in the


22:8 There is a man who disputeth concerning God without either

knowledge, or a direction, or an enlightening book;

22:9 proudly turning his side, that he may seduce men from the way of

God. Ignominy shall attend him in this world; and on the day of

resurrection We will make him taste the torment of burning,

22:10 when it shall be said unto him, this thou sufferest because of

that which thy hands have formerly committed; for God is not unjust

towards mankind.

22:11 There are some men who serve God in a wavering manner, standing,

as it were, on the verge of the true religion. If good befall one of

them, he resteth satisfied therein; but if any tribulation befall him,

he turneth himself round, with the loss both of this world, and of the

life to come. This is manifest perdition.

22:12 He will call upon that, besides God, which can neither hurt him,

nor profit him. This is an error remote from truth.

22:13 He will invoke him who will sooner be of hurt to his worshipper

than of advantage. Such is surely a miserable patron, and a miserable


22:14 But God will introduce those who shall believe, and do righteous

works, into gardens through which rivers flow; for God doth that which

He pleaseth.

22:15 Whoso thinketh that God will not assist his Apostle in this world,

and in the world to come, let him strain a rope towards heaven, then let

him put an end to his life, and see whether his devices can render that

ineffectual, for which he was angry.

22:16 Thus do We send down the Koran, being evident signs; for God

directeth whom He pleaseth.

22:17 As to the true believers, and those who judaize, and the Sabians,

and the Christians, and Magians, and the idolaters; verily God shall

judge between them on the day of resurrection; for God is witness of all


22:18 Dost thou not perceive that all creatures both in heaven and on

earth adore God; and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the

mountains, and the beasts, and many men? But many are worthy of

chastisement: And whomsoever God shall render despicable, there shall be

none to honour; for God doth that which He pleaseth.

22:19 These are two opposite parties, who dispute concerning their Lord.

And they who believe not, shall have garments of fire fitted unto them:

boiling water shall be poured on their heads;

22:20 their bowels shall be dissolved thereby, and also their skins;

22:21 and they shall be beaten with maces of iron.

22:22 So often as they shall endeavour to get out of hell, because of

the anguish of their torments, they shall be dragged back into the same;

and their tormentors shall say unto them, taste ye the pain of burning.

22:23 God will introduce those who shall believe, and act righteously,

into gardens through which rivers flow: They shall be adorned therein

with bracelets of gold, and pearls; and their vestures therein shall be


22:24 They are directed unto a good saying; and are directed into the

honourable way.

22:25 But they who shall disbelieve, and obstruct the way of God, and

hinder men from visiting the holy temple of Mecca, which We have

appointed for a place of worship unto all men: The inhabitant thereof,

and the stranger have an equal right to visit it: And whosoever shall

seek impiously to profane it, We will cause him to taste a grievous


22:26 Call to mind when We gave the site of the house of the Caaba for

an abode unto Abraham, saying, do not associate any thing with Me; and

cleanse my house for those who compass it, and who stand up, and who bow

down to worship.

22:27 And proclaim unto the people a solemn pilgrimage; let them come

unto thee on foot, and on every lean camel, arriving from every distant


22:28 that they may be witnesses of the advantages which accrew to them

from the visiting this holy place, and may commemorate the name of God

on the appointed days, in gratitude for the brute cattle which He hath

bestowed on them. Wherefore eat thereof, and feed the needy, and the poor.

22:29 Afterwards let them put an end to the neglect of their persons;

and let them pay their vows, and compass the ancient house.

22:30 This let them do. And whoever shall regard the sacred ordinances

of God; this will be better for him in the sight of his Lord. All sorts

of cattle are allowed you to eat, except what hath been read unto you,

in former passages of the Koran, to be forbidden. But depart from the

abomination of idols, and avoid speaking that which is false: Being

orthodox in respect to God,

22:31 associating no other god with Him; for whoever associateth any

other with God, is like that which falleth from heaven, and which the

birds snatch away, or the wind bloweth to a far distant place.

22:32 This is so. And whoso maketh valuable offerings unto God; verily

they proceed from the piety of men's hearts.

22:33 Ye receive various advantages from the cattle designed for

sacrifices, until a determined time for slaying them: Then the place of

sacrificing them is at the ancient house.

22:34 Unto the professors of every religion have We appointed certain

rites, that they may commemorate the name of God on slaying the brute

cattle which He hath provided for them. Your God is one God: Wherefore

resign your selves wholly unto Him. And do thou bear good tidings unto

those who humble themselves;

22:35 whose hearts, when mention is made of God, are struck with fear;

and unto those who patiently endure that which befalleth them; and who

duely perform their prayers, and give alms out of what We have bestowed

on them.

22:36 The camels slain for sacrifice have We appointed for you as

symbols of your obedience unto God: Ye also receive other advantages

from them. Wherefore commemorate the name of God over them, when ye slay

them, standing on their feet disposed in right order: And when they are

fallen down dead, eat of them; and give to eat thereof both unto him who

is content with what is given him, without asking, and unto him who

asketh. Thus have We given you dominion over them, that ye might return

Us thanks.

22:37 Their flesh is not accepted of God, neither their blood; but your

piety is accepted of Him. Thus have We given you dominion over them,

that ye might magnify God, for the revelations whereby He hath directed

you. And bear good tidings unto the righteous,

22:38 that God will repel the ill designs of the infidels from the true

believers; for God loveth not every perfidious unbeliever.

22:39 Permission is granted unto those who take arms against the

unbelievers, for that they have been unjustly persecuted by them: -- and

God is certainly able to assist them: --

22:40 Who have been turned out of their habitations injuriously, and for

no other reason than because thay say, our Lord is God. And if God did

not repel the violence of some men by others, verily monasteries, and

churches, and synagogues, and the temples of the Moslems, wherein the

name of God is frequently commemorated, would be utterly demolished. And

God will certainly assist him who shall be on his side: For God is

strong and mighty.

22:41 And He will assist those who, if We establish them in the earth,

will observe prayer, and give alms, and command that which is just, and

forbid that which is unjust. And unto God shall be the end of all things.

22:42 If they accuse thee, O Mohammed, of imposture; consider that,

before them, the people of Noah, and the tribes of Ad and Thamud,

22:43 and the people of Abraham, and the people of Lot,

22:44 and the inhabitants of Madian, accused their prophets of

imposture: And Moses was also charged with falsehood. And I granted a

long respite unto the unbelievers: But afterwards I chastised them; and

how different was the change I made in their condition!

22:45 How many cities have We destroyed, which were ungodly, and which

are now fallen to ruin on their roofs? And how many wells have been

abandoned, and lofty castles?

22:46 Do they not therefore journey through the land? And have they not

hearts to understand with, or ears to hear with? Surely as to these

things their eyes are not blind, but the hearts are blind which are in

their breasts.

22:47 They will urge thee to hasten the threatened punishment; but God

will not fail to perform what He hath threatened: And verily one day

with thy Lord is as a thousand years, of those which ye compute.

22:48 Unto how many cities have I granted respite, though they were

wicked? Yet afterwards I chastised them: And unto Me shall they come to

be judged, at the last day.

22:49 Say, O men, verily I am only a public preacher unto you.

22:50 And they who believe, and do good works, shall obtain forgiveness

and an honourable provision.

22:51 But those who endeavour to make our signs of none effect, shall be

the inhabitants, of hell.

22:52 We have sent no Apostle, or prophet, before thee, but, when he

read, Satan suggested some error in his reading. But God shall make void

that which Satan hath suggested: Then shall God confirm his signs; for

God is knowing and wise.

22:53 But this He permitteth, that He may make that which Satan hath

suggested, a temptation unto those in whose hearts there is an

infirmity, and whose hearts are hardened: -- for the ungodly are

certainly in a wide disagreement from the truth: --

22:54 And that they on whom knowledge hath been bestowed, may know that

this book is the truth from thy Lord, and may believe therein; and that

their hearts may acquiesce in the same: For God is surely the director

of those who believe, into the right way.

22:55 But the infidels will not cease to doubt concerning it, until the

hour of judgement cometh suddenly upon them; or until the punishment of

a grievous day overtake them.

22:56 On that day the kingdom shall be God's: He shall judge between

them. And they who shall have believed, and shall have wrought

righteousness, shall be in gardens of pleasure:

22:57 But they who shall have disbelieved, and shall have charged our

signs with falsehood, those shall suffer a shameful punishment.

22:58 And as to those who shall have fled their country for the sake of

God's true religion, and afterwards shall have been slain, or shall have

died; on them will God bestow an excellent provision; and God is the

best provider.

22:59 He will surely introduce them with an introduction with which they

shall be well-pleased: For God is knowing and gracious.

22:60 This is so. Whoever shall take a vengeance equal to the injury

which hath been done him, and shall afterwards be unjustly treated;

verily God will assist him: For God is merciful, and ready to forgive.

22:61 This shall be done, for that God causeth the night to succeed the

day, and He causeth the day to succeed the night; and for that God both

heareth and seeth.

22:62 This, because God is truth, and because what they invoke besides

Him, is vanity; and for that God is the high, the mighty.

22:63 Dost thou not see that God sendeth down water from heaven, and the

earth becometh green? For God is gracious and wise.

22:64 Unto Him belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth: And God

is self-sufficient, worthy to be praised.

22:65 Dost thou not see that God hath subjected whatever is in the earth

to your service, and also the ships which sail in the sea, by his

command? And He with-holdeth the heaven that it fall not on the earth,

unless by his permission: For God is gracious unto mankind, and merciful.

22:66 It is He who hath given you life, and will hereafter cause you to

die; afterwards He will again raise you to life, at the resurrection:

But man is surely ungrateful.

22:67 Unto the professors of every religion have We appointed certain

rites, which they observe. Let them not therefore dispute with thee

concerning this matter; but invite them unto thy Lord: For thou

followest the right direction.

22:68 But if they enter into debate with thee, answer, God well knoweth

that which ye do:

22:69 God will judge between you, on the day of resurrection, concerning

that wherein ye now disagree.

22:70 Dost thou not know that God knoweth whatever is in heaven and on

earth? Verily this is written in the book of his decrees: This is easy

with God.

22:71 They worship, besides God, that concerning which He hath sent down

no convincing proof, and concerning which they have no knowledge: But

the unjust doers shall have none to assist them.

22:72 And when our evident signs are rehearsed unto them, thou mayest

perceive, in the countenances of the unbelievers, a disdain thereof: It

wanteth little but that they rush with violence on those who rehearse

our signs unto them. Say, shall I declare unto you a worse thing than

this? The fire of hell, which God hath threatened unto those who believe

not, is worse; and an unhappy journey shall it be thither.

22:73 O men, a parable is propounded unto you; wherefore hearken unto

it. Verily the idols which ye invoke, besides God, can never create a

single fly, although they were all assembled for that purpose: And if

the fly snatch any thing from them, they cannot recover the same from

it. Weak is the petitioner, and the petitioned.

22:74 They judge not of God according to his due estimation: For God is

powerful and mighty.

22:75 God chooseth messengers from among the angels, and from among men:

For God is He who heareth and seeth.

22:76 He knoweth that which is before them, and that which is behind

them: And unto God shall all things return.

22:77 O true believers, bow down, and prostrate your selves, and worship

your Lord; and work righteousness, that ye may be happy:

22:78 And fight in defence of God's true religion, as it behoveth you to

fight for the same. He hath chosen you, and hath not imposed on you any

difficulty in the religion which He hath given you, the religion of your

father Abraham: He hath named you Moslems heretofore, and in this book;

that our Apostle may be a witness against you at the day of judgement,

and that ye may be witnesses against the rest of mankind. Wherefore be

ye constant at prayer; and give alms: And adhere firmly unto God. He is

your master; and He is the best master, and the best protector.

Chapter 23
Intitled, The True Believers; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
23:1 Now are the true believers happy:
23:2 Who humble themselves in their prayer,
23:3 and who eschew all vain discourse,
23:4 and who are doers of alms-deeds;

23:5 and who keep themselves from carnal knowledge of any women

23:6 except their wives, or the captives which their right hands

possess; -- for as to them they shall be blameless:

23:7 But whoever coveteth any woman beyond these, they are

transgressors: --

23:8 And who acquit themselves faithfully of their trust, and justly

perform their covenant;

23:9 and who observe their appointed times of prayer:

23:10 These shall be the heirs,

23:11 who shall inherit paradise; they shall continue therein for ever.

23:12 We formerly created man of a finer sort of clay;

23:13 afterwards We placed him in the form of seed in a sure receptacle:

23:14 Afterwards We made the seed coagulated blood; and We formed the

coagulated blood into a piece of flesh: Then We formed the piece of

flesh into bones; and We cloathed those bones with flesh: Then We

produced the same by another creation. Wherefore blessed be God, the

most excellent creator!
23:15 After this shall ye die:

23:16 And afterwards shall ye be restored to life, on the day of


23:17 And We have created over you seven heavens: And We are not

negligent of what We have created.

23:18 And We send down rain from heaven, by measure; and We cause it to

remain on the earth: We are also certainly able to deprive you of the same.

23:19 And We cause gardens of palm-trees, and vineyards, to spring forth

for you by means thereof; wherein ye have many fruits, and whereof ye eat.

23:20 And We also raise for you a tree springing from mount Sinai; which

produceth oil, and a sauce for those who eat.

23:21 Ye have likewise an instruction in the cattle: We give you to

drink of the milk which is in their bellies, and ye receive many

advantages from them; and of them do ye eat:
23:22 And on them, and on ships, are ye carried.

23:23 We sent Noah heretofore unto his people, and he said, O my people,

serve God: Ye have no God besides Him; will ye not therefore fear the

consequence of your worshipping other gods?

23:24 And the chiefs of his people, who believed not, said, this is no

other than a man, as ye are: He seeketh to raise himself to a

superiority over you. If God had pleased to have sent a messenger unto

you, He would surely have sent angels: We have not heard this of our


23:25 Verily he is no other than a man disturbed with frenzy: Wherefore

wait concerning him for a time.

23:26 Noah said, O Lord, do thou protect me; for that they accuse me of


23:27 And We revealed our orders unto him, saying, make the ark in our

sight; and according to our revelation. And when our decree cometh to be

executed, and the oven shall boil and pour forth water, carry into it of

every species of animals one pair; and also thy family, except such of

them on whom a previous sentence of destruction hath passed: And speak

not unto Me in behalf of those who have been unjust; for they shall be


23:28 And when thou and they who shall be with thee, shall go up into

the ark, say, praise be unto God, who hath delivered us from the ungodly


23:29 And say, O Lord, cause me to come down from this ark with a

blessed descent; for thou art best able to bring me down from the same

with safety.

23:30 Verily herein were signs of our omnipotence; and We proved mankind


23:31 Afterwards We raised up another generation after them;

23:32 and We sent unto them an Apostle from among them, who said,

worship God: Ye have no God besides Him; will ye not therefore fear his


23:33 And the chiefs of his people, who believed not, and who denied the

meeting of the life to come, and on whom We had bestowed affluence in

this present life, said, this is not other than a man, as ye are; he

eateth of that whereof ye eat, and he drinketh of that whereof ye drink:

23:34 And if ye obey a man like unto your selves, ye will surely be


23:35 Doth he threaten you that after ye shall be dead, and shall become

dust and bones, ye shall be brought forth alive from your graves?

23:36 Away, away with that ye are threatened with!

23:37 There is no other life besides our present life: We die, and we

live; and we shall not be raised again.

23:38 This is no other than a man, who deviseth a lie concerning God:

But we will not believe him.

23:39 Their Apostle said, O Lord, defend me; for that they have accused

me of imposture.

23:40 God answered, after a little while they shall surely repent their


23:41 Wherefore a severe punishment was justly inflicted on them, and We

rendered them like the refuse which is carried down by a stream. Away

therefore with the ungodly people!

23:42 Afterwards We raised up other generations after them.

23:43 No nation shall be punished before their determined time; neither

shall they be respited after.

23:44 Afterwards We sent our Apostles, one after another. So often as

their Apostle came unto any nation, they charged him with imposture: And

We caused them successively to follow one another to destruction; and We

made them only subjects of traditional stories. Away therefore with the

unbelieving nations!

23:45 Afterwards We sent Moses, and Aaron his brother, with our signs

and manifest power,

23:46 unto Pharaoh and his princes: But they proudly refused to believe

on him; for they were a haughty people.

23:47 And they said, shall we believe on two men like unto our selves;

whose people are our servants?

23:48 And they accused them of imposture: Wherefore they became of the

number of those who were destroyed.

23:49 And We heretofore gave the book of the law unto Moses, that the

children of Israel might be directed thereby.

23:50 And We appointed the son of Mary, and his mother, for a sign: And

We prepared an abode for them in an elevated part of the earth, being a

place of quiet and security, and watered with running springs.

23:51 O Apostles eat of those things which are good; and work

righteousness: for I well know that which ye do.

23:52 This your religion is one religion; and I am your Lord: Wherefore

fear Me.

23:53 But men have rent the affair of their religion into various sects:

Every party rejoiceth in that which they follow.

23:54 Wherefore leave them in their confusion, until a certain time.

23:55 Do they think that We hasten unto them the wealth and children,

which We have abundantly bestowed on them,
23:56 for their good? But they do not understand.

23:57 Verily they who stand in awe, for fear of their Lord,

23:58 and who believe in the signs of their Lord,

23:59 and who attribute not companions unto their Lord;

23:60 and who give that which they give in alms, their hearts being

struck with dread, for that they must return unto their Lord:

23:61 These hasten unto good, and are foremost to obtain the same.

23:62 We will not impose any difficulty on a soul, except according to

its ability; with us is a book, which speaketh the truth; and they shall

not be injured.

23:63 But their hearts are drowned in negligence, as to this matter; and

they have works different from those We have mentioned; which they will

continue to do, until,

23:64 when We chastise such of them as enjoy an affluence of fortune, by

a severe punishment, behold, they cry aloud for help:

23:65 But it shall be answered them, cry not for help to day: For ye

shall not be assisted by Us.

23:66 My signs were read unto you, but ye turned back on your heels:

23:67 Proudly elating your selves because of your possessing the holy

temple; discoursing together by night, and talking foolishly.

23:68 Do they not therefore attentively consider that which is spoken

unto them; whether a revelation is come unto them which came not unto

their forefathers?

23:69 Or do they not know their Apostle; and therefore reject him?

23:70 Or do they say, he is a madman? Nay, he hath come unto them with

the truth; but the greater part of them detest the truth.

23:71 If the truth had followed their desires, verily the heavens and

the earth, and whoever therein is, had been corrupted. But We have

brought them their admonition; and they turn aside from their admonition.

23:72 Dost thou ask of them any maintenance for thy preaching? Since the

maintenance of thy Lord is better; for He is the most bounteous provider.

23:73 Thou certainly invitest them to the right way:

23:74 And they who believe not in the life to come, do surely deviate

from that way.

23:75 If We had had compassion on them, and had taken off from them the

calamity which had befallen them, they would surely have more

obstinately persisted in their error, wandering in confusion.

23:76 We formerly chastised them with a punishment: Yet they did not

humble themselves before their Lord, neither did they make supplications

unto Him;

23:77 until, when We have opened upon them a door, from which a severe

punishment hath issued, behold, they are driven to despair thereat.

23:78 It is God who hath created in you the senses of hearing and of

sight, that ye may perceive our judgements, and hearts, that ye may

seriously consider them: Yet how few of you give thanks!

23:79 It is He who hath produced you in the earth; and before Him shall

ye be assembled.

23:80 It is He who giveth life, and putteth to death; and to Him is to

be attributed the vicissitude of night and day: Do ye not therefore


23:81 But the unbelieving Meccans say as their predecessors said:

23:82 They say, when we shall be dead, and shall have become dust and

bones, shall we really be raised to life?

23:83 We have already been threatened with this, and our fathers also

hertofore: This is nothing but fables of the ancients.

23:84 Say, whose is the earth, and whoever therein is; if ye know?

23:85 They will answer, God's. Say, will ye not therefore consider?

23:86 Say, who is the Lord, of the seven heavens, and the Lord of the

magnificent throne?

23:87 They will answer, they are God's. Say, will ye not therefore fear


23:88 Say, in whose hand is the kingdom of all things; who protecteth

whom He pleaseth, but is himself protected of none; if ye know?

23:89 They will answer, in God's. Say, how therefore are ye bewitched?

23:90 Yea, we have brought them the truth; and they are certainly liars

in denying the same.

23:91 God hath not begotten issue; neither is there any other god with

Him: Otherwise every god had surely taken away that which He had

created; and some of them had exalted themselves above the others. Far

be that from God, which they affirm of Him!

23:92 He knoweth that which is concealed, and that which is made public:

Wherefore far be it from Him to have those sharers in his honour, which

they attribute to Him!

23:93 Say, O Lord, if thou wilt surely cause me to see the vengeance

with which they have been threatened;

23:94 O Lord, set me not among the ungodly people:

23:95 For We are surely able to make thee to see that with which We have

threatened them.

23:96 Turn aside evil with that which is better: We well know the

calumnies which they utter against thee.

23:97 And say, O Lord, I fly unto thee for refuge, against the

suggestions of the devils:

23:98 And I have recourse unto Thee, O Lord, to drive them away, that

they be not present with me.

23:99 The gainsaying of the unbelievers ceaseth not until, when death

overtaketh any of them, he saith, O Lord, suffer me to return to life,

23:100 that I may do that which is right; in professing the true faith

which I have neglected. By no means. Verily these are the words which he

shall speak: But behind them there shall be a bar, until the day of

Chapter 24
Intitled, Light; Revealed at Medina.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

24:1 This sura have We sent down from heaven; and have ratified the

same: And We have revealed therein evident signs, that ye may be warned.

24:2 The whore, and the whoremonger, shall ye scourge with an hundred

stripes. And let not compassion towards them prevent you from executing

the judgement of God; if ye believe in God and the last day: And let

some of the true believers be witnesses of their punishment.

24:3 The whoremonger shall not marry any other than a harlot, or an

idolatress. And a harlot shall no man take in marriage, except a

whoremonger, or an idolater. And this kind of marriage is forbidden the

true believers.

24:4 But as to those who accuse women of reputation of whoredom, and

produce not four witnesses of the fact, scourge them with fourscore

stripes, and receive not their testimony for ever; for such are infamous


24:5 Excepting those who shall afterwards repent, and amend; for unto

such will God be gracious and merciful.

24:6 They who shall accuse their wives of adultery, and shall have no

witnesses thereof besides themselves; the testimony which shall be

required of one of them shall be, that he swear four times by God that

he speaketh the truth:

24:7 And the fifth time that he imprecate the curse of God on him, if he

be a liar.

24:8 And it shall avert the punishment from the wife, if she swear four

times by God that he is a liar;

24:9 and if the fifth time she imprecate the wrath of God on her, if he

speaketh the truth.

24:10 If it were not for the indulgence of God towards you, and his

mercy, and that God is easy to be reconciled, and wise; He would

immediately discover your crimes.

24:11 As to the party among you who have published the falsehood

concerning Ayesha, think it not to be an evil unto you: On the contrary,

it is better for you. Every man of them shall be punished according to

the injustice of which he hath been guilty; and he among them who hath

undertaken to aggravate the same, shall suffer a grievous punishment.

24:12 Did not the faithful men, and the faithful women, when ye heard

this, judge in their own minds for the best; and say, this is a manifest


24:13 Have they produced four witnesses thereof? Wherefore since they

have not produced the witnesses, they are surely liars in the sight of God.

24:14 Had it not been for the indulgence of God towards you, and his

mercy, in this world and in that which is to come, verily a grievous

punishment had been inflicted on you, for the calumny which ye have spread:

24:15 When ye published that with your tongues, and spoke that with your

mouths, of which ye had no knowledge; and esteemed it to be light,

whereas it was a matter of importance in the sight of God.

24:16 When ye heard it, did ye say, it belongeth not unto us, that we

should talk of this matter: God forbid! This is a grievous calumny?

24:17 God warneth you, that ye return not to the like crime for ever; if

ye be true believers.

24:18 And God declareth unto you his signs; for God is knowing and wise.

24:19 Verily they who love that scandal be published of those who

believe, shall receive a servere punishment both in this world, and in

the next. God knoweth, but ye know not.

24:20 Had it not been for the indulgence of God towards you, and his

mercy, and that God is gracious and merciful, ye had felt his vengeance.

24:21 O true believers, follow not the steps of the devil: For whosoever

shall follow the steps of the devil, he will command him filthy crimes,

and that which is unlawful. If it were not for the indulgence of God,

and his mercy towards you, there had not been so much as one of you

cleansed from his guilt for ever: But God cleanseth whom he pleaseth;

for God both heareth and knoweth.

24:22 Let not those among you who possess abundance of wealth, and have

ability, swear that they will not give unto their kindred, and the poor,

and those who have fled their country for the sake of God's true

religion: But let them forgive, and act with benevolence towards them.

Do ye not desire that God should pardon you? And God is gracious and


24:23 Moreover they who falsely accuse modest women, who behave in a

negligent manner, and are true believers, shall be cursed in this world,

and in the world to come; and they shall suffer a severe punishment.

24:24 One day their own tongues shall bear witness against them, and

their hands, and their feet, concerning that which they have done.

24:25 On that day shall God render unto them their just due; and they

shall know that God is the evident truth.

24:26 The wicked women should be joined to the wicked men, and the

wicked men to the wicked women; but the good women should be married to

the good men, and the good men to the good women. These shall be cleared

from the calumnies which slanderers speak of them: They shall obtain

pardon, and an honourable provision.

24:27 O true believers, enter not any houses, besides your own houses,

until ye have asked leave, and have saluted the family thereof: This is

better for you; peradventure ye will be admonished.

24:28 And if ye shall find no person in the houses, yet do not enter

them, until leave be granted you: And if it be said unto you, return

back; do ye return back. This will be more decent for you; and God

knoweth that which ye do.

24:29 It shall be no crime in you, that ye enter uninhabited houses,

wherein ye may meet with a convenience. God knoweth that which ye

discover, and that which ye conceal.

24:30 Speak unto the true believers, that they restrain their eyes, and

keep themselves from immodest actions: This will be more pure for them;

for God is well acquainted with that which they do.

24:31 And speak unto the believing women, that they restrain their eyes,

and preserve their modesty, and discover not their ornaments, except

what necessarily appeareth thereof: And let them throw their vails over

their bosoms, and not shew their ornaments, unless to their husbands, or

their fathers, or their husbands fathers, or their sons, or their

husbands sons, or their brothers, or their brothers sons, or their

sisters sons, or their women, or the captives which their right-hands

shall possess, or unto such men as attend them, and have no need of

women, or unto children, who distinguish not the nakedness of women. And

let them not make a noise with their feet, that their ornaments which

they hide may thereby be discovered. And be ye all turned unto God, O

true believers, that ye may be happy.

24:32 Marry those who are single among you, and such as are honest of

your men-servants, and your maid-servants: If they be poor, God will

enrich them of his abundance; for God is bounteous and wise.

24:33 And let those who find not a match, keep themselves from

fornication, until God shall enrich them of his abundance. And unto such

of your slaves as desire a written instrument allowing them to redeem

themselves on paying a certain sum, write one, if ye know good in them;

and give them of the riches of God, which He hath given you. And compel

not your maid-servants to prostitute themselves, if they be willing to

live chastly; that ye may seek the casual advantage of this present

life: But whoever shall compel them thereto, verily God will be gracious

and merciful unto such women after their compulsion.

24:34 And now have We revealed unto you evident signs, and a history

like unto some of the histories of those who have gone before you, and

an admonition unto the pious.

24:35 God is the light of heaven and earth: The similitude of his light

is as a niche in a wall, wherein a lamp is placed, and the lamp inclosed

in a case of glass; the glass appears as it were a shining star. It is

lighted with the oil of a blessed tree, an olive neither of the east,

nor of the west: It wanteth little but that the oil thereof would give

light, although no fire touched it. This is light added unto light: God

will direct unto his light whom He pleaseth. God propoundeth parables

unto men; for God knoweth all things.

24:36 In the houses which God hath permitted to be raised, and that his

name be commemorated therein: Men celebrate his praise in the same

morning and evening,

24:37 whom neither merchandizing, nor selling diverteth from the

remembering of God, and the observance of prayer, and the giving of

alms; fearing the day whereon men's hearts and eyes shall be troubled;

24:38 that God may recompense them according to the utmost merit of what

they shall have wrought, and may add unto them of his abundance a more

excellent reward; for God bestoweth on whom he pleaseth without measure.

24:39 But as to the unbelievers, their works are like the vapour in a

plain, which the thirsty traveller thinketh to be water, until, when he

cometh thereto, he findeth it to be nothing; but he findeth God with

him, and he will fully pay him his account; and God is swift in taking

an account:

24:40 Or, as the darkness in a deep sea, covered by waves riding on

waves, above which are clouds, being additions of darkness one over the

other; when one stretcheth forth his hand, he is far from seeing it. And

unto whomsoever God shall not grant his light, he shall enjoy no light

at all.

24:41 Dost thou not perceive that all creatures both in heaven and earth

praise God; and the birds also, extending their wings? Every one knoweth

his prayer, and his praise: And God knoweth that which they do.

24:42 Unto God belongeth the kingdom of heaven and earth; and unto God

shall be the return at the last day.

24:43 Dost thou not see that God gently driveth forward the clouds, and

gathereth them together, and then layeth them on heaps? Thou also seest

the rain, which falleth from the midst thereof; and God sendeth down

from heaven as it were mountains, wherein there is hail; He striketh

therewith whom He pleaseth, and turneth the same away from whom He

pleaseth: The brightness of his lightning wanteth but little of taking

away the sight.

24:44 God shifteth the night, and the day: Verily herein is an

instruction unto those who have sight.

24:45 And God hath created every animal of water; one of them goeth on

his belly, and another of them walketh upon two feet, and another of

them walketh upon four feet: God createth that which he pleaseth; for

God is almighty.

24:46 Now have We sent down evident signs: And God directeth whom He

pleaseth into the right way.

24:47 The hypopcrites say, we believe in God, and on his Apostle; and we

obey them: Yet a part of them turneth back, after this; but these are

not really believers.

24:48 And when they are summoned before God and his Apostle, that He may

judge between them; behold, a part of them retire:

24:49 But if the right had been on their side, they would have come and

submitted themselves unto Him.

24:50 Is there an infirmity in their hearts? Do they doubt? Or do they

fear lest God and his Apostle act unjustly towards them? But themselves

are the unjust doers.

24:51 The saying of the true believers, when they are summoned before

God and his Apostle, that He may judge between them, is no other than

that they say, we have heard, and do obey: And these are they who shall


24:52 Whoever shall obey God and his Apostle, and shall fear God, and

shall be devout towards Him; these shall enjoy great felicity.

24:53 They swear by God, with a most solemn oath, that if thou

commandest them, they will go forth from their houses and possessions.

Say, swear not to a falsehood: Obedience is more requisite: And God is

well acquainted with that which ye do.

24:54 Say, obey God, and obey the Apostle: But if ye turn back, verily

it is expected of him that he perform his duty, and of you that ye

perform your duty; and if ye obey him, ye shall be directed: But the

duty of our Apostle is only public preaching.

24:55 God promiseth unto such of you as believe, and do good works, that

he will cause them to succeed the unbelievers in the earth, as he caused

those who were before you to succeed the infidels of their time; and

that he will establish for them their religion which pleaseth them, and

will change their fear into security. They shall worship Me; and shall

not associate any other with Me. But whoever shall disbelieve after

this; they will be the wicked doers.

24:56 Observe prayer, and give alms, and obey the Apostle; that ye may

obtain mercy.

24:57 Think not that the unbelievers shall frustrate the designs of God

on earth: And their abode hereafter shall be hell fire; a miserable

journey shall it be thither!

24:58 O true believers, let your slaves and those among you who shall

not have attained the age of puberty, ask leave of you, before they come

into your presence, three times in the day; namely, before the morning

prayer, and when ye lay aside your garments at noon, and after the

evening prayer. These are the three times for you to be private: It

shall be no crime in you, or in them, if they go into you without asking

permission after these times, while ye are in frequent attendance, the

one of you on the other. Thus God declareth his signs unto you; for God

is knowing and wise.

24:59 And when your children attain the age of puberty, let them ask

leave to come into your presence at all times, in the same manner as

those who have attained that age before them, ask leave. Thus God

declareth his signs unto you; and God is knowing and wise.

24:60 As to such women as are past child-bearing, who hope not to marry

again, because of their advanced age; it shall be no crime in them, if

they lay aside their outer garments, not shewing their ornaments; but if

they abstain from this, it will be better for them. God both heareth and


24:61 It shall be no crime in the blind, nor shall it be any crime in

the lame, neither shall it be any crime in the sick, or in your selves,

that ye eat in your houses, or in the houses of your fathers, or the

houses of your mothers, or in the houses of your brothers, or the houses

of your sisters, or the houses of your uncles on the father's side, or

the houses of your aunts on the father's side, or the houses of your

uncles on the mother's side, or the houses of your aunts on the mother's

side, or in those houses the keys whereof ye have in your possession, or

in the house of your friend. It shall not be any crime in you whether ye

eat together, or separately. And when ye enter any houses, salute one

another on the part of God, with a blessed and a welcome salutation.

Thus God declareth his signs unto you, that ye may understand.

24:62 Verily they only are true believers, who believe in God and his

Apostle, and when they are assembled with him on any affair, depart not,

until they have obtained leave of him. Verily they who ask leave of

thee, are those who believe in God and his Apostle. When therefore they

ask leave of thee to depart, on account of any business of their own,

grant leave unto such of them as thou shalt think fit, and ask pardon

for them of God; for God is gracious and merciful.

24:63 Let not the calling of the Apostle be esteemed among you, as your

calling the one to the other. God knoweth such of you as privately

withdraw themselves from the assembly, taking shelter behind one

another. But let those who with-stand his command, take heed; lest some

calamity befall them in this world, or a grievous punishment be

inflicted on them in the life to come.

24:64 Doth not whatever is in heaven and on earth belong unto God? He

well knoweth what ye are about: And on a certain day they shall be

assembled before Him; and He shall declare unto them that which they

have done; for God knoweth all things.
Chapter 25
Intitled, Al Forkan; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

25:1 Blessed be he who hath revealed the Forkan unto his servant, that

he may be a preacher unto all creatures:

25:2 Unto whom belongeth the kingdom of heaven and of earth: Who hath

begotten no issue; and hath no partner in his kingdom: Who hath created

all things; and disposed the same according to his determinate will.

25:3 Yet have they taken other gods besides Him; which have created

nothing, but are themselves created: And are able neither to avert evil

from, nor to procure good unto themselves; and have not the power of

death, or of life, or of raising the dead.

25:4 And the unbelievers say, this Koran is no other than a forgery

which he hath contrived; and other people have assisted him therein: But

they utter an unjust thing, and a falsehood.

25:5 They also say, these are fables of the ancients, which he hath

caused to be written down; and they are dictated unto him morning and


25:6 Say, He hath revealed it, who knoweth the secrets in heaven and

earth: Verily He is gracious and merciful.

25:7 And they say, what kind of Apostle is this? He eateth food, and

walketh in the streets, as we do: Unless an angel be sent down unto him,

and become a fellow preacher with him;

25:8 or unless a treasure be cast down unto him; or he have a garden, of

the fruit whereof he may eat; we will not believe. The ungodly also say,

ye follow no other than a man who is distracted.

25:9 Behold, what they liken thee unto. But they are deceived; neither

can they find a just occasion to reproach thee.

25:10 Blessed be He, who, if He pleaseth, will make for thee a better

provision than this which they speak of, namely, gardens through which

rivers flow: And He will provide thee palaces.

25:11 But they reject the belief of the hour of judgement, as a

falsehood: And We have prepared for him, who shall reject the belief of

that hour, burning fire;

25:12 when it shall see them from a distant place, they shall hear it

furiously raging, and roaring.

25:13 And when they shall be cast bound together into a strait place

thereof, they shall there call for death:

25:14 But it shall be answered them, call not this day for one death,

but call for many deaths.

25:15 Say, is this better, or a garden of eternal duration, which is

promised unto the pious? It shall be given unto them for a reward, and a


25:16 Therein shall they have whatever they please; continuing in the

same for ever. This is a promise to be demanded at the hands of thy Lord.

25:17 On a certain day He shall assemble them, and whatever they

worship, besides God; and shall say unto the worshipped. Did ye seduce

these my servants; or did they wander of themselves from the right way?

25:18 They shall answer, God forbid! It was not fitting for us, that we

should take any protectors besides Thee: But Thou didst permit them and

their fathers to enjoy abundance; so that they forgot thy admonition,

and became lost people.

25:19 And God shall say unto their worshippers, now have these convinced

you of falsehood, in that which ye say: They can neither avert your

punishment, nor give you any assistance. And whoever of you shall be

guilty of injustice, him will We cause to taste a grievous torment.

25:20 We have sent no messengers before thee, but they ate food, and

walked through the streets: And We make some of you an occasion of trial

unto others. Will ye persevere with patience? Since your Lord regardeth

your perseverance.

25:21 They who hope not to meet Us at the resurrection say, unless the

angels be sent down unto us, or we see our Lord Himself, we will not

believe. Verily they behave themselves arrogantly; and have transgressed

with an enormous transgression.

25:22 The day whereon they shall see the angels, there shall be no glad

tidings on that day for the wicked; and they shall say, be this removed

far from us!

25:23 And We will come unto the work which they shall have wrought, and

We will make it as dust scattered abroad.

25:24 On that day shall they who are destined to paradise be more happy

in an abode, and have a preferable place of repose at noon.

25:25 On that day the heaven shall be cloven in sunder by the clouds,

and the angels shall be sent down, descending visibly therein.

25:26 On that day the kingdom shall of right belong wholly unto the

Merciful; and that day shall be grievous for the unbelievers.

25:27 On that day, the unjust person shall bite his hands for anguish

and despair, and shall say, O that I had taken the way of truth with the


25:28 Alas for me! O that I had not taken such a one for my friend!

25:29 He seduced me from the admonition of God, after it had come unto

me: For the devil is the betrayer of man.

25:30 And the Apostle shall say, O Lord, verily my people esteemed this

Koran to be a vain composition.

25:31 In like manner did We ordain unto every prophet an enemy from

among the wicked: But thy Lord is a sufficient director, and defender.

25:32 The unbelievers say, unless the Koran be sent down unto him entire

at once, we will not believe. But in this manner have We revealed it,

that We might confirm thy heart thereby, and We have dictated it

gradually, by distinct parcels.

25:33 They shall not come unto thee with any strange question; but We

will bring thee the truth in answer, and a most excellent interpretation.

25:34 They who shall be dragged on their faces into hell, shall be in

the worst condition, and shall stray most widely from the way of salvation.

25:35 We heretofore delivered unto Moses the book of the law; and We

appointed him Aaron his brother for a counsellor.

25:36 And We said unto them, go ye to the people who charge our signs

with falsehood. And We destroyed them with a signal destruction.

25:37 And remember the people of Noah, when they accused our Apostles of

imposture: We drowned them, and made them a sign unto mankind. And We

have prepared for the unjust a painful torment.

25:38 Remember also Ad, and Thamud, and those who dwelt at al Rass; and

many other generations, within this period.

25:39 Unto each of them did We propound examples for their admonition;

and each of them did We destroy with an utter destruction.

25:40 The Koreish have passed frequently near the city which was rained

on by a fatal rain: Have they not seen where it once stood? Yet have

they not dreaded the resurrection.

25:41 When they see thee, they will receive thee only with scoffing,

saying, is this he, whom God hath sent as his Apostle?

25:42 Verily he had almost drawn us aside from the worship of our gods;

if we had not firmly persevered in our devotion towards them. But they

shall know hereafter, when they shall see the punishment prepared for

them, who hath strayed more widely from the right path.

25:43 What thinkest thou? He who taketh his lust for his god; canst thou

be his guardian?

25:44 Dost thou imagine that the greater part of them hear, or

understand? They are no other than like the brute cattle; yea, they

stray more widely from the true path.

25:45 Dost thou not consider the works of thy Lord, how He stretcheth

forth the shadow before sun-rise? If he had pleased, he would have made

it immovable for ever. Then We cause the sun to rise, and to shew the same;

25:46 and afterwards We contract it by an easy and gradual contraction.

25:47 It is He who hath ordained the night to cover you as a garment;

and sleep to give you rest; and hath ordained the day for waking.

25:48 It is He who sendeth the winds, driving abroad the pregnant

clouds, as the forerunners of his mercy: And We send down pure water

from heaven,

25:49 that We may thereby revive a dead country, and give to drink

thereof unto what We have created, both of cattle and men, in great


25:50 and We distribute the same among them at various times, that they

may consider: But the greater part of men refuse to consider, only out

of ingratitude.

25:51 If We had pleased, We had sent a preacher unto every city:

25:52 Wherefore do not thou obey the unbelievers; but oppose them

herewith, with a strong opposition.

25:53 It is He who hath let loose the two seas; this fresh and sweet,

and that salt and bitter: And hath placed between them a bar, and a

bound which cannot be passed.

25:54 It is He who hath created man of water; and hath made him to bear

the double relation of consanguinity and affinity; for thy Lord is


25:55 They worship, besides God, that which can neither profit them nor

hurt them: And the unbeliever is an assistant of the devil against his


25:56 We have sent thee to be no other than a bearer of good tidings,

and a denouncer of threats.

25:57 Say, I ask not of you any reward for this my preaching; besides

the conversion of him who shall desire to take the way unto his Lord.

25:58 And do thou trust in Him who liveth, and dieth not; and celebrate

his praise: -- He is sufficiently acquainted with the faults of his

servants: --

25:59 Who hath created the heavens and the earth, and whatever is

between them, in six days; and then ascended his throne; the Merciful.

Ask now the knowing concerning Him.

25:60 When it is said unto the unbelievers, adore the Merciful; they

reply, and who is the Merciful? Shall we adore that which thou

commandest us? And this precept causeth them to fly the faster from the


25:61 Blessed be He who hath placed the twelve signs in the heavens; and

hath placed therein a lamp by day, and the moon which shineth by night!

25:62 It is He who hath ordained the night and the day to succeed each

other, for the observation of him who will consider, or desireth to shew

his gratitude.

25:63 The servants of the Merciful are those who walk meekly on the

earth, and, when the ignorant speak unto them, answer, peace:

25:64 And who pass the night adoring their Lord, and standing up to pray

unto Him;

25:65 and who say, O Lord, avert from us the torment of hell, for the

torment thereof is perpetual;

25:66 verily the same is a miserable abode, and a wretched station:

25:67 And who, when they bestow, are neither profuse, nor niggardly; but

observe a just medium between these;

25:68 and who invoke not another god together with the true God; neither

slay the soul, which God hath forbidden to be slain, unless for a just


25:69 And who are not guilty of fornication. His punishment shall be

doubled unto him on the day of resurrection; and he shall remain

therein, covered with ignominy, for ever:

25:70 Except him who shall repent, and believe, and shall work a

righteous work; unto them will God change their former evils into good;

for God is ready to forgive, and merciful.

25:71 And whoever repenteth, and doth that which is right; verily he

turneth unto God with an acceptable conversion.

25:72 And they who do not bear false witness; and when they pass by vain

discourse, pass by the same with decency:

25:73 And who, when they are admonished by the signs of their Lord, fall

not down as if they were deaf and blind, but stand up and are attentive


25:74 And who say, O Lord, grant us of our wives and our offspring such

as may be the satisfaction of our eyes; and make us patterns unto those

who fear thee.

25:75 These shall be rewarded with the highest apartments in paradise,

because they have persevered with constancy; and they shall meet therein

with greeting and salutation;

25:76 they shall remain in the same for ever: It shall be an excellent

abode, and a delightful station.

25:77 Say, my Lord is not sollicitous on your account, if ye do not

invoke Him: Ye have already charged his Apostle with imposture; but

hereafter shall there be a lasting punishment inflicted on you.

Chapter 26
Intitled, The Poets; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
26:1 T.S.M.
26:2 These are the signs of the perspicuous book.

26:3 Peradventure thou afflictest thy self unto death, lest the Meccans

become not true believers.

26:4 If We pleased, We could send down unto them a convincing sign from

heaven, unto which their necks would humbly submit.

26:5 But where cometh unto them no admonition from the Merciful, being

newly revealed as occasions require, but they turn aside from the same;

26:6 and they have charged it with falsehood: But a message shall come

unto them, which they shall not laugh to scorn.

26:7 Do they not behold the earth, how many vegetables We cause to

spring up therein, of every noble species?

26:8 Verily herein is a sign: But the greater part of them do not believe.

26:9 Verily thy Lord is the mighty, the merciful God.

26:10 Remember when thy Lord called Moses, saying, go to the unjust people,

26:11 the people of Pharaoh; will they not dread Me?

26:12 Moses answered, O Lord, verily I fear lest they accuse me of


26:13 and lest my breast become straitened, and my tongue be not ready

in speaking: Send therefore unto Aaron, to be my assistant.

26:14 Also they have a crime to object against me; and I fear they will

put me to death.

26:15 God said, they shall by no means put thee to death: Wherefore go

ye with our signs; for We will be with you, and will hear what passes

between you and them.

26:16 Go ye therefore unto Pharaoh, and say, verily we are the Apostle

of the Lord of all creatures:
26:17 Send away with us the children of Israel.

26:18 And when they had delivered their message, Pharaoh answered, have

we not brought thee up among us, when a child; and hast thou not dwelt

among us for several years of thy life?

26:19 Yet hast thou done thy deed which thou hast done: And thou art an

ungrateful person.

26:20 Moses replied, I did it indeed, and I was one of those who erred;

26:21 wherefore I fled from you, because I feared you: But my Lord hath

bestowed on me wisdom, and hath appointed me one of his Apostles.

26:22 And this is the favour which thou hast bestowed on me, that thou

hast enslaved the children of Israel.

26:23 Pharaoh said, and who is the Lord of all creatures?

26:24 Moses answered, the Lord of heaven and earth, and of whatever is

between them: If ye are men of sagacity.

26:25 Pharaoh said unto those who were about him, do ye not hear?

26:26 Moses said, your Lord, and the Lord of your forefathers.

26:27 Pharaoh said unto those who were present, your Apostle, who is

sent unto you, is certainly distracted.

26:28 Moses said, the Lord of the east, and of the west, and of whatever

is between them; if ye are men of understanding.

26:29 Pharaoh said unto him, verily if thou take any god besides me, I

will make thee one of those who are imprisoned.

26:30 Moses answered, what, although I come unto you with a convincing


26:31 Pharaoh replied, produce it therefore, if thou speakest truth.

26:32 And he cast down his rod, and behold, it became a visible serpent:

26:33 And he drew forth his hand out of his bosom; and behold, it

appeared, white unto the spectators.

26:34 Pharahoh said unto the princes who were about him, verily this man

is a skilful magician:

26:35 He seeketh to dispossess you of your land by his sorcery; what

therefore do ye direct?

26:36 They answered, delay him, and his brother by good words for a

time; and send through the cities men to assemble
26:37 and bring unto thee every skilful magician.

26:38 So the magicians were assembled at an appointed time, on a solemn


26:39 And it was said unto the people, are ye assembled together?

26:40 Perhaps we may follow the magicians, if they do get the victory.

26:41 And when the magicians were come, they said unto Pharaoh, shall we

certainly receive a reward, if we do get the victory?

26:42 He answered, yea; and ye shall surely be of those who approach my


26:43 Moses said unto them, cast down what ye are about to cast down.

26:44 Wherefore they cast down their ropes and their rods, and said, by

the might of Pharaoh, verily we shall be the conquerors.

26:45 And Moses cast down his rod, and behold, it swallowed up that

which they had caused falsely to appear changed into serpents.

26:46 Whereupon the magicians prostrated themselves, worshipping,

26:47 and said, we believe in the Lord of all creatures,

26:48 the Lord of Moses and of Aaron.

26:49 Pharaoh said unto them, have ye believed on him, before I have

given you permission? Verily he is your chief, who hath taught you

magic: But hereafter ye shall surely know my power. I will cut off your

hands and your feet, on the opposite sides, and I will crucify you all.

26:50 They answered, it will be no harm unto us; for we shall return

unto our Lord.

26:51 We hope that our Lord will forgive us our sins, since we are the

first who have believed.

26:52 And we spake by revelation unto Moses, saying, march forth with my

servants by night; for ye will be pursued.

26:53 And Pharaoh sent officers through the cities to assemble forces,

26:54 verily these are a small company;
26:55 and they are enraged against us:
26:56 But we are a multitude well provided.

26:57 So we caused them to quit their gardens, and fountains,

26:58 and treasures, and fair dwellings:

26:59 Thus did We do; and We made the children of Israel to inherit the

26:60 And they pursued them at sun-rise.

26:61 And when the two armies were come in sight of each other, the

companions of Moses said, we shall surely be overtaken.

26:62 Moses answered, by no means: For my Lord is with me, Who will

surely direct me.

26:63 And We commanded Moses by revelation, saying, smite the sea with

thy rod. And when he had smitten it, it became divided into twelve

parts, between which were as many paths, and every part was like a vast

26:64 And We drew thither the others;

26:65 and We delivered Moses and all those who were with him:

26:66 Then We drowned the others.

26:67 Verily herein was a sign; but the greater part of them did not


26:68 Verily thy Lord is the mighty, and the merciful.

26:69 And rehearse unto them the story of Abraham:

26:70 When he said unto his father, and his people, what do ye worship?

26:71 They answered, we worship idols; and we constantly serve them all

the day long.

26:72 Abraham said, do they hear you, when ye invoke them?

26:73 Or do they either profit you, or hurt you?

26:74 They answered, but we found our fathers do the same.

26:75 He said, what think ye? The gods which ye worship,

26:76 and your forefathers worshipped,

26:77 are my enemy: Except only the Lord of all creatures,

26:78 who hath created me, and directeth me;
26:79 and who giveth me to eat, and to drink,
26:80 and when I am sick, healeth me;

26:81 and Who will cause me to die, and will afterwards restore me to life;

26:82 and Who, I hope, will forgive my sins on the day of judgement.

26:83 O Lord, grant me wisdom; and join me with the righteous:

26:84 And grant that I may be spoken of with honour among the latest


26:85 and make me an heir of the garden of delight:

26:86 And forgive my father, for that he hath been one of those who go


26:87 And cover me not with shame on the day of resurrection;

26:88 on the day in which neither riches nor children shall avail,

26:89 unless unto him who shall come unto God with a sincere heart:

26:90 When paradise shall be brought near to the view of the pious,

26:91 and hell shall appear plainly to those who shall have erred;

26:92 and it shall be said unto them, where are your deities which ye


26:93 besides God? Will they deliver you from punishment, or will they

deliver themselves?

26:94 And they shall be cast into the same, both they, and those who

have been seduced to their worship;
26:95 and all the host of Eblis.

26:96 The seduced shall dispute therein with their false gods, saying,

26:97 by God, we were in a manifest error,

26:98 when we equalled you with the Lord of all creatures:

26:99 And none seduced us but the wicked.
26:100 We have now no intercessors,
26:101 nor any friend who careth for us.

26:102 If we were allowed to return once more into the world, we would

certainly become true believers.

26:103 Verily herein was a sign: But the greater part of them believed not.

26:104 Thy Lord is the mighty, the merciful.

26:105 The people of Noah accused God's messengers of imposture:

26:106 When their brother Noah said unto them, will ye not fear God?

26:107 Verily I am a faithful messenger unto you;
26:108 wherefore fear God, and obey me.

26:109 I ask no reward of you for my preaching unto you; I expect my

reward from no other than the Lord of all creatures:

26:110 Wherefore fear God, and obey me.

26:111 They answered, shall we believe on thee, when only the most

abject persons have followed thee?

26:112 Noah said, I have no knowledge of that which they did;

26:113 it appertaineth unto my Lord alone to bring them to account, if

ye understand;

26:114 wherefore I will not drive away the believers:

26:115 I am no more than a public preacher.

26:116 They replied, assuredly, unless thou desist, O Noah, thou shalt

be stoned.

26:117 He said, O Lord, verily my people take me for a liar:

26:118 Wherefore judge publickly between me and them; and deliver me and

the true believers who are with me.

26:119 Wherefore We delivered him, and those who were with him, in the

ark filled with men and animals;
26:120 and afterwards We drowned the rest.

26:121 Verily herein was a sign: But the greater part of them believed not.

26:122 Thy Lord is the mighty, the merciful.

26:123 The tribe of Ad charged God's messengers with falsehood:

26:124 When their brother Hud said unto them, will ye not fear God?

26:125 Verily I am a faithful messenger unto you;
26:126 wherefore fear God, and obey me.

26:127 I demand not of you any reward for my preaching unto you: I

expect my reward from no other than the Lord of all creatures.

26:128 Do ye build a land-mark on every high place, to divert yourselves?

26:129 And do ye erect maginificent works, hoping that ye may continue

in their possession for ever?

26:130 And when ye exercise your power, do ye exercise it with cruelty

and rigour?

26:131 Fear God, by leaving these things; and obey Me.

26:132 And fear Him who hath bestowed on you that which ye know:

26:133 He hath bestowed on you cattle, and children,

26:134 and gardens, and springs of water.

26:135 Verily I fear for you the punishment of a grievous day.

26:136 They answered, it is equal unto us whether thou admonish us, or

dost not admonish us:

26:137 This which thou preachest is only a device of the ancients;

26:138 neither shall we be punished for what we have done.

26:139 And they accused him of imposture: Wherefore We destroyed them.

Verily herein was a sign: But the greater part of them believed not.

26:140 Thy Lord is the mighty, the merciful.

26:141 The tribe of Thamud also charged the messengers of God with


26:142 When their brother Saleh said unto them, will ye not fear God?

26:143 Verily I am a faithful messenger unto you:
26:144 Wherefore fear God, and obey me.

26:145 I demand no reward of you for my preaching unto you; I expect my

reward from no other than the Lord of all creatures.

26:146 Shall ye be left for ever secure in the possession of the things

which are here;
26:147 among gardens, and fountains,

26:148 and corn, and palm-trees, whose branches sheathe their flowers?

26:149 And will ye continue to cut habitations for your selves out of

the mountains, behaving with insolence?
26:150 Fear God, and obey me;

26:151 and obey not the command of the transgressors,

26:152 who act corruptly in the earth, and reform not the same.

26:153 They answered, verily thou art distracted:

26:154 Thou art no other than a man like unto us: Produce now some sign,

if thou speakest truth.

26:155 Saleh said, this she-camel shall be a sign unto you: She shall

have her portion of water, and ye shall have your portion of water

alternately, on a several day appointed for you;

26:156 and do her no hurt, lest the punishment of a terrible day be

inflicted on you.

26:157 But they slew her; and were made to repent of their impiety:

26:158 For the punishment which had been threatened overtook them.

Verily herein was a sign; but the greater part of them did not believe.

26:159 Thy Lord is the mighty, the merciful.

26:160 The people of Lot likewise accused God's messengers of imposture.

26:161 When their brother Lot said unto them, will ye not fear God?

26:162 Verily I am a faithful messenger unto you:
26:163 Wherefore fear God, and obey me.

26:164 I demand no reward of you for my preaching: I expect my reward

from no other than the Lord of all creatures.

26:165 Do ye approach unto the males among mankind,

26:166 and leave your wives which your Lord hath created for you? Surely

ye are people who transgress.

26:167 They answered, unless thou desist, O Lot, thou shalt certainly be

expelled our city.

26:168 He said, verily I am one of those who abhor your doings:

26:169 O Lord, deliver me, and my family, from that which they act.

26:170 Wherefore We delivered him, and all his family;

26:171 except an old woman, his wife, who perished among those who

remained behind:
26:172 Then We destroyed the rest;

26:173 and We rained on them a shower of stones; and terrible was the

shower which fell on those who had been warned in vain.

26:174 Verily herein was a sign; but the greater part of them did not

26:175 Thy Lord is the mighty, the merciful.

26:176 The inhabitants of the wood also accused God's messengers of


26:177 When Shoaib said unto them, will ye not fear God?

26:178 Verily I am a faithful messenger unto you:
26:179 Wherefore fear God, and obey me.

26:180 I ask no reward of you for my preaching: I expect my reward from

no other than the Lord of all creatures.
26:181 Give just measure, and be not defrauders;
26:182 and weigh with an equal balance;

26:183 and diminish not unto men ought of their matters; neither commit

violence in the earth, acting corruptly.

26:184 And fear him who hath created you, and also the former generations.

26:185 They answered, certainly thou art distracted:

26:186 Thou art no more than a man, like unto us; and we do surely

esteem thee to be a liar.

26:187 Cause now a part of the heaven to fall upon us, if thou speakest


26:188 Shoaib said, my Lord best knoweth that which ye do.

26:189 And they charged him with falsehood: Wherefore the punishment of

the day of the shadowing cloud overtook them; and this was the

punishment of a grievous day.

26:190 Verily herein was a sign; but the greater part of them did not

26:191 Thy Lord is the mighty, the merciful.

26:192 This book is certainly a revelation from the Lord of all creatures,

26:193 which the faithful spirit hath caused to descend

26:194 upon thy heart, that thou mightest be a preacher to thy prople,

26:195 in the perspicuous Arabic tongue:

26:196 And it is born witness to in the scriptures of former ages.

26:197 Was it not a sign unto them, that the wise men among the children

of Israel knew it?

26:198 Had We revealed it unto any of the foreigners,

26:199 and he had read the same unto them, yet they would not have

believed therein.

26:200 Thus have We caused obstinate infidelity to enter the hearts of

the wicked:

26:201 They shall not believe therein, until they see a painful punishment.

26:202 It shall come suddenly upon them, and they shall not foresee it:

26:203 And they shall say, shall we be respited?

26:204 Do they therefore desire our punishment to be hastened?

26:205 What thinkest thou? If We suffer them to enjoy the advantage of

this life for several years,

26:206 and afterwards that with which they are threatened come upon them;

26:207 what will that which they have enjoyed profit them?

26:208 We have destroyed no city, but preachers were first sent unto it,

26:209 to admonish the inhabitants thereof; neither did We treat them


26:210 The devils did not descend with the Koran, as the infidels give out:

26:211 It is not for their purpose, neither are they able to produce

such a book;

26:212 for they are far removed from hearing the discourse of the angels

in heaven.

26:213 Invoke no other god with the true God, lest thou become one of

those who are doomed to punishment.
26:214 And admonish thy more near relations.

26:215 And behave thy self with meekness towards the true believers who

follow thee:

26:216 And if they be disobedient unto thee, say, verily I am clear of

that which ye do.

26:217 And trust in the most mighty, the merciful God;

26:218 who seeth thee when thou risest up,
26:219 and thy behaviour among those who worship;
26:220 for He both heareth and knoweth.

26:221 Shall I declare unto you upon whom the devils descend?

26:222 They descend upon every lying and wiched person:

26:223 They learn what is heard; but the greater part of them are liars.

26:224 And those who err follow the steps of the poets:

26:225 Dost thou not see that they rove as bereft of their senses

through every valley;
26:226 and that they say that which they do not?

26:227 Except those who believe, and do good works, and remember God

frequently; and who defend themselves, after they have been unjustly

treated. And they who act unjustly shall know hereafter, with what

treatment they shall be treated.
Chapter 27
Intitled, The Ant; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

27:1 T.S. These are the signs of the Koran, and of the perspicuous book:

27:2 A direction, and good tidings unto the true believers;

27:3 who regularly perform their prayer, and give alms, and firmly

believe in the life to come.

27:4 As to those who believe not in the life to come, We have prepared

their works for them; and they shall be struck with astonishment at

their disappointment, when they shall be raised again:

27:5 These are they whom an evil punishment awaiteth in this life; and

in that which is to come they shall be the greatest losers.

27:6 Thou hast certainly received the Koran from the presence of a wise,

a knowing God.

27:7 Remember when Moses said unto his family, verily I perceive fire: I

will bring you tidings thereof, or I will bring you a lighted brand,

that ye may be warmed.

27:8 And when he was come near unto it, a voice cried unto him, saying,

blessed be He who is in the fire, and whoever is about it; and praise be

unto God, the Lord of all creatures!

27:9 O Moses, verily I am God, the mighty, the wise:

27:10 Cast down now thy rod. And when he saw it, that it moved, as

though it had been a serpent, he retreated and fled, and returned not.

And God said, O Moses, fear not; for my messengers are not disturbed

with fear in my sight:

27:11 Except he who shall have done amiss, and shall have afterwards

substituted good in lieu of evil; for I am gracious and merciful.

27:12 Moreover put thy hand into thy bosom; it shall come forth white,

without hurt: This shall be one among the nine signs unto Pharaoh and

his people; for they are a wicked people.

27:13 And when our visible signs had come unto them, they said, this is

manifest sorcery.

27:14 And they denied them, although their souls certainly knew them to

be from God, out of iniquity and pride: But behold what was the end of

the corrupt doers.

27:15 We heretofore bestowed knowledge on David and Solomon; and they

said, praise be unto God, who hath made us more excellent than many of

his faithful servants!

27:16 And Solomon was David's heir; and he said, O men, we have been

taught the speech of birds, and have had all things bestowed on us; this

is manifest excellence.

27:17 And his armies were gathered together unto Solomon, consisting of

genii, and men, and birds; and they were led in distinct bands,

27:18 until they came unto the valley of ants. And an ant, seeing the

hosts approaching, said, O ants, enter ye into your habitations, lest

Solomon and his army tread you under foot, and perceive it not.

27:19 And Solomon smiled, laughing at her words, and said, O Lord,

excite me that I may be thankful for thy favour, wherewith thou hast

favoured me, and my parents; and that I may do that which is right, and

well-pleasing unto thee: And introduce me, through thy mercy, into

paradise, among thy servants the righteous.

27:20 And he viewed the birds, and said, what is the reason that I see

not the lapwing? Is she absent?

27:21 Verily I will chastise her with a severe chastisement, or I will

put her to death; unless she bring me a just excuse.

27:22 And she tarried not long before she presented herself unto

Solomon, and said, I have viewed a country which thou hast not viewed;

and I come unto thee from Saba, with a certain piece of news.

27:23 I found a woman to reign over them, who is provided with every

thing requisite for a prince, and hath a magnificent throne.

27:24 I found her and her people to worship the sun, besides God: And

Satan hath prepared their works for them, and hath turned them aside

from the way of truth, -- wherefore they are not rightly directed, --

27:25 lest they should worship God, who bringeth to light that which is

hidden in heaven and earth, and knoweth whatever they conceal, and

whatever they discover.

27:26 God! There is no God but He; the Lord of the magnificent throne.

27:27 Solomon said, we shall see whether thou hast spoken the truth, or

whether thou art a liar.

27:28 Go with this my letter, and cast it down unto them; then turn

aside from them, and wait to know what answer they will return.

27:29 And when the queen of Saba had received the letter, she said, O

nobles, verily an honourable letter hath been delivered unto me;

27:30 it is from Solomon, and this is the tenor thereof: In the name of

the most merciful God,

27:31 rise not up against me: But come, and surrender yourselves unto me.

27:32 She said, O nobles, advise me in my business: I will not resolve

on any thing, until ye be witnesses and approve thereof.

27:33 The nobles answered, we are indued with strength, and are indued

with great prowess in war; but the command appertaineth unto thee: See

therefore what thou wilt command.

27:34 She said, verily kings, when they enter a city by force, waste the

same, and abase the most powerful of the inhabitants hereof: And so will

these do with us.

27:35 But I will send gifts unto them; and will wait for what farther

information those who shall be sent, shall bring back.

27:36 And when the queen's embassador came unto Solomon, that prince

said, will ye present me with riches? Verily that which God hath given

me, is better than what he hath given you: But ye do glory in your gifts.

27:37 Return unto the people of Saba. We will surely come unto them with

forces, which they shall not be able to withstand; and we will drive

them out from their city, humbled; and they shall become contemptible.

27:38 And Solomon said, O nobles, which of you will bring unto me her

throne, before they come and surrender themselves unto me?

27:39 A terrible genius answered, I will bring it unto thee, before thou

arise from thy place: For I am able to perform it, and may be trusted.

27:40 And one with whom was the knowledge of the scriptures said, I will

bring it unto thee, in the twinkling of an eye. And when Solomon saw the

throne placed before him, he said, this is a favour of my Lord, that he

may make trial of me, whether I will be grateful, or whether I will be

ungrateful: And he who is grateful, is grateful to his own advantage,

but if any shall be ungrateful, verily my Lord is self-sufficient and


27:41 And Solomon said unto his servants, alter her throne, that she may

not know it, to the end we may see whether she be rightly directed, or

whether she be one of those who are not rightly directed.

27:42 And when she was come unto Solomon, it was said unto her, is thy

throne like this? She answered, as though it were the same. And we have

had knowledge bestowed on us before this, and have been resigned unto God.

27:43 But that which she worshipped, besides God, had turned her aside

from the truth; for she was of an unbelieving people.

27:44 It was said unto her, enter the palace. And when she saw it, she

imagined it to be a great water; and she discovered her legs, by lifting

up her robe to pass through it. Whereupon Solomon said unto her, verily

this is a palace evenly floored with glass. Then said the queen, O Lord,

verily I have dealt unjustly with my own soul; and I resign my self,

together with Solomon, unto God, the Lord of all creatures.

27:45 Also We heretofore sent unto the tribe of Thamud their brotherh;

who said unto them, serv ye God. And behold, they were divided into two

parties, who disputed among themselves.

27:46 Saleh said, O my people, why do ye hasten evil rather than good?

Unless ye ask pardon of God, that ye may obtain mercy, ye are lost.

27:47 They answered, we presage evil from thee, and from those who are

with thee. Saleh replied, the evil which ye presage is with God: But ye

are a people who are proved by a vicissitude of prosperity and adversity.

27:48 And there were nine men in the city, who acted corruptly in the

earth, and behaved not with integrity.

27:49 And they said unto one another, swear ye reciprocally by God, that

we will fall upon Saleh and his family by night: And afterwards we will

say unto him who hath right to avenge his blood, we were not so much as

present at the destruction of his family; and we certainly speak the truth.

27:50 And they devised a plot against him: But We devised a plot against

them; and they perceived it not.

27:51 And see what was the issue of their plot: We utterly destroyed

them and their whole people;

27:52 and these their habitations remain empty, because of the injustice

which they committed. Verily herein is a sign, unto people who understand.

27:53 And We delivered those who believed, and feared God.

27:54 And remember Lot; when he said unto his people, do ye commit a

wickedness, though ye see the hainousness thereof?

27:55 Do ye approach lustfully unto men, leaving the women? Ye are

surely an ignorant people.

27:56 But the answer of his people was no other than that they said,

cast the family of Lot out of your city: For they are men who preserve

themselves pure from the crimes of which ye are guilty.

27:57 Wherefore We delivered him and his family, except his wife, whom

We decreed to be one of those who remained behind to be destroyed.

27:58 And We rained on them a shower of stones: And dreadful was the

shower which fell on those who had been warned in vain!

27:59 Say, praise be unto God; and peace be upon his servants whom He

hath chosen! Is God more worthy, or the false gods which they associate

with him?

27:60 Is not He to be preferred, who hath created the heavens and the

earth, and sendeth down rain for you from heaven, whereby We cause

delicious groves to spring up? It is not in your power to cause the

trees thereof to shoot forth. Is there any other god partner with the

true God? Verily these are a people who deviate from the truth.

27:61 Is not He more worthy to be adored, who hath established the

earth, and hath caused rivers to flow through the midst thereof, and

placed thereon immovable mountains, and set a bar between the two seas?

Is there any other god equal with the true God? Yet the greater part of

them know it not.

27:62 Is not He more worthy who heareth the afflicted, when he calleth

upon Him, and taketh off the evil which distressed him; and who hath

made you the successors of your forefathers in the earth? Is there any

other god who can be equalled with the true God? How few consider these


27:63 Is not He more worthy Who directeth you in the dark paths of the

land and of the sea; and Who sendeth the winds driving abroad the

clouds, as the forerunners of this mercy? Is there any other god who can

be equalled with the true God? Far be God from having those partners in

his power, which ye associate with Him!

27:64 Is not He more worthy, Who produceth a creature, and after it hath

been dead restoreth it to life; and Who giveth you food from heaven and

earth? Is there any other god with the true God, who doth this? Say,

produce your proof thereof, if ye speak truth.

27:65 Say, none either in heaven or earth knoweth that which is hidden,

besides God: Neither do they understand when they shall be raised.

27:66 However their knowledge attaineth some notion of the life to come:

Yet they are in an uncertainty concerning the same; yea, they are blind

as to the real curcumstances thereof.

27:67 And the unblievers say, when we and our fathers shall have been

reduced to dust, shall we be taken forth from the grave?

27:68 Verily we have been threatened with this, both we and our fathers,

heretofore. This is no other than fables of the ancients.

27:69 Say unto them, pass through the earth, and see what hath been the

end of the wicked.

27:70 And be not thou grieved for them; neither be thou in any concern

on account of the plots which they are contriving against thee.

27:71 And they say, when will this threat be accomplished, if ye speak


27:72 Answer, peradventure some part of that punishment, which ye desire

to be hastened, may follow close behind you:

27:73 Verily thy Lord is endued with indulgence towards mankind; but the

greater part of them are not thankful.

27:74 Verily thy Lord knoweth what their breasts conceal, and what they


27:75 And there is nothing hidden in heaven or on earth, but it is

written in a clear book.

27:76 Verily this Koran declareth unto the children of Israel most of

those points concerning which they disagree:

27:77 And it is certainly a direction, and a mercy unto the true believers.

27:78 Thy Lord will decide the controversy between them, by his

definitive sentence: And he is the mighty, the wise.

27:79 Therefore put thy trust in God; for thou art in the manifest truth.

27:80 Verily thou shalt not make the dead to hear, neither shalt thou

make the deaf to hear thy call to the true faith, when they retire and

turn their backs:

27:81 Neither shalt thou direct the blind to extricate themselves out of

their error. Thou shalt make none to hear thee, except him who shall

believe in our signs: And they are wholly resigned unto Us.

27:82 When the sentence shall be ready to fall upon them, We will cause

a beast to come forth unto them from out of the earth, which shall speak

unto them: Verily men do not firmly believe in our signs.

27:83 On the day of resurrection We will assemble, out of every nation,

a company of those who shall have charged our signs with falsehood; and

they shall be prevented from mixing together,

27:84 until they shall arrive at the place of judgement. And God shall

say unto them, have ye charged my signs with falsehood, although ye

comprehended them not with your knowledge? Or what is it that ye were


27:85 And the sentence of damnation shall fall on them, for that they

have acted unjustly: And they shall not speak in their own excuse.

27:86 Do they not see that We have ordained the night, that they may

rest therein, and the day giving open light? Verily herein are signs

unto people who believe.

27:87 On that day the trumpet shall be sounded; and whoever are in

heaven and on earth shall be struck with terror, except those whom God

shall please to exempt therefrom: And all shall come before him, in

humble guise.

27:88 And thou shalt see the mountains, and shalt think them firmly

fixed; but they shall pass away, even as the clouds pass away. This will

be the work of God, who hath rightly disposed all things: And He is well

acquainted with that which ye do.

27:89 Whoever shall have wrought righteousness, shall receive a reward

beyond the desert thereof; and they shall be secure from the terror of

that day:

27:90 But whoever shall have wrought evil, shall be thrown on their

faces into hell fire. Shall ye receive the reward of any other than of

that which ye shall have wrought?

27:91 Verily I am commanded to worship the Lord of this territory of

Mecca, Who hath sanctified the same: Unto Him belong all things. And I

am commanded to be a Moslem,

27:92 and to rehearse the Koran: He who shall be directed thereby, will

be directed to his own advantage; and to him who shall go astray, say,

verily I am a warner only.

27:93 And say, praise be unto God! He will shew you his signs, and ye

shall know them: And thy Lord is not regardless of that which they do.

Chapter 28
Intitled, The Story; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
28:1 T.S.M.
28:2 These are the signs of the perspicuous book.

28:3 We will dictate unto thee, O Mohammed, some parts of the history of

Moses and Pharaoh, with truth; for the sake of people who believe.

28:4 Now Pharaoh lifted himself up in the land of Egypt; and he caused

his subjects to be divided into parties: He weakened one party of them,

by slaying their male-children, and preserving their females alive; for

he was an oppressor.

28:5 And We were minded to be gracious unto those who were weakened in

the land, and to make them models of religion; and to make them the

heirs of the wealth of Pharaoh and his people,

28:6 and to establish a place for them in the earth; and to shew

Pharaoh, and Haman, and their forces, that destruction of their kingdom

and nation by them, which they sought to avoid.

28:7 And We directed the mother of Moses by revelation, saying, give him

suck: And if thou fearest for him, cast him into the river; and fear

not, neither be afflicted; for We will restore him unto thee, and will

appoint him one of our Apostles.

28:8 And when she had put the child in the ark, and had cast it into the

river, the family of Pharaoh took him up; providence designing that he

should become an enemy, and a sorrow unto them. Verily Pharaoh, and

Haman, and their forces were sinners.

28:9 And the wife of Pharaoh said, this child is a delight of the eye to

me, and to thee: Kill him not; peradventure it may happen that he may be

serviceable unto us; or we may adopt him for our son. And they perceived

not the consequence of what they were doing.

28:10 And the heart of the mother of Moses became oppressed with fear;

and she had almost discovered him, had We not armed her heart with

constancy, that she might be one of those who believe the promises of God.

28:11 And she said unto his sister, follow him. And she watched him at a

distance; and they perceived it not.

28:12 And We suffered him not to take the breasts of the nurses who were

provided before his sister came up: And she said, shall I direct you

unto some of his nation, who may nurse him for you, and will be careful

of him?

28:13 And, at their desire, she brought his mother to them. So We

restored him to his mother, that her mind might be set at ease, and that

she might not be afflicted; and that she might know that the promise of

God was true: But the greater part of mankind know not the truth.

28:14 And when Moses had attained his age of full strength, and was

become a perfect man, We bestowed on him wisdom and knowledge: And thus

do We reward the upright.

28:15 And he went into the city, at a time when the inhabitants thereof

observed not what passed in the streets: And he found therein two men

fighting; the one being of his own party, and the other of his enemies.

And he who was of his party, begged his assistance against him who was

of the contrary party; and Moses struck him with his fist, and slew him:

But being sorry for what had happened, he said, this is of the work of

the devil; for he is a seducing and an open enemy.

28:16 And he said, O Lord, verily I have injured my own soul: Wherefore

forgive me. So God forgave him; for He is ready to forgive, and merciful.

28:17 He said, O Lord, by the favours with which thou hast favoured me,

I will not be an assistant to the wicked for the future.

28:18 And the next morning he was afraid in the city, and looked about

him, as one apprehensive of danger: And behold, he whom he had assisted

the day before, cried out unto him for help a secong time. But Moses

said unto him, thou art plainly a quarrelsome fellow.

28:19 And when he sought to lay hold on him who was an enemy unto them

both, he said, O Moses, dost thou intend to kill me, as thou killedst a

man yesterday? Thou seekest only to be an oppressor in the earth, and

seekest not to be a reconciler of quarrels.

28:20 And a certain man came from the farther part of the city, running

hastily, and said, O Moses, verily the magistrates are deliberating

concerning thee, to put thee to death: Depart therefore; I certainly

advise thee well.

28:21 Wherefore he departed out of the city in great fear, looking this

way and that, lest he should be pursued. And he said, O Lord, deliver me

from the unjust people.

28:22 And when he was journeying towards Madian, he said, peradventure

my Lord will direct me in the right way.

28:23 And when he arrived at the water of Madian, he found about the

well a company of men, who were watering their flocks. And he found,

besides them, two women, who kept off their sheep at a distance. And he

said unto them, what is the matter with you? They answered, we shall not

water our flock, until the shepherds shall have driven away theirs; for

our father is an old man, stricken in years.

28:24 So Moses watered their sheep for them; and afterwards retired to

the shade, saying, O Lord, verily I stand in need of the good which thou

shalt send down unto me.

28:25 And one of the damsels came unto him, walking bashfully, and said,

my father calleth thee, that he may recompence thee for the trouble

which thou hast taken in watering our sheep for us. And when he was come

unto Shoaib, and had told him the story of his adventures, he said unto

him, fear not; thou hast escaped from unjust people.

28:26 And one of the damsels said, my father, hire him for certain

wages: The best servant thou canst hire, is an able and trusty person.

28:27 And Shoaib said unto Moses, verily I will give thee one of these

my two daughters in marriage, on condition that thou serve me for hire

eight years: And if thou fulfill ten years, it is in thine own breast;

for I seek not to impose a hardship on thee: And thou shalt find me, if

God please, a man of probity.

28:28 Moses answered, let this be the covenant between me and thee:

Whichsoever of the two terms I shall fulfil, let it be no crime in me if

I then quit thy service; and God is witness of that which we say.

28:29 And when Moses had fulfilled the term, and was journeying with his

family towards Egypt, he saw fire on the side of mount Sinai. And he

said unto his family, tarry ye here; for I see fire: Peradventure I may

bring you thence some tidings of the way, or at least a brand out of the

fire, that ye may be warmed.

28:30 And when he was come thereto, a voice cried unto him from the

right side of the valley, in the sacred bottom, from the tree, saying, O

Moses, verily I am God, the Lord of all creatures:

28:31 Cast down now thy rod. And when he saw it that it moved, as though

it had been a serpent, he retreated and fled, and returned not. And God

said unto him, O Moses, draw near, and fear not; for thou art safe.

28:32 Put thy hand into thy bosom, and it shall come forth white,

without any hurt: And draw back thy hand unto thee which thou stretchest

forth for fear. These shall be two evident signs from thy Lord, unto

Pharaoh and his princes; for they are a wicked people.

28:33 Moses said, O Lord, verily I have slain one of them; and I fear

they will put me to death:

28:34 But my brother Aaron is of a more eloquent tongue than I am;

wherefore send him with me for an assistant, that he may gain me credit;

for I fear lest they accuse me of imposture.

28:35 God said, We will strengthen thine arm by thy brother, and We will

give each of you extraordinary power, so that they shall not come up to

you, in our signs. Ye two, and whoever shall follow you, shall be the


28:36 And when Moses came unto them with our evident signs, they said,

this is no other than a deceitful piece of sorcery: Neither have we

heard of any thing like this among our fore-fathers.

28:37 And Moses said, my Lord, best knoweth who cometh with a direction

from Him; and who shall have success in this life, as well as the next:

But the unjust shall not prosper.

28:38 And Pharaoh said, O princes, I did not know that ye had any other

god besides me. Wherefore do thou, O Haman, burn me clay into bricks;

and build me a high tower, that I may ascend unto the God of Moses: For

I verily believe him to be a liar.

28:39 And both he and his forces behaved themselves insolently and

unjustly in the earth; and imagined that they should not be brought

before Us to be judged.

28:40 Wherefore We took him and his forces, and cast them into the sea.

Behold, therefore, what was the end of the unjust.

28:41 And We made them deceitful guides, inviting their followers to

hell fire; and on the day of resurrection they shall not be screened

from punishment.

28:42 We pursued them with a curse in this life; and on the day of

resurrection they shall be shamefully rejected.

28:43 And We gave the book of the law unto Moses, after We had destroyed

the former generations, to enlighten the minds of men, and for a

direction, and a mercy; that peradventure they might consider.

28:44 Thou, O prophet, wast not on the west side of mount Sinai, when We

delivered Moses his commission: Neither wast thou one of those who were

present at his receiving it:

28:45 But we raised up several generations after Moses; and life was

prolonged unto them. Neither didst thou dwell among the inhabitants of

Madian, rehearsing unto them our signs; but We have sent thee fully

instructed in every particular.

28:46 Nor wast thou present on the side of the mount, when We called

unto Moses: But thou art sent as a mercy from they Lord; that thou

mightest preach unto a people to whom no preacher hath come before thee,

that peradventure they may be warned;

28:47 and lest, if a calamity had befallen them, for that which their

hands had previously committed, they should have said, O Lord, since

thou hast not sent an Apostle unto us, that we might follow thy signs,

and become true believers, are we not excusable?

28:48 Yet when the truth is come unto them from before us, they say,

unless he receive the same power to work miracles as Moses received, we

will not believe. Have they not likewise rejected the revelation which

was heretofore given unto Moses? They say, two cunning impostures have

mutually assisted one another: And they say, verily we reject them both.

28:49 Say, produce therefore a book from God, which is more right than

these two, that I may follow it; if ye speak truth.

28:50 But if they return thee no answer, know that they only follow

their own desires: And who erreth more widely from the truth than he who

followeth his own desire, without a direction from God? Verily God

directeth not the unjust people.

28:51 And now have We caused our word to come unto them, that they may

be admonished.

28:52 They unto whom We have given the scriptures which were revealed

before it, believe in the same;

28:53 and when it is read unto them, say, we believe therein; it is

certainly the truth from our Lord: Verily we were Moslems before this.

28:54 These shall receive their reward twice, because they have

persevered, and repel evil by good, and distribute alms out of that

which We have bestowed on them;

28:55 and when they hear vain discourse, avoid the same, saying, we have

our works, and ye have your works: Peace be on you; we covet not the

acquaintance of the ignorant.

28:56 Verily thou canst not direct whom thou wilt: But God directeth

whom He pleaseth, and He best knoweth those who will submit to be directed.

28:57 The Meccans say, if we follow the same direction with thee, we

shall be forcibly expelled our land. Have We not established for them a

secure asylum; to which fruits of every sort are brought, as a provision

of our bounty? But the greater part of them do not understand.

28:58 How many cities have We destroyed, whose inhabitants lived in ease

and plenty? And these their dwellings are not inhabited after them,

unless for a little while; and We were the inheritors of their wealth.

28:59 But thy Lord did not destroy those cities, until He had sent unto

their capital an Apostle, to rehearse our signs unto them: Neither did

We destroy those cities, unless their inhabitants were injurious to

their Apostle.

28:60 The things which are given you, are the provisions of this present

life, and the pomp thereof; but that which is with God, is better and

more durable: Will ye not therefore understand?

28:61 Shall he then, unto whom We have promised an excellent promise of

future happiness, and who shall attain the same, be as he on whom we

have bestowed the provision of this present life, and who, on the day of

resurrection, shall be one of those who are delivered up to eternal


28:62 On that day God shall call unto them, and shall say, where are my

partners, which ye imagined to be so?

28:63 And they upon whom the sentence of damnation shall be justly

pronounced, shall answer, these, O Lord, are those whom we seduced; we

seduced them as we also had been seduced: But now we clearly quit them,

and turn unto Thee. They did not worship Us, but their own lusts.

28:64 And it shall be said unto the idolaters, call now upon those whom

ye associated with God: And they shall call upon them, but they shall

not answer them; and they shall see the punishment prepared for them,

and shall wish that they had submitted to be directed.

28:65 On that day God shall call unto them, and shall say, what answer

did ye return to our messengers?

28:66 But they shall not be able to give an account thereof on that day;

neither shall they ask one another for information.

28:67 Howbeit whoso shall repent and believe, and shall do that which is

right, may expect to be happy.

28:68 Thy Lord createth what He pleaseth; and chooseth freely: But they

have no free choice. Praise be unto God; and far be He removed from the

idols which they associate with Him!

28:69 Thy Lord knoweth both the secret malice which their breasts

conceal, and the open hatred which they discover.

28:70 He is God; there is no God but He. Unto Him is the praise due,

both in this life and in that which is to come: Unto Him doth judgement

belong; and before Him shall ye be assembled at the last day.

28:71 Say, what think ye? If God should cover you with perpetual night,

until the day of resurrection; what god, besides God, would bring you

light? Will ye not therefore hearken?

28:72 Say, what think ye? If God should give you continual day, until

the day of resurrection; what god, besides God, would bring you night,

that ye might rest therein? Will ye not therefore consider?

28:73 Of his mercy He hath made for you the night and the day, that ye

may rest in the one, and may seek to obtain provision for your selves of

his abundance, by your industry, in the other; and that ye may give thanks.

28:74 On a certain day God shall call unto them, and shall say, where

are my partners, which ye imagined to share the divine power with Me?

28:75 And We will produce a witness out of every nation, and will say,

bring hither your proof of what ye have asserted. And they shall know

that the right is God's alone; and the deities which they have devised

shall abandon them.

28:76 Karun was of the people of Moses; but he behaved insolently

towards them: For We had given him so much treasure, that his keys would

have loaded several strong men. When his people said unto Him, rejoice

not immoderately; for God loveth not those who rejoice in their riches


28:77 But seek to attain, by means of the wealth which God hath given

thee, the future mansion of paradise. And forget not thy portion in this

world; but be thou bounteous unto others, as God hath been bounteous

unto thee: And seek not to act corruptly in the earth; for God loveth

not the corrupt doers.

28:78 He answered, I have received these riches, only because of the

knowledge which is with me. Did he not know that God had already

destroyed, before him, several generations, who were mightier than he in

strength, and had amassed more abundance of riches? And the wicked shall

not be asked to discover their crimes.

28:79 And Karun went forth unto his people, in his pomp. And they who

loved this present life, said, oh that we had the like wealth, as hath

been given unto Karun! Verily he is master of a great fortune.

28:80 But those on whom knowledge had been bestowed, answered, alas for

you! The reward of God in the next life, will be better unto him who

shall believe and do good works: But none shall attain the same, except

those who persevere with constancy.

28:81 And We caused the ground to cleave in sunder, and to swallow up

him and his palace: And he had no forces to defend him, besides God;

neither was he rescued from punishment.

28:82 And the next morning, those who had coveted his condition the day

before, said, aha! Verily God bestoweth abundant provision on such of

his servants as He pleaseth; and He is sparing unto whom He pleaseth.

Unless God had been gracious unto us, certainly the earth had swallowed

us up also. Aha! The unbelievers shall not prosper.

28:83 As to this future mansion of paradise, We will give it unto them

who seek not to exalt themselves in the earth, or to do wrong; for the

happy issue shall attend the pious.

28:84 Whoso doth good, shall receive a reward which shall exceed the

merit thereof: But as to him who doth evil, they who work evil shall be

rewarded according to the merit only of that which they shall have wrought.

28:85 Verily He who hath given thee the Koran for a rule of faith and

practice, will certainly bring thee back home unto Mecca. Say, my Lord

best knoweth who cometh with a true direction, and who is in a manifest


28:86 Thou didst not expect that the book of the Koran should be

delivered unto thee: But thou hast received it through the mercy of thy

Lord. Be not therefore assisting to the unbelievers;

28:87 neither let them turn thee aside from the signs of God, after they

have been sent down unto thee: And invite men unto thy Lord. And be not

thou an idolater;

28:88 neither invoke any other god, together with the true God: There is

no god but He. Every thing shall perish, except Himself: Unto Him

belongeth judgement; and before Him shall ye be assembled at the last day.

Chapter 29
Intitled, The Spider; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
29:1 A.L.M.

29:2 Do men imagine that it shall be sufficient for them to say, we

believe; while they be not proved?

29:3 We heretofore proved those who were before them; for God will

surely know them who are sincere, and He will surely know the liars.

29:4 Do they who work evil think that they shall prevent Us from taking

vengeance on them? An ill judgement do they make.

29:5 Whoso hopeth to meet God, verily God's appointed time will

certainly come; and He both heareth and knoweth.

29:6 Whoever striveth to promote the true religion, striveth for the

advantage of his own soul; for God needeth not any of his creatures:

29:7 And as to those who believe and work righteousness, We will expiate

their evil deeds from them; and We will give them a reward according to

the utmost merit of their actions.

29:8 We have commanded man to shew kindness towards his parents: But if

they endeavour to prevail with thee to associate with Me that concerning

which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not. Unto Me shall ye return;

and I will declare unto you what ye have done.

29:9 Those who shall believe, and shall work righteousness, We will

surely introduce into paradise, among the upright.

29:10 There are some men who say, we believe in God: But when such a one

is afflicted for God's sake, he esteemeth the persecution of men to be

as grievous as the punishment of God. Yet if success cometh from thy

Lord, they say, verily we are with you. Doth not God well know that

which is in the breasts of his creatures?

29:11 Verily God well knoweth the true belivers, and He well knoweth the


29:12 The unbelievers say unto those who believe, follow our way; and we

will bear your sins. Howbeit they shall not bear any part of their sins;

for they are liars:

29:13 But they shall surely bear their own burdens, and other burdens

besides their own burdens; and they shall be examined, on the day of

resurrection, concerning that which they have falsely devised.

29:14 We heretofore sent Noah unto his people; and he tarried among them

one thousand years, save fifty years: And the deluge took them away,

while they were acting unjustly;

29:15 but We delivered him and those who were in the ark, and We made

the same a sign unto all creatures.

29:16 We also sent Abraham; when he said unto his people, serve God, and

fear Him: This will be better for you; if ye understand.

29:17 Ye only worship idols besides God, and forge a lie. Verily those

which ye worship, besides God, are not able to make any provision for

you: Seek therefore your provision from God; and serve Him, and give

thanks unto Him; unto Him shall ye return.

29:18 If ye charge me with imposture, verily sundry nations before you

likewise charged their prophets with imposture: But public preaching

only is incumbent on an Apostle.

29:19 Do they not see how God produceth creatures, and afterwards

restoreth them? Verily this is easy with God.

29:20 Say, go through the earth, and see how He originally produceth

creatures: Afterwards will God reproduce another production; for God is


29:21 He will punish whom He pleaseth, and He will have mercy on whom He

pleaseth. Before Him shall ye be brought at the day of judgement:

29:22 And ye shall not escape his reach, either in earth, or in heaven;

neither shall ye have any patron or defender besides God.

29:23 As for those who believe not in the signs of God, or that they

shall meet Him at the resurrection, they shall despair of my mercy, and

for them is a painful punishment prepared.

29:24 And the answer of his people was no other than that they said,

slay him, or burn him. But God saved him from the fire. Verily herein

were signs unto people who believed.

29:25 And Abraham said, ye have taken idols, besides God, to cement

affection between you in this life: But on the day of resurrection, the

one of you shall deny the other, and the one of you shall curse the

other; and your abode shall be hell fire, and there shall be none to

deliver you.

29:26 And Lot believed on Him. And Abraham said, verily I fly from my

people, unto the place which my Lord hath commanded me; for He is the

mighty, the wise.

29:27 And We gave him Isaac, and Jacob; and We placed among his

descendants the gift of prophecy and the scriptures: And We gave him his

reward in this world; and in the next he shall be one of the righteous.

29:28 We also sent Lot; when he said unto his people, do ye commit

filthiness which no creature hath committed before you?

29:29 Do ye approach lustfully unto men, and lay wait in the highways,

and commit wickedness in your assembly? And the answer of his people was

no other than that they said, bring down the vengeance of God upon us,

if thou speakest truth.

29:30 Lot said, O Lord, defend me against the corrupt people.

29:31 And when our messengers came unto Abraham with good tidings, they

said, we will surely destroy the inhabitants of this city; for the

inhabitants thereof are unjust doers.

29:32 Abraham answered, verily Lot dwelleth there. They replied, we well

know who dwelleth therein: we will surely deliver him and his family,

except his wife; she shall be one of those who remain behind.

29:33 And when our messengers came unto Lot, he was troubled for them,

and his arm was straitened concerning them. But they said, fear not,

neither be grieved; for we will deliver thee and thy family, except thy

wife; for she shall be one of those who remain behind.

29:34 We will surely bring down upon the inhabitants of this city

vengeance from heaven, for that they have been wicked doers:

29:35 And We have left thereof a manifest sign unto people who understand.

29:36 And unto the inhabitants of Madian We sent their brother Shoaib;

and he said unto them, O my people, serve God, and expect the last day;

and transgress not, acting corruptly in the earth.

29:37 But they accused him of imposture; wherefore a storm from heaven

assailed them, and in the morning they were found in their dwellings

dead and prostrate.

29:38 And We also destroyed the tribes of Ad, and Thamud; and this is

well known unto you from what yet remains of their dwellings. And Satan

prepared their works for them, and turned them aside from the way of

truth; although they were sagacious people.

29:39 And We likewise destroyed Karun, and Pharaoh, and Haman. Moses

came unto them with evident miracles; and they behaved themselves

insolently in the earth: But they could not escape our vengeance.

29:40 Every of them did We destroy in his sin. Against some of them We

sent a violent wind: Some of them did a terrible noise from heaven

destroy: Some of them did We cause the earth to swallow up: And some of

them We drowned. Neither was God disposed to treat them unjustly; but

they dealt unjustly with their own souls.

29:41 The likness of those who take other patrons besides God, is as the

likeness of the spider, which maketh herself a house: But the weakest of

all houses surely is the house of the spider; if they knew this.

29:42 Moreover God knoweth what things they invoke, besides Him; and He

is the mighty, the wise.

29:43 These similitudes do We propound unto men: But none understand

them, except the wise.

29:44 God hath created the heavens and the earth in truth: Verily herein

is a sign unto the true believers.

29:45 Rehearse that which hath been revealed unto thee of the book of

the Koran: And be constant at prayer; for prayer preserveth a man from

filthy crimes, and from that which is blamable; and the remembering of

God is surely a most important duty. God knoweth that which ye do.

29:46 Dispute not against those who have received the scriptures, unless

in the mildest manner; except against such of them as behave injuriously

towards you: And say, we believe in the revelation which hath been sent

down unto us, and also in that which hath been sent down unto you; our

God and your God is one, and unto Him are we resigned.

29:47 Thus have We sent down the book of the Koran unto thee: And they

unto whom We have given the former scriptures, believe therein; and of

these Arabians also there is who believeth therein: And none reject our

signs, except the obstinate infidels.

29:48 Thou couldest not read any book before this; neither couldest thou

write it with thy right hand: Then had the gainsayers justly doubted of

the divine original thereof.

29:49 But the same is evident signs in the breasts of those who have

received understanding: For none reject our signs, except the unjust.

29:50 They say, unless a sign be sent down unto him from his Lord, we

will not believe. Answer, signs are in the power of God alone; and I am

no more than a public preacher.

29:51 Is it not sufficient for them that We have sent down unto thee the

book of the Koran, to be read unto them? Verily herein is a mercy, and

an admonition unto people who believe.

29:52 Say, God is a sufficient witness between me and you: He knoweth

whatever is in heaven and earth; and those who believe in vain idols,

and deny God, they shall perish.

29:53 They will urge thee to hasten the punishment which they defy thee

to bring down upon them: If there had not been a determined time for

their respite, the punishment had come upon them before this; but it

shall surely overtake them suddenly, and they shall not foresee it.

29:54 They urge thee to bring down vengeance swiftly upon them: But hell

shall surely encompass the unbelievers.

29:55 On a certain day their punishment shall suddenly assail them, both

from above them, and from under their feet; and God shall say, taste ye

the reward of that which ye have wrought.

29:56 O my servants who have believed, verily my earth is spacious;

wherefore serve Me.

29:57 Every soul shall taste death: Afterwards shall ye return unto Us;

29:58 and as for those who shall have believed, and wrought

righteousness, We will surely lodge them in the higher apartments of

paradise; rivers shall flow beneath them, and they shall continue

therein for ever. How excellent will be the reward of the workers of


29:59 who persevere with patience, and put their trust in their Lord!

29:60 How many beasts are there, which provide not their food? It is God

who provideth food for them, and for you; and He both heareth and knoweth.

29:61 Verily, if thou ask the Meccans, who hath created the heavens and

the earth, and hath obliged the sun and the moon to serve in their

courses; they will answer, God. How therefore do they lie, in

acknowledging of other gods?

29:62 God maketh abundant provision for such of his servants as He

pleaseth; and is sparing unto him, if he pleaseth: For God knoweth all


29:63 Verily if thou ask them, who sendeth rain from heaven, and thereby

quickeneth the earth, after it hath been dead; they will answer, God.

Say, God be praised! But the greater part of them do not understand.

29:64 This present life is no other than a toy, and a play-thing; but

the future mansion of paradise is life indeed: If they knew this, they

would not prefer the former to the latter.

29:65 When they sail in a ship, they call upon God, sincerely exhibiting

unto Him the true religion: But when He bringeth them safe to land,

behold, they return to their idolatry;

29:66 to shew themselves ungrateful for that which We have bestowed on

them, and that they may enjoy the delights of this life; but they shall

hereafter know the issue.

29:67 Do they not see that We have made the territory of Mecca an

inviolable and secure asylum, when men are spoiled in the countries

round about them? Do they therefore believe in that which is vain, and

acknowledge not the goodness of God?

29:68 But who is more unjust than he who deviseth a lie against God, or

denieth the truth, when it hath come unto him? Is there not in hell an

abode for the unbelievers?

29:69 Whoever do their utmost endeavour to promote our true religion, We

will direct them into our ways; for God is with the righteous.

Chapter 30
Intitled, The Greeks; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
30:1 A.L.M.

30:2 The Greeks have been overcome by the Persians,

30:3 in the nearest part of the land; but after their defeat, they shall

overcome the others in their turn,

30:4 within a few years. Unto God belongeth the disposal of this matter,

both for what is past, and for what is to come: And on that day shall

the believers rejoice

30:5 in the success granted by God; for He granteth success unto whom He

pleaseth, and He is the mighty, the merciful.

30:6 This is the promise of God: God will not act contrary to his

promise; but the greater part of men know not the veracity of God.

30:7 They know the outward appearance of this present life; but they are

careless as to the life to come.

30:8 Do they not consider within themselves that God hath not created

the heavens and the earth, and whatever is between them, otherwise than

in truth, and hath set them a determined period? Verily a great number

of men reject the belief of their future meeting their Lord at the


30:9 Do they not pass through the earth, and see what hath been the end

of those who were before them? They excelled the Meccans in strength,

and broke up the earth, and inhabited it in greater affluence and

prosperity than they inhabit the same: And their Apostles came unto them

with evident miracles; and God was not disposed to treat them unjustly,

but they injured their own souls by their obstinate infidelity;

30:10 and the end of those who had done evil, was evil, because they

charged the signs of God with falsehood, and laughed the same to scorn.

30:11 God produceth creatures, and will hereafter restore them to life:

Then shall ye return unto Him.

30:12 And on the day whereon the hour shall come, the wicked shall be

struck dumb for despair:

30:13 And they shall have no intercessores from among the idols which

they associated with God; and they shall deny the false gods which they

associated with Him.

30:14 On the day whereon the hour shall come, on that day shall the true

believers and the infidels be separated:

30:15 And they who shall have believed, and wrought righteousness, shall

take their pleasure in a delightful meadow,

30:16 but as for those who shall have disbelieved, and rejected our

signs, and the meeting of the next life, they shall be delivered up to


30:17 Wherefore glorify God, when the evening overtaketh you, and when

ye rise in the morning:

30:18 And unto Him be praise in heaven and earth; and at sun-set, and

when ye rest at noon.

30:19 He bringeth forth the living out of the dead, and He bringeth

forth the dead out of the living; and He quickeneth the earth after it

hath been dead: And in like manner shall ye be brought forth from your


30:20 Of his signs one is, that He hath created you of dust; and behold,

ye are become men, spread over the face of the earth.

30:21 And of his signs another is, that He hath created for you, out of

your selves, wives, that ye may cohabit with them; and hath put love and

compassion between you: Verily herein are signs unto people who consider.

30:22 And of his signs are also the creation of the heavens and the

earth, and the variety of your languages, and of your complexions:

Verily herein are signs unto men of understanding.

30:23 And of his signs are your sleeping by night and by day, and your

seeking to provide for yourselves of his abundance: Verily herein are

signs unto people who hearken.

30:24 Of his signs others are, that He sheweth you the lightening, to

strike terror, and to give hope of rain, and that He sendeth down water

from heaven, and quickeneth thereby the earth, after it hath been dead:

Verily herein are signs unto people who understand.

30:25 And of his signs this also is one, namely, that the heaven and the

earth stand firm at his command: Hereafter, when He shall call you out

of the earth at one summons, behold, ye shall come forth.

30:26 Unto Him are subject whosoever are in the heavens and on earth:

All are obedient unto Him.

30:27 It is He who originally produceth a creature, and afterwards

restoreth the same to life: And this is most easy with Him. He justly

challengeth the most exalted comparison, in heaven and earth; and He is

the mighty, the wise.

30:28 He propoundeth unto you a comparison taken from yourselves. Have

ye, among the slaves whom your right hands possess, any partner in the

substance which We have bestowed on you, so that ye become equal sharers

therein with them, or that ye fear them as ye fear one another? Thus do

We distinctly explain our signs, unto people who understand.

30:29 But those who act unjustly by attributing companions unto God,

follow their own lusts, without knowledge: And who shall direct him whom

God shall cause to err? They shall have none to help them.

30:30 Wherefore be thou orthodox, and set thy face towards the true

religion, the institution of God, to which He hath created mankind

disposed: There is no change in what God hath created. This is the right

religion; but the greater part of men know it not.

30:31 And be ye turned unto Him, and fear Him, and be constant at

prayer, and be not idolaters.

30:32 Of those who have made a schism in their religion, and are divided

into various sects; every sect rejoice in their own opinion.

30:33 When adversity befalleth men, they call upon their Lord, turning

unto Him: Afterwards, when He hath caused them to taste of his mercy,

behold, a part of them associate other deities with their Lord;

30:34 to shew themselves ungrateful for the favours which We have

bestowed on them. Enjoy therefore the vain pleasures of this life; but

hereafter shall ye know the consequence.

30:35 Have We sent down unto them any authority, which speaketh of the

false gods which they associate with Him?

30:36 When We cause men to taste mercy, they rejoice therein; but if

evil befalleth them, for that which their hands have before committed,

behold, they despair.

30:37 Do they not see that God bestoweth provision abundantly on whom He

pleaseth, and is sparing unto whom He pleaseth? Verily herein are signs

unto people who believe.

30:38 Give unto Him who is of kin to thee his reasonable due; and also

to the poor, and the stranger: This is better for those who seek the

face of God; and they shall prosper.

30:39 Whatever ye shall give in usury, to be an increase of men's

substance, shall not be increased by the blessing of God: But whatever

ye shall give in alms, for God's sake, they shall receive a twofold reward.

30:40 It is God who hath created you, and hath provided food for you:

Hereafter will He cause you to die; and after that will He raise you

again to life. Is there any of your false gods, who is able to do the

least of these things? Praise be unto Him; and far be He removed from

what they associate with Him!

30:41 Corruption hath appeared by land and by sea, for the crimes which

men's hands have committed; that it might make them to taste a part of

the fruits of that which they have wrought, that peradventure they might

turn from their evil ways.

30:42 Say, go through the earth, and see what hath been the end of those

who have been before you: The greater part of them were idolaters.

30:43 Set thy face therefore towards the right religion, before the day

cometh, which none can put back from God. On that day shall they be

separated into two companies:

30:44 Whoever shall have been an unbeliever, on Him shall his unbelief

be charged; and whoever shall have done that which is right, shall

spread themselves couches of repose in paradise;

30:45 that He may reward those who shall believe, and work

righteousness, of his abundant liberality; for He loveth not the


30:46 Of his signs one is, that He sendeth the winds, bearing welcome

tidings of rain, that He may cause you to taste of his mercy; and that

ships may sail at his command, that ye may seek to enrich your selves of

his abundance by commerce; and that ye may give thanks.

30:47 We sent Apostles, before thee, unto their respective people, and

they came unto them with evident proofs: And We took vengeance on those

who did wickedly; and it was incumbent on Us to assist the true believers.

30:48 It is God who sendeth the winds, and raiseth the clouds, and

spreadeth the same in the heaven, as He pleaseth; and afterwards

disperseth the same: And thou mayest see the rain issuing from the midst

thereof; and when He poureth the same down on such of his servants as He

pleaseth, behold, they are filled with joy;

30:49 although before it was sent down unto them, before such relief,

they were despairing.

30:50 Consider therefore the traces of God's mercy; how He quickeneth

the earth, after its state of death: Verily the same will raise the

dead; for He is almighty.

30:51 Yet if We should send a blasting wind, and they should see their

corn yellow and burnt up, they would surely become ungrateful, after our

former favours.

30:52 Thou canst not make the dead to hear, neither canst thou make the

deaf to hear thy call, when they retire and turn their backs;

30:53 neither canst thou direct the blind out of their error: Thou shalt

make none to hear, except him who shall believe in our signs; for they

are resigned unto Us.

30:54 It is God who created you in weakness, and after weakness hath

given you strength; and after strength, he will again reduce you to

weakness, and grey hairs: He createth that which He pleaseth; and He is

the wise, the powerful.

30:55 On the day whereon the last hour shall come, the wicked will swear

that they have not tarried above an hour: In like manner did they utter

lies in their life-time.

30:56 But those on whom knowledge hath been bestowed, and faith, will

say, ye have tarried, according to the book of God, until the day of

resurrection: For this is the day of resurrection; but ye knew it not.

30:57 On that day their excuse shall not avail those who have acted

unjustly; neither shall they be invited any more to make themselves

acceptable unto God.

30:58 And now have We propounded unto men, in this Koran, parables of

every kind: Yet if thou bring them a verse thereof, the unbelievers will

surely say, ye are no other than publishers of vain falsehoods.

30:59 Thus hath God sealed up the hearts of those who believe not.

30:60 But do thou, O Mohammed, persevere with constancy, for the promise

of God is true; and let not those induce thee to waver, who have no

certain knowledge.
Chapter 31
Intitled, Lokmân; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
31:1 A.L.M.
31:2 These are the signs of the wise book,
31:3 a direction, and a mercy unto the righteous;

31:4 who observe the appointed times of prayer, and give alms, and have

firm assurance in the life to come:

31:5 These are directed by their Lord, and they shall prosper.

31:6 There is a man who purchaseth a ludicrous story, that he may seduce

men from the way of God, without knowledge, and may laugh the same to

scorn: These shall suffer a shameful punishment.

31:7 And when our signs are rehearsed unto him, he disdainfully turneth

his back, as though he heard them not, as though there were a deafness

in his ears: Wherefore denounce unto him a grievous punishment.

31:8 But they who shall believe, and work righteousness, shall enjoy

gardens of pleasure;

31:9 they shall continue therein for ever: This is the certain promise

of God; and he is the mighty, the wise.

31:10 He hath created the heavens without visible pillars to sustain

them, and hath thrown on the earth mountains firmly rooted, lest it

should move with you; and He hath replenished the same with all kinds of

beasts: And We send down rain from heaven, and cause every kind of noble

vegetable to spring forth therein.

31:11 This is the creation of God: Shew Me now what they have created,

who are worshipped besides Him? Verily the ungodly are in a manifest error.

31:12 We heretofore bestowed wisdom on Lokman, and commanded him,

saying, be thou thankful unto God: For whoever is thankful, shall be

thankful to the advantage of his own soul; and if any shall be

unthankful, verily God is self-sufficient, and worthy to be praised.

31:13 And remember when Lokman said unto his son, as he admonished him,

O my son, give not a partner unto God; for polytheism is a great impiety.

31:14 We have commanded man concerning his parents, -- his mother

carrieth him in her womb with weakness and faintness, and he is weaned

in two years, -- saying, be grateful unto Me, and to thy parents. Unto

Me shall all come to be judged.

31:15 But if thy parents endeavour to prevail on thee to associate with

Me that concerning which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not: Bear

them company in this world in what shall be reasonable; but follow the

way of him who sincerely turneth unto Me. Hereafter unto Me shall ye

return, and then will I declare unto you that which ye have done.

31:16 O my son, verily every matter, whether good or bad, though it be

of the weight of a grain of mustard-seed, and be hidden in a rock, or in

the heavens, or in the earth, God will bring the same to light; for God

is clear-sighted and knowing.

31:17 O my son, be constant at prayer, and command that which is just,

and forbid that which is evil: And be patient under the afflictions

which shall befall thee; for this is a duty absolutely incumbent on all


31:18 Distort not thy face out of contempt to men, neither walk in the

earth with insolence; for God loveth no arrogant, vain-glorious person.

31:19 And be moderate in thy pace: And lower thy voice; for the most

ungrateful of all voices surely is the voice of asses.

31:20 Do ye not see that God hath subjected whatever is in heaven and on

earth to your service, and hath abundantly poured on you his favours,

both outwardly and inwardly? There are some men who dispute concerning

God without knowledge, and without a direction, and without an

enlightening book.

31:21 And when it is said unto them, follow that which God hath

revealed; they answer, nay, we will follow that which we found our

fathers to practise. What, though the devil invite them to the torment

of hell?

31:22 Whoever resigneth himself unto God, being a worker of

righteousness, taketh hold on a strong handle; and unto God belongeth

the issue of all things.

31:23 But whoever shall be an unbeliever, let not his unbelief grieve

thee: Unto Us shall they return; then will We declare unto them that

which they have done, for God knoweth the innermost parts of the breasts

of men.

31:24 We will suffer them to enjoy this world for a little while:

Afterwards We will drive them to a severe punishment.

31:25 If thou ask them who hath created the heavens and the earth, they

will surely answer, God. Say, God be praised! But the greater part of

them do not understand.

31:26 Unto God belongeth whatever is in heaven and earth: For God is the

self-sufficient, the praise-worthy.

31:27 If whatever trees are in the earth were pens, and he should after

that swell the sea into seven seas of ink, the words of God would not be

exhausted; for God is mighty, and wise.

31:28 Your creation and your resuscitation are but as the creation and

resuscitation of one soul: Verily God both heareth and seeth.

31:29 Dost thou not see that God causeth the night to succeed the day,

and causeth the day to succeed the night, and compelleth the sun and the

moon to serve you? Each of those luminaries hasteneth in its course to a

determined period: And God is well-acquainted with that which ye do.

31:30 This is declared concerning the divine knowledge and power, for

that God is the true being, and for that whatever ye invoke, besides

him, is vanity; and for that God is the high, the great God.

31:31 Dost thou not see that the ships run in the sea, through the

favour of God, that he may shew you of his signs? Verily herein are

signs, unto every patient, grateful person.

31:32 When waves cover them, like overshadowing clouds, they call upon

God, exhibiting the pure religion unto him; but when He bringeth them

safe to land, there is of them who halteth between the true faith and


31:33 O men, fear your Lord, and dread the day whereon a father shall

not make satisfaction for his son, neither shall a son make satisfaction

for his father at all: The promise of God is assuredly true. Let not

this present life, therefore, deceive you; neither let the deceiver

deceive you concerning God.

31:34 Verily the knowledge of the hour of judgement is with God: And He

causeth the rain to descend, at his own appointed time; and He knoweth

what is in the wombs of females. No soul knoweth what it shall gain on

the morrow; neither doth any soul know in what land it shall die: But

God is knowing and fully acquainted with all things.

Chapter 32
Intitled, Adoration; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
32:1 A.L.M.

32:2 The revelation of this book, there is no doubt thereof, is from the

Lord of all creatures.

32:3 Will they say, Mohammed hath forged it? Nay, it is the truth from

thy Lord, that thou mayest preach to a people, unto whom no preacher

hath come before thee; peradventure they will be directed.

32:4 It is God who hath created the heavens and the earth, and whatever

is between them, in six days; and then ascended his throne. Ye have no

patron or intercessor besides Him. Will ye not therefore consider?

32:5 He governeth all things from heaven even to the earth: Hereafter

shall they return unto Him, on the day whose length shall be a thousand

years, of those which ye compute.

32:6 This is He who knoweth the future, and the present; the mighty, the


32:7 It is He who hath made every thing which He hath created exceeding

good; and first created man of clay,

32:8 and afterwards made his posterity of an extract of despicable water;

32:9 and then formed him into proper shape, and breathed of his spirit

into him; and hath given you the senses of hearing and seeing, and

hearts to understand. How small thanks do ye return!

32:10 And they say, when we shall lie hidden in the earth, shall we be

raised thence a new creature? Yea, they deny the meeting of their Lord

at the resurrection.

32:11 Say, the angel of death, who is set over you, shall cause your to

die: Then shall ye be brought back unto your Lord.

32:12 If thou couldest see, when the wicked shall bow down their heads

before their Lord, saying, O Lord, we have seen, and have heard: Suffer

us therefore to return into the world, and we will work that which is

right; since we are now certain of the truth of what hath been preached

to us: Thou wouldst see an amazing sight.

32:13 If we had pleased, we had certainly given unto every soul its

direction: But the word which hath proceeded from Me must necessarily be

fulfilled, when I said, verily I will fill hell with genii and men,


32:14 Taste therefore the torment prepared for you, because ye have

forgotten the coming of this your day: We also have forgotten you; taste

therefore a punishment of eternal duration, for that which ye have wrought.

32:15 Verily they only believe in our signs, who, when they are warned

thereby, fall down adoring, and celebrate the praise of their Lord, and

are not elated with pride:

32:16 Their sides are raised from their beds, calling on their Lord with

fear and with hope; and they distribute alms out of what We have

bestowed on them.

32:17 No soul knoweth the complete satisfaction which is secretly

prepared for them, as a reward for that which they have wrought.

32:18 Shall he therefore, who is a true believer, be as he who is an

impious transgressor? They shall not be held equal.

32:19 As to those who believe, and do that which is right, they shall

have gardens of perpetual abode, an ample recompense for that which they

shall have wrought:

32:20 But as for those who impiously transgress, their abode shall be

hell fire; so often as they shall endeavour to get thereout, they shall

be dragged back into the same, and it shall be said unto them, taste ye

the torment of hell fire, which ye rejected as a falsehood.

32:21 And we will cause them to taste the nearer punishment of this

world, besides the more grievous punishment of the next; peradventure

they will repent.

32:22 Who is more unjust than he who is warned by the signs of his Lord,

and then turneth aside from the same? We will surely take vengeance on

the wicked.

32:23 We heretofore delivered the book of the law unto Moses; wherefore

be not thou in doubt as to the revelation thereof: And we ordained the

same to be a direction unto the children of Israel;

32:24 and we appointed teachers from among them, who should direct the

people at our command, when they had persevered with patience, and had

firmly believed in our signs.

32:25 Verily thy Lord will judge between them, on the day of

resurrection, concerning that wherein they have disagreed.

32:26 Is it not known unto them how many generations we have destroyed

before them, through whose dwellings they walk? Verily herein are signs:

Will they not therefore hearken?

32:27 Do they not see that We drive rain unto a land bare of grass and

parched up, and thereby produce corn, of which their cattle eat, and

themselves also? Will they not therefore regard?

32:28 The infidels say to the true believers, when will this decision be

made between us, if ye speak truth?

32:29 Answer, on the day of that decision, the faith of those who shall

have disbelieved shall not avail them; neither shall they be respited

any longer.

32:30 Wherefore avoid them, and expect the issue: Verily they expect to

obtain some advantage over thee.
Chapter 33
Intitled, The Confederates; Revealed at Medina.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

33:1 O prophet, fear God, and obey not the unbelievers and the

hypocrites: Verily God is knowing and wise.

33:2 But follow that which is revealed unto thee from thy Lord; for God

is well-acquainted with that which ye do:

33:3 And put thy trust in God; for God is a sufficient protector.

33:4 God hath not given a man two hearts within him; neither hath he

made your wives -- some of whom ye divorce, regarding them thereafters

as your mothers -- your true mothers; nor hath he made your adopted sons

your true sons. This is your saying in your mouths: But God speaketh the

truth ; and he directeth the right way.

33:5 Call such as are adopted, the sons of their natural fathers: This

will be more just in the sight of God. And if ye know not their fathers,

let them be as your brethren in religion, and your companions: And it

shall be no crime in you, that ye err in this matter; but that shall be

criminal which your hearts purposely design; for God is gracious and


33:6 The prophet is nigher unto the true believers than their own souls;

and his wives are their mothers. Those who are related by consanguinity

are nigher of kin the one of them unto the others, according to the book

of God, than the other true believers, and the Mohâjerûn: Unless that ye

do what is fitting and reasonable to your relations in general. This is

written in the book of God.

33:7 Remember when we accepted their covenant from the prophets, and

from thee, O Mohammed, and from Noah, and Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus

the son of Mary, and received from them a firm covenant;

33:8 that God may examine the speakers of truth concerning their

veracity: And He hath prepared a painful torment for the unbelievers.

33:9 O true believers, remember the favour of God towards you, when

armies of infidels came against you, and We sent against them a wind,

and hosts of angels which ye saw not: And God beheld that which ye did.

33:10 When they came against you from above you, and from below you, and

when your sight became troubled, and your hearts came even to your

throats for fear, and ye imagined of God various imaginations.

33:11 There were the faithful tried, and made to tremble with a violent


33:12 And were the hypocrites, and those in whose heart was an

infirmity, said, God and his Apostle have made you no other than a

fallacious promise.

33:13 And when a party of them said, O inhabitants of Yathreb, there is

no place of security for you here; wherefore return home. And a part of

them asked leave of the prophet to depart, saying, verily our houses are

defenceless and exposed to the enemy: But they were not defenceless; and

their intention was no other than to fly.

33:14 If the city had been entered upon them by the enemy from the parts

adjacent, and they had been asked to desert the true believers, and to

fight against them; they had surely consented thereto: But they had not,

in such case, remained in the same, but a little while.

33:15 They had before made a covenant with God, that they would not turn

their backs: And the performance of their covenant with God shall be

examined into hereafter.

33:16 Say, flight shall not profit you, if ye fly from death or from

slaughter: And if it would, yet shall ye not enjoy this world but a little.

33:17 Say, who is he who shall defend you against God, if He is pleased

to bring evil on you, or is pleased to shew mercy towards you? They

shall find none to patronize or protect them, besides God.

33:18 God already knoweth those among you who hinder others from

following his Apostle, and who say unto their brethren, come hither unto

us; and who come not to battle, except a little;

33:19 being covetous towards you: But when fear cometh on them, thou

seest them look unto thee for assistance, their eyes rolling about, like

the eyes of him who fainteth by reason of the agonies of death: Yet when

their fear is past, they inveigh against you with sharp tongues; being

covetous of the best and most valuable part of the spoils. These believe

not sincerely; wherefore God hath rendered their works of no avail; and

this is easy with God.

33:20 They imagined that the confederates would not depart and raise the

siege: And if the confederates should come another time, they would wish

to live in the deserts among the Arabs who dwell in tents, and there to

inquire after news concerning you; and although they were with you this

time, yet they fought not, except a little.

33:21 Ye have in the Apostle of God an excellent example, unto him who

hopeth in God, and the last day, and remembereth God frequently.

33:22 When the true believers saw the confederates, they said, this is

what God and his Apostle have foretold us; and God and his Apostle have

spoken the truth: And it only increased their faith and resignation.

33:23 Of the true believers some men justly performed what they had

promised unto God; and some of them have finished their course, and some

of them wait the same advantage; and they changed not their promise, by

deviating therefrom in the least:

33:24 That God may reward the just performers of their covenant for

their fidelity; and may punish the hypocritical, if He pleaseth, or may

be turned unto them; for God is ready to forgive, and merciful.

33:25 God hath driven back the infidels in their wrath: They obtained no

advantage; and God was a sufficient protector unto the faithful in

battle; for God is strong and mighty.

33:26 And He hath caused such of those who have received the scriptures,

as assisted the confederates, to come down out of their fortresses, and

He cast into their hearts terror and dismay: A part of them ye slew, and

a part ye made captives;

33:27 and God hath caused you to inherit their land, and their houses,

and their wealth, and a land on which ye have not trodden; for God is


33:28 O prophet, say unto thy wives, if ye seek this present life, and

the pomp thereof, come, I will make a handsome provision for you, and I

will dismiss you with an honourable dismission:

33:29 But if ye seek God and his Apostle, and the life to come, verily

God hath prepared for such of you as work righteousness, a great reward.

33:30 O wives of the prophet, whosoever of you shall commit a manifest

wickedness, the punishment thereof shall be doubled unto her twofold;

and this is easy with God:

33:31 But whosoever of you shall be obedient unto God and his Apostle,

and shall do that which is right, We will give her reward twice, and We

have prepared for her an honourable provision in paradise.

33:32 O wives of the prophet, ye are not as other women: If ye fear God,

be not too complaisant in speech, lest he should covet, in whose heart

is a disease of incontinence; but speak the speech which is convenient.

33:33 And sit still in your houses; and set not out your selves with the

ostentation of the former time of ignorance: And observe the appointed

times of prayer, and give alms; and obey God, and his Apostle; for God

desireth only to remove from you the abomination of vanity, since ye are

the houshould of the prophet, and to purify you by a perfect purification.

33:34 And remember that which is read in your houses, of the signs of

God, and of the wisdom revealed in the Koran; for God is clear-sighted,

and well-acquainted with your actions.

33:35 Verily the Moslems of either sex, and the true believers of either

sex, and the devout men, and the devout women, and the men of veracity,

and the women of veracity, and the patient men, and the patient women,

and the humble men and the humble women, and the alms-givers of either

sex, and the men who fast, and the women who fast, and the chaste men,

and the chaste women, and those of either sex who remember God

frequently; for them hath God prepared forgiveness, and a great reward.

33:36 It is not fit for a true believer of either sex, when God and his

Apostle have decreed a thing, that they should have the liberty of

choosing a different matter of their own: And whoever is disobedient

unto God and his Apostle, surely erreth with a manifest error.

33:37 And remember when thou saidst to him unto whom God had been

gracious, and on whom thou also hadst conferred favours, keep thy wife

to thy self, and fear God: And thou didst conceal that in thy mind which

God had determined to discover, and didst fear men; whereas it was more

just that thou shouldst fear God. But when Zeid had determined the

matter concerning her, and had resolved to divorce her, we joined her in

marriage unto thee; lest a crime should be charged on the true

believers, in marrying the wives of their adopted sons, when they have

determined the matter concerning them: And the command of God is to be


33:38 No crime is to be charged on the prophet, as to what God hath

allowed him, conformable to the ordinance of God with regard to those

who preceded him, -- for the command of God is a determinate decree, --

33:39 who brought the messages of God, and feared him, and feared none

besides God: And God is a sufficient accountant.

33:40 Mohammed is not the father of any man among you; but the Apostle

of God, and the seal of the prophets: And God knoweth all things.

33:41 O true believers, remember God with a frequent remembrance,

33:42 and celebrate his praise morning and evening.

33:43 It is He who is gracious unto you, and his angels intercede for

you, that He may lead you forth from darkness into light; and He is

merciful towards the true believers.

33:44 Their salutation, on the day whereon they shall meet Him, shall

be, peace! And He hath prepared for them an honourable recompense.

33:45 O prophet, verily We have sent thee to be a witness, and a bearer

of good tidings, and a denouncer of threats,

33:46 and an inviter unto God, through his good pleasure, and a shining


33:47 Bear good tidings therefore unto the true believers, that they

shall receive great abundance from God.

33:48 And obey not the unbelievers, and the hypocrites, and mind not

their evil treatment: But trust in God; and God is a sufficient protector.

33:49 O true believers, when ye marry women who are believers, and

afterwards put them away, before ye have touched them, there is no term

prescribed you to fulfil towards them after their divorce: But make them

a present, and dismiss them freely, with an honourable dismission.

33:50 O prophet, We have allowed thee thy wives unto whom thou hast

given their dower, and also the slaves which thy right hand possesseth,

of the booty which God hath granted thee; and the daughters of thy

uncle, and the daughters of thy aunts, both on thy father's side, and on

thy mother's side, who have fled with thee from Mecca, and any other

believing woman, if she give herself unto the prophet; in case the

prophet desireth to take her to wife. This is a peculiar privilege

granted unto thee, above the rest of the true believers. We know what we

have ordained them concerning their wives, and the slaves whom their

right hands possess: Lest it should be deemed a crime in thee to make

use of the privilege granted thee; for God is gracious and merciful.

33:51 Thou mayest postpone the turn of such of thy wives as thou shalt

please, in being called to thy bed; and thou mayest take unto thee her

whom thou shalt please, and her whom thou shalt desire of those whom

thou shalt have before rejected: And it shall be no crime in thee. This

will be more easy, that they may be entirely content, and may not be

grieved, but may be well pleased with what thou shalt give every of

them: God knoweth whatever is in your hearts; and God is knowing and


33:52 It shall not be lawful for thee to take other women to wife

hereafter, nor to exchange any of thy wives for them, although their

beauty please thee; except the slaves whom thy right hand shall possess:

And God observeth all things.

33:53 O true believers, enter not the houses of the prophet, unless it

be permitted you to eat meat with him, without waiting his convenient

time: But when ye are invited, then enter. And when ye shall have eaten,

disperse yourselves; and stay not to enter into familiar discourse: For

this incommodeth the prophet. He is ashamed to bid you depart; but God

is not ashamed of the truth. And when ye ask of the prophet's wives what

ye may have occasion for, ask it of them from behind a curtain. This

will be more pure for your hearts and their hearts. Neither is it fit

for you to give any uneasiness to the Apostle of God, or to marry his

wives after him for ever: For this would be a grievous thing in the

sight of God.

33:54 Whether ye divulge a thing, or conceal it, verily God knoweth all


33:55 It shall be no crime in them as to their fathers, or their sons,

or their brothers, or their brothers sons, or their sisters sons, or

their women, or the slaves which their right hands possess, if they

speak to them unvailed: And fear ye God; for God is witness of all things.

33:56 Verily God and his angels bless the prophet: O true believers, do

ye also bless him, and salute him with a respectful salutation.

33:57 As to those who offend God and his Apostle, God shall curse them

in this world and in the next; and He hath prepared for them a shameful


33:58 And they who shall injure the true believers of either sex,

without their deserving it, shall surely bear the guilt of calumny and a

manifest injustice.

33:59 O prophet, speak unto thy wives, and thy daughters, and the wives

of the true believers, that they cast their outer garments over them

when they walk abroad; this will be more proper, that they may be known

to be matrons of reputation, and may not be affronted by unseemly words

or actions. God is gracious and merciful.

33:60 Verily if the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is an

infirmity, and they who raise disturbances in Medina, do not desist; we

will surely stir thee up against them, to chastise them: Henceforth they

shall not be suffered to dwell near thee therein, except for a little time,

33:61 and being accursed; wherever they are found they shall be taken,

and killed with a general slaughter,

33:62 according to the sentence of God concerning those who have been

before; and thou shalt not find any change in the sentence of God.

33:63 Men will ask thee concerning the approach of the last hour:

Answer, verily the knowledge thereof is with God alone; and he will not

inform thee: Peradventure the hour is nigh at hand.

33:64 Verily God hath cursed the infidels, and hath prepared for them a

fierce fire,

33:65 wherein they shall remain for ever: They shall find no patron or


33:66 On the day whereon their faces shall be rolled in hell fire, they

shall say, O that we had obeyed God, and had obeyed his Apostle!

33:67 And they shall say, O Lord, verily we have obeyed our lords, and

our great men; and they have seduced us from the right way.

33:68 O Lord, give them the double of our punishment; and curse them

with a heavy curse!

33:69 O true believers, be not as those who injured Moses; but God

cleared him from the scandal which they had spoken concerning him; and

he was of great consideration in the sight of God.

33:70 O true believers, fear God, and speak words well-directed;

33:71 that God may correct your works for you, and may forgive you your

sins: And whoever shall obey God and his Apostle, shall enjoy great


33:72 We proposed the faith unto the heavens, and the earth, and the

mountains: And they refused to undertake the same, and were afraid

thereof; but man undertook it: Verily he was unjust to himself, and


33:73 That God may punish the hypocritical men, and the hypocritical

women, and the idolaters, and the idolatresses; and that God may be

turned unto the true believers, both men and women; for God is gracious

and merciful.
Chapter 34
Intitled, Saba; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

34:1 Praise be to God, unto Whom belongeth whatever is in the heavens

and on earth: And unto Him be praise in the world to come; for He is

wise and intelligent.

34:2 He knoweth whatsoever entereth into the earth, and whatsoever

cometh out of the same, and whatsoever descendeth from heaven, and

whatsoever ascendeth thereto: And He is merciful and ready to forgive.

34:3 The unbelievers say, the hour of judgement will not come unto us.

Answer, yea, by my Lord, it will surely come unto you; it is He who

knoweth the hidden secret: The weight of an ant, either in heaven or in

earth, is not absent from Him, nor any thing lesser than this or

greater, but the same is written in the perspicuous book of his decrees;

34:4 that He may recompense those who shall have believed, and wrought

righteousness: They shall receive pardon, and an honourable provision.

34:5 But they who endeavour to render our signs of none effect, shall

receive a punishment of painful torment.

34:6 Those unto whom knowledge hath been given, see that the book which

hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord is the truth, and directeth

into the glorious and laudable way.

34:7 The unbelievers say to one another, shall we shew you a man who

shall prophesy unto you, that when ye shall have been dispersed with a

total dispersion, ye shall be raised a new creature?

34:8 He hath forged a lie concerning God, or rather he is distracted.

But they who believe not in the life to come, shall fall into punishment

and a wide error.

34:9 Have they not therefore considered what is before them, and what is

behind them, of the heaven and the earth? If We please, We will cause

the earth to open and swallow them up, or will cause a piece of the

heaven to fall upon them: Verily herein is a sign unto every servant,

who turneth unto God.

34:10 We heretofore bestowed on David excellence from Us: And We said, O

mountains, sing alternate praises with him; and We obliged the birds

also to join therein. And We softened the iron for him,

34:11 saying, make thereof complete coats of mail, and rightly dispose

the small plates which compose the same: And work ye righteousness, O

family of David; for I see that which ye do.

34:12 And We made the wind subject unto Solomon: It blew in the morning

for a month, and in the evening for a month. And We made a fountain of

molten brass to flow for him. And some of the genii were obliged to work

in his presence, by the will of his Lord; and whoever of them turned

aside from our command, We will cause him to taste the pain of hell fire.

34:13 They made for him whatever he pleased, of palaces, and statues,

and large dishes like fishponds, and cauldrons standing firm on their

trevets; and We said, work righteousness, O family of David, with

thanksgiving; for few of my servants are thankful.

34:14 And when We had decreed that Solomon should die, nothing

discovered his death unto them, except the creeping thing of the earth,

which gnawed his staff. And when his body fell down, the genii plainly

perceived that if they had known that which is secret, they had not

continued in a vile punishment.

34:15 The descendants of Saba had heretofore a sign in their dwellings;

namely, two gardens, on the right hand and on the left: And it was said

unto them, eat ye of the provision of your Lord, and give thanks unto

Him; ye have a good country, and a gracious Lord.

34:16 But they turned aside from what We had commanded them; wherefore

We sent against them the inundation of al Arem, and We changed their two

gardens for them into two gardens producing bitter fruit, and tamarisks,

and some little fruit of the lote-tree.

34:17 This We gave them in reward, because they were ungrateful: Is any

thus rewarded except the ungrateful?

34:18 And We placed between them and the cities which We have blessed,

cities situate near each other; and We made the journey easy between

them, saying, travel through the same by night and by day, in security.

34:19 But they said, O Lord, put a greater distance between our

journeys: And they were unjust unto themselves; and We made them the

subject of discourse, and dispersed them with a total dispersion. Verily

herein are signs, unto every patient, grateful person.

34:20 And Eblis found his opinion of them to be true: And they followed

him, except a party of the true believers:

34:21 And he had no power over them, unless to tempt them, that We might

know him who believed in the life to come, from him who doubted thereof.

Thy Lord observeth all things.

34:22 Say unto the idolaters, call upon those whom ye imagine to be

gods, besides God: They are not masters of the weight of an ant in

heaven or on earth, neither have they any share in the creation or

government of the same; nor is any of them assistant to him therein.

34:23 No intercession will be of service in his presence, except the

intercession of him to whom he shall grant permission to intercede for

others: And they shall wait in suspense until, when the terror shall be

taken off from their hearts, they shall say to one another, what doth

your Lord say? They shall answer, that which is just: And He is the

high, the great God.

34:24 Say, who provideth food for you from heaven and earth? Answer,

God: And either we, or ye, follow the true direction, or are in a

manifest error.

34:25 Say, ye shall not be examined concerning what We shall have

committed: Neither shall We be examined concerning what ye shall have done.

34:26 Say, our Lord will assemble us together at the last day: Then will

He judge between us with truth; and He is the judge, the knowing.

34:27 Say, shew me those whom ye have joined as partners with Him? Nay;

rather He is the mighty, the wise God.

34:28 We have not sent thee otherwise than unto mankind in general, a

bearer of good tidings, and a denouncer of threats: But the greater part

of men do not understand.

34:29 And they say, when will this threat be fulfilled, if ye speak truth?

34:30 Answer, a threat is denounced unto you of a day which ye shall not

retard one hour, neither shall ye hasten.

34:31 The unbelievers say, we will by no means believe in this Koran,

nor in that which hath been revealed before it. But if thou couldest see

when the unjust doers shall be set before their Lord! They will iterate

discourse with one another: Those who were esteemed weak shall say unto

those who behaved themselves arrogantly, had it not been for you, verily

we had been true believers.

34:32 They who behaved themselves arrogantly shall say unto those who

were esteemed weak, did we turn you aside from the true direction, after

it had come unto you? On the contrary, ye acted wickedly of your own

free choice.

34:33 And they who were esteemed weak shall say unto those who behaved

with arrogance, nay, but the crafty plot which ye devised by night and

by day, occasioned our ruin; when ye commanded us that we should not

believe in God, and that we should set up other gods as equals unto him.

And they shall conceal their repentance, after they shall have seen the

punishment prepared for them. And we will put yokes on the necks of

those who shall have disbelieved: Shall they be rewarded any otherwise

than according to what they shall have wrought?

34:34 We have sent no warner unto any city, but the inhabitants thereof

who lived in affluence said, verily we believe not that with which ye

are sent.

34:35 And those of Mecca also say, we abound in riches and children more

than ye; and we shall not be punished hereafter.

34:36 Answer, verily my Lord will bestow provision in abundance unto

whom he pleaseth, and will be sparing unto whom he pleaseth: But the

greater part of men know not this.

34:37 Neither your riches nor your children are the things which shall

cause you to draw nigh unto us with a near approach: Only whoever

believeth, and worketh righteousness, they shall receive a double reward

for that which they shall have wrought; and they shall dwell in

security, in the upper apartments of paradise.

34:38 But they who shall endeavour to render our signs of none effect,

shall be delivered up to punishment.

34:39 Say, verily my Lord will bestow provision in abundance unto whom

he pleaseth of his servants, and will be sparing unto whom he pleaseth:

And whatever thing ye shall give in alms, he will return it; and he is

the best provider of food.

34:40 On a certain day he shall gather them all together: Then shall he

say unto the angels, did these worship you?

34:41 And the angels shall answer, God forbid! Thou art our friend, and

not these: But they worshipped devils; the greater part of them believed

in them.

34:42 On this day the one of you shall not be able either to profit or

to hurt the other. And we will say unto those who have acted unjustly,

taste ye the pain of hell fire, which ye rejected as a falsehood.

34:43 When our evident signs are read unto them, they say of thee, O

Mohammed, this is no other than a man, who seeketh to turn you aside

from the gods which your fathers worshipped. And they say of the Koran,

this is no other than a lie blasphemously forged. And the unbelievers

say of the truth, when it is come unto them, this is no other than

manifest sorcery:

34:44 Yet we have given them no books of scripture wherein to exercise

themselves, nor have we sent unto them any warner before thee.

34:45 They who were before them in like manner accused their prophets of

imposture: But these have not arrived unto the tenth part of the riches

and strength which we had bestowed on the former: And they accused my

Apostles of imposture; and how severe was my vengeance!

34:46 Say, verily I advise you unto one thing, namely, that ye stand

before God by two and two, and singly; and then consider seriously, and

you will find that there is no madness in your companion Mohammed: He is

no other than a warner unto you, sent before a severe punishment.

34:47 Say, I ask not of you any reward for my preaching; it is your own,

either to give or not: My reward is to be expected from God alone; and

he is witness over all things.

34:48 Say, verily my Lord sendeth down the truth to his prophets: He is

the knower of secrets.

34:49 Say, truth is come, and falsehood is vanished, and shall not

return any more.

34:50 Say, if I err, verily I shall err only against my own soul; But if

I be rightly directed, it will be by that which my Lord revealeth unto

me; for he is ready to hear, and nigh unto those who call upon him.

34:51 If thou couldst see, when the unbelievers shall tremble, and shall

find no refuge, and shall be taken from a near place,

34:52 and shall say, we believe in him! But how shall they receive the

faith from a distant place:

34:53 Since they had before denied him, and reviled the mysteries of

faith, from a distant place?

34:54 And a bar shall be placed between them and that which they shall

desire; as it hath been done with those who behaved like them

heretofore: Because they have been in a doubt which hath caused scandal.

Chapter 35
Intitled, The Creator; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

35:1 Praise be unto God, the creator of heaven and earth; who maketh the

angels his messengers, furnished with two, and three, and four pair of

wings: God maketh what addition He pleaseth unto his creatures; for God

is almighty.

35:2 The mercy which God shall freely bestow on mankind, there is none

who can with-hold; and what He shall with-hold, there is none who can

bestow, besides Him: And He is the mighty, the wise.

35:3 O men, remember the favour of God towards you: Is there any

creator, besides God, who provideth food for you from heaven and earth?

There is no God but He: How therefore are ye turned aside from

acknowledging his unity?

35:4 If they accuse thee of imposture, Apostles before thee have also

been accused of imposture: And unto God shall all things return.

35:5 O men, verily the promise of God is true: Let not therefore the

present life deceive you, neither let the deceiver deceive you

concerning God:

35:6 For Satan is an enemy unto you; wherefore hold him for an enemy: He

only inviteth his confederates to be the inhabitants of hell.

35:7 For those who believe not there is prepared a severe torment: But

for those who shall believe and do that which is right, is prepared

mercy and a great reward.

35:8 Shall he therefore for whom his evil work hath been prepared, and

who imagineth it to be good, be as he who is rightly disposed, and

discerneth the truth? Verily God will cause to err whom He pleaseth, and

will direct whom He pleaseth. Let not thy soul therefore be spent in

sighs for their sakes, on account of their obstinacy; for God well

knoweth that which they do.

35:9 It is God who sendeth the winds, and raiseth a cloud; and We drive

the same unto a dead country, and thereby quicken the earth after it

hath been dead: So shall the resurrection be.

35:10 Whoever desireth excellence; unto God doth all excellence belong:

Unto Him ascendeth the good speech; and the righteous work will He

exalt. But as for them who devise wicked plots, they shall suffer a

severe punishment; and the device of those men shall be rendered vain.

35:11 God created you first of the dust, and afterwards of seed: And He

hath made you man and wife. No female conceiveth, or bringeth forth, but

with his knowledge. Nor is any thing added unto the age of him whose

life is prolonged, neither is any thing diminished from his age, but the

same is written in the book of God's decrees. Verily this is easy with God.

35:12 The two seas are not to be held in comparison: This is fresh and

sweet, pleasant to drink; but that is salt and bitter: Yet out of each

of them ye eat fish, and take ornaments for you to wear. Thou seest the

ships also plowing the waves thereof, that ye may seek to enrich

yourselves by commerce, of the abundance of God: Peradventure ye will be


35:13 He causeth the night to succeed the day, and He causeth the day to

succeed the night; and He obligeth the sun and the moon to perform their

services: Each of them runneth an appointed course. This is God, your

Lord: His is the kingdom. But the idols which ye invoke besides Him,

have not the power even over the skin of a date-stone:

35:14 If ye invoke them, they will not hear your calling; and although

they should hear, yet they would not answer you. On the day of

resurrection they shall disclaim your having associated them with God:

And none shall declare unto thee the truth, like one who is

well-acquainted therewith.

35:15 O men, ye have need of God; but God is self-sufficient, and to be


35:16 If he pleaseth, he can take you away, and produce a new creature

in your stead:
35:17 Neither will this be difficult with God.

35:18 A burdened soul shall not bear the burden of another: And if a

heavy-burdened soul call on another to bear part of its burden, no part

thereof shall be born by the person who shall be called on, although he

be ever so nearly related. Thou shalt admonish those who fear their Lord

in secret, and are constant at prayer: And whoever cleanseth himself

from the guilt of disobedience cleanseth himself to the advantage of his

own soul; for all shall be assembled before God at the last day.

35:19 The blind and the seeing shall not be held equal;

35:20 neither darkness and light;
35:21 nor the cool shade and the scorching wind:

35:22 Neither shall the living and the dead be held equal. God shall

cause him to hear whom He pleaseth: But thou shalt not make those to

hear who are in their graves.
35:23 Thou art no other than a preacher:

35:24 Verily We have sent thee with truth, a bearer of good tidings, and

a denouncer of threats. There hath been no nation, but a preacher hath

in past times been conversant among them:

35:25 If they charge thee with imposture, they who were before them

likewise charged their Apostles with imposture. Their Apostles came unto

them with evident miracles, and with divine writings, and with the

enlightening book:

35:26 Afterwards I chastised those who were unbelievers; and how severe

was my vengeance!

35:27 Dost thou not see that God sendeth down rain from heaven; and that

We thereby produce fruits of various colours? In the mountains also

there are some tracks white and red, of various colours; and others are

of a deep black:

35:28 And of men, and beasts, and cattle there are whose colours are in

like manner various. Such only of his servants fear God, as are indued

with understanding: Verily God is mighty, and ready to forgive.

35:29 Verily they who read the book of God, and are constant at prayer,

and give alms out of what We have bestowed on them, both in secret and

openly, hope for a merchandize which shall not perish:

35:30 That God may fully pay them their wages, and make them a

superabundant addition of his liberality; for He is ready to forgive the

faults of his servants, and to requite their endeavours.

35:31 That which We have revealed unto thee of the book of the Koran, is

the truth, confirming the scriptures which were revealed before it: For

God knoweth and regardeth his servants.

35:32 And We have given the book of the Koran in heritage unto such of

our servants as We have chosen: Of them there is one who injureth his

own soul; and there is another of them who keepeth the middle way; and

there is another of them who out-strippeth others in good works, by the

permission of God. This is the great excellence.

35:33 They shall be introduced into gardens of perpetual abode; they

shall be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their

cloathing therein shall be of silk:

35:34 And they shall say, praise be unto God, who hath taken away sorrow

from us! Verily our Lord is ready to forgive the sinners, and to reward

the obedient:

35:35 Who hath caused us to take up our rest in a dwelling of eternal

stability, through his bounty, wherein no labour shall touch us, neither

shall any weariness affect us.

35:36 But for the unbelievers is prepared the fire of hell: It shall not

be decreed them to die a second time; neither shall any part of the

punishment thereof be made lighter unto them. Thus shall every infidel

be rewarded.

35:37 And they shall cry out aloud in hell, saying, Lord, take us hence,

and we will work righteousness, and not what we have formerly wrought.

But it shall be answered them, did we not grant you lives of length

sufficient, that whoever would be warned might be warned therein; and

did not the preacher come unto you? Taste therefore the pains of hell.

And the unjust shall have no protector.

35:38 Verily God knoweth the secrets both of heaven and earth, for He

knoweth the innermost parts of the breasts of men.

35:39 It is He who hath made you to succeed in the earth. Whoever shall

disbelieve, on him be his unbelief: And their unbelief shall only gain

the unbelievers greater indignation in the sight of their Lord; and

their unbelief shall only increase the perdition of the unbelievers.

35:40 Say, what think ye of your deities which ye invoke besides God?

Shew me what part of the earth they have created. Or had they any share

in the creation of the heavens? Have We given unto the idolaters any

book of revelations, so that they may rely on any proof therefrom to

authorize their practice? Nay: But the ungodly make unto one another

only deceitful promises.

35:41 Verily God sustaineth the heavens and the earth, lest they fail:

And if they should fail, none could support the same besides Him; He is

gracious and merciful.

35:42 The Koreish swore by God, with a most solemn oath, that if a

preacher had come unto them, they would surely have been more willingly

directed than any nation: But now a preacher is come unto them, it hath

only increased in them their aversion from the truth,

35:43 their arrogance in the earth, and their contriving of evil; but

the contrivance of evil shall only encompass the authors thereof. Do

they expect any other than the punishment awarded against the

unbelievers of former times? For thou shalt not find any change in the

ordinance of God; neither shalt thou find any variation in the ordinance

of God.

35:44 Have they not gone through the earth, and seen what hath been the

end of those who were before them; although they were more mighty in

strength than they? God is not to be frustrated by any thing either in

heaven or on earth; for He is wise and powerful.

35:45 If God should punish men according to what they deserve, He would

not leave on the back of the earth so much as a beast: But He respiteth

them to a determined time; and when their time shall come, verily God

will regard his servants.
Chapter 36
Intitled, Y. S.; Revealed at Mecca
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
36:1 Y.S.
36:2 I swear by the instructive Koran,
36:3 that thou art one of the messengers of God,
36:4 sent to shew the right way.

36:5 This is a revelation of the most mighty, the merciful God:

36:6 That thou mayest warn a people whose fathers were not warned, and

who live in negligence.

36:7 Our sentence hath justly been pronounced against the greater part

of them; wherefore they shall not believe.

36:8 We have put yokes on their necks, which come up to their chins; and

they are forced to hold up their heads:

36:9 And We have set a bar before them, and a bar behind them; and We

have covered them with darkness; wherefore they shall not see.

36:10 It shall be equal unto them whether thou preach unto them, or do

not preach unto them; they shall not believe.

36:11 But thou shalt preach with effect unto him only who followeth the

admonition of the Koran, and feareth the Merciful in secret. Wherefore

bear good tidings unto him, of mercy, and an honourable reward.

36:12 Verily We will restore the dead to life, and will write down their

works which they shall have sent before them, and their footsteps which

they shall have left behind them; and every thing do We set down in a

plain register.

36:13 Propound unto them as an example the inhabitants of the city of

Antioch, when the Apostles of Jesus came thereto:

36:14 When We sent unto them two of the said Apostles; but they charged

them with imposture. Wherefore We strengthened them with a third. And

they said, verily we are sent unto you by God.

36:15 The inhabitants answered, ye are no other than men, as we are;

neither hath the Merciful revealed any thing unto you: Ye only publish a


36:16 The Apostles replied, our Lord knoweth that we are really sent

unto you:
36:17 And our duty is only public preaching.

36:18 Those of Antioch said, verily we presage evil from you: If ye

desist not from preaching, we will surely stone you, and a painful

punishment shall be inflicted on you by us.

36:19 The Apostles answered, your evil presage is with yourselves:

Although ye be warned, will ye persist in your errors? Verily ye are a

people who transgress exceedingly.

36:20 And a certain man came hastily from the farther parts of the city,

and said, O my people, follow the messengers of God;

36:21 follow him who demandeth not any reward of you: for these are

rightly directed.

36:22 What reason have I that I should not worship Him who hath created

me? For unto Him shall ye return.

36:23 Shall I take other gods besides Him? If the Merciful be pleased to

afflict me, their intercession will not avail me at all, neither can

they deliver me:
36:24 Then should I be in a manifest error.

36:25 Verily I believe in your Lord; wherefore hearken unto me.

36:26 But they stoned him: And as he died, it was said unto him, enter

thou into paradise. And he said, O that my people knew

36:27 how merciful God hath been unto me! for he hath highly honoured me.

36:28 And we sent not down against his people, after they had slain him,

an army from heaven, nor the other instruments of destruction which we

sent down on unbelievers in former days:

36:29 There was only one cry of Gabriel from heaven, and behold, they

became utterly extinct.

36:30 O the misery of men! No Apostle cometh unto them, but they laugh

him to scorn.

36:31 Do they not consider how many generations we have destroyed before

them? Verily they shall not return unto them:

36:32 But all of them in general shall be assembled before us.

36:33 One sign of the resurrection unto them is the dead earth: We

quicken the same by the rain, and produce thereout various sorts of

grain, of which they eat.

36:34 And We make therein gardens of palm-trees, and vines; and We cause

springs to gush forth in the same:

36:35 That they may eat of the fruits thereof, and of the labour of

their hands. Will they not therefore give thanks?

36:36 Praise be unto Him who hath created all the different kinds, both

of vegetables, which the earth bringeth forth, and of their own species,

by forming the two sexes, and also the various sorts of things which

they know not.

36:37 The night also is a sign unto them: We withdraw the day from the

same, and behold, they are covered with darkness:

36:38 And the sun hasteneth to his place of rest. This is the

disposition of the mighty, the wise God.

36:39 And for the moon have We appointed certain mansions, until she

change and return to be like the old branch of a palm-tree.

36:40 It is not expedient that the sun should overtake the moon in her

course; neither doth the night outstrip the day: But each of these

luminaries moveth in a peculiar orbit.

36:41 It is a sign also unto them, that We carry their offspring in the

ship filled with merchandize;

36:42 and that We have made for them other conveniencies like unto it,

whereon they ride.

36:43 If we please, We drown them, and there is none to help them;

neither are they delivered,

36:44 unless through our mercy, and that they may enjoy life for a season.

36:45 When it is said unto them, fear that which is before you, and that

which is behind you, that ye may obtain mercy; they withdraw from thee:

36:46 And thou dost not bring them one sign, of the signs of their Lord,

but they turn aside from the same.

36:47 And when it is said unto them, give alms of that which God hath

bestowed on you; the unbelievers say unto those who believe, by way of

mockery, shall we feed him whom God can feed, if he pleaseth? Verily ye

are in no other than a manifest error.

36:48 And they say, when will this promise of the resurrection be

fulfilled, if ye speak truth?

36:49 They only wait for one sounding of the trumpet, which shall

overtake them while they are disputing together;

36:50 and they shall not have time to make any disposition of their

effects, neither shall they return to their family.

36:51 And the trumpet shall be sounded again; and behold they shall come

forth from their graves, and hasten unto their Lord.

36:52 They shall say, alas for us! Who hath awakened us from our bed?

This is what the Merciful promised us; and his Apostles spoke the truth.

36:53 It shall be but one sound of the trumpet, and behold, they shall

be all assembled before us.

36:54 On this day no soul shall be unjustly treated in the least;

neither shall ye be rewarded, but according to what ye shall have wrought.

36:55 On this day the inhabitants of paradise shall be wholly taken up

with joy:

36:56 They and their wives shall rest in shady groves, leaning on

magnificent couches.

36:57 There shall they have fruit, and they shall obtain whatever they

shall desire.

36:58 Peace shall be the word spoken unto the righteous, by a merciful


36:59 But He shall say unto the wicked, be ye separated this day, O ye

wicked, from the righteous.

36:60 Did I not command you, O sons of Adam, that ye should not worship

Satan; because he was an open enemy unto you?

36:61 And did I not say, worship Me; this is the right way?

36:62 But now hath he seduced a great multitude of you: Did ye not

therefore understand?

36:63 This is hell, with which ye were threatened:

36:64 Be ye cast into the same this day, to be burned; for that ye have

been unbelievers.

36:65 On this day We will seal up their mouths, that they shall not open

them in their own defence; and their hands shall speak unto Us, and

their feet shall bear witness of that which they have committed.

36:66 If We pleased We could put out their eyes, and they might run with

emulation in the way they use to take; and how should they see their error?

36:67 And if We pleased We could transform them into other shapes, in

their places where they should be found; and they should not be able to

depart: Neither should they repent.

36:68 Unto whomsoever We grant a long life, him do We cause to bow down

his body through age. Will they not therefore understand?

36:69 We have not taught Mohammed the art of poetry; nor is it expedient

for him to be a poet. This book is no other than an admonition from God,

and a perspicuous Koran;

36:70 that he may warn him who is living: And the sentence of

condemnation will be justly executed on the unbelievers.

36:71 Do they not consider that We have created for them, among the

things which our hands have wrought, cattle of several kinds, of which

they are possessors;

36:72 and that We have put the same in subjection under them? Some of

them are for their riding; and on some of them do they feed:

36:73 And they receive other advantages therefrom; and of their milk do

they drink. Will they not, therefore, be thankful?

36:74 They have taken other gods, besides God, in hopes that they may be

assisted by them;

36:75 but they are not able to give them any assistance: Yet are they a

party of troops ready to defend them.

36:76 Let not their speech, therefore, grieve thee: We know that which

they privately conceal, and that which they publicly discover.

36:77 Doth not man know that We have created him of seed? Yet behold, he

is an open disputer against the resurrection;

36:78 and he propoundeth unto us a comparison, and forgetteth his

creation. He saith, who shall restore bones to life, when they are rotten?

36:79 Answer, He shall restore them to life, Who produced them the first

time: For He is skilled in every kind of creation:

36:80 Who giveth you fire out of the green tree, and behold, ye kindle

your fuel from thence.

36:81 Is not He who hath created the heavens and the earth, able to

create new creatures like unto them? Yea certainly: For He is the wise


36:82 His command, when He willeth a thing, is only that He saith unto

it, be; and it is.

36:83 Wherefore praise be unto Him, in whose hand is the kingdom of all

things, and unto Whom ye shall return at the last day.

Chapter 37

Intitled, Those Who Rank Themselves In Order; Revealed at Mecca.

In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
37:1 By the angels, who rank themselves in order;

37:2 and by those who drive forward and dispel the clouds;

37:3 and by those who read the Koran for an admonition;

37:4 verily your God is one:

37:5 The Lord of heaven and earth, and of whatever is between them, and

the Lord of the east.

37:6 We have adorned the lower heaven with the ornament of the stars:

37:7 And We have placed therein a guard, against every rebellious devil;

37:8 that they may not listen to the discourse of the exalted princes,

-- for they are darted at from every side,

37:9 to repel them, and a lasting torment is prepared for them; --

37:10 except him who catcheth a word by stealth, and is pursued by a

shining flame.

37:11 Ask the Meccans therefore, whether they be stronger by nature, or

the angels whom We have created? We have surely created them of stiff clay.

37:12 Thou wondrest at God's power and their obstinacy; but they mock at

the arguments urged to convince them:

37:13 When they are warned, they do not take warning;

37:14 and when they see any sign, they scoff thereat,

37:15 and say, this is no other than manifest sorcery:

37:16 After we shall be dead, and become dust and bones, shall we really

be raised to life,
37:17 and our fore-fathers also?

37:18 Answer, yea: And ye shall then be despicable.

37:19 There shall be but one blast of the trumpet, and they shall see

themselves raised:

37:20 And they shall say, alas for us! This is the day of judgement;

37:21 this is the day of distinction between the righteous and the

wicked, which ye rejected as a falsehood.

37:22 Gather together those who have acted unjustly, and their comrades,

and the idols which they worshipped

37:23 besides God, and direct them in the way to hell:

37:24 And set them before God's tribunal; for they shall be called to


37:25 What aileth you that ye defend not one another?

37:26 But on this day they shall submit themselves to the judgement of God:

37:27 And they shall draw nigh unto one another, and shall dispute among


37:28 And the seduced shall say unto those who seduced them, verily ye

came unto us with presages of prosperity;

37:29 and the seducers shall answer, nay, rather ye were not true


37:30 For we had no power over you to compel you; but ye were people who

voluntarily transgressed:

37:31 Wherefore the sentence of our Lord hath been justly pronounced

against us, and we shall surely taste his vengeance.

37:32 We seduced you; but we also erred ourselves.

37:33 They shall both thereof be made partakers of the same punishment

on that day.
37:34 Thus will We deal with the wicked:

37:35 Because when it is said unto them, there is no god besides the

true God, they swell with arrogance,

37:36 and say, shall we abandon our gods for a distracted poet?

37:37 Nay; he cometh with the truth, and beareth witness to the former


37:38 Ye shall surely taste the painful torment of hell;

37:39 and ye shall not be rewarded, but according to your works.

37:40 But as for the sincere servants of God,

37:41 they shall have a certain provision in paradise,

37:42 namely, delicious fruits: And they shall be honoured:

37:43 They shall be placed in gardens of pleasure,

37:44 leaning on couches, opposite to one another:

37:45 A cup shall be carried round unto them, filled from a limpid

37:46 for the delight of those who drink:

37:47 It shall not oppress the understanding, neither shall they be

inebriated therewith.

37:48 And near them shall lie the virgins of paradise, refraining their

looks from beholding any besides their spouses, having large black eyes,

37:49 and resembling the eggs of an ostrich covered with feathers from

the dust.

37:50 And they shall turn the one unto the other, and shall ask one

another questions.

37:51 And one of them shall say, verily I had an intimate friend while I

lived in the world,

37:52 who said unto me, art thou one of those who assertest the truth of

the resurrection?

37:53 After we shall be dead, and reduced to dust and bones, shall we

surely be judged?

37:54 Then he shall say to his companions, will ye look down?

37:55 And he shall look down, and shall see him in the midst of hell:

37:56 And he shall say unto him, by God, it wanted little but thou hadst

drawn me into ruin;

37:57 and had it not been for the grace of my Lord, I had surely been

one of those who have been delivered up to eternal torment.

37:58 Shall we die any other

37:59 than our first death; or do we suffer any punishment?

37:60 Verily this is great felicity:

37:61 For the obtaining a felicity like this let the labourers labour.

37:62 Is this a better entertainment, or the tree of Al Zakkum?

37:63 Verily We have designed the same for an occasion of dispute unto

the unjust.

37:64 It is a tree which issueth from the bottom of hell:

37:65 The fruit thereof resembleth the heads of devils;

37:66 and the damned shall eat of the same, and shall fill their bellies


37:67 and there shall be given them thereon a mixture of filthy and

boiling water to drink:
37:68 Afterwards shall they return into hell.
37:69 They found their fathers going astray,
37:70 and they trod hastily in their footsteps:

37:71 For the greater part of the ancients erred before them.

37:72 And We sent warners unto them heretofore:

37:73 And see how miserable was the end of those who were warned;

37:74 except the sincere servants of God.

37:75 Noah called on Us in former days, and We heard him graciously:

37:76 And We delivered him and his family out of the great distress;

37:77 and We caused his off-spring to be those who survived to people

the earth:

37:78 And We left the following salutation to be bestowed on him by the

latest posterity,

37:79 namely, peace be on Noah among all creatures!

37:80 Thus do We reward the righteous;

37:81 for he was one of our servants the true believers.

37:82 Afterwards We drowned the others.
37:83 Abraham also was of his religion:

37:84 When he came unto his Lord with a perfect heart.

37:85 When he said unto his father and his people, what do ye worship?

37:86 Do ye choose false gods preferably to the true God?

37:87 What therefore is your opinion of the Lord of all creatures?

37:88 And he looked and observed the stars,

37:89 and said, verily I shall be sick, and shall not assist at your


37:90 And they turned their backs and departed from him.

37:91 And Abraham went privately to their gods, and said scoffingly unto

them, do ye not eat of the meat which is set before you?

37:92 What aileth you that ye speak not?

37:93 And he turned upon them, and struck them with his right hand, and

demolished them.
37:94 And the people came hastily unto him:

37:95 And he said, do ye worship the images which ye carve?

37:96 Whereas God hath created you, and also that which ye make.

37:97 They said, build a pile for him, and cast him into the glowing fire.

37:98 And they devised a plot against him; but We made them the

inferior, and delivered him.

37:99 And Abraham said, verily I am going unto my Lord, who will direct me.

37:100 O Lord, grant me a righteous issue.

37:101 Wherefore We acquainted him that he should have a son, who should

be a meek youth.

37:102 And when he had attained to years of discretion, and could join

in acts of religion with him; Abraham said unto him, O my son, verily I

saw in a dream that I should offer thee in sacrifice: Consider therefore

what thou art of opinion I should do. He answered, O my father, do what

thou art commanded: Thou shalt find me, if God please, a patient person.

37:103 And when they had submitted themselves to the divine will, and

Abraham had laid his son prostrate on his face,
37:104 We cried unto him, O Abraham,

37:105 now hast thou verified the vision. Thus do We reward the righteous.

37:106 Verily this was a manifest trial.
37:107 And We ransomed him with a noble victim.

37:108 And We left the following salutation to be bestowed on him by the

latest posterity,
37:109 namely, peace be on Abraham!
37:110 Thus do We reward the righteous:
37:111 For he was one of our faithful servants.

37:112 And We rejoiced him with the promise of Isaac, a righteous prophet;

37:113 and We blessed him and Isaac: And of their off-spring were some

righteous doers, and others who manifestly injured their own souls.

37:114 We were also gracious unto Moses and Aaron, heretofore:

37:115 And We delivered them and their people from a great distress.

37:116 And We assisted them against the Egyptians, and they became the


37:117 And We gave them the perspicuous book of the law,

37:118 and We directed them into the right way:

37:119 And We left the following salutation to be bestowed on them by

the latest posterity,
37:120 namely, peace be on Moses and Aaron!
37:121 Thus do We reward the righteous;

37:122 for they were two of our faithful servants.

37:123 And Elias was also one of those who were sent by Us.

37:124 When he said unto his people, do ye not fear God?

37:125 Do ye invoke Baal, and forsake the most excellent creator?

37:126 God is your Lord, and the Lord of your fore-fathers.

37:127 But they accuse him of imposture: Wherefore they shall be

delivered up to eternal punishment;
37:128 except the sincere servants of God.

37:129 And We left the following salutation to be bestowed on him by the

latest posterity,
37:130 namely, peace be on Ilyasin!
37:131 Thus do We reward the righteous:
37:132 For he was one of our faithful servants.

37:133 And Lot was also one of those who were sent by Us.

37:134 When We delivered him and his whole family,

37:135 except an old woman, his wife, who perished among those that

remained behind:
37:136 Afterwards We destroyed the others.

37:137 And ye, O people of Mecca, pass by the places where they once

dwelt, as ye journey in the morning,

37:138 and by night: Will ye not therefore understand?

37:139 Jonas was also one of those who were sent by Us.

37:140 When he fled into the loaded ship;

37:141 and those who were on board cast lots among themselves, and he

was condemned:

37:142 And the fish swallowed him; for he was worthy of reprehension.

37:143 And if he had not been one of those who praised God,

37:144 verily he had remained in the belly thereof until the day of


37:145 And We cast him on the naked shore, and he was sick:

37:146 And We caused a plant of a gourd to grow up over him;

37:147 and We sent him to an hundred thousand persons, or they were a

greater number,

37:148 and they believed: Wherefore We granted them to enjoy this life,

for a season.

37:149 Inquire of the Meccans whether thy Lord hath daughters, and they


37:150 Have We created the angels of the female sex? And were they

witnesses thereof?

37:151 Do they not say of their own false invention,

37:152 God hath begotten issue? And are they not really liars?

37:153 Hath he chosen daughters preferably to sons?

37:154 Ye have no reason to judge thus.
37:155 Will ye not therefore be admonished?

37:156 Or have ye a manifest proof of what ye say?

37:157 Produce now your book of revelations, if ye speak truth.

37:158 And they make Him to be of kin unto the genii; whereas the genii

know that they who affirm such things, shall be delivered up to eternal


37:159 -- far be that from God, which they affirm of him! --

37:160 Except the sincere servants of God.
37:161 Moreover ye and that which ye worship
37:162 shall not seduce any concerning God,

37:163 except him who is destined to be burned in hell.

37:164 There is none of us, but hath an appointed place:

37:165 We range ourselves in order, attending the commands of God;

37:166 and we celebrate the divine praise.
37:167 The infidels said,

37:168 if we had been favoured with a book of divine revelations, of

those which were delivered to the ancients,

37:169 we had surely been sincere servants of God:

37:170 Yet now the Koran is revealed, they believe not therein; but

hereafter shall they know the consequence of their unbelief.

37:171 Our word hath formerly been given unto our servants the apostles;

37:172 that they should certainly be assisted against the infidels,

37:173 and that our armies should surely be the conquerors.

37:174 Turn aside therefore from them, for a season:

37:175 And see the calamities which shall afflict them; for they shall

see thy future success and prosperity.

37:176 Do they therefore seek to hasten our vengeance?

37:177 Verily when it shall descend into their courts, an evil morning

shall it be unto those who were warned in vain.

37:178 Turn aside from them therefore for a season;

37:179 and see: Hereafter shall they see thy success and their punishment.

37:180 Praise be unto thy Lord, the Lord who is far exalted above what

they affirm of Him!
37:181 And peace be on his apostles!

37:182 And praise be unto God, the Lord of all creatures!

Chapter 38
Intitled, S.; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
38:1 S. By the Koran full of admonition.

38:2 Verily the unbelievers are addicted to pride and contention.

38:3 How many generations have We destroyed before them; and they cried

for mercy, but it was not a time to escape.

38:4 They wonder that a warner from among themselves hath come unto

them. And the unbelievers said, this man is a sorcerer, and a liar:

38:5 Doth he affirm the gods to be but one God? Surely this is a

wonderful thing.

38:6 And the chief men among them departed, saying to one another, go,

and persevere in the worship of your gods: Verily this is the thing

which is designed.

38:7 We have not heard any thing like this in the last religion: This is

no other than a false contrivance.

38:8 Hath an admonition been sent unto him preferably to any other among

us? Verily they are in a doubt concerning my admonition: But they have

not yet tasted my vengeance.

38:9 Are the treasuries of the mercy of thy Lord, the mighty, the

munificent God, in their hands?

38:10 Is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and of whatever is

between them, in their possession? If it be so, let them ascend by steps

unto heaven.

38:11 But any army of the confederates shall even here be put to flight.

38:12 The people of Noah, and the tribe of Ad, and Pharaoh the contriver

of the stakes,

38:13 and the tribe of Thamud, and the people of Lot, and the

inhabitants of the wood near Madian, accused the prophets of imposture

before them: These were the confederates against the messengers of God.

38:14 All of them did no other than accuse their Apostles of falsehood:

Wherefore my vengeance hath been justly executed upon them.

38:15 And these wait only for one sounding of the trumpet; which there

shall be no deferring.

38:16 And they scoffingly say, O Lord, hasten our sentence unto us,

before the day of account.

38:17 Do thou patiently bear that which they utter: And remind them of

our servant David, indued with strength; for he was one who seriously

turned himself unto God.

38:18 We compelled the mountains to celebrate our praise with him, in

the evening and at sun-rise,

38:19 and also the birds, which gathered themselves together unto him:

All of them returned frequently unto him for this purpose.

38:20 And We established his kingdom, and gave him wisdom and eloquence

of speech.

38:21 Hath the story of the two adversaries come to thy knowledge; when

they ascended over the wall into the upper apartment,

38:22 when thy went in unto David, and he was afraid of them? They said,

fear not: We are two adversaries who have a controversy to be decided.

The one of us hath wronged the other: Wherefore judge between us with

truth, and be not unjust; and direct us into the even way.

38:23 This my brother had ninety and nine sheep; and I had only one ewe:

And he said, give her me to keep; and he prevailed against me in the

discourse which we had together.

38:24 David answered, verily he hath wronged thee, in demanding thine

ewe as an addition to his own sheep: And many of them who are concerned

together in business, wrong one another, except those who believe and do

that which is right; but how few are they! And David perceived that We

had tried him by this parable, and he asked pardon of his Lord: And he

fell down and bowed himself, and repented.

38:25 Wherefore We forgave him this fault; and he shall be admitted to

approach near unto us, and shall have an excellent place of abode in


38:26 O David, verily We have appointed thee a sovereign prince in the

earth: Judge therefore between men with truth; and follow not thy own

lust, lest it cause thee to err from the way of God: For those who err

from the way of God, shall suffer a severe punishment, because they have

forgotten the day of account.

38:27 We have not created the heavens and the earth, and whatever is

between them, in vain. This is the opinion of the unbelievers: But woe

unto those who believe not, because of the fire of hell.

38:28 Shall We deal with those who believe and do good works, as with

those who act corruptly in the earth? Shall We deal with the pious as

with the wicked?

38:29 A blessed book have We sent down unto thee, O Mohammed, that they

may attentively meditate on the signs thereof, and that men of

understanding may be warned.

38:30 And We gave unto David Solomon; how excellent a servant! For he

frequently turned himself unto God.

38:31 When the horses standing on three feet, and touching the ground

with the edge of the fourth foot, and swift in the course, were set in

parade before him in the evening,

38:32 he said, verily I have loved the love of earthly good above the

remembrance of my Lord; and have spent the time in viewing these horses,

until the sun is hidden by the vail of night:

38:33 Bring the horses back unto me. And when they were brought back, he

began to cut off their legs and their necks.

38:34 We also tried Solomon, and placed on his throne a counterfeit

body: Afterwards he turned unto God,

38:35 and said, O Lord, forgive me, and give me a kingdom which may not

be obtained by any after me; for thou art the giver of kingdoms.

38:36 And We made the wind subject to him; it ran gently at his command,

whithersoever he directed.

38:37 And We also put the devils in subjection under him; and among them

such as were every way skilled in building, and in diving for pearls:

38:38 And others We delivered to him bound in chains;

38:39 saying, this is our gift: Therefore be bounteous, or be sparing

unto whom thou shalt think fit, without rendering an account.

38:40 And he shall approach near unto Us, and shall have an excellent

abode in paradise.

38:41 And remember our servant Job; when he cried unto his Lord, saying,

verily Satan hath afflicted me with calamity and pain.

38:42 And it was said unto him, strike the earth with thy foot; which

when he had done, a fountain sprang up, and it was said to him, this is

for thee to wash in, to refresh thee, and to drink.

38:43 And We restored unto him his family, and as many more with them,

through our mercy; and for an admonition unto those who are indued with


38:44 And We said unto him, take a handful of rods in thy hand, and

strike thy wife therewith; and break not thine oath. Verily We found him

a patient person: How excellent a servant was he! For he was one who

frequently turned himself unto Us.

38:45 Remember also our servants Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, who were

men strenuous and prudent.

38:46 Verily We purified them with a perfect purification, through the

remembrance of the life to come;

38:47 and they were, in our sight, elect and good men.

38:48 And remember Ismael, and Elisha, and Dhu'lkefl: For all these were

good men.

38:49 This is an admonition. Verily the pious shall have an excellent

place to return unto,

38:50 namely, gardens of perpetual abode, the gates whereof shall stand

open unto them.

38:51 As they lie down therein, they shall there ask for many sorts of

fruits, and for drink;

38:52 and near them shall sit the virgins of paradise, refraining their

looks from beholding any besides their spouses, and of equal age with them.

38:53 This is what ye are promised, at the day of account.

38:54 This is our provision; which shall not fail.

38:55 This shall be the reward of the righteous. But for the

transgressors is prepared an evil receptacle,

38:56 namely, hell: They shall be cast into the same to be burned, and a

wretched couch shall it be.

38:57 This let them taste, to wit, scalding water, and corruption

flowing from the bodies of the damned,
38:58 and divers other things of the same kind.

38:59 And it shall be said to the seducers, this troop which was guided

by you, shall be thrown, together with you, headlong into hell: They

shall not be bidden welcome; for they shall enter the fire to be burned.

38:60 And the seduced shall say to their seducers, verily ye shall not

be bidden welcome: Ye have brought it upon us; and a wretched abode is


38:61 They shall say, O Lord, doubly increase the torment of him who

hath brought this punishment upon us, in the fire of hell.

38:62 And the infidels shall say, why do we not see the men whom we

numbered among the wicked,

38:63 and whom we received with scorn? Or do our eyes miss them?

38:64 Verily this is a truth; to wit, the disputing of the inhabitants

of hell fire.

38:65 Say, O Mohammed, unto the idolaters, verily I am no other than a

warner: And there is no god, except the one only God, the Almighty,

38:66 the Lord of heaven and earth, and of whatsoever is between them;

the mighty, the forgiver of sins.
38:67 Say, it is a weighty message,
38:68 from which ye turn aside.

38:69 I had no knowledge of the exalted princes, when they disputed

concerning the creation of man:

38:70 -- it hath been revealed unto me only as a proof that I am a

public preacher: --

38:71 When thy Lord said unto the angels, verily I am about to create

man of clay:

38:72 When I shall have formed him, therefore, and shall have breathed

my spirit into him, do ye fall down and worship him.

38:73 And all the angels worshipped him, in general;

38:74 except Eblis, who was puffed up with pride, and became an unbeliever.

38:75 God said unto him, O Eblis, what hindreth thee from worshipping

that which I have created with my hands? Art thou elated with vain

pride? Or art thou really one of exalted merit?

38:76 He answered, I am more excellent than he: Thou hast created me of

fire, and hast created him of clay.

38:77 God said unto him, get thee hence therefore, for thou shalt be

driven away from mercy:

38:78 And my curse shall be upon thee, until the day of judgement.

38:79 He replied, O Lord, respite me, therefore, until the day of


38:80 God said, verily thou shalt be one of those who are respited

38:81 until the day of the determined time.

38:82 Eblis said, by thy might do I swear, I will surely seduce them all,

38:83 except thy servants who shall be peculiarly chosen from among them.

38:84 God said, it is a just sentence; and I speak the truth:

38:85 I will surely fill hell with thee, and with such of them as shall

follow thee, altogether.

38:86 Say unto the Meccans, I ask not of you any reward for this my

preaching: Neither am I one of those who assume a part which belongs not

to them.

38:87 The Koran is no other than an admonition unto all creatures:

38:88 And ye shall surely know what is delivered therein to be true,

after a season.
Chapter 39
Intitled, The Troops; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

39:1 The revelation of this book is from the mighty, the wise God.

39:2 Verily We have revealed this book unto thee with truth: Wherefore

serve God, exhibiting the pure religion unto Him.

39:3 Ought not the pure religion to be exhibited unto God? But as to

those who take other patrons besides Him, saying, we worship them only

that they may bring us nearer unto God; verily God will judge between

them concerning that wherein they disagree. Surely God will not direct

him who is a liar, or ungrateful.

39:4 If God had been minded to have had a son, He had surely chosen what

He pleased out of that which He hath created. But far be such a thing

from Him! He is the sole, the almighty God.

39:5 He hath created the heavens and the earth with truth: He causeth

the night to succeed the day, and He causeth the day to succeed the

night, and He obligeth the sun and the moon to perform their services;

each of them hasteneth to an appointed period. Is not He the mighty, the

forgiver of sins?

39:6 He created you of one man, and afterwards out of him formed his

wife: And He hath bestowed on you four pair of cattle. He formeth you in

the wombs of your mothers, by several gradual formations, within three

vails of darkness. This is God your Lord: His is the kingdom: There is

no God but He. Why therefore are ye turned aside from the worship of Him

to idolatry?

39:7 If ye be ungrateful, verily God hath no need of you; yet He liketh

not ingratitude in his servants: But if ye be thankful, He will be well

pleased with you. A burdened soul shall not bear the burden of another:

Hereafter shall ye return unto your Lord, and He shall declare unto you

that which ye have wrought, and will reward you accordingly; for He

knoweth the innermost parts of your breasts.

39:8 When harm befalleth a man, he calleth upon his Lord, and turneth

unto Him: Yet afterwards, when God hath bestowed on him favour from

himself, he forgetteth that being which he invoked before, and setteth

up equals unto God, that he may seduce men from his way. Say unto such a

man, enjoy this life in thy infidelity for a little while: But hereafter

shalt thou surely be one of the inhabitants of hell fire.

39:9 Shall he who giveth himself up to prayer in the hours of the night,

prostrate, and standing, and who taketh heed as to the life to come, and

hopeth for the mercy of this Lord, be dealt with as the wicked

unbeliever? Say, shall they who know their duty, and they who know it

not, be held equal? Verily the men of understanding only will be warned.

39:10 Say, O my servants who believe, fear your Lord. They who do good

in this world, shall obtain good in the next; and God's earth is

spacious: Verily those who persevere with patience shall receive their

recompense without measure.

39:11 Say, I am commanded to worship God, and to exhibit the pure

religion unto him:
39:12 And I am commanded to be the first Moslem.

39:13 Say, verily I fear, if I be disobedient unto my Lord, the

punishment of the great day.

39:14 Say, I worship God, exhibiting my religion pure unto Him:

39:15 But do ye worship that which ye will, besides Him. Say verily they

will be the losers, who shall lose their own souls, and their families,

on the day of resurrection: Is not this manifest loss?

39:16 Over them shall be roofs of fire, and under them shall be floors

of fire. With this doth God terrify his servants: Wherefore, O my

servants, fear me.

39:17 But those who eschew the worship of idols, and are turned unto

God, shall receive good tidings. Bear good tidings therefore unto my


39:18 who hearken unto my word, and follow that which is most excellent

therein: These are they whom God directeth, and these are men of


39:19 Him therefore on whom the sentence of eternal punishment shall be

justly pronounced, canst thou, O Mohammed, deliver him who is destined

to dwell in the fire of hell?

39:20 But for those who fear their Lord will be prepared high apartments

in paradise, over which shall be other apartments built; and rivers

shall run beneath them: This is the promise of God; and God will not be

contrary to the promise.

39:21 Dost thou not see that God sendeth down water from heaven, and

causeth the same to enter and form sources in the earth; and produceth

thereby corn of various sorts? Afterwards He causeth the same to wither;

and thou seest it become yellow: Afterwards He maketh it crumble into

dust. Verily herein is an instruction to men of understanding.

39:22 Shall he, therefore, whose breast God hath enlarged to receive the

religion of Islam, and who followeth the light from his Lord, be as he

whose heart is hardened? But woe unto those whose hearts are hardened

against the remembrance of God! They are in a manisfest error.

39:23 God hath revealed a most excellent discourse; a book conformable

to itself, and containing repeated admonitions. The skins of those who

fear their Lord shrink for fear thereat: Afterwards their skins grow

soft, and their hearts also, at the remembrance of their Lord. This is

the direction of God: He will direct thereby whom He pleaseth; and

whomsoever God shall cause to err, he shall have no director.

39:24 Shall he therefore who shall be obliged to screen himself with his

face from the severity of the punishment on the day of resurrection, be

as he who is secure therefrom? And it shall be said unto the ungodly,

taste that which ye have deserved.

39:25 Those who were before them, accused their Apostles of imposture;

wherefore a punishment came upon them from whence they expected it not:

39:26 And God caused them to taste shame in this present life; but the

punishment of the life to come will certainly be greater. If they were

men of understanding, they would know this.

39:27 Now have We proposed unto mankind, in this Koran, every kind of

parable; that they may be warned:

39:28 An Arabic Koran, wherein there is no crookedness; that they may

fear God.

39:29 God propoundeth as a parable a man who hath several companions

which are at mutual variance, and a man who committeth himself wholly to

one person: Shall these be held in equal comparison? God forbid! But the

greater part of them do not understand.

39:30 Verily thou, O Mohammed, shalt die, and they also shall die:

39:31 And ye shall debate the matter with one another before your Lord,

at the day of resurrection.

39:32 Who is more unjust than he who uttereth a lie concerning God, and

denieth the truth, when it cometh unto him? Is there not a dwelling

provided in hell for the unbelievers?

39:33 But he who bringeth the truth, and giveth credit thereto, these

are they who fear God;

39:34 they shall obtain whatever they shall desire, in the sight of

their Lord: This shall be the recompense of the righteous:

39:35 That God may expiate from them the very worst of that which they

have wrought, and my render them their reward according to the utmost

merit of the good which they have wrought.

39:36 Is not God a sufficient protector of his servant? Yet they will

attempt to make thee afraid of the false deities which they worship

besides God. But he whom God shall cause to err, shall have none to

direct him:

39:37 And he whom God shall direct, shall have none to mislead him. Is

not God most mighty, able to avenge?

39:38 If thou ask them who hath created the heavens and the earth, they

will surely answer, God. Say, do ye think therefore that the deities

which ye invoke besides God, if God be pleased to afflict me, are able

to relieve me from his affliction? Or if he be pleased to shew mercy

unto me, that they are able to with-hold his mercy? Say, God is my

sufficient support: In him let those put their trust, who seek in whom

to confide.

39:39 Say, O my people, do ye act according to your state; verily I will

act according to mine: Hereafter shall ye know

39:40 on which of us will be inflicted a punishment that shall cover him

with shame, and on whom a lasting punishment shall fall.

39:41 Verily We have revealed unto thee the book of the Koran, for the

instruction of mankind, with truth. Whoso shall be directed thereby,

shall be directed to the advantage of his own soul; and whoso shall err,

shall only err against the same: And thou art not a guardian over them.

39:42 God taketh unto himself the souls of men at the time of their

death; and those which die not He also taketh in their sleep: And He

with-holdeth those on which He hath passed the decree of death, but

sendeth back the others till a determined period. Verily herein are

signs unto people who consider.

39:43 Have the Koreish taken idols for their intercessors with God? Say,

what, although they have not dominion over any thing, neither do they


39:44 Say, intercession is altogether in the disposal of God: His is the

kingdom of heaven and earth; and hereafter shall ye return unto Him.

39:45 When the one sole God is mentioned, the hearts of those who

believe not in the life to come, shrink with horror: But when the false

gods, which are worshipped besides Him, are mentioned, behold, they are

filled with joy.

39:46 Say, O God, the creator of heaven and earth, who knowest that

which is secret, and that which is manifest; thou shalt judge between

thy servants concerning that wherein they disagree.

39:47 If those who act unjustly were masters of whatever is in the

earth, and as much more therewith, verily they would give it to ransom

themselves from the evil of the punishment, on the day of resurrection:

And there shall appear unto them, from God, terrors which they never


39:48 and there shall appear unto them the evils of that which they

shall have gained; and that which they mocked at shall encompass them.

39:49 When harm befalleth man, he calleth upon Us; yet afterwards, when

We have bestowed on him favour from Us, he saith, I have received it

merely because of God's knowledge of my deserts. On the contrary, it is

a trial; but the greater part of them know it not.

39:50 Those who were before them, said the same: But that which they had

gained, profited them not;

39:51 and the evils which they had deserved, fell upon them. And whoever

of these Meccans shall have acted unjustly, on them likewise shall fall

the evils which they shall have deserved; neither shall they frustrate

the divine vengeance.

39:52 Do they not know that God bestoweth provision abundantly on whom

He pleaseth, and is sparing unto whom He pleaseth? Verily herein are

signs unto people who believe.

39:53 Say, O my servants who have transgressed against your own souls,

despair not of the mercy of God: Seeing that God forgiveth all sins; for

He is gracious and merciful.

39:54 And be turned unto your Lord, and resign yourselves unto Him,

before the threatened punishment overtake you; for then ye shall not be


39:55 And follow the most excellent instructions which have been sent

down unto you from your Lord, before the punishment come suddenly upon

you, and ye perceive not the approach thereof;

39:56 and a soul say, alas! For that I have been negligent in my duty to

God; verily I have been one of the scorners:

39:57 Or say, if God had directed me, verily I had been one of the pious:

39:58 Or say, when it seeth the prepared punishment, if I could return

once more into the world, I would become one of the righteous.

39:59 But God shall answer, my signs came unto thee heretofore, and thou

didst charge them with falsehood, and wast puffed up with pride; and

thou becamest one of the unbelievers.

39:60 On the day of resurrection thou shalt see the faces of those who

have uttered lies concerning God, become black: Is there not an abode

prepared in hell for the arrogant?

39:61 But God shall deliver those who shall fear Him, and shall set them

in their place of safety: Evil shall not touch them, neither shall they

be grieved.

39:62 God is the creator of all things, and He is the governour of all


39:63 His are the keys of heaven and earth: And they who believe not in

the signs of God, they shall perish.

39:64 Say, do ye therefore bid me to worship other than God, O ye fools?

39:65 Since it hath been spoken by revelation unto thee, and also unto

the prophets who have been before thee, saying, verily if thou join any

partners with God, thy work will be altogether unprofitable, and thou

shalt certainly be one of those who perish:

39:66 Wherefore rather fear God, and be one of those who give thanks.

39:67 But they make not a due estimation of God: Since the whole earth

shall be but his handful, on the day of resurrection; and the heavens

shall be rolled together in his right hand. Praise be unto Him! And far

be He exalted above the idols which they associate with Him!

39:68 The trumpet shall be sounded, and whoever are in heaven, and

whoever are on earth shall expire; except those whom God shall please to

exempt from the common fate. Afterwards it shall be sounded again; and

behold, they shall arise and look up.

39:69 And the earth shall shine by the light of its Lord: And the book

shall be laid open, and the prophets and the martyrs shall be brought as

witnesses; and judgement shall be given between them with truth, and

they shall not be treated unjustly.

39:70 And every soul shall be fully rewarded, according to that which it

shall have wrought; for He perfectly knoweth whatever they do.

39:71 And the unbelievers shall be driven unto hell by troops, until,

when they shall arrive at the same, the gates thereof shall be opened:

And the keepers thereof shall say unto them, did not Apostles from among

you come unto you, who rehearsed unto you the signs of your Lord, and

warned you of the meeting of this your day? They shall answer, yea: But

the sentence of eternal punishment hath been justly pronounced on the


39:72 It shall be said unto them, enter ye the gates of hell, to dwell

therein forever; and miserable shall be the abode of the proud!

39:73 But those who shall have feared their Lord, shall be conducted by

troops towards paradise, until they shall arrive at the same: And the

gates thereof shall be ready set open; and the guards thereof shall say

unto them, peace be on you! Ye have been good: Wherefore enter ye into

paradise, to remain therein forever.

39:74 And they shall answer, praise be unto God, Who hath performed his

promise unto us, and hath made us to inherit the earth, that we may

dwell in paradise whereever we please! How excellent is the reward of

those who work righteousness!

39:75 And thou shalt see the angels going in procession round the

throne, celebrating the praises of their Lord: And judgement shall be

given between them with truth; and they shall say, praise be unto God,

the Lord of all creatures!
Chapter 40
Intitled, The True Believer; Revealed at Mecca
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
40:1 H.M.

40:2 The revelation of this book is from the mighty, the wise God;

40:3 the forgiver of sin, and the accepter of repentance; severe in

punishing; long suffering. There is no God but He: Before Him shall be

the general assembly at the last day.

40:4 None disputeth against the signs of God, except the unbelievers:

But let not their prosperous dealing in the land deceive thee with vain


40:5 The people of Noah, and the confederated infidels which were after

them, accused their respective prophets of imposture before these; and

each nation hatched ill designs against their Apostle, that they might

get him into their power; and they disputed with vain reasoning; that

they might thereby invalidate the truth: Wherefore I chastised them; and

how severe was my punishment!

40:6 Thus hath the sentence of thy Lord justly passed on the

unbelievers; that they shall be the inhabitants of hell fire.

40:7 The angels who bear the throne of God, and those who stand about

it, celebrate the praise of their Lord, and believe in Him; and they ask

pardon for the true believers, saying, O Lord, thou encompassest all

things by thy mercy and knowledge; wherefore forgive those who repent,

and follow thy path, and deliver them from the pains of hell:

40:8 O Lord, lead them also into gardens of eternal abode, which Thou

hast promised unto them, and unto every one who shall do right, of their

fathers, and their wives, and their children; for thou art the mighty,

the wise God.

40:9 And deliver them from evil; for whomsoever Thou shalt deliver from

evil on that day, on him wilt Thou shew mercy; and this will be great


40:10 But the infidels, at the day of judgement, shall hear a voice

crying unto them, verily the hatred of God towards you is more grievous

than your hatred towards yourselves: Since ye were called unto the

faith, and would not believe.

40:11 They shall say, O Lord, Thou hast given us death twice, and Thou

hast twice given us life; and we confess our sins: Is there therefore no

way to get forth from this fire?

40:12 And it shall be answered them, this hath befallen you, for that

when one God was preached unto you, ye believed not; but if a plurality

of gods had been associated with Him, ye had believed: And judgement

belongeth unto the high, the great God.

40:13 It is He who sheweth you his signs, and sendeth down food unto you

from heaven: But none will be admonished, except he who turneth himself

unto God.

40:14 Call therefore upon God, exhibiting your religion pure unto Him,

although the infidels be averse thereto.

40:15 He is the being of exalted degree, the possessor of the throne;

who sendeth down the spirit, at his command, on such of his servants as

He pleaseth; that He may warn mankind of the day of meeting,

40:16 the day whereon they shall come forth out of their graves, and

nothing of what concerneth them shall be hidden from God. Unto Whom will

the kingdom belong, on that day? Unto the only, the almighty God.

40:17 On that day shall every soul be rewarded according to its merit:

There shall be no injustice done on that day. Verily God will be swift

in taking an account.

40:18 Wherefore warn them, O prophet, of the day which shall suddenly

approach; when men's hearts shall come up to their throats, and strangle

them. The ungodly shall have no friend or intercessor who shall be heard.

40:19 God will know the deceitful eye, and that which their breasts


40:20 and God will judge with truth: But the false gods which they

invoke, besides Him, shall not judge at all; for God is He who heareth

and seeth.

40:21 Have they not gone through the earth, and seen what hath been the

end of those who were before them? They were more mighty than these in

strength, and left more considerable footsteps of their power in the

earth: Yet God chastised them for their sins, and there was none to

protect them from God.

40:22 This they suffered, because their Apostles had come unto them with

evident signs, and they disbelieved: Wherefore God chastised them; for

He is strong, and severe in punishing.

40:23 We heretofore sent Moses with our signs and manifest power,

40:24 unto Pharaoh, and Haman, and Karûn; and they said, he is a

sorcerer, and a liar.

40:25 And when he came unto them with the truth from Us, they said, slay

the sons of those who have believed with him, and save their daughters

alive: But the stratagem of the infidels was no other than vain.

40:26 And Pharaoh said, let me alone, that I may kill Moses; and let him

call upon his Lord: Verily I fear lest he change your religion, or cause

violence to appear in the earth.

40:27 And Moses said unto his people, verily I have recourse unto my

Lord, and your Lord, to defend me against every proud person, who

believeth not in the day of account.

40:28 And a man who was a true believer, of the family of Pharaoh, and

concealed his faith , said, will ye put a man to death, because he

saith, God is my Lord; seeing he is come unto you with evident signs

from your Lord? If he be a liar, on him will the punishment of his

falsehood light; but if he speaketh the truth, some of those judgements

with which he threateneth you, will fall upon you: Verily God directeth

not him who is a transgressor, or a liar.

40:29 O my people, the kingdom is yours this day; and ye are conspicuous

in the earth: But who shall defend us from the scourge of God, if it

come unto us? Pharaoh said, I only propose to you what I think to be

most expedient: And I guide you only into the right path.

40:30 And he who had believed, said, O my people, verily I fear for you

a day like that of the confederates against the prophets in former times;

40:31 a condition like that of the people of Noah, and the tribes of Ad,

and Thamûd, and of those who have lived after them: For God willeth not

that any injustice be done unto his servants.

40:32 O my people, verily I fear for you the day whereon men shall call

unto one another;

40:33 the day whereon ye shall be turned back from the tribunal, and

driven to hell: Then shall ye have none to protect you against God. And

he whom God shall cause to err, shall have no director.

40:34 Joseph came unto you, before Moses, with evident signs; but ye

ceased not to doubt of the religion which he preached unto you, until,

when he died, ye said, God will by no means send another Apostle, after

him. Thus doth God cause him to err, who is a transgressor, and a sceptic.

40:35 They who dispute against the signs of God, without any authority

which hath come unto them, are in great abomination with God, and with

those who believe. Thus doth God seal up every proud and stubborn heart.

40:36 And Pharaoh said, O Haman, build me a tower, that I may reach the


40:37 the tracts of heaven, and may view the God of Moses; for I verily

think him to be a liar. And thus the evil of his work was prepared for

Pharaoh, and he turned aside from the right path: And the stratagems of

Pharaoh ended only in loss.

40:38 And he who had believed, said, O my people, follow me: I will

guide you into the right way.

40:39 O my people, verily this present life is but a temporary

enjoyment; but the life to come is the mansion of firm continuance.

40:40 Whoever worketh evil, shall only be rewarded in equal proportion

to the same: But whoever worketh good, whether male or female, and is a

true believer, they shall enter paradise; they shall be provided for

therein superabundantly.

40:41 And, O my people, as for me, I invite you to salvation; but ye

invite me to hell fire:

40:42 Ye invite me to deny God, and to associate with him that whereof I

have no knowledge; but I invite you to the most mighty, the forgiver of


40:43 There is no doubt but that the false gods to which ye invite me,

deserve not to be invoked, either in this world or in the next; and that

we must return unto God; and that the transgressors shall be the

inhabitants of hell fire:

40:44 And ye shall then remember what I now say unto you. And I commit

my affair unto God: For God regardeth his servants.

40:45 Wherefore God delivered him from the evils which they had devised;

and a grievous punishment encompassed the people of Pharaoh.

40:46 They shall be exposed to the fire of hell morning and evening: And

the day whereon the hour of judgement shall come, it shall be said unto

them, enter O people of Pharaoh, into a most severe torment.

40:47 And think on the time when the infidels shall dispute together in

hell fire; and the weak shall say unto those who behaved with arrogance,

verily we were your followers: Will ye, therefore, relieve us from any

part of this fire?

40:48 Those who behaved with arrogance shall answer, verily we are all

doomed to suffer therein: For God hath now judged between his servants.

40:49 And they who shall be in the fire, shall say unto the keepers of

hell, call ye on your Lord, that He would ease us, for one day, from

this punishment.

40:50 They shall answer, did not your Apostles come unto you with

evident proofs? They shall say, yea. The keepers shall reply, do ye

therefore call on God: But the calling of the unbelievers on Him shall

be only in vain.

40:51 We will surely assist our Apostles, and those who believe, in this

present life, and on the day whereon the witnesses shall stand forth:

40:52 A day, whereon the excuse of the unbelievers shall not avail them;

but a curse shall attend them, and a wretched abode.

40:53 We heretofore gave unto Moses a direction: And We left as an

inheritance unto the children of Israel the book of the law;

40:54 a direction, and an admonition to men of understanding.

40:55 Wherefore do thou, O prophet, bear the insults of the infidels

with patience; for the promise of God is true: And ask pardon for thy

fault; and celebrate the praise of thy Lord, in the evening and in the


40:56 As to those who impugn the signs of God, without any convincing

proof which hath been revealed unto them, there is nothing but pride in

their breasts; but they shall not attain their desire: Wherefore fly for

refuge unto God; for it is He who heareth and seeth.

40:57 Verily the creation of heaven and earth is more considerable than

the creation of man: But the greater part of men do not understand.

40:58 The blind and the seeing shall not be held equal; nor they who

believe and work righteousness, and the evildoer: How few revolve these

things in their mind!

40:59 The last hour will surely come; there is no doubt thereof: But the

greater part of men believe it not.

40:60 Your Lord saith, call upon Me; and I will hear you: But they who

proudly disdain my service, shall enter with ignominy into hell.

40:61 It is God who hath appointed the night for you to take your rest

therein, and the day to give you light: Verily God is endued with

beneficence towards mankind; but the greater part of men do not give


40:62 This is God, your Lord; the creator of all things: There is no God

besides Him: How therefore are ye turned aside from his worship?

40:63 Thus are they turned aside, who oppose the signs of God.

40:64 It is God who hath given you the earth for a stable floor, and the

heaven for a ceiling: And who hath formed you, and made your forms

beautiful; and feedeth you with good things. This is God, your Lord.

Wherefore blessed be God, the Lord of all creatures!

40:65 He is the living God: There is no God but He. Wherefore call upon

Him, exhibiting unto Him the pure religion. Praise be unto God, the Lord

of all creatures!

40:66 Say, verily I am forbidden to worship the deities which ye invoke,

besides God, after that evident proofs have come unto me from my Lord;

and I am commanded to resign myself unto the Lord of all creatures.

40:67 It is He who first created you of dust, and afterwards of seed,

and afterwards of coagulated blood; and afterwards brought you forth

infants out of your mothers wombs: Then He permitteth you to attain your

age of full strength, and afterwards to grow old men, -- but some of you

die before that age, -- and to arrive at the determined period of your

life; that peradventure ye may understand.

40:68 It is He who giveth life, and causeth to die: And when He decreeth

a thing, He only saith unto it, be, and it is.

40:69 Dost thou not observe those who dispute against the signs of God,

how they are turned aside from the true faith?

40:70 They who charge with falsehood the book of the Koran, and the

other scriptures and revealed doctrines which We sent our former

Apostles to preach, shall hereafter know their folly;

40:71 When the collars shall be on their necks, and the chains by which

40:72 they shall be dragged into hell: Then shall they be burned in the


40:73 And it shall be said unto them, where are the gods which ye


40:74 besides God? They shall answer, they have withdrawn themselves

from us: Yea, we called on nothing heretofore. Thus doth God lead the

unbelievers into error.

40:75 This hath befallen you, for that ye rejoiced insolently on earth,

in that which was false; and for that ye were elated with immoderate joy.

40:76 Enter ye the gates of hell, to remain therein for ever: And

wretched shall be the abode of the haughty!

40:77 Wherefore persevere with patience, O Mohammed; for the promise of

God is true. Whether We cause thee to see any part of the punishment

with which We have threatened them, or whether We cause thee to die

before thou see it; before Us shall they be assembled at the last day.

40:78 We have sent a great number of Apostles before thee; the histories

of some of whom We have related unto thee, and the histories of others

of them We have not related unto thee: But no Apostle had the power to

produce a sign, unless by the permission of God. When the command of

God, therefore, shall come, judgement shall be given with truth; and

then shall they perish who endeavour to render the signs of God of no


40:79 It is God who hath given you the cattle, that ye may ride on some

of them, and may eat of others of them;

40:80 -- ye also receive other advantages therefrom; -- and that on them

ye may arrive at the business proposed in your mind: And on them are ye

carried by land, and on ships by sea.

40:81 And He sheweth you his signs; which, therefore, of the signs of

God, will ye deny?

40:82 Do they not pass through the earth, and see what hath been the end

of those who were before them? They were more numerous than these, and

more mighty in strength, and left more considerable monuments of their

power in the earth: Yet that which they had acquired, profited them not.

40:83 And when their Apostles came unto them with evident proofs of

their mission, they rejoiced in the knowledge which was with them: But

that which they mocked at, encompassed them.

40:84 And when they beheld our vengeance, they said, we believe in God

alone, and we renounce the idols which we associated with Him:

40:85 But their faith availed them not, after they had beholden our

vengeance. This was the ordinance of God, which was formerly observed in

respect to his servants: And then did the unbelievers perish.

Chapter 41

Intitled, Are Distinctly Explained; Revealed at Mecca.

In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
41:1 H.M.
41:2 This is a revelation from the most Merciful:

41:3 A book the verses whereof are distinctly explained, an Arabic

Koran, for the instruction of people who understand;

41:4 bearing good tidings, and denouncing threats: But the greater part

of them turn aside, and hearken not thereto.

41:5 And they say, our hearts are veiled from the doctrine to which thou

invitest us; and there is a deafness in our ears, and a curtain between

us and thee: Wherefore act thou, as thou shalt think fit; for we shall

act according to our own sentiments.

41:6 Say, verily I am only a man like you. It is revealed unto me that

your God is one God: Wherefore direct your way strait unto Him; and ask

pardon of Him for what is past. And woe be to the idolaters;

41:7 who give not the appointed alms, and believe not in the life to come!

41:8 But as to those who believe, and work righteousness; they shall

receive an everlasting reward.

41:9 Say, do ye indeed disbelieve in Him who created the earth in two

days; and do ye set up equals unto Him? He is the Lord of all creatures.

41:10 And He placed in the earth mountains firmly rooted, rising above

the same: And He blessed it; and provided therein the food of the

creatures designed to be the inhabitants thereof, in four days; equally,

for those who ask.

41:11 Then He set his mind to the creation of heaven; and it was smoke:

And He said unto it, and to the earth, come, either obediently, or

against your will. They answered, we come, obedient to thy command.

41:12 And He formed them into seven heavens, in two days; and revealed

unto every heaven its office. And We adorned the lower heaven with

lights, and placed therein a guard of angels. This is the disposition of

the mighty, the wise God.

41:13 If the Meccans withdraw from these instructions, say, I denounce

unto you a sudden destruction, like the destruction of Ad and Thamûd.

41:14 When the Apostles came unto them before them and behind them,

saying, worship God alone; they answered, if our Lord had been pleased

to send messengers, He had surely sent angels: And we believe not the

message with which ye are sent.

41:15 As to the tribe of Ad, they behaved insolently in the earth,

without reason, and said, who is more mighty than we in strength? Did

they not see that God, who had created them, was more mighty than they

in strength? And they knowingly rejected our signs.

41:16 Wherefore We sent against them a piercing wind, on days of ill

luck, that We might make them taste the punishment of shame in this

world: But the punishment of the life to come will be more shameful; and

they shall not be protected therefrom.

41:17 And as to Thamûd, We directed them; but they loved blindness

better than the true direction: Wherefore the terrible noise of an

ignominious punishment assailed them, for that which they had deserved;

41:18 but We delivered those who believed, and feared God.

41:19 And warn them of the day, on which the enemies of God shall be

gathered together unto hell fire, and shall march in distinct bands;

41:20 until, when they shall arrive thereat their ears, and their eyes,

and their skins shall bear witness against them of that which they shall

have wrought.

41:21 And they shall say unto their skins, wherefore do ye bear witness

against us? They shall answer, God hath caused us to speak, who giveth

speech unto all things: He created you the first time; and unto Him are

ye returned.

41:22 Ye did not hide your selves, while ye sinned, so that your ears,

and your eyes, and your skins could not bear witness against you: But ye

thought that God was ignorant of many things which ye did.

41:23 This was your opinion, which ye imagined of your Lord: It hath

ruined you; and ye are become lost people.

41:24 Whether they bear their torment, hell fire shall be their abode;

or whether they beg for favour, they shall not obtain favour.

41:25 And We will give them the devils to be their companions; for they

dressed up for them the false notions which they entertained of this

present world, and of that which is to come; and the sentence justly

fitteth them, which was formerly pronounced on the nations of genii and

men who were before them; for they perished.

41:26 The unbelievers say, hearken not unto this Koran: But use vain

discourse during the reading thereof; that ye may overcome the voice of

the reader by your scoffs and laughter.

41:27 Wherefore We will surely cause the unbelievers to taste a grievous

punishment, and We will certainly reward them for the evils which they

shall have wrought.

41:28 This shall be the reward of the enemies of God, namely, hell fire;

therein is prepared for them an everlasting abode, as a reward for that

they have wittingly rejected our signs.

41:29 And the infidels shall say in hell, O Lord, shew us the two who

seduced us, of the genii and men, and we will cast them under our feet,

that they may become most base and despicable.

41:30 As for those who say, our Lord is God, and who behave uprightly;

the angels shall descend unto them, and shall say, fear not, neither be

ye grieved; but rejoice in the hopes of paradise, which ye have been


41:31 We are your friends in this life, and in that which is to come:

Therein shall ye have that which your souls shall desire, and therein

shall ye obtain whatever ye shall ask for;

41:32 as a gift from a gracious, and merciful God.

41:33 Who speaketh better than he who inviteth unto God, and worketh

righteousness, and saith, I am a Moslem?

41:34 Good and evil shall not be held equal. Turn away evil with that

which is better; and behold, the man between whom and thyself there was

enmity, shall become, as it were, thy warmest friend:

41:35 But none shall attain to this perfection, except they who are

patient; nor shall any attain thereto, except he who is indued with a

great happiness of temper.

41:36 And if a malicious suggestion be offered unto thee from Satan,

have recourse unto God; for it is He who heareth and knoweth.

41:37 Among the signs of his power are the night, and the day, and the

sun, and the moon. Worship not the sun, neither the moon: But worship

God, who hath created them; if ye serve Him.

41:38 But if they proudly disdain his service; verily the angels, who

are with thy Lord, praise Him night and day, and are not wearied.

41:39 And among his signs another is, that thou seest the land waste:

But when we send down rain thereon, it is stirred and fermenteth. And he

who quickeneth the earth, will surely quicken the dead; for he is almighty.

41:40 Verily those who impiously wrong our signs, are not concealed from

Us. Is he, therefore, better, who shall be cast into hell fire, or he

who shall appear secure on the day of resurrection? Work that which ye

will: He certainly beholdeth whatever ye do.

41:41 Verily they who believe not in the admonition of the Koran, after

it hath come unto them, shall one day be discovered. It is certainly a

book of infinite value:

41:42 Vanity shall not approach it, either from before it, or from

behind it: It is a revelation from a wise God, whose praise is justly to

be celebrated.

41:43 No other is said unto thee by the infidels of Mecca, than what

hath been formerly said, unto the Apostles before thee: Verily thy Lord

is inclined to forgiveness, and is also able to chastise severely.

41:44 If We had revealed the Koran in a foreign language, they had

surely said, unless the signs thereof be distinctly explained, we will

not receive the same: Is the book written in a foreign tongue, and the

person unto whom it is directed, an Arabian? Answer, it is, unto those

who believe, a sure guide, and a remedy for doubt and uncertainty: But

unto those who believe not, it is a thickness of hearing in their ears,

and it is a darkness which covereth them; these are as they who are

called unto from a distant place.

41:45 We heretofore gave the book of the law unto Moses; and a dispute

arose concerning the same: And if a previous decree had not proceeded

from thy Lord, to respite the opposers of that revelation, verily the

matter had been decided between them, by the destruction of the

infidels; for they were in a very great doubt as to the same.

41:46 He who doth right, doth it to the advantage of his own soul; and

he who doth evil, doth it against the same: For thy Lord is not unjust

towards his servants.

41:47 Unto Him is reserved the knowledge of the hour of judgement: And

no fruit cometh forth from the knops which involve it; neither doth any

female conceive in her womb, nor is she delivered of her burden, but

with his knowledge. On the day whereon He shall call them to Him,

saying, where are my companions which ye ascribed unto Me? They shall

answer, we assure Thee there is no witness of this matter among us:

41:48 And the idols which they called on before, shall withdraw

themselves from them; and they shall perceive that there will be no way

to escape.

41:49 Man is not wearied with asking good; but if evil befall him, he

despondeth, and despaireth.

41:50 And if We cause him to taste mercy from Us, after affliction hath

touched him, he surely saith, this is due to me on account of my

deserts: I do not think the hour of judgement will ever come; and if I

be brought before my Lord, I shall surely attain, with Him, the most

excellent condition. But We will then declare unto those who shall not

have believed, that which they have wrought; and We will surely cause

them to taste a most severe punishment.

41:51 When We confer favours on man, he turneth aside, and departeth

without returning thanks: But when evil toucheth him, he is frequent at


41:52 Say, what think ye? If the Koran be from God, and ye believe not

therein; who will lie under a greater error, than he who dissenteth

widely therefrom?

41:53 Hereafter We will shew them our signs in the regions of the earth,

and in themselves; until it become manifest unto them that this book is

the truth. Is it not sufficient for thee that thy Lord is witness of all


41:54 Are they not in a doubt as to the meeting of their Lord at the

resurrection? Doth not He encompass all things?
Chapter 42
Intitled, Consultation; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
42:1 H.M.
42:2 A.S.K.

42:3 Thus doth the mighty, the wise God reveal his will unto thee; and

in like manner did He reveal it unto the prophets who were before thee.

42:4 Unto Him belongeth whatever is in heaven, and in earth; and He is

the high, the great God.

42:5 It wanteth little but that the heavens be rent in sunder from

above, at the awfulness of his majesty: The angels celebrate the praise

of their Lord, and ask pardon for those who dwell in the earth. Is not

God the forgiver of sins, the merciful?

42:6 But as to those who take other gods for their patrons, besides Him,

God observeth their actions: For thou art not a steward over them.

42:7 Thus have We revealed unto thee an Arabic Koran, that thou mayest

warn the metropolis of Mecca, and the Arabs who dwell round about it;

and mayest threaten them with the day of the general assembly, of which

there is no doubt: One part shall then be placed in paradise, and

another part in hell.

42:8 If God had pleased, He had made them all of one religion: But He

leadeth whom He pleaseth into his mercy; and the unjust shall have no

patron or helper.

42:9 Do they take other patrons, besides Him? Whereas God is the only

true patron: He quickeneth the dead; and He is almighty.

42:10 Whatever matter ye disagree about, the decision thereof

appertaineth unto God. This is God, my Lord: In him do I trust, and unto

him do I turn me;

42:11 the creator of heaven and earth: He hath given you wives of your

owns species, and cattle both male and female; by which means He

multiplieth you: There is nothing like Him; and it is He who heareth and


42:12 His are the keys of heaven and earth: He bestoweth provision

abundantly on whom He pleaseth, and He is sparing unto whom He pleaseth;

for He knoweth all things.

42:13 He hath ordained you the religion which He commanded Noah, and

which We have revealed unto thee, O Mohammed, and which We commanded

Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus: Saying, observe this religion, and be not

divided therein. The worship of one God, to which thou invitest them, is

grievous unto the unbelievers: God will elect thereto whom He pleaseth,

and will direct unto the same him who shall repent.

42:14 Those who lived in times past were not divided among themselves,

until after that the knowledge of God's unity had come unto them;

through their own perverseness: And unless a previous decree had passed

from thy Lord, to bear with them till a determined time, verily the

matter had been decided between them, by the destruction of the

gain-sayers. They who have inherited the scriptures after them, are

certainly in a perplexing doubt concerning the same.

42:15 Wherefore invite them to receive the sure faith, and be urgent

with them, as thou hast been commanded; and follow not their vain

desires: And say, I believe in all the scriptures which God hath sent

down; and I am commanded to establish justice among you: God is our

Lord, and your Lord: Unto us will our works be imputed, and unto you

will your works be imputed: Let there be no wrangling between us and

you; for God will assemble us all at the last day, and unto Him shall we


42:16 As to those who dispute concerning God, after obedience hath been

paid Him by receiving his religion, their disputing shall be vain in the

sight of their Lord; and wrath shall fall on them, and they shall suffer

a grievous punishment.

42:17 It is God who hath sent down the scripture with truth; and the

balance of true judgement: And what shall inform thee whether the hour

be nigh at hand?

42:18 They who believe not therein, wish it to be hastened by way of

mockery: But they who believe dread the same, and know it to be the

truth. Are not those who dispute concerning the last hour in a wide error?

42:19 God is bounteous unto his servants: He provideth for whom He

pleaseth; and He is the strong, the mighty.

42:20 Whoso chooseth the tillage (property) of the life to come, unto

him will We give increase in his tillage: And whoso chooseth the tillage

of this world, We will give him the fruit thereof; but he shall have no

part in the life to come.

42:21 Have the idolaters deities which ordain them a religion which God

hath not allowed? But had it not been for the decree of respiting their

punishment to the day of separating the infidels from the true

believers, judgement had been already given between them: For the unjust

shall surely suffer a painful torment.

42:22 On that day thou shalt see the unjust in great terror, because of

their demerits; and the penalty thereof shall fall upon them: But they

who believe and do good works, shall dwell in the delightful meadows of

paradise; they shall obtain whatever they shalt desire, with their Lord.

This is the greatest acquisition.

42:23 This is what God promiseth unto his servants who believe and do

good works. Say, I ask not of you, for this my preaching, any reward,

except the love of my relations: And whoever shall have deserved well by

one good action, unto him will we add the merit of another action

thereto; for God is inclined to forgive, and ready to reward.

42:24 Do they say, Mohammed hath blasphemously forged a lie concerning

God? If God pleaseth, he will seal up thy heart: And God will absolutely

abolish vanity, and will establish the truth in his words; for He

knoweth the innermost parts of men's breasts.

42:25 It is He who accepteth repentance from his servants, and forgiveth

sins, and knoweth that which ye do.

42:26 He will incline his ear unto those who believe and work

righteousness, and will add unto them above what they shall ask or

deserve, of his bounty: But the unbelievers shall suffer a severe


42:27 If God should bestow abundance upon his servants, they would

certainly behave insolently in the earth: But He sendeth down by measure

unto every one that which he pleaseth; for He well knoweth and seeth the

condition of his servants.

42:28 It is He who sendeth down the rain, after men have despaired

thereof, and spreadeth abroad his mercy; and He is the patron, justly to

be praised.

42:29 Among his signs is the creation of heaven and earth, and of the

living creatures with which He hath replenished them both; and He is

able to gather them together before his tribunal, whenever He pleaseth.

42:30 Whatever misfortune befalleth you is sent you by God, for that

which your hands have deserved; and yet He forgiveth many things:

42:31 Ye shall not frustrate the divine vengeance in the earth; neither

shall ye have any protector or helper, against God.

42:32 Among his signs also are the ships running in the sea, like high


42:33 If He pleaseth, He causeth the wind to cease, and they lie still

on the back of the water: -- verily herein are signs, unto every patient

and grateful person: --

42:34 Or He destroyeth them by shipwreck, because of that which their

crews have merited; though He pardoneth many things.

42:35 And they who dispute against our signs, shall know that there will

be no way for them to escape our vengeance.

42:36 Whatever things are given you, they are the provision of this

present life: But the reward which is with God is better, and more

durable, for those who believe, and put their trust in their Lord;

42:37 and who avoid hainous and filthy crimes, and when they are angry,


42:38 and who hearken unto their Lord, and are constant at prayer, and

whose affairs are directed by consultation among themselves, and who

give alms out of what We have bestowed on them;

42:39 and who, when an injury is done them, avenge themselves:

42:40 -- And the retaliation of evil ought to be an evil proportionate

thereto: -- But he who forgiveth, and is reconciled unto his enemy,

shall receive his reward from God; for He loveth not the unjust doers.

42:41 And whoso shall avenge himself, after he hath been injured; as to

these, it is not lawful to punish them for it:

42:42 But it is only lawful to punish those who wrong men, and act

insolently in the earth, against justice; these shall suffer a grievous


42:43 And whoso beareth injuries patiently, and forgiveth; verily this

is a necessary work.

42:44 Whom God shall cause to err, he shall afterwards have no

protector. And thou shalt see the ungodly, who shall say, when they

behold the punishment prepared for them, is there no way to return back

into the world?

42:45 And thou shalt see them exposed unto hell fire; dejected, because

of the ignominy they shall undergo: They shall look at the fire

sideways, and by stealth; and the true believers shall say, verily the

losers are they who have lost their own souls, and their families, on

the day of resurrection: Shall not the ungodly continue in eternal torment?

42:46 They shall have no protectors to defend them against God: And whom

God shall cause to err, he shall find no way to the truth.

42:47 Hearken unto your Lord, before the day come, which God will not

keep back: Ye shall have no place of refuge on that day; neither shall

ye be able to deny your sins.

42:48 But if those to whom thou preachest turn aside from thy

admonitions, verily We have not sent thee to be a guardian over them:

Thy duty is preaching only. When We cause man to taste mercy from Us, he

rejoiceth thereat: But if evil befall them, for that which their hands

have formerly committed, verily man becometh ungrateful.

42:49 Unto God appertaineth the kingdom of heaven and earth: He createth

that which He pleaseth; He giveth females unto whom He pleaseth, and He

giveth males unto whom He pleaseth;

42:50 or He giveth them males and females jointly: And He maketh whom He

pleaseth to be childless; for He is wise, and powerful.

42:51 It is not fit for man, that God should speak unto him otherwise

than by private revelation, or from behind a vail, or by his sending of

a messenger to reveal, by his permission, that which He pleaseth; for He

is high and wise.

42:52 Thus have We revealed unto thee a revelation, by our command. Thou

didst not understand, before this, what the book of the Koran was, nor

what the faith was: But We have ordained the same for a light; We will

thereby direct such of our servants as We please: And thou shalt surely

direct them into the right way,

42:53 the way of God, unto whom belongeth whatever is heaven and in

earth. Shall not all things return unto God?
Chapter 43

Intitled, The Ornaments Of Gold; Revealed at Mecca.

In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
43:1 H.M.
43:2 By the perspicuous book;

43:3 verily We have ordained the same an Arabic Koran, that ye may


43:4 And it is certainly written in the original book, kept with Us,

being sublime and full of wisdom.

43:5 Shall We therefore turn away from you the admonition, and deprive

you thereof, because ye are a people who transgress?

43:6 And how many prophets have We sent among those of old?

43:7 And no prophet came unto them, but they laughed him to scorn:

43:8 Wherefore We destroyed nations who were more mighty than these in

strength; and the example of those who were of old, hath been already

set before them.

43:9 If thou ask them who created the heavens and the earth, they will

certainly answer, the mighty, the wise God created them:

43:10 Who hath spread the earth as a bed for you, and hath made you

paths therein, that ye may be directed:

43:11 And Who sendeth down rain from heaven by measure, whereby We

quicken a dead country; -- so shall ye be brought forth from your

graves: --

43:12 And Who hath created all the various species of things, and hath

given you ships and cattle, whereon ye are carried;

43:13 that ye may sit firmly on the backs thereof, and may remember the

favour of your Lord, when ye sit thereon, and may say, praise be unto

Him, Who hath subjected these unto our service! For we could not have

mastered them by our own power:
43:14 And unto our Lord shall we surely return.

43:15 Yet have they attributed unto Him some of his servants as his

offspring: Verily man is openly ungrateful.

43:16 Hath God taken daughters out of those beings which He hath

created; and hath He chosen sons for you?

43:17 But when one of them hath the news brought of the birth of a child

of that sex which they attribute unto the Merciful, as his similitude,

his face becometh black, and he is oppressed with sorrow.

43:18 Do they therefore attribute unto God female issue, which are

brought up among ornaments, and are contentious without cause?

43:19 And do they make the angels, who are the servants of the Merciful,

females? Were they present at their creation? Their testimony shall be

written down, and they shall be examined concerning the same, on the day

of judgement.

43:20 And they say, if the Merciful had pleased, we had not worshipped

them. They have no knowledge herein: They only utter a vain lie.

43:21 Have We given them a book of revelations before this; and do they

keep the same in their custody?

43:22 But they say, verily we found our fathers practising a religion;

and we are guided in their footsteps.

43:23 Thus We sent no preacher, before thee, unto any city, but the

inhabitants thereof who lived in affluence, said, verily we found our

fathers practising a religion: And we tread in their footsteps.

43:24 And the preacher answered, what, although I bring you a more right

religion than that which ye found your fathers to practise? And they

replied, verily we believe not that which ye are sent to preach.

43:25 Wherefore We took vengeance on them: And behold what hath been the

end of those who accused our Apostles of imposture.

43:26 Remember when Abraham said unto his father, and his people, verily

I am clear of the gods which ye worship,

43:27 except Him who hath created me; for He will direct me aright.

43:28 And he ordained this to be a constant doctrine among his

posterity; that they should be turned from idolatry to the worship of

the only true God.

43:29 Verily I have permitted these Meccans and their fathers to live in

prosperity, until the truth should come unto them, and a manifest Apostle:

43:30 But now the truth is come unto them, they say, this is a piece of

sorcery; and we believe not therein.

43:31 And they say, had this Koran been sent down unto some great man of

either of the two cities, we would have received it.

43:32 Do they distribute the mercy of thy Lord? We distribute their

nesessary provision among them, in this present life, and We raise some

of them several degrees above the others, that the one of them may take

the other to serve him: And the mercy of thy Lord is more valuable than

the riches which they gather together.

43:33 If it were not that mankind would have become one sect of

infidels, verily We had given unto those who believe not in the

Merciful, roofs of silver to their houses, and stairs of silver, by

which they might ascend thereto,

43:34 and doors of silver to their houses, and couches of silver, for

them to lean on;

43:35 and ornaments of gold: For all this is the provision of the

present life; but the next life with thy Lord shall be for those who

fear Him.

43:36 Whoever shall withdraw from the admonition of the Merciful, We

will chain a devil unto him; and he shall be his inseparable companion:

43:37 -- And the devils shall turn them aside from the way of truth; yet

they shall imagine themselves to be rightly directed: --

43:38 Until, when he shall appear before us at the last day, he shall

say unto the devil, would to God that between me and thee there was the

distance of the east from the west! Oh how wretched a companion art thou!

43:39 But wishes shall not avail you on this day, since ye have been

unjust; for ye shall be partakers of the same punishment.

43:40 Canst thou, O prophet, make the deaf to hear, or canst thou direct

the blind, and him who is in a manifest error?

43:41 Whether We take thee away, We will surely take vengeance on them;

43:42 or whether We cause thee to see the punishment with which We have

threatened them, executed, We will certainly prevail over them.

43:43 Wherefore hold fast the doctrine which hath been revealed unto

thee; for thou art in a right way:

43:44 And it is a memorial unto thee and thy people, and hereafter shall

ye be examined concerning your observance thereof.

43:45 And ask our Apostles whom We have sent before thee, whether We

have appointed gods for them to worship, besides the Merciful.

43:46 We formerly sent Moses with our signs unto Pharaoh and his

princes, and he said, verily I am the Apostle of the Lord of all creatures.

43:47 And when he came unto them with our signs, behold, they laughed

him to scorn;

43:48 although We shewed them no sign, but it was greater than the

other: And We inflicted a punishment on them, that peradventure they

might be converted.

43:49 And they said unto Moses, O magician, pray unto thy Lord for us,

according to the covenant which He hath made with thee; for we will

certainly be directed.

43:50 But when We took the plague from off them, behold, they brake

their promise.

43:51 And Pharaoh made proclamation among his people, saying, O my

people, is not the kingdom of Egypt mine, and these rivers which flow

beneath me? Do ye not see?

43:52 Am not I better than this Moses; who is a contemptible person, and

can scarce express himself intelligibly?

43:53 Have bracelets of gold, therefore, been put upon him; or do the

angels attend him in orderly procession?

43:54 And Pharaoh persuaded his people to light behaviour; and they

obeyed him: For they were a wicked people.

43:55 And when they had provoked Us to wrath, We took vengeance on them,

and We drowned them all:

43:56 And We made them a precedent, and an example unto others.

43:57 And when the son of Mary was proposed for an example; behold, thy

people cried out through excess of joy thereat;

43:58 and they said, are our gods better, or he? They have proposed this

instance unto Thee no otherwise than for an occasion of dispute. Yea,

they are contentious men.

43:59 Jesus is no other than a servant, whom We favoured with the gift

of prophecy; and We appointed him for an example unto the the children

of Israel:

43:60 -- If we pleased, verily We could from your selves produce angels,

to succeed you in the earth: --

43:61 And he shall be a sign of the approach of the last hour; wherefore

doubt not thereof. And follow Me: This is the right way.

43:62 And let not Satan cause you to turn aside: For he is your open enemy.

43:63 And when Jesus came with evident miracles, he said, now am I come

unto you with wisdom; and to explain unto you part of those things

concerning which ye disagree: Wherefore fear God, and obey me.

43:64 Verily God is my Lord, and your Lord; wherefore worship Him: This

is the right way.

43:65 And the confederated sects among them fell to variance: But woe

unto those who have acted unjustly, because of the punishment of a

grievous day.

43:66 Do the unbelievers wait for any other than the hour of judgement;

that it may come upon them suddenly, while they foresee it not?

43:67 The intimate friends, on that day, shall be enemies unto one

another; except the pious.

43:68 O my servants, there shall no fear come on you this day, neither

shall ye be grieved;

43:69 who have believed in our signs, and have been Moslems:

43:70 Enter ye into paradise, ye and your wives, with great joy.

43:71 Dishes of gold shall be carried round unto them, and cups without

handles: And therein shall they enjoy whatever their souls shall desire,

and whatever their eyes shall delight in: And ye shall remain therein

for ever.

43:72 This is paradise, which ye have inherited as a reward for that

which ye have wrought.

43:73 Therein shall ye have fruits in abundance, of which ye shall eat.

43:74 But the wicked shall remain for ever in the torment of hell:

43:75 It shall not be made lighter unto them; and they shall despair


43:76 We deal not unjustly with them, but they deal unjustly with their

own souls.

43:77 And they shall call aloud, saying, O Malec, intercede for us that

thy Lord would end us by annihilation. He shall answer, verily ye shall

remain here forever.

43:78 We brought you the truth heretofore, but the greater part of you

abhorred the truth.

43:79 Have the infidels fixed on a method to circumvent our Apostle?

Verily We will fix on a method to circumvent them.

43:80 Do they imagine that We hear not their secrets, and their private

discourse? Yea; and our messengers who attend them write down the same.

43:81 Say, if the Merciful had a son, verily I would be the first of

those who should worship him.

43:82 Far be the Lord of heaven and earth, the Lord of the throne, from

that which they affirm of him!

43:83 Wherefore let them wade in their vanity, and divert themselves,

until they arrive at their day with which they have been threatened.

43:84 He who is God in heaven, is God on earth also: And He is the wise,

the knowing.

43:85 And blessed be He unto whom appertaineth the kingdom of heaven and

earth, and of whatever is between them; with Whom is the knowledge of

the last hour; and before Whom ye shall be assembled.

43:86 They whom they invoke besides Him, have not the privilege to

intercede for others; except those who bear witness to the truth, and

know the same.

43:87 If thou ask them who hath created them, they will surely answer,

God. How therefore are they turned away to the worship of others? God

also heareth

43:88 the saying of the prophet, O Lord, verily these are people who

believe not:

43:89 And He answereth, therefore turn aside from them; and say, peace:

Hereafter shall they know their folly.
Chapter 44
Intitled, Smoke; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
44:1 H.M.
44:2 By the perspicuous book of the Koran;

44:3 verily We have sent down the same on a blessed night, -- for We had

engaged so to do, --

44:4 on the night wherein is distinctly sent down the decree of every

determined thing, as a command from Us.

44:5 Verily We have ever used to send Apostles with revelations, at

proper intervals,

44:6 as a mercy from thy Lord; for it is He who heareth and knoweth:

44:7 The Lord of heaven and earth, and of whatever is between them; if

ye are men of sure knowledge.

44:8 There is no God but He: He giveth life, and He causeth to die; he

is your Lord, and the Lord of your fore-fathers.
44:9 Yet do they amuse themselves with doubt.

44:10 But observe them on the day whereon the heaven shall produce a

visible smoke,

44:11 which shall cover mankind: This will be a tormenting plague.

44:12 They shall say, O Lord, take this plague from off us: Verily we

will become true believers.

44:13 How should an admonition be of avail to them in this condition;

when a manifest Apostle came unto them,

44:14 but they retired from him, saying, this man is instructed by

others, or is a distracted person?

44:15 We will take the plague from off you, a little: But ye will

certainly return to your infidelity.

44:16 On the day whereon We shall fiercely assault them with great

power, verily We will take vengeance on them.

44:17 We made trial of the people of Pharaoh before them, and an

honourable messenger came unto them, saying,

44:18 send unto me the servants of God; verily I am a faithful messenger

unto you:

44:19 And lift not yourselves up against God: For I come unto you with

manifest power.

44:20 And I fly for protection unto my Lord, and your Lord, that ye

stone me not.

44:21 If ye do not believe me, at least depart from me.

44:22 And when they accused him of imposture, he called upon his Lord,

saying, these are a wicked people.

44:23 And God said unto him, march forth with my servants by night; for

ye will be pursued:

44:24 And leave the sea divided, that the Egyptians may enter the same;

for they are a host doomed to be drowned.
44:25 How many gardens, and fountains,
44:26 and fields of corn, and fair dwellings,

44:27 and advantages which they enjoyed, did they leave behind them?

44:28 Thus We dispossessed them thereof; and We gave the same for an

inheritance unto another people.

44:29 Neither heaven nor earth wept for them; neither were they respited

any longer.

44:30 And We delivered the children of Israel from a shameful affliction;

44:31 from Pharaoh; for he was haughty, and a transgressor:

44:32 And We chose them, knowingly, above all people;

44:33 and We shewed them several signs, wherein was an evident trial.

44:34 Verily these Meccans say,

44:35 assuredly our final end will be no other than our first natural

death; neither shall we be raised again:

44:36 Bring now our forefathers back to life, if ye speak truth.

44:37 Are they better, or the people of Tobba, and those who were before

them? We destroyed them, because they wrought wickedness.

44:38 We have not created the heavens and the earth, and whatever is

between them, by way of sport:

44:39 We have created them no otherwise than in truth; but the greater

part of them do not understand.

44:40 Verily the day of separation shall be the appointed term of them all;

44:41 a day, whereon the master and the servant shall be of no advantage

to one another, neither shall they be helped;

44:42 excepting those on whom God shall have mercy: For He is the

mighty, the merciful.
44:43 Verily the fruit of the tree of al Zakkum
44:44 shall be the food of the impious:

44:45 As the dregs of oil shall it boil in the bellies of the damned,

44:46 like the boiling of the hottest water.

44:47 And it shall be said to the tormentors, take him, and drag him

into the midst of hell:

44:48 And pour on his head the torture of boiling water,

44:49 saying, taste this; for thou art that mighty and honourable person.

44:50 Verily this is the punishment of which ye doubted.

44:51 But the pious shall be lodged in a place of security;

44:52 among gardens and fountains:

44:53 They shall be cloathed in fine silk, and in satin; and they shall

sit facing one another.

44:54 Thus shall it be: And We will espouse them to fair damsels, having

large black eyes.

44:55 In that place shall they call for all kinds of fruits, in full


44:56 They shall not taste death therein, after the first death; and God

shall deliver from the pains of hell:

44:57 Through the gracious bounty of thy Lord. This will be great felicity.

44:58 Moreover We have rendered the Koran easy for thee, by revealing it

in thine own tongue: To the end that they may be admonished:

44:59 Wherefore do thou wait the event; for they wait to see some

misfortune befall thee.
Chapter 45
Intitled, The Kneeling; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
45:1 H.M.

45:2 The revelation of this book is from the mighty, the wise God.

45:3 Verily both in heaven and earth are signs of the divine power unto

the true believers:

45:4 And in the creation of yourselves, and of the beasts which are

scattered over the face of the earth, are signs unto people of found


45:5 and also in the vicissitude of night and day, and the rain which

God sendeth down form heaven, whereby He quickeneth the earth after it

hath been dead: In the change of the winds also are signs, unto people

of understanding.

45:6 These are the signs of God; We rehearse them unto thee with truth.

In what revelation therefore will they believe, after they have rejected

God and his signs?
45:7 Woe unto every lying, and impious person;

45:8 who heareth the signs of God, which are read unto him, and

afterwards proudly persisteth in infidelity, as though he heard them

not: -- Denounce unto him a painful punishment: --

45:9 And who, when he cometh to the knowledge of any of our signs,

receiveth the same with scorn. For these is prepared a shameful punishment:

45:10 Before them lieth hell; and whatever they shall have gained shall

not avail them at all, neither shall the idols which they have taken for

their patrons, besides God: And they shall suffer a grievous punishment.

45:11 This is a true direction; And for those who disbelieve the signs

of their Lord, is prepared the punishment of a painful torment.

45:12 It is God who hath subjected the sea unto you, that the ships may

sail therein, at his command; and that ye may seek advantage unto

yourselves by commerce, of his bounty; and that ye may give thanks:

45:13 And He obligeth whatever is in heaven and on earth to serve you;

the whole being from Him. Verily herein are signs, unto people who


45:14 Speak unto the true believers, that they forgive those who hope

not for the days of God, that He may reward people according to what

they shall have wrought.

45:15 Whoso doth that which is right, doth it to the advantage of his

own soul; and whoso doth evil, doth it against the same: Hereafter shall

ye return unto your Lord.

45:16 We gave unto the children of Israel the book of the law, and

wisdom, and prophecy; and We fed them with good things, and preferred

them above all nations:

45:17 And We gave them plain ordinances concerning the business of

religion; neither did they fall to variance, except after that knowledge

had come unto them, through envy amongst themselves: But thy Lord will

decide the controversy between them, on the day of resurrection,

concerning that wherein they disagree.

45:18 Afterwards We appointed thee, O Mohammed, to promulgate a law

concerning the business of religion: Wherefore follow the same, and

follow not the desires of those who are ignorant.

45:19 Verily they shall not avail thee against God at all: The unjust

are the patrons of one another; but God is the patron of the pious.

45:20 This Koran delivereth evident precepts unto mankind; and is a

direction, and a mercy, unto people who judge aright.

45:21 Do the workers of iniquity imagine that We will deal with them as

with those who believe and do good works; so that their life and their

death shall be equal? An ill judgement do they make.

45:22 God hath created the heavens and the earth in truth; that He may

recompense every soul according to that which it shall have wrought: And

they shall not be treated unjustly.

45:23 What thinkest thou? He who taketh his own lust for his God, and

whom God causeth knowingly to err, and whose ears, and whose heart He

hath sealed up, and over whose eyes He hath cast a vail; who shall

direct him, after God shall have forsaken him? Will ye not therefore be


45:24 They say, there is no other life, except our present life: We die,

and we live; and nothing but time destroyeth us. But they have no

knowledge in this matter; they only follow a vain opinion.

45:25 And when our evident signs are rehearsed unto them, their argument

which they offer against the same, is no other than that they say, bring

to life our fathers who have been dead; if ye speak truth.

45:26 Say, God giveth you life; and afterwards causeth you to die:

Hereafter will He assemble you together on the day of resurrection;

there is no doubt thereof; but the greater part of men do not understand.

45:27 Unto God appertaineth the kingdom of heaven and earth; and the day

whereon the hour shall be fixed, on that day shall those who charge the

Koran with vanity perish.

45:28 And thou shalt see every nation kneeling: Every nation shall be

called unto its book of account; and it shall be said unto them, this

day shall ye be rewarded according to that which ye have wrought.

45:29 This our book will speak concerning you with truth: Therein have

we written down whatever ye have done.

45:30 As to those who shall have believed and done good works, their

Lord shall lead them into his mercy: This shall be manifest felicity.

45:31 But as to the infidels, it shall be said unto them, were not my

signs rehearsed unto you? But ye proudly rejected them, and became a

wicked people?

45:32 And when it was said unto you, verily the promise of God is true;

and as to the hour of judgement, there is no doubt thereof: Ye answered,

we know not what the hour of judgement is: We hold an uncertain opinion

only; and we are not well assured of this matter.

45:33 But on that day the evils of that which they have wrought, shall

appear unto them; and that which they mocked at, shall encompass them:

45:34 And it shall be said unto them, this day will We forget you, as ye

did forget the meeting of this your day: And your abode shall be hell

fire; and ye shall have none to deliver you.

45:35 This shall ye suffer, because ye turned the signs of God to

ridicule; and the life of the world deceived you. On this day,

therefore, they shall not be taken forth from thence, neither shall they

be asked any more to render themselves well-pleasing unto God.

45:36 Wherefore praise be unto God, the Lord of the heavens, and the

Lord of the earth; the Lord of all creatures:

45:37 And unto Him be glory in heaven and earth; for He is the mighty,

the wise God!
Chapter 46
Intitled, Al Ahkaf; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
46:1 H.M.

46:2 The revelation of this book is from the mighty, the wise God.

46:3 We have not created the heavens, and the earth, and whatever is

between them, otherwise than in truth, and for a determined period: But

the unbelievers turn away from the warning which is given them.

46:4 Say, what think ye? Shew me what part of the earth the idols which

ye invoke, besides God, have created? Or had they any share in the

creation of the heavens? Bring Me a book of scripture revealed before

this, or some footstep of ancient knowledge, to countenance your

idolatrous practices; if ye are men of veracity.

46:5 Who is in a wider error than he who invoketh, besides God, that

which cannot return him an answer, to the day of resurrection; and idols

which regard not their calling on them:

46:6 And which, when men shall be gathered together to judgement, will

become their enemies, and will ungratefully deny their worship?

46:7 When our evident signs are rehearsed unto them, the unbelievers say

of the truth, when it cometh unto them, this is a manifest piece of


46:8 Will they say, Mohammed hath forged it? Answer, if I have forged

it, verily ye shall not obtain for me any favour from God: He well

knoweth the injurious language which ye utter concerning it: He is a

sufficient witness between me and you; and He is gracious and merciful.

46:9 Say, I am not singular among the Apostles; neither do I know what

will be done with me or with you hereafter: I follow no other than what

is revealed unto me; neither am I any more than a public warner.

46:10 Say, what is your opinion? If this book be from God, and ye

believe not therein; and a witness of the children of Israel bear

witness to its consonancy with the law, and believeth therein; and ye

proudly rejecth the same: Are ye not unjust doers? Verily God directeth

not unjust people.

46:11 But those who believe not, say of the true believers, if the

doctrine of the Koran had been good, they had not embraced the same

before us. And when they are not guided thereby, they say, this is an

antiquated lie.

46:12 Whereas the book of Moses was revealed before the Koran, to be a

guide and a mercy: And this is a book confirming the same, delivered, in

the Arabic tongue; to denounce threats unto those who act unjustly, and

to bear good tidings unto the righteous doers.

46:13 As to those who say, our Lord is God; and who behave uprightly: On

them shall no fear come, neither shall they be grieved.

46:14 These shall be the inhabitants of paradise, they shall remain

therein for ever: In recompense for that which they have wrought.

46:15 We have commanded man to shew kindness to his parents: His mother

beareth him in her womb with pain, and bringeth him forth with pain: And

the space of his being carried in her womb, and of his weaning, is

thirty months; until, when he attaineth his age of strength, and

attaineth the age of forty years, he saith, O Lord, excite me, by thy

inspiration, that I may be grateful for thy favours, wherewith thou hast

favoured me and my parents; and that I may work righteousness, which may

please thee: And be gracious unto me in my issue; for I am turned unto

thee, and am a Moslem.

46:16 These are they from whom We accept the good work which they have

wrought, and whose evil works We pass by; and they shall be among the

inhabitants of paradise: This is a true promise, which they are promised

in this world.

46:17 He who saith unto his parents, fie on you! Do ye promise me that I

shall be taken forth from the grave, and restored to life; when many

generations have passed away before me, and none of them have returned

back? And his parents implore God's assistance, and say to their son,

alas for thee! Believe: For the promise of God is true. But he

answereth, this is no other than silly fables of the ancients.

46:18 These are they whom the sentence passed on the nations which have

been before them, of genii and of men, justly fitteth: They shall surely


46:19 For every one is prepared a certain degree of happiness or misery,

according to that which they shall have wrought; that God may recompense

them for their works: And they shall not be treated unjustly.

46:20 On a certain day, the unbelievers shall be exposed before the fire

of hell; and it shall be said unto them, ye received your good things in

your life-time, while ye were in the world; and ye enjoyed yourselves

therein: Wherefore this day ye shall be rewarded with the punishment of

ignominy; for that ye behaved insolently in the earth, without justice,

and for that ye transgressed.

46:21 Remember the brother of Ad, when he preached unto his people in al

Ahkaf, -- and there were preachers before him, and after him, -- saying,

worship none but God: Verily I fear for you the punishment of a great day.

46:22 They answered, art thou come unto us that thou mayest turn us

aside from the worship of our gods? Bring on us now the punishment with

which thou threatenest us, if thou art a man of veracity.

46:23 He said, verily the knowledge of the time when your punishment

will be inflicted, is with God; and I only declare unto you that which I

am sent to preach; but I see ye are an ignorant people.

46:24 And when they saw the preparation made for their punishment,

namely, a cloud traversing the sky, and tending towards their valleys,

they said, this is a traversing cloud, which bringeth us rain. Hud

answered, nay; it is what ye demanded to be hastened: A wind, wherein is

a severe vengeance:

46:25 It will destroy every thing, at the command of its Lord. And in

the morning nothing was to be seen, besides their empty dwellings. Thus

do We reward wicked people.

46:26 We had established them in the like flourishing condition wherein

We have established you, O men of Mecca; and We had given them ears, and

eyes, and hearts: Yet neither their ears, nor their eyes, nor their

hearts profited them at all, when they rejected the signs of God; but

the vengeance which they mocked at, fell upon them.

46:27 We heretofore destroyed the cities which were round about you; and

We variously proposed our signs unto them, that they might repent.

46:28 Did those protect them, whom they took for gods, besides God, and

imagined to be honoured with his familiarity? Nay; they withdrew from

them: Yet this was their false opinion which seduced them, and the

blasphemy which they had devised.

46:29 Remember when We caused certain of the genii to turn aside unto

thee, that they might hear the Koran: And when they were present at the

reading of the same, they said to one another, give ear: And when it was

ended, they returned back unto their people, preaching what they had heard.

46:30 They said our people, verily we have heard a book read unto us,

which hath been revealed since Moses, confirming the scripture which was

delivered before it; and directing unto the truth, and the right way.

46:31 Our people, obey God's preacher: And believe in him; that he may

forgive you your sins, and may deliver you from a painful punishment.

46:32 And whoever obeyeth not God's preacher, shall by no means

frustrate God's vengeance on earth: neither shall he have any protectors

besides Him. These will be in a manifest error.

46:33 Do they not know that God, Who hath created the heavens and the

earth, and was not fatigued with the creation thereof, is able to raise

the dead to life? Yea verily: For He is almighty.

46:34 On a certain day the unbelievers shall be exposed unto hell fire;

and it shall be said unto them, is not this really come to pass? They

shall answer, yea, by our Lord. God shall reply, taste, therefore, the

punishment of hell, for that ye have been unbelievers.

46:35 Do thou, O prophet, bear the insults of thy people with patience,

as our Apostles, who were endued with constancy, bare the injuries of

their people: And require not their punishment to be hastened unto them.

On the day whereon they shall see the punishment wherewith they have

been threatened, it shall seem as though they had tarried in the world

but an hour of a day. This is a fair warning. Shall any perish except

the people who transgress?
Chapter 47
Intitled, Mohammed; Revealed at Medina.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

47:1 God will render of none effect the works of those who believe not,

and who turn away men from the way of God:

47:2 But as to those who believe, and work righteousness, and believe in

the revelation which hath been sent down unto Mohammed, -- for it is the

truth from their Lord, -- He will expiate their evil deeds from them,

and will dispose their heart aright.

47:3 This will He do, because those who believe not follow vanity, and

because those who believe follow the truth from their Lord. Thus God

propoundeth unto men their examples.

47:4 When ye encounter the unbelievers, strike off their heads, until ye

have made a great slaughter among them; and bind them in bonds: And

either give them a free dismission afterwards, or exact a ransom; until

the war shall have laid down its arms. This shall ye do: Verily if God

pleased, He could take vengeance on them, without your assistance; but

He commandeth you to fight his battles, that He may prove the one of you

by the other. And as to those who fight in defence of God's true

religion, God will not suffer their works to perish:

47:5 He will guide them, and will dispose their heart aright;

47:6 and He will lead them into paradise, of which He hath told them.

47:7 O true believers, if ye assist God, by fighting for his religion,

He will assist you against your enemies; and will set your feet fast:

47:8 But as for the infidels, let them perish; and their works shall God

render vain.

47:9 This shall befall them, because they have rejected with abhorrence

that which God hath revealed: Wherefore their works shall become of no


47:10 Do they not travel through the earth, and see what hath been the

end of those who were before them? God utterly destroyed them: And the

like catastrophe awaiteth the unbelievers.

47:11 This shall come to pass, for that God is the patron of the true

believers, and for that the infidels have no protector.

47:12 Verily God will introduce those who believe, and do good works,

into gardens beneath which rivers flow: But the unbelievers indulge

themselves in pleasures, and eat as beasts eat; and their abode shall be

hell fire.

47:13 How many cities were more mighty in strength than thy city which

hath expelled thee; yet have We destroyed them, and there was none to

help them?

47:14 Shall he, therefore, who followeth the plain declaration of his

Lord, be as he whose evil works have been dressed up for him by the

devil; and who follow their own lusts?

47:15 The description of paradise, which is promised unto the pious:

Therein are rivers of incorruptible water; and rivers of milk, the taste

whereof changeth not; and rivers of wine, pleasant unto those who drink;

and rivers of clarified honey: And therein shall they have plenty of all

kinds of fruits; and pardon from their Lord. Shall the man for whom

these things are prepared, be as he who must dwell for ever in hell

fire; and will have the boiling water given them to drink, which shall

burst their bowels?

47:16 Of the unbelievers there are some who give ear unto thee, until,

when they go out from thee, they say, by way of derision, unto those to

whom knowledge hath been given, what hath he said now? These are they

whose hearts God hath sealed up, and who follow their own lusts:

47:17 But as to those who are directed, God will grant them a more ample

direction, and He will instruct them what to avoid.

47:18 Do the infidels wait for any other than the last hour, that it may

come upon them suddenly? Some signs thereof are already come: And when

it shall actually overtake them, how can they then receive admonition?

47:19 Know, therefore, that there is no god but God: And ask pardon for

thy sin, and for the true believers both men and women. God knoweth your

busy employment in the world, and the place of your abode hereafter.

47:20 The true believers say, hath not a sura been revealed commanding

war against the infidels? But when a sura without any ambiguity is

revealed, and war is mentioned therein, thou mayest see those in whose

hearts is an infirmity, look towards thee with the look of one whom

death overshadoweth.

47:21 But obedience would be more eligible for them, and to speak that

which is convenient. And when the command is firmly established, if they

give credit unto God, it will be better for them.

47:22 Were ye ready therefore, if ye had been put in authority, to

commit outrages in the earth, and to violate your ties of blood?

47:23 These are they whom God hath cursed, and hath rendered deaf, and

whose eyes He hath blinded.

47:24 Do they not therefore attentively meditate on the Koran? Are there

locks upon their hearts?

47:25 Verily they who turn their backs, after the true direction is made

manifest unto them; Satan shall prepare their wickedness for them, and

God shall bear with them for a time.

47:26 This shall befall them, because they say privately unto those who

detest what God hath revealed, we will obey you in part of the matter.

But God knoweth their secrets.

47:27 How therefore will it be with them, when the angels shall cause

them to die, and shall strike their faces, and their backs?

47:28 This shall they suffer, because they follow that which provoketh

God to wrath, and are averse to what is well pleasing unto Him: And He

will render their works vain.

47:29 Do they in whose hearts is an infirmity, imagine that God will not

bring their malice to light?

47:30 If We pleased, We could surely shew them unto thee, and thou

shouldest know them by their marks; but thou shalt certainly know them

by their perverse pronunciation of their words. God knoweth your actions:

47:31 And We will try you, until We know those among you who fight

valiantly, and who persevere with constancy; and We will try the reports

of your behaviour.

47:32 Verily those who believe not, and turn away men from the way of

God, and make opposition against the Apostle, after the divine direction

hath been manifested unto them, shall not hurt God at all; but He shall

make their works to perish.

47:33 O true believers, obey God; and obey the Apostle: And render not

your works of no effect.

47:34 Verily those who believe not, and who turn away men from the way

of God, and then die, being unbelievers, God will by no means forgive.

47:35 Faint not therefore, neither invite your enemies to peace, while

ye are the superior: For God is with you, and will not defraud you of

the merit of your works.

47:36 Verily this present life is only a play and a vain amusement: But

if ye believe, and fear God, He will give you your rewards. He doth not

require of you your whole substance:

47:37 If He should require the whole of you, and earnestly press you, ye

would become niggardly, and it would raise your hatred against his Apostle.

47:38 Behold, ye are those who are invited to expend part of your

substance for the support of God's true religion; and there are some of

you who are niggardly. But whoever shall be niggardly, shall be

niggardly towards his own soul: For God wanteth nothing, but ye are

needy: And if ye turn back, He will substitute another people in your

stead, who shall not be like unto you.
Chapter 48
Intitled, The Victory; Revealed at Medina.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

48:1 Verily We have granted thee a manifest victory:

48:2 That God may forgive thee thy preceding and thy subsequent sin, and

may complete his favour on thee, and direct thee in the right way;

48:3 and that God may assist thee with a glorious assistance.

48:4 It is He who sendeth down secure tranquillity into the hearts of

the true believers, that they may increase in faith, beyond their former

faith: -- The hosts of heaven and earth are God's; and God is knowing

and wise: --

48:5 That He may lead the true believers of both sexes into gardens

beneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein for ever; and may expiate

their evil deeds from them: -- This will be great felicity with God: --

48:6 And that He may punish the hypocritical men, and the hypocritical

women, and the idolaters, and the idolatresses, who conceive an ill

opinion of God. They shall experience a turn of evil fortune; and God

shall be angry with them, and shall curse them, and hath prepared hell

for them; an ill journey shall it be thither!

48:7 Unto God belong the hosts of heaven and earth; and God is mighty

and wise.

48:8 Verily We have sent thee to be a witness and a bearer of good

tidings, and a denouncer of threats;

48:9 that ye may believe in God, and his Apostle; and may assist Him,

and revere Him, and praise Him morning and evening.

48:10 Verily they who swear fealty unto thee, swear fealty unto God: The

hand of God is over their hands. Whoever shall violate his oath, will

violate the same to the hurt only of his own soul: But whoever shall

perform that which he hath covenanted with God, He will surely give him

a great reward.

48:11 The Arabs of the desert who were left behind will say unto thee,

our substance and our families employed us, so that we went not forth

with thee to war; wherefore ask pardon for us. They speak that with

their tongues, which is not in their hearts. Answer, who shall be able

to obtain for you any thing from God to the contrary, if he is pleased

to afflict you, or is pleased to be gracious unto you? Yea verily, God

is well acquainted with that which ye do.

48:12 Truely ye imagined that the Apostle and the true believers would

never return to their families; and this was prepared in your hearts:

But ye imagined an evil imagination; and ye are a corrupt people.

48:13 Whoso believeth not in God and his Apostle, verily We have

prepared burning fire for the unbelievers.

48:14 Unto God belongeth the kingdom of heaven and earth: He forgiveth

whom He pleaseth, and He punisheth whom He pleaseth; and God is inclined

to forgive, and merciful.

48:15 Those who were left behind will say, when ye go forth to take the

spoil, suffer us to follow you. They seek to change the word of God.

Say, ye shall by no means follow us: Thus hath God said heretofore. They

will reply, nay; ye envy us a share of the booty. But they are men of

small understanding.

48:16 Say unto the Arabs of the desert who were left behind, ye shall be

called forth against a mighty and a warlike nation: Ye shall fight

against them, or they shall profess Islam. If ye obey, God will give you

a glorious reward: But if ye turn back, as ye turned back heretofore, He

will chastise you with a grievous chastisement.

48:17 It shall be no crime in the blind, neither shall it be a crime in

the lame, neither shall it be a crime in the sick, if they go not forth

to war: And whoso shall obey God and his Apostle, he shall lead him into

gardens beneath which rivers flow; but whoso shall turn back, He will

chastise him with a grievous chastisement.

48:18 Now God was well pleased with the true believers, when they sware

fidelity unto thee under the tree; and He knew that which was in their

hearts: Wherefore He sent down on them tranquillity of mind, and

rewarded them with a speedy victory,

48:19 and many spoils which they took: For God is mighty and wise.

48:20 God promised you many spoils which ye should take; but He gave you

these by way of earnest: And He restrained the hands of men from you:

That the same may be a sign unto the true believers; and that He may

guide you into the right way.

48:21 And He also promiseth you other spoils, which ye have not yet been

able to take: But now hath God encompassed them for you; and God is


48:22 If the unbelieving Meccans had fought against you, verily they had

turned their backs; and they would not have found a patron or protector:

48:23 According to the ordinance of God, which hath been put in

execution heretofore against opposers of the prophets; for thou shalt

not find any change in the ordinance of God.

48:24 It was He who restrained their hands from you, and your hands from

them, in the valley of Mecca; after that He had given you the victory

over them: And God saw that which ye did.

48:25 These are they who believed not, and hindered you from visiting

the holy temple, and also hindered the offering, being detained, that it

should not arrive at the place where it ought to be sacrificed. Had it

not been that ye might have trampled on divers true believers, both men

and women, whom ye knew not, being promiscuously assembled with the

infidels, and that a crime might therefore have lighted on you on their

account, without your knowledge, He had not restrained your hands from

them: But this was done, that God might lead whom He pleaseth into his

mercy. If they had been distinguished from one another, we had surely

chastised such of them as believed not, with a severe chastisement.

48:26 When the unbelievers had put in their hearts an affected

preciseness, the preciseness of ignorance, and God sent down his

tranquillity on his Apostle and on the true believers; and firmly fixed

in them the word of piety, and they were the most worthy of the same,

and the most deserving thereof: For God knoweth all things.

48:27 Now hath God in truth verified unto his Apostle the vision,

wherein He said; ye shall surely enter the holy temple of Mecca, if God

please, in full security; having your heads shaved, and your hair cut:

Ye shall not fear: For God knoweth that which ye know not; and He hath

appointed you, besides this, a speedy victory.

48:28 It is He who hath sent his Apostle with the direction, and the

religion of truth; that He may exalt the same above every religion: And

God is a sufficient witness hereof.

48:29 Mohammed is the Apostle of God: And those who are with him are

fierce against the unbelievers, but compassionate towards one another.

Thou mayest see them bowing down, prostrate, seeking a recompense from

God, and his good will. Their signs are in their faces, being marks of

frequent prostration. This is their description in the pentateuch, and

their description in the gospel: They are as seed which putteth forth

its stalk, and strengtheneth it, and swelleth in the ear, and riseth

upon its stem; giving delight unto the sower. Such are the Moslems

described to be: That the infidels may swell with indignation at them.

God hath promised unto such of them as believe, and do good works,

pardon and a great reward.
Chapter 49

Intitled, The Inner Apartments; Revealed at Medina.

In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

49:1 O true believers, anticipate not any matter in the sight of God and

his Apostle: And fear God; for God both heareth and knoweth.

49:2 O true believers, raise not your voices above the voice of the

prophet; neither speak loud unto him in discourse, as ye speak loud unto

one another, lest your works become vain, and ye perceive it not.

49:3 Verily they who lower their voices in the presence of the Apostle

of God, are those whose hearts God hath disposed unto piety: They shall

obtain pardon, and a great reward.

49:4 As to those who call unto thee from without the inner apartments,

the greater part of them do not understand the respect due to thee.

49:5 If they wait with patience, until thou come forth unto them, it

will certainly be better for them: But God is inclined to forgive, and


49:6 O true believers, if a wicked man come unto you with a tale,

inquire strictly into the truth thereof; lest ye hurt people through

ignorance, and afterwards repent of what ye have done:

49:7 And know that the Apostle of God is among you: If he should obey

you in many things, ye would certainly be guilty of a crime, in leading

him into a mistake. But God hath made the faith amiable unto you, and

hath prepared the same in your hearts; and hath rendered infidelity, and

iniquity, and disobedience hateful unto you. These are they who walk in

the right way;

49:8 through mercy from God, and grace: And God is knowing, and wise.

49:9 If two parties of the believers contend with one another, do ye

endavour to compose the matter between them: And if the one of them

offer an insult unto the other, fight against that party which offered

the insult, until they return unto the judgement of God; and if they do

return, make peace between them with equity: And act with justice; for

God loveth those who act justly.

49:10 Verily the true believers are brethren: Wherefore reconcile your

brethren; and fear God, that ye may obtain mercy.

49:11 O true believers, let not men laugh other men to scorn; who

peradventure may be better than themselves: Neither let women laugh

other women to scorn; who may possibly be better than themselves.

Neither defame one another; nor call one another by opprobrious

appellations. An ill name it is to be charged with wickedness, after

having embraced the faith: And whoso repenteth not, they will be the

unjust doers.

49:12 O true believers, carefully avoid entertaining a suspicion of

another: For some suspicions are a crime. Inquire not too curiously into

other mens failings: Neither let the one of you speak ill of another in

his abscence. Would any of you desire to eat the flesh of his dead

brother? Surely ye would abhor it. And fear God: For God is easy to be

reconciled, and merciful.

49:13 O men, verily We have created you of a male and a female; and We

have ditributed you into nations, and tribes, that ye might know one

another. Verily the most honourable of you, in the sight of God, is the

most pious of you: And God is wise and knowing.

49:14 The Arabs of the desert say, we believe. Answer, ye do by no means

believe; but say, we have embraced Islam: For the faith hath not yet

entered into your hearts. If ye obey God and his Apostle, He will not

defraud you of any part of the merit of your works: For God is inclined

to forgive, and merciful.

49:15 Verily the true believers are those only who believe in God and

his Apostle, and afterwards doubt not; and who employ their substance

and their persons in the defence of God's true religion: These are they

who speak sincerely.

49:16 Say, will ye inform God concerning your religion? But God knoweth

whatever is in heaven and in earth: For God is omniscient.

49:17 They upbraid thee that they have embraced Islam. Answer, upbraid

me not with your having embraced Islam: Rather God upbraideth you, that

He hath directed you to the faith; if ye speak sincerely.

49:18 Verily God knoweth the secrets of heaven and earth: And God

beholdeth that which ye do.
Chapter 50
Intitled, K; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
50:1 K. By the glorious Koran:

50:2 Verily they wonder that a preacher from among themselves is come

unto them; and the unbelievers say, this is a wonderful thing:

50:3 After we shall be dead, and become dust, shall we return to life?

This is a return remote from thought.

50:4 Now We know what the earth consumeth of them; and with Us is a book

which keepeth an account thereof.

50:5 But they charge falsehood on the truth, after it hath come unto

them: Wherefore they are plunged in a confused business.

50:6 Do they not look up to the heaven above them, and consider how We

have raised it and adorned it; and that there are no flaws therein?

50:7 We have also spread forth the earth, and thrown thereon mountains

firmly rooted: And We cause every beautiful kind of vegetables to spring

up therein;

50:8 for a subject of meditation, and an admonition unto every man who

turneth unto Us.

50:9 And We send down rain as a blessing from heaven, whereby We cause

gardens to spring forth, and the grain of harvest,

50:10 and tall palm-trees having branches laden with dates hanging one

above another,

50:11 as a provision for mankind; and We thereby quicken a dead country:

So shall be the coming forth of the dead from their graves.

50:12 The people of Noah, and those who dwelt at Al Rass, and Thamud,

and Ad, and Pharaoh accused the prophets of imposture before the Meccans;

50:13 and also the brethren of Lot,

50:14 and the inhabitants of the wood near Midian, and the people of

Tobba: All these accused the Apostles of imposture; wherefore the

judgements which I threatened were justly inflicted on them.

50:15 Is our power exhausted by the first creation? Yea; they are in a

perplexity, because of a new creation which is foretold them, namely,

the raising of the dead.

50:16 We created man, and We know what his soul whispereth within him;

and We are nearer unto him than his jugular vein.

50:17 When the two angels deputed to take account of a man's behaviour,

take an account thereof; one sitting on the right hand, and the other on

the left:

50:18 He uttereth not a word, but there is with him a watcher, ready to

note it.

50:19 And the agony of death shall come in truth: This, O man, is what

thou soughtest to avoid.

50:20 And the trumpet shall sound: This will be the day which hath been


50:21 And every soul shall come; and therewith shall be a driver and a


50:22 And the former shall say unto the unbeliever, thou wast negligent

heretofore of this day: But we have removed thy vail from off thee; and

thy sight is become piercing this day.

50:23 And his companion shall say, this is what is ready with me to be


50:24 And God shall say, cast into hell every unbeliever, and perverse


50:25 and every one who forbad good, and every transgressor, and doubter

of the faith,

50:26 who set up another god with the true God; and cast him into a

grievous torment.

50:27 His companion shall say, O Lord, I did not seduce him; but he was

in a wide error.

50:28 God shall say, wrangle not in my presence: Since I threatened you

before hand with the torments which ye now see prepared for you.

50:29 The sentence is not changed with me: Neither do I treat my

servants unjustly.

50:30 On that day We will say unto hell, art thou full? And it shall

answer, is there yet any addition?

50:31 And paradise shall be brought near unto the pious;

50:32 and it shall be said unto them, this is what ye have been

promised; unto every one who turned himself unto God, and kept his


50:33 who feared the Merciful in secret, and came unto Him with a

converted heart:

50:34 Enter the same in peace: This is the day of eternity.

50:35 Therein shall they have whatever they shall desire; and there will

be a superabundant addition of bliss with Us.

50:36 How many generations have We destroyed before the Meccans, which

were more mighty than they in strength? Pass, therefore, through the

regions of the earth, and see whether there be any refuge from our


50:37 Verily herein is an admonition unto him who hath a heart to

understand, or giveth ear, and is present with an attentive mind.

50:38 We created the heavens and the earth, and whatever is between

them, in six days; and no weariness affected us.

50:39 Wherefore patiently suffer what they say; and celebrate the praise

of thy Lord before sun-rise, and before sun-set,

50:40 and praise Him in some part of the night: And perform the

additional parts of worship.

50:41 And hearken unto the day whereon the cryer shall call men to

judgement from a near place:

50:42 The day whereon they shall hear the voice of the trumpet in truth:

This will be the day of mens coming forth from their graves:

50:43 We give life, and We cause to die; and unto Us shall be the return

of all creatures:

50:44 The day whereon the earth shall suddenly cleave in sunder over

them. This will be an assembly easy for us to assemble.

50:45 We well know what the unbelievers say; and thou art not sent to

compel them forcibly to the faith. Wherefore warn, by the Koran, him who

feareth my threatening.
Chapter 51
Intitled, The Dispersing; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

51:1 By the winds dispersing and scattering the dust;

51:2 and by the clouds bearing a load of rain;
51:3 by the ships running swiftly in the sea;

51:4 and by the angels who distribute things necessary for the support

of all creatures:

51:5 Verily that wherewith ye are threatened is certainly true;

51:6 and the last judgement will surely come.
51:7 By the heaven furnished with paths;
51:8 ye widely differ in what ye say.

51:9 He will be turned aside from the faith, who shall be turned aside

by the divine decree.
51:10 Cursed be the liars;

51:11 who wade in deep waters of ignorance, neglecting their salvation.

51:12 They ask, when will the day of judgement come?

51:13 On that day shall they be burned in hell fire;

51:14 and it shall be said unto them, taste your punishment; this is

what ye demanded to be hastened.

51:15 But the pious shall dwell among gardens and fountains,

51:16 receiving that which their Lord shall give them; because they were

righteous doers before this day.
51:17 They slept but a small part of the night;

51:18 and early in the morning they asked pardon of God:

51:19 And a due portion of their wealth was given unto him who asked,

and unto him who was forbidden by shame to ask.

51:20 There are signs of the divine power and goodness in the earth,

unto men of sound understanding;

51:21 and also in your own selves: Will ye not therefore consider?

51:22 Your sustenance is in the heaven; and also that which ye are


51:23 Wherefore by the Lord of heaven and earth I swear that this is

certainly the truth; according to what yourselves speak.

51:24 Hath not the story of Abraham's honoured guests come to thy


51:25 When they went in unto him, and said, peace: He answered, peace;

saying within himself, these are unknown people.

51:26 And he went privately unto his family, and brought a fatted calf.

51:27 And he set it before them, and when he saw they touched it not, he

said, do ye not eat?

51:28 And he began to entertain a fear of them. They said, fear not: And

they declared unto him the promise of a wise youth.

51:29 And his wife drew near with exclamation, and she smote her face,

and said, I am an old woman, and barren.

51:30 The angels answered, thus saith thy Lord: Verily He is the wise,

the knowing.

51:31 And Abraham said unto them, what is your errand, therefore of

messengers of God?

51:32 They answered, verily we are sent unto a wicked people:

51:33 That we may send down upon them stones of baked clay,

51:34 marked from thy Lord, for the destruction of transgressors.

51:35 And we brought forth the true believers who were in the city:

51:36 But we found not therein more than one family of Moslems.

51:37 And we overthrew the same, and left a sign therein unto those who

dread the severe chastisement of God.

51:38 In Moses also was a sign: When We sent him unto Pharaoh with

manifest power.

51:39 But he turned back, with his princes, saying, this man is a

sorcerer, or a madman.

51:40 Wherefore We took him and his forces, and cast them into the sea:

And he was one worthy of reprehension.

51:41 And in the tribe of Ad also was a sign: When We sent against them

a destroying wind;

51:42 it touched not ought, whereon it came, but it rendered the same as

a thing rotten and reduced to dust.

51:43 In Thamud likewise was a sign: When it was said unto them, enjoy

yourselves for a time.

51:44 But they insolently transgressed the command of their Lord:

Wherefore a terrible noise from heaven assailed them, while they looked on;

51:45 and they were not able to stand on their feet, neither did they

save themselves from destruction.

51:46 And the people of Noah did We destroy before these: For they were

a people who enormously transgressed.

51:47 We have built the heaven with might; and We have given it a large


51:48 And We have stretched forth the earth beneath; and how evenly have

We spread the same!

51:49 And of every thing have We created two kinds, that peradventure ye

may consider.

51:50 Fly, therefore, unto God; verily I am a public warner unto you,

from Him.

51:51 And set not up another god with the true God: Verily I am a public

warner unto you, from Him.

51:52 In like manner there came no Apostle unto their predecessors, but

they said, this man is a magician, or a madman.

51:53 Have they bequeathed this behaviour successively the one to the

other? Yea; they are a people who enormously transgress.

51:54 Wherefore withdraw from them; and thou shalt not be blameworthy in

so doing.

51:55 Yet continue to admonish: For admonition profiteth the true


51:56 I have not created genii and men for any other end than that they

should serve Me.

51:57 I require not any sustenance from them; neither will I that they

feed Me.

51:58 Verily God is He who provideth for all creatures; possessed of

mighty power.

51:59 Unto those who shall injure our Apostle shall be given a portion

like unto the portion of those who behaved like them in times past; and

they shall not wish the same to be hastened.

51:60 Woe, therefore, to the unbelievers, because of their day with

which they are threatened!
Chapter 52
Intitled, The Mountain; Revealed at Mecca
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
52:1 By the mountain of Sinai;
52:2 and by the book written
52:3 in an expanded scroll;
52:4 and by the visited house;
52:5 and by the elevated roof of heaven;
52:6 and by the swelling ocean:

52:7 Verily the punishment of thy Lord will surely descend;

52:8 there shall be none to with-hold it.

52:9 On that day the heaven shall be shaken, and shall reel;

52:10 and the mountains shall walk and pass away.

52:11 And on that day woe be unto those who accused God's Apostles of


52:12 who amused themselves in wading in vain disputes!

52:13 On that day shall they be driven and thrust into the fire of hell;

52:14 and it shall be said unto them, this is the fire which ye denied

as a fiction.
52:15 Is this a magic illusion? Or do ye not see?

52:16 Enter the same to be scorched: Whether ye bear your torments

patiently, or impatiently, it will be equal unto you: Ye shall surely

receive the reward of that which ye have wrought.

52:17 But the pious shall dwell amidst gardens and pleasures;

52:18 delighting themselves in what their Lord shall have given them:

And their Lord shall deliver them from the pains of hell.

52:19 And it shall be said unto them, eat and drink with easy digestion;

because of that which ye have wrought:

52:20 Leaning on couches disposed in order: And We will espouse them

unto virgins having large black eyes.

52:21 And unto those who believe, and whose off-spring follow them in

the faith, We will join their off-spring in paradise: And We will not

diminish unto them ought of the merit of their works. -- Every man is

given in pledge for that which he shall have wrought. --

52:22 And we will give them fruits in abundance, and flesh of the kinds

which they shall desire.

52:23 They shall present unto one another therein a cup of wine, wherein

there shall be no vain discourse, nor any incitement unto wickedness.

52:24 And youths appointed to attend them, shall go round them:

Beautiful as pearls hidden in their shell.

52:25 And they shall approach unto one another, and shall ask mutual


52:26 And they shall say, verily we were heretofore amidst our family,

in great dread with regard to our state after death:

52:27 But God hath been gracious unto us, and hath delivered us from the

pain of burning fire:

52:28 For we called on him heretofore; and he is the beneficent, the


52:29 Wherefore do thou, O prophet, admonish thy people. Thou art not,

by the grace of thy Lord, a soothsayer, or a madman.

52:30 Do they say, he is a poet: We wait, concerning him, some adverse

turn of fortune?

52:31 Say, wait ye my ruin: Verily I wait, with you, the time of your


52:32 Do their mature understandings bid them say this; or are they

people who perversely transgress?

52:33 Do they say, he hath forged the Koran? Verily they believe not.

52:34 Let them produce a discourse like unto it, if they speak truth.

52:35 Were they created by nothing; or were they the creators of


52:36 Did they create the heavens and the earth? Verily they are not

firmly persuaded that God hath created them.

52:37 Are the stores of thy Lord in their hands? Are they the supreme

dispensers of all things?

52:38 Have they a ladder, whereby they may ascend to heaven, and hear

the discourses of the angels? Let one, therefore, who hath heard them,

produce an evident proof thereof.
52:39 Hath God daughters, and have ye sons?

52:40 Dost thou ask them a reward for thy preaching? But they are laden

with debts.

52:41 Are the secrets of futurity with them; and do they transcribe the

same from the table of God's decrees?

52:42 Do they seek to lay a plot against thee? But the unbelievers are

they who shall be circumvented.

52:43 Have they any god, besides God? Far be God exalted above the idols

which they associate with Him!

52:44 If they should see a fragment of the heaven falling down upon

them, they would say, it is only a thick cloud.

52:45 Wherefore leave them, until they arrive at their day wherein they

shall swoon for fear:

52:46 A day, in which their subtle contrivances shall not avail them at

all, neither shall they be protected.

52:47 And those who act unjustly shall surely suffer another punishment

besides this: But the greater part of them do not understand.

52:48 And wait thou patiently the judgement of thy Lord concerning them;

for thou art in our eye: And celebrate the praise of thy Lord, when thou

risest up;

52:49 and praise Him in the night-season, and when the stars begin to

Chapter 53
Intitled, The Star; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
53:1 By the star, when it setteth;

53:2 your companion Mohammed erreth not, nor is he led astray:

53:3 Neither doth he speak of his own will.

53:4 It is no other than a revelation, which hath been revealed unto him.

53:5 One mighty in power, indued with understanding, taught it him:

53:6 And He appeared
53:7 in the highest part of the horizon.

53:8 Afterwards He approached the prophet, and drew near unto him;

53:9 until He was at the distance of two bows length from him, or yet


53:10 And He revealed unto his servant that which He revealed.

53:11 The heart of Mohammed did not falsely represent that which he saw.

53:12 Will ye therefore dispute with him concerning that which he saw?

53:13 He also saw him another time,

53:14 by the lote-tree beyond which there is no passing:

53:15 Near it is the garden of eternal abode.

53:16 When the lote-tree covered that which it covered,

53:17 his eye-sight turned not aside, neither did it wander:

53:18 And he really beheld some of the greatest signs of his Lord.

53:19 What think ye of Allat, and Al Uzza,
53:20 and Manah, that other third goddess?
53:21 Have ye male children, and God female?
53:22 This, therefore, is an unjust partition.

53:23 They are no other than empty names, which ye and your fathers have

named goddesses. God hath not revealed concerning them any thing to

authorize their worship. They follw no other than a vain opinion, and

what their souls desire: Yet hath the true direction come unto them from

their Lord.
53:24 Shall man have whatever he wisheth for?

53:25 The life to come, and the present life are Gods:

53:26 And how many angels soever there be in the heavens, their

intercession shall be of no avail, until after God shall have granted

permission unto whom He shall please and shall accept.

53:27 Verily they who believe not in the life to come give unto the

angels a female appellation.

53:28 But they have no knowledge herein: They follw no other than a bare

opinion; and a bare opinion attaineth not any thing of truth.

53:29 Wherefore withdraw from him who turneth away from our admonition,

and seeketh only the present life.

53:30 This is their highest pitch of knowledge. Verily thy Lord well

knoweth him who erreth from his way; and He well knoweth him who is

rightly directed.

53:31 Unto God belongeth whatever is in heaven and earth: That He may

reward those who do evil, according to that which they shall have

wrought; and may reward those who do well, with the most excellent reward.

53:32 As to those who avoid great crimes, and hainous sins, and are

guilty only of lighter faults; verily thy Lord will be extensive in

mercy towards them. He well knew you when He produced you out of the

earth, and when ye were embryo's in your mothers wombs: Wherefore

justify not your selves: He best knoweth the man who feareth Him.

53:33 What thinkest thou of him who turneth aside from following the truth,

53:34 and giveth little, and covetously stoppeth his hand?

53:35 Is the knowledge of futurity with him, so that he seeth the same?

53:36 hath he not been informed of that which is contained in the books

of Moses,

53:37 and of Abraham who faithfully performed his engagements?

53:38 To wit: That a burdened soul shall not bear the burden of another;

53:39 and that nothing shall be imputed to a man for righteousness,

except his own labour;

53:40 and that his labour shall surely be made manifest hereafter,

53:41 and that he shall be rewarded for the same with a most abundant


53:42 and that unto thy Lord will be the end of all things;

53:43 and that He causeth to laugh, and causeth to weep;

53:44 and that He putteth to death, and giveth life;

53:45 and that He createth the two sexes, the male and the female,

53:46 of seed when it is emitted;

53:47 and that unto Him appertaineth another production, namely, the

raising of the dead again to life hereafter;

53:48 and that He inricheth, and causeth to acquire possessions;

53:49 and that He is the Lord of the dog-star;

53:50 and that He destroyed the ancient tribe of Ad,

53:51 and Thamud, and left not any of them alive;

53:52 and also the people of Noah, before them; for they were most

unjust and wicked:

53:53 And He overthrew the cities which were turned upside down;

53:54 and that which covered them, covered them.

53:55 Which, therefore, of thy Lord's benefits, O man, wilt thou call in


53:56 This our Apostle is a preacher like the preachers who preceded him.

53:57 The approaching day of judgement draweth near:

53:58 There is none who can reveal the exact time of the same, besides God.

53:59 Do ye, therefore, wonder at this new revelation;

53:60 and do ye laugh, and not weep,
53:61 spending your time in idle diversions?
53:62 But rather worship God, and serve him.
Chapter 54
Intitled, The Moon; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

54:1 The hour of judgement approacheth; and the moon hath been split in


54:2 But if the unbelievers see a sign, they turn aside, saying, this is

a powerful charm.

54:3 And they accuse thee, O Mohammed, of imposture, and follow their

own lusts: But every thing will be immutably fixed.

54:4 And now hath a message come unto them, wherein is a determent from

obstinate infidelity;

54:5 the same being consummate wisdom: But warners profit them not;

54:6 wherefore do thou withdraw from them. The day whereon the summoner

shall summon mankind to an ungrateful business,

54:7 they shall come forth from their graves with down-cast looks:

Numerous as locusts scattered far abroad;

54:8 hastening with terror unto the summoner. The unbelievers shall say,

this is a day of distress.

54:9 The people of Noah accused that prophet of imposture, before thy

people rejected thee: They accused our servant of imposture, saying, he

is a madman; and he was rejected with reproach.

54:10 He called, therefore, upon his Lord, saying, verily I am

overpowered; wherefore avenge me.

54:11 So We opened the gates of heaven, with water pouring down,

54:12 and We caused the earth to break forth into springs; so that the

water of heaven and earth met, according to the decree which had been


54:13 And We bare him on a vessel composed of planks and nails;

54:14 which moved forward under our eyes: As a recompense unto him who

had been ungratefully rejected.

54:15 And We left the said vessel for a sign: But is any one warned


54:16 And how severe was my vengeance, and my threatening!

54:17 Now have We made the Koran easy for admoniton: But is any one

admonished thereby?

54:18 Ad charged their prophet with imposture: But how severe was my

vengeance, and my threatening!

54:19 Verily We sent against them a roaring wind, on a day of continued


54:20 It carried men away, as thought they had been roots of palm trees

forcibly torn up.

54:21 And how severe was my vengeance, and may threatening!

54:22 Now have We made the Koran easy for admonition: But is any one

admonished thereby?

54:23 Thamud charged the admonitions of their prophet with falsehood,

54:24 and said, shall we follow a single man among us? Verily we should

then be guilty of error, and preposterous madness:

54:25 Is the office of admonition committed unto him preferably to the

rest of us? Nay; he is a liar, and an insolent fellow.

54:26 But God said to Saleh, to morrow shall they know who is the liar,

and the insolent person:

54:27 For We will surely send the she-camel for a trial of them; and do

thou observe them, and bear their insults with patience:

54:28 And prophesy unto them that the water shall be divided between

them, and each portion shall be sat down to alternately.

54:29 And they called their companion: And he took a sword, and slew her.

54:30 But how severe was my vengeance, and my threatening!

54:31 For We sent against them one cry of the angel Gabriel, and they

became like the dry sticks used by him who buildeth a fold for cattle.

54:32 And now have We made the Koran easy for admonition: But is any one

admonished thereby?

54:33 The people of Lot charged his preaching with falsehood:

54:34 But We sent against them a wind driving a shower of stones, which

destroyed them all except the family of Lot; whom We delivered early in

the morning,

54:35 through favour from Us. Thus do We reward those who are thankful.

54:36 And Lot had warned them of our severity in chastising; but they

doubted of that warning.

54:37 And they demanded his guests of him, that they might abuse them:

But We put out their eyes, saying, taste my vengeance, and my threatening.

54:38 And early in the morning a lasting punishment surprized them.

54:39 Taste, therefore, my vengeance, and my threatening.

54:40 Now have We made the Koran easy for admonition: But is any one

admonished thereby?

54:41 The warning of Moses also came unto the people of Pharaoh;

54:42 but they charged every one of our signs with imposture: Wherefore

We chastised them with a mighty and irresistible chastisement.

54:43 Are your unbelievers, O Meccans, better than these? Is immunity

from punishment promised unto you in the scriptures?

54:44 Do they say, we are a body of men able to prevail against our


54:45 The multitude shall surely be put to flight, and shall turn their


54:46 But the hour of judgement is their threatened time of punishment:

And that hour shall be more grievous and more bitter than their

afflictions in this life.

54:47 Verily the wicked wander in error, and shall be tormented

hereafter in burning flames.

54:48 On that day they shall be dragged into the fire on their faces;

and it shall be said unto them, taste ye the touch of hell.

54:49 All things have We created bound by a fixed decree:

54:50 And our command is no more than a single word, like the twinkling

of an eye.

54:51 We have formerly destroyed nations like unto you; but is any of

you warned by their example?

54:52 Every thing which they do is recorded in the books kept by the

guardian angels:

54:53 And every action, both small and great, is written down in the

preserved table.

54:54 Moreover the pious shall dwell among gardens and rivers,

54:55 in the assembly of truth, in the presence of a most potent king.

Chapter 55
Intitled, The Merciful; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
55:1 The Merciful
55:2 hath taught his servant the Koran.
55:3 He created man:
55:4 He hath taught him distinct speech.

55:5 The sun and the moon run their courses according to a certain rule:

55:6 And the vegetables which creep on the ground, and the trees submit

to his disposition.

55:7 He also raised the heaven; and He appointed the balance,

55:8 that ye should not transgress in respect to the balance:

55:9 Wherefore observe a just weight; and diminish not the balance.

55:10 And the earth hath He prepared for living creatures:

55:11 Therein are various fruits, and palm-trees bearing sheaths of

55:12 and grain having chaff, and leaves.

55:13 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:14 He created man of dried clay like an earthen vessel:

55:15 But He created the genii of fire clear from smoke.

55:16 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:17 He is the Lord of the east, and the Lord of the west.

55:18 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:19 He hath let loose the two seas, that they meet each another:

55:20 Between them is placed a bar which they cannot pass.

55:21 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:22 From them are taken forth unions and lesser pearls.

55:23 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:24 His also are the ships, carrying their sails aloft in the sea,

like mountains.

55:25 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:26 Every creature which liveth on the earth is subject to decay:

55:27 But the glorious and honourable countenance of thy Lord shall

remain for ever.

55:28 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:29 Unto him do all creatures which are in heaven and earth make

petition: Every day is He employed in some new work.

55:30 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:31 We will surely attend to judge you, O men and genii, at the last day.

55:32 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:33 O ye collective body of genii and men, if ye be able to pass out

of the confines of heaven and earth, pass forth: Ye shall not pass forth

but by absolute power.

55:34 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:35 A flame of fire without smoke, and a smoke without flame shall be

sent down upon you; and ye shall not be able to defend yourselves


55:36 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:37 And when the heaven shall be rent in sunder, and shall become red

as a rose, and shall melt like ointment:

55:38 -- Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully

deny? --

55:39 On that day neither man nor genius shall be asked concerning his sin.

55:40 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:41 The wicked shall be known by their marks; and they shall be taken

by the forelocks, and the feet, and shall be cast into hell.

55:42 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:43 This is hell, which the wicked deny as a falsehood:

55:44 They shall pass to and fro between the same and hot boiling water.

55:45 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:46 But for him who dreadeth the tribunal of his Lord, are prepared

two gardens:

55:47 -- Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully

deny? --
55:48 Planted with shady trees.

55:49 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:50 In each of them shall be two fountains flowing.

55:51 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:52 In each of them shall there be of every fruit two kinds.

55:53 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:54 They shall repose on couches, the linings whereof shall be of

thick silk interwoven with gold: And the fruit of the two gardens shall

be near at hand to gather.

55:55 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:56 Therein shall receive them beauteous damsels, refraining their

eyes from beholding any besides their spouses: Whom no man shall have

deflowered before them, neither any genius:

55:57 -- Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully

deny? --
55:58 Having complexions like rubies and pearls.

55:59 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:60 Shall the reward of good works be any other than good?

55:61 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:62 And besides these there shall be two other gardens:

55:63 -- Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully

deny? --
55:64 Of a dark geen.

55:65 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:66 In each of them shall be two fountains pouring forth plenty of water.

55:67 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:68 In each of them shall be fruits, and palm-trees, and pomegranats.

55:69 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:70 Therein shall be agreeable and beauteous damsels:

55:71 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:72 Having fine black eyes; and kept in pavilions from public view:

55:73 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:74 Whom no man shall have deflowered, before their destined spouses,

nor any genius.

55:75 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:76 Therein shall they delight themselves, lying on green cushions and

beautiful carpets.

55:77 Which, therefore, of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

55:78 Blessed be the name of thy Lord, possessed of glory and honour!

Chapter 56
Intitled, The Inevitable; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

56:1 When the inevitable day of judgement shall suddenly come,

56:2 no soul shall charge the prediction of its coming with falsehood:

56:3 It will abase some, and exalt others.

56:4 When the earth shall be shaken with a violent shock;

56:5 and the mountains shall be dashed in pieces,
56:6 and shall become as dust scattered abroad;

56:7 and ye shall be separated into three distinct classes:

56:8 The companions of the right hand; -- how happy shall the companions

of the right hand be! --

56:9 And the companions of the left hand; -- how miserable shall the

companions of the left hand be! --

56:10 And those who have preceded others in the faith, shall precede

them to paradise.

56:11 These are they who shall approach near unto God:

56:12 They shall dwell in gardens of delight:

56:13 -- There shall be many of the former religions;

56:14 and few of the last. --

56:15 Reposing on couches adorned with gold and precious stones;

56:16 sitting opposite to one another thereon.

56:17 Youths which shall continue in their bloom for ever, shall go

round about to attend them,

56:18 with goblets, and beakers, and a cup of flowing wine:

56:19 Their heads shall not ache by drinking the same, neither shall

their reason be disturbed:

56:20 And with fruits of the sorts which they shall choose,

56:21 and the flesh of birds of the kind which they shall desire.

56:22 And there shall accompany them fair damsels having large black eyes;

56:23 resembling pearls hidden in their shells:

56:24 As a reward for that which they shall have wrought.

56:25 They shall not hear therein any vain discourse, or any charge of sin;

56:26 but only the salutation, Peace! Peace!

56:27 And the companions of the right hand -- how happy shall the

companions of the right hand be! --

56:28 shall have their abode among lote trees free from thorns,

56:29 and trees of mauz loaded regularly with their produce from top to

56:30 under an extended shade,
56:31 near a flowing water,
56:32 and amidst fruits in abundance,

56:33 which shall not fail, nor shall be forbidden to be gathered:

56:34 And they shall repose themselves on lofty beds:

56:35 Verily We have created the damsels of paradise by a peculiar

56:36 And We have made them virgins,

56:37 beloved by their husbands, of equal age with them;

56:38 for the delight of the companions of the right hand.

56:39 There shall be many of the former religions,

56:40 and many of the latter.

56:41 And the companions of the left hand -- how miserable shall the

companions of the left hand be! --

56:42 Shall dwell amidst burning winds, and scalding water,

56:43 under the shade of a black smoke,
56:44 neither cool nor agreeable.

56:45 For they enjoyed the pleasures of life before this, while on earth;

56:46 and obstinately persisted in a heinous wickedness:

56:47 And they said, after we shall have died, and become dust and

bones, shall we surely be raise to life?

56:48 Shall our forefathers also be raised with us?

56:49 Say, verily both the first and the last,

56:50 shall surely be gathered together to judgement, at the prefixed

time of a known day.

56:51 Then ye, O men, who have erred, and denied the resurrection as a


56:52 shall surely eat of the fruit of the tree of al Zakkum,

56:53 and shall fill your bellies therewith:
56:54 And ye shall drink thereon boiling water;

56:55 and ye shall drink as a thirsty camel drinketh.

56:56 This shall be their entertainment on the day of judgement.

56:57 We have created you: Will ye not therefore believe that We can

raise you from the dead?
56:58 What think ye? The seed which ye emit,

56:59 do ye create the same, or are we the creators thereof?

56:60 We have decreed death unto you all: And We shall not be prevented.

56:61 We are able to substitute others like unto you in your stead, and

to produce you again in the condition or form which ye know not.

56:62 Ye know the original production by creation; will ye not therefore

consider that We are able to reproduce you by resuscitation?

56:63 What think ye? The grain which ye sow,

56:64 do ye cause the same to spring forth, or do We cause it to spring


56:65 If We pleased, verily We could render the same dry and fruitless,

so that ye would not cease to wonder, saying,

56:66 verily we have contracted debts for seed and labour;

56:67 but we are not permitted to reap the fruit thereof.

56:68 What think ye? The water which ye drink,

56:69 do ye send down the same from the clouds, or are We the senders


56:70 If We pleased, We could render the same brackish: Will ye not

therefore give thanks?
56:71 What think ye? The fire which ye strike,

56:72 do ye produce the tree whence ye obtain the same, or are We the

producers thereof?

56:73 We have ordained the same for an admonition, and an advantage unto

those who travel through the deserts.

56:74 Wherefore praise the name of thy Lord, the great God.

56:75 Moreover I swear by the setting of the stars;

56:76 -- and it is surely a great oath, if ye knew it; --

56:77 that this is the excellent Koran,

56:78 the original whereof is written in the preserved book: None shall

touch the same,
56:79 except those who are clean.

56:80 It is a revelation from the Lord of all creatures.

56:81 Will ye, therefore, despise this new revelation?

56:82 And do ye make this return for your food which ye receive from

God, that ye deny yourselves to be obliged to Him for the same?

56:83 When the soul of a dying person cometh up to his throat,

56:84 and ye at the same time are looking on;

56:85 -- and We are nigher unto him than ye, but ye see not his true

condition: --

56:86 would ye not, if ye are not to be rewarded for your actions


56:87 cause the same to return into the body, if ye speak truth?

56:88 And whether he be of those who shall approach near unto God,

56:89 his reward shall be rest, and mercy, and a garden of delights:

56:90 Or whether he be of the companions of the right hand,

56:91 he shall be saluted with the salutation, peace be unto thee! By

the companions of the right hand his brethren:

56:92 Or whether he be of those who have rejected the true faith, and

gone astray,

56:93 his entertainment shall consist of boiling water,

56:94 and the burning of hell fire.
56:95 Verily this is a certain truth.

56:96 Wherefore praise the name of thy Lord, the great God.

Chapter 57
Intitled, Iron; Revealed at Mecca, Or At Medina.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

57:1 Whatever is in heaven and earth singeth praise unto God; and He is

mighty and wise.

57:2 His is the kingdom of heaven and earth; He giveth life, and He

putteth to death; and He is almighty.

57:3 He is the first, and the last; the manifest, and the hidden: And He

knoweth all things.

57:4 It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days; and

then ascended his throne. He knoweth that which entereth into the earth,

and that which issueth out of the same; and that which descendeth from

heaven, and that which ascendeth thereto: And He is with you,

wheresoever ye be: For God seeth that which ye do.

57:5 His is the kindgom of heaven and earth; and unto God shall all

things return.

57:6 He causeth the night to succeed the day, and He causeth the day to

succeed the night; and He knoweth the innermost part of men's breasts.

57:7 Believe in God and his Apostle, and lay out in alms a part of the

wealth whereof God hath made you inheritors: For unto such of you as

believe, and bestow alms, shall be given a great reward.

57:8 And what aileth you, that ye believe not in God, when the Apostle

inviteth you to believe in your Lord; and He hath received your covenant

concerning this matter, if ye believe any proposition?

57:9 It is He who hath sent down unto his servant evident signs, that He

may lead you out of darkness into light; for God is compassionate and

merciful unto you.

57:10 And what aileth you, that ye contribute not of your substance for

the defence of God's true religion? Since unto God appertaineth the

inheritance of heaven and earth. Those among you who shall have

contributed and fought in defence of the faith, before the taking of

Mecca, shall not be held equal with those who shall contribute and fight

for the same afterwards. These shall be superiour in degree unto those

who shall contribute and fight for the propagation of the faith after

the abovementioned success: But unto all hath God promised a most

excellent reward; and God well knoweth that which ye do.

57:11 Who is he that will lend unto God an acceptable loan? For He will

double the same unto him, and he shall receive moreover an honourable


57:12 On a certain day, thou shalt see the true believers of both sexes:

Their light shall run before them, and on their right hands; and it

shall be said unto them, good tidings unto you this day: Gardens through

which rivers flow; ye shall remain therein for ever. This will be great


57:13 On that day the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women shall

say unto those who believe, stay for us, that we may borrow some of your

light. It shall be answered, return back into the world, and seek light.

And a high wall shall be set betwixt them, wherein shall be a gate,

within which shall be mercy; and without it, overagainst the same, the

torment of hell.

57:14 The hypocrites shall call out unto the true believers, saying,

were we not with you? They shall answer, yea; but ye seduced your own

souls by your hypocrisy: And ye waited our ruin; and ye doubted

concerning the faith; and your wishes deceived you, until the decree of

God came, and ye died: And the deceiver deceived you concerning God.

57:15 This day, therefore, a ransom shall not be accepted of you, nor of

those who have been unbelievers. Your abode shall be hell fire: This is

what ye have deserved; and an unhappy journey shall it be thither!

57:16 Is not the time yet come unto those who believe, that their hearts

should humbly submit to the admonition of God, and to that truth which

hath been revealed; and that they be not as those unto whom the

scripture was given heretofore, and to whom the time of forbearance was

prolonged, but their hearts were hardened, and many of them were wicked


57:17 Know that God quickeneth the earth, after it hath been dead. Now

have We distinctly declared our signs unto you, that ye may understand.

57:18 Verily as to the almsgivers, both men and women, and those who

lend unto God an acceptable loan, He will double the same unto them; and

they shall moreover receive an honourable reward.

57:19 And they who believe in God and his Apostles, these are the men of

veracity, and the witnesses in the presence of their Lord: They shall

have their reward, and their light. But as to those who believe not, and

accuse our signs of falsehood, they shall be the companions of hell.

57:20 Know that this present life is only a toy and a vain amusement:

And worldly pomp, and the affectation of glory among you, and the

multiplying of riches and children, are as the plants nourished by the

rain, the springing up whereof delighteth the husbandmen; afterwards

they wither, so that thou seest the same turned yellow, and at length

they become dry stubble. And in the life to come will be a severe

punishment for those who covet worldly grandeur; and pardon from God,

and favour for those who renounce it: For this present life is no other

than a deceitful provision.

57:21 Hasten with emulation to obtain pardon from your Lord, and

paradise, the extent whereof equalleth the extent of heaven and earth,

prepared for those who believe in God and his Apostles. This is the

bounty of God: He will give the same unto whom He pleaseth; and God is

endued with great bounty.

57:22 No accident happeneth in the earth, nor in your persons, but the

same was entered in the book of our decrees, before We created it:

Verily this is easy with God:

57:23 And this is written lest ye immoderately grieve for the good which

escapeth you, or rejoice for that which happeneth unto you; for God

loveth no proud or vain-glorious person,

57:24 or those who are covetous, and command men covetousness. And whoso

turneth aside from giving alms; verily God is self-sufficient, worthy to

be praised.

57:25 We formerly sent our Apostles with evident miracles and arguments;

and We sent down with them the scriptures, and the balance, that men

might observe justice: And We sent them down iron, wherein is mighty

strength for war, and various advantages unto mankind: That God may know

who assisteth him and his Apostles in secret; for God is strong and mighty.

57:26 We formerly sent Noah and Abraham, and We established in their

posterity the gift of prophecy, and the scripture: And of them some were

directed, but many of them were evil doers.

57:27 Afterwards We caused our Apostles to succeed in their footsteps;

and We caused Jesus the son of Mary to succeed them, and We gave him the

gospel: And We put in the hearts of those who followed him, compassion

and mercy: But as to the monastic state, they instituted the same -- We

did not prescribe it to them -- only out of a desire to please God; yet

they observed not the same as it ought truly to have been observed. And

We gave unto such of them as believed, their reward: But many of them

were wicked doers.

57:28 O ye who believe in the former prophets, fear God, and believe in

his Apostle Mohammed: He will give you two portions of his mercy, and He

will ordain you a light wherein ye may walk, and He will forgive you;

for God is ready to forgive and merciful:

57:29 That those who have received the scriptures may know that they

have not power over any of the favours of God, and that good is in the

hand of God; He bestoweth the same on whom He pleaseth, for God is

endued with great beneficence.
Chapter 58
Intitled, She Who Disputed; Revealed at Medina.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

58:1 Now hath God heard the speech of her who disputed with thee

concerning her husband, and made her complaint unto God; and God hath

heard your mutual discourse: For God both heareth and seeth.

58:2 As to those among you who divorce their wives, by declaring that

they will thereafter regard them as their mothers; let them know that

they are not their mothers. They only are their mothers who brought them

forth; and they certainly utter an unjustifiable saying, and a

falsehood: But God is gracious and ready to forgive.

58:3 Those who divorce their wives by declaring that they will for the

future regard them as their mothers, and afterwards would repair what

they have said, shall be obliged to free a captive, before they touch

one another. This is what ye are warned to perform: And God is well

apprized of that which ye do.

58:4 And whoso findeth not a captive to redeem, shall observe a fast of

two consecutive months, before they touch one another. And whoso shall

not be able to fast that time, shall feed threescore poor men, This is

ordained you, that ye may believe in God and his Apostle. These are the

statutes of God: And for the unbelievers is prepared a grievous torment.

58:5 Verily they who oppose God and his Apostle, shall be brought low,

as the unbelievers who preceded them were brought low. And now have We

sent down manifest signs: And an ignominious punishment awaiteth the


58:6 On a certain day God shall raise them all to life, and shall

declare unto them that which they have wrought. God hath taken an exact

account thereof; but they have forgotten the same: And God is witness

over all things.

58:7 Dost thou not perceive that God knoweth whatever is in heaven and

in earth? There is no private discourse among three persons, but He is

the fourth of them; nor among five, but He is the sixth of them; neither

among a smaller number than this, nor a larger, but He is with them;

wheresoever they be: And He will declare unto them that which they have

done, on the day of resurrection; for God knoweth all things.

58:8 Hast thou not observed those who have been forbidden to use

clandestine discourse, but afterwards return to what they have been

forbidden, and discourse privily among themselves of wickedness, and

enmity, and disobedience towards the Apostle? And when they come unto

thee, they salute thee with that form of salutation wherewith God doth

not salute thee: And they say among themselves, by way of derision,

would not God punish us for what we say, if this man were a prophet?

Hell shall be their sufficient punishment: They shall go down into the

same to be burned; and an unhappy journey shall it be!

58:9 O true believers, when ye discourse privily together, discourse not

of wickedness, and enmity, and disobedience towards the Apostle; but

discourse of justice, and piety: And fear God, before whom ye shall be


58:10 Verily the clandestine discourse of the infidels proceedeth from

Satan, that he may grieve the true believers: But there shall be none to

hurt them in the least, unless by the permission of God; wherefore in

God let the faithful trust.

58:11 O true believers, when it is said unto you, make room in the

assembly; make room: God will grant you ample room in paradise. And when

it is said unto you, rise up; rise up: God will raise those of you who

believe, and those to whom knowledge is given, to superior degrees of

honour: And God is fully apprized of that which ye do.

58:12 O true believers, when ye go to speak with the Apostle, give alms

previously to your discoursing with him: This will be better for you,

and more pure. But if ye find not what to give, verily God will be

gracious and merciful unto you.

58:13 Do ye fear to give alms previously to your discoursing with the

prophet, lest ye should impoverish yourselves? Therefore if ye do it

not, and God is gracious unto you, by dispensing with the said precept

for the future, be constant at prayer, and pay the legal alms; and obey

God and his Apostle in all other matters: For God well knoweth that

which ye do.

58:14 Hath thou not observed those who have taken for their friends a

people against whom God is incensed? They are neither of you, nor of

them: And they swear to a lie knowingly.

58:15 God hath prepared for them a grievous punishment; for it is evil

which they do.

58:16 They have taken their oaths for a cloak, and they have turned men

aside from the way of God: Wherefore a shameful punishment awaiteth them;

58:17 neither their wealth nor their children shall avail them at all

against God. These shall be the inhabitants of hell fire; they shall

abide therein for ever.

58:18 On a certain day God shall raise them all: Then will they swear

unto Him, as they swear now unto you, imagining that it will be of

service to them. Are they not liars?

58:19 Satan hath prevailed against them, and hath caused them to forget

the remembrance of God. These are the party of the devil; and shall not

the party of the devil be doomed to perdition?

58:20 Verily they who oppose God and his Apostle, shall be placed among

the most vile.

58:21 God hath written; verily I will prevail, and my Apostles: For God

is strong and mighty.

58:22 Thou shalt not find people who believe in God and the last day, to

love him who opposeth God and his Apostle; although they be their

fathers, or their sons, or their brethren, or their nearest relations.

In the hearts of these hath God written faith; and He hath strengthened

them with his spirit: And He will lead them into gardens, beneath which

rivers flow, to remain therein for ever. God is well pleased in them;

and they are well pleased in Him. These are the party of God: And shall

not the party of God prosper?
Chapter 59
Intitled, The Emigration; Revealed at Medina.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

59:1 Whatever is in heaven and earth celebrateth the praise of God: And

He is the mighty, the wise.

59:2 It was He who caused those who believed not, of the people who

receive the scripture, to depart from their habitations at the first

emigration. Ye did not think that they would go forth: And they thought

that their fortresses would protect them against God. But the

chastisement of God came upon them, from whence they did not expect, and

He cast terror into their hearts. They pulled down their houses with

their own hands, and the hands of the true believers. Wherefore take

example from them, O ye who have eyes.

59:3 And if God had not doomed them to banishment, He had surely

punished them in this world; and in the world to come they shall suffer

the torment of hell fire.

59:4 This, because they opposed God and his Apostle: And whoso opposeth

God, verily God will be severe in punishing him.

59:5 What palm-trees ye cut down, or left standing on their roots, were

so cut down or left by the will of God; and that He might disgrace the

wicked doers.

59:6 And as to the spoils of these people which God hath granted wholly

to this Apostle, ye did not push forward any horses or camels against

the same; but God giveth unto his Apostles dominion over whom He

pleaseth: For God is almighty.

59:7 The spoils of the inhabitants of the towns which God hath granted

to his Apostle, are due unto God and to the Apostle, and him who is of

kin to the Apostle, and the orphans, and the poor, and the traveller;

that they may not be for ever divided in a circle among such of you as

are rich: What the Apostle shall give you, that accept; and what he

shall forbid you, that abstain from: And fear God; for God is severe in


59:8 A part also belongeth to the poor Mohajerin, who have been

dispossessed of their houses and their substance, seeking favour from

God, and his good will, and assisting God and his Apostle. These are the

men of veracity.

59:9 And they who quietly possessed the town of Medina, and professed

the faith without molestation, before them, love him who hath fled unto

them, and find in their breasts no want of that which is given the

Mohajerin, but prefer them before themselves, although there be

indigence among them. And whoso is preserved from the covetousness of

his own soul, those shall surely prosper.

59:10 And they who have come after them say, O Lord, forgive us and our

brethren who have preceded us in the faith, and put not into our hearts

ill-will against those who have believed: O Lord, verily thou art

compassionate and merciful.

59:11 Hast thou not observed them who play the hypocrites? They say unto

their brethren who believe not, of those who have received the

scriptures, verily if ye be expelled your habitations, we will surely go

forth with you; and we will not pay obedience, in your respect, unto any

one for ever: And if ye be attacked, we will certainly assist you. But

God is witness that they are liars.

59:12 Verily if they be expelled they will not go forth with them; and

if they be attacked, they will not assist them; and if they do assist

them, they will surely turn their backs: And they shall not be protected.

59:13 Verily ye are stronger than they, by reason of the terror cast

into their breasts from God. This, because they are not people of prudence.

59:14 They will not fight against you in a body, except in fenced towns,

or from behind walls. Their strength in war among themselves is great:

Thou thinkest them to be united; but their hearts are divided. This,

because they are people who do not understand.

59:15 Like those who lately preceded them, they have tasted the evil

consequence of their deed; and a painful torment is prepared for them


59:16 Thus have the hypocrites deceived the Jews: Like the devil, when

he saith unto a man, be thou an infidel; and when he is become an

infidel, he saith, verily I am clear of thee; for I fear God, the Lord

of all creatures.

59:17 Wherefore the end of them both shall be that they shall dwell in

hell fire, abiding therein for ever: And this shall be the recompense of

the unjust:

59:18 O true believers, fear God; and let a soul look what it sendeth

before for the morrow: And fear God, for God is well acquainted with

that which ye do.

59:19 And be not as those who have forgotten God, and whom He hath

caused to forget their own souls: These are the wicked doers.

59:20 The inhabitants of hell fire, and the inhabitants of paradise

shall not be held equal. The inhabitants of paradise are they who shall

enjoy felicity.

59:21 If We had sent down this Koran on a mountain, thou wouldest

certainly have seen the same humble itself, and cleave in sunder for

fear of God. These similitudes do We propose unto men, that they may


59:22 He is God, besides whom there is no God; Who knoweth that which is

future, and that which is present: He is the most Merciful;

59:23 He is God, besides whom there is no God: The King, the Holy, the

Giver of peace, the Faithful, the Guardian, the Powerful, the Strong,

the most High. Far be God exalted above the idols which they associate

with Him!

59:24 He is God, the Creator, the Maker, the Former. He hath most

excellent names. Whatever is in heaven and earth praiseth Him: And He is

the Mighty, the Wise.
Chapter 60
Intitled, She Who Is Tried; Revealed at Medina.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

60:1 O true believers, take not my enemy and your enemy for your

friends, shewing kindness toward them; since they believe not in the

truth which hath come unto you, having expelled the Apostle and

yourselves from your native city, because ye believe in God, your Lord.

If ye go forth to fight in defence of my religion, and out of a desire

to please me, and privately shew friendship unto them; verily I well

know that which ye conceal, and that which ye discover: And whoever of

you doth this, hath already erred from the strait path.

60:2 If they get the better of you, they will be enemies unto you, and

they will stretch forth their hands and their tongues against you with

evil: And they earnestly desire that ye should become unbelievers.

60:3 Neither your kindred nor your children will avail you at all on the

day of resurrection, which will separate you from one another: And God

seeth that which ye do.

60:4 Ye have an excellent pattern in Abraham, and those who were with

him, when they said unto their people, verily we are clear of you, and

of the idols which ye worship, besides God: We have renounced you; and

enmity and hatred is begun between us and you for ever, until ye believe

in God alone: Except Abraham's saying unto his father, verily I will beg

pardon for thee; but I cannot obtain ought of God in thy behalf. O Lord,

in thee do we trust, and unto thee are we turned; and before thee shall

we be assembled hereafter.

60:5 O Lord, suffer us not to be put to trial by the unbelievers: And

forgive us, O Lord; for thou art mighty and wise.

60:6 Verily ye have in them an excellent example, unto him who hopeth in

God and the last day: And whoso turneth back; verily God is self

sufficient, and praise worthy.

60:7 Peradventure God will establish friendship between yourselves and

such of them as ye now hold for enemies: For God is powerful; and God is

inclined to forgive, and merciful.

60:8 As to those who have not born arms against you on account of

religion, nor turned you out of your dwellings, God forbideth you not to

deal kindly with them, and to behave justly towards them; for God loveth

those who act justly.

60:9 But as to those who have born arms against you on account of

religion, and have dispossessed you of your habitations, and have

assisted in dispossessing you, God forbideth you to enter into

friendship with them: And whosoever of you enters into friendship with

them, those are unjust doers.

60:10 O true believers, when believing women come unto you as refugees,

try them: God well knoweth their faith. And if ye know them to be true

believers, send them not back to the infidels: They are not lawful for

the unbelievers to have in marriage; neither are the unbelievers lawful

for them. But give their unbelieving husbands what they shall have

expended for their dowers. Nor shall it be any crime in you if ye marry

them, provided ye give them their dowries. And retain not the patronage

of the unbelieving women: But demand back that which ye have expended

for the dowry of such of your wives as go over to the unbelievers; and

let them demand back that which they have expended for the dowry of

those who come over to you. This is the judgement of God, which He

establisheth among you: And God is knowing and wise.

60:11 If any of your wives escape from you to the unbelievers, and ye

have your turn by the coming over of any of the unbelievers wives to

you; give unto those believers whose wives shall have gone away, out of

the dowries of the latter, so much as they shall have expended for the

dowers of the former: And fear God, in whom ye believe.

60:12 O prophet, when believing women come unto thee, and plight their

faith unto thee, that they will not associate any thing with God, nor

steal, nor commit fornication, nor kill their children, nor come with a

calumny which they have forged between their hands and their feet, nor

be disobedient to thee in that which shall be reasonable: Then do thou

plight thy faith unto them, and ask pardon for them of God; for God is

inclined to forgive, and merciful.

60:13 O true believers, enter not into friendship with a people against

whom God is incensed: They despair of the life to come, as the infidels

despair of the resurrection of those who dwell in the graves.

Chapter 61
Intitled, Battle-Array; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

61:1 Whatever is in heaven and in earth celebrateth the praise of God;

for He is mighty and wise.

61:2 O true believers, why do ye say that which ye do not?

61:3 It is most odious in the sight of God, that ye say that which ye do


61:4 Verily God loveth those who fight for his religion in battle array,

as though they were a well compacted building.

61:5 Remember when Moses said unto his people, O my people, why do ye

injure me; since ye know that I am the Apostle of God sent unto you? And

when they had deviated from the truth, God made their hearts to deviate

from the right way; for God directeth not wicked people.

61:6 And when Jesus the Son of Mary said, O children of Israel, verily I

am the Apostle of God sent unto you, confirming the law which was

delivered before me, and bringing good tidings of an Apostle who shall

come after me, and whose name shall be Ahmed. And when he produced unto

them evident miracles, they said, this is manifest sorcery.

61:7 But who is more unjust than he who forgeth a lie against God, when

he is invited unto Islam? And God directeth not the unjust people.

61:8 They seek to extinguish God's light with their mouths: But God will

perfect his light, though the infidels be averse thereto.

61:9 It is He who hath sent his Apostle with the direction, and the

religion of truth, that he may exalt the same above every religion,

although the idolaters be averse thereto.

61:10 O true believers, shall I shew you a merchandize which will

deliver you from a painful torment hereafter?

61:11 Believe in God and his Apostle; and defend God's true religion

with your substance, and in your own persons. This will be better for

you, if ye knew it.

61:12 He will forgive you your sins, and will introduce you into gardens

through which rivers flow, and agreeable habitations in gardens of

perpetual abode. This will be great felicity.

61:13 And ye shall obtain other things which ye desire, namely,

assistance from God, and a speedy victory. And do thou bear good tidings

to the true believers.

61:14 O true believers, be ye the assistants of God; as Jesus the son of

Mary said to the Apostles, who will be my assistants with respect to

God? The Apostles answered, we will be the assistants of God. So a part

of the children of Israel believed, and a part believed not: But We

strengthened those who believed, above their enemy; wherefore they

became victorious over them.
Chapter 62
Intitled, The Assembly; Revealed at Medina.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

62:1 Whatever is in heaven and earth praiseth God; the King, the Holy,

the Mighty, the Wise.

62:2 It is He who hath raised up a midst the illiterate Arabians an

Apostle from among themselves, to rehearse his signs unto them, and to

purify them, and to teach them the scriptures and wisdom; whereas before

they were certainly in a manifest error:

62:3 And others of them have not yet attained unto them, by embracing

the faith; though they also shall be converted in God's good time; for

He is mighty and wise.

62:4 This is the free grace of God: He bestoweth the same on whom He

pleaseth : And God is indued with great beneficence.

62:5 The likeness of those who were charged with the observance of the

law, and then observed it not, is as the likeness of an ass laden with

books: How wretched is the likeness of the people who charge the signs

of God with falsehood! And God directeth not the unjust people.

62:6 Say, O ye who follow the Jewish religion, if ye say that ye are the

friends of God above other men, wish for death, if ye speak truth.

62:7 But they will never wish for it, bacause of that which their hands

have sent before them: And God well knoweth the unjust.

62:8 Say, verily death, from which ye fly, will surely meet you: Then

shall ye be brought before Him who knoweth as well what is concealed as

what is discovered; and He will delare unto you that which ye have done.

62:9 O true believers, when ye are called to prayer on the day of the

assembly, hasten to the commemoration of God, and leave merchandizing.

This will be better for you, is ye knew it.

62:10 And when prayer is ended, then disperse yourselves through the

land as ye list, and seek gain of the liberality of God: And remember

God frequently, that ye may prosper.

62:11 But when they see any merchandizing, or sport, they flock thereto,

and leave thee standing up in thy pulpit. Say, the reward which is with

God is better than any sport or merchandize: And God is the best provider.

Chapter 63
Intitled, The Hypocrites; Revealed at Medina.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

63:1 When the hypocrites come unto thee, they say, we bear witness that

thou art indeed the Apostle of God. And God knoweth that thou art indeed

his Apostle: But God beareth witness that the hypocrites are certainly


63:2 They have taken their oaths for a protection, and they turn others

aside from the way of God: It is surely evil which they do.

63:3 This is testified of them, because they believed, and afterwards

became unbelievers: Wherefore a seal is set on their hearts, and they

shall not understand.

63:4 When thou beholdest them, their persons please thee: And if they

speak, thou hearest their discourse with delight. They resemble pieces

of timber set up against a wall. They imagine every shout to be against

them. They are enemies; wherefore beware of them. God curse them: How

are they turned aside from the truth!

63:5 And when it is said unto them, come, that the Apostle of God may

ask pardon for you; they turn away their heads, and thou seest them

retire big with disdain.

63:6 It shall be equal unto them, whether thou ask pardon for them, or

do not ask pardon for them; God will by no means forgive them: For God

directeth not the prevaricating people.

63:7 These are the men who say to the inhabitants of Medina, do not

bestow any thing on the refugees who are with the Apostle of God, that

they may be obliged to separate from him. Whereas unto God belong the

stores of heaven and earth: But the hypocrites do not understand.

63:8 They say, verily, if we return to Medina, the worthier shall expel

thence the meander. Whereas superior worth belongeth unto God, and his

Apostle, and the true believers: But the hypocrites know it not.

63:9 O true believers, let not your riches or your children divert you

from the remembrance of God: For whosoever doth this, they will surely

be losers.

63:10 And give alms out of that which We have bestowed on you; before

death come unto one of you, and he say, O Lord, wilt thou not grant me

respite for a short term; that I may give alms, and become one of the


63:11 For God will by no means grant further respite to a soul, when its

determined time is come: And God is fully apprized of that which ye do.

Chapter 64
Intitled, Mutual Deceit; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

64:1 Whatever is in heaven and earth celebrateth the praises of God: His

is the kingdom, and unto Him is the praise due; for He is almighty.

64:2 It is He who hath created you; and one of you is predestined to be

an unbeliever, and another of you is predestined to be a believer: And

God beholdeth that which ye do.

64:3 He hath created the heavens and the earth with truth; and He hath

fashioned you, and given you beautiful forms: And unto Him must ye all go.

64:4 He knoweth whatever is in heaven and earth: And He knoweth that

which ye conceal, and that which ye discover; for God knoweth the

innermost part of mens breasts.

64:5 Have ye not been acquainted with the story of those who disbelieved

heretofore, and tasted the evil consequence of their behaviour? And for

them is prepared, in the life to come, a tormenting punishment.

64:6 This shall they suffer, because their Apostles came unto them with

evident proofs of their mission, and they said, shall men direct us?

Wherefore they believed not, and turned their backs. But God standeth in

need of no person: For God is self-sufficient, and worthy to be praised.

64:7 The unbelievers imagine that they shall not be raised again. Say,

yea, by my Lord, ye shall surely be raised again: Then shall ye be told

that which ye have wrought; and this is easy with God.

64:8 Wherefore believe in God and his Apostle, and the light which We

have sent down: For God is well acquainted with that which ye do.

64:9 On a certain day He shall assemble you, at the day of the general

assembly: That will be the day of mutual deceit: And whoso shall believe

in God, and shall do that which is right, from him will He expiate his

evil deeds, and He will lead him into gardens beneath which rivers flow,

to remain therein for ever. This will be great felicity.

64:10 But they who shall not believe, and shall accuse our signs of

falsehood, those shall be the inhabitants of hell fire, wherein they

shall remain for ever; and a wretched journey shall it be thither!

64:11 No misfortune happeneth but by the permission of God; and whoso

believeth in God, he will direct his heart: And God knoweth all things.

64:12 Wherefore obey God, and obey the Apostle; But if ye turn back,

verily the duty incumbent on our Apostle is only public preaching.

64:13 God! There in no God but He: Wherefore in God let the faithful put

their trust.

64:14 O true believers, verily of your wives and your children ye have

an enemy: Wherefore beware of them. But if ye pass over their offences,

and pardon, and forgive them; God is likewise inclined to forgive, and


64:15 Your wealth and your children are only a temptation: But with God

is a great reward.

64:16 Wherefore fear God, as much as ye are able; and hear, and obey:

And give alms, for the good of your souls; for whoso is preserved from

the covetousness of his own soul, they shall prosper.

64:17 If ye lend unto God an acceptable loan, He will double the same

unto you, and will forgive you: For God is grateful and long-suffering,

64:18 knowing both what is hidden, and what is divulged; the mighty, the

Chapter 65
Intitled, Divorce; Revealed at Medina.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

65:1 O prophet, when ye divorce women, put them away at their appointed

term; and compute the term exactly: And fear God, your Lord. Oblige them

not to go out of their apartments, neither let them go out, until the

term be expired, unless they be guilty of manifest uncleanness. These

are the statutes of God: And whoever transgresseth the statutes of God,

assuredly injureth his own soul: Thou knowest not whether God will bring

something new to pass, which may reconcile them, after this.

65:2 And when they shall have fulfilled their term, either retain them

with kindness, or part from them honourably: And take witnesses from

among you, men of integrity; and give your testimony as in the presence

of God: This admonition is given unto him who believeth in God and the

last day: And whoso feareth God, unto him will He grant a happy issue

out of all his afflictions,

65:3 and He will bestow on him an ample provision from whence he

expecteth it not: And whoso trusteth in God, He will be his sufficient

support; for God will surely attain his purpose. Now hath God appointed

unto every thing a determined period.

65:4 As to such of your wives as shall despair having their courses, by

reason of their age; if ye be in doubt thereof, let their term be three

months: And let the same be the term of those who have not yet had their

courses. But as to those who are pregnant, their term shall be, until

they be delivered of their burden. And whoso feareth God, unto him will

He make his command easy.

65:5 This is the command of God, which He hath sent down unto you. And

whoso feareth God, He will expiate his evil deeds from him, and will

increase his reward.

65:6 Suffer the women whom ye divorce to dwell in some part of the

houses wherein ye dwell; according to the room and conveniencies of the

habitations which ye possess: And make them not uneasy, that ye may

reduce them to straits. And if they be with child, expend on them what

shall be needful, until they be delivered of their burden. And if they

suckle their children for you, give them their hire; and consult among

yourselves, according to what shall be just and reasonable. And if ye be

put to a difficulty herein, and another woman shall suckle the child for


65:7 let him who hath plenty expend proportionably, in the maintenance

of the mother and the nurse, out of his plenty: And let him whose income

is scanty, expend in proportion out of that which God hath given him.

God obligeth no man to more than He hath given him ability to perform:

God will cause ease to succeed hardship.

65:8 How many cities have turned aside from the command of their Lord

and his Apostles? Wherefore We brought them to a severe account; and We

chastised them with a grievous chastisement:

65:9 And they tasted the evil consequence of their business; and the end

of their business was perdition.

65:10 God hath prepared for them a severe punishment: Wherefore fear

God, O ye who are indued with understanding. True believers, now hath

God sent down unto you an admonition,

65:11 an Apostle who may rehearse unto you the perspicuous signs of God;

that he may bring forth those who believe and do good works, from

darkness into light. And whoso believeth in God, and doth that which is

right, him will He lead into gardens beneath which rivers flow, to

remain therein for ever: Now hath God made an excellent provision for him.

65:12 It is God who hath created seven heavens, and as many different

stories of the earth: The divine command descendeth between them; that

ye may know that God is omnipotent, and that God comprehendeth all

things by his knowledge.
Chapter 66
Intitled, Prohibition; Revealed at Medina.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

66:1 O prophet, why holdest thou that to be prohibited which God hath

allowed thee, seeking to please thy wives; since God is inclined to

forgive and merciful?

66:2 God hath allowed you the dissolution of your oaths: And God is your

master; and He is knowing and wise.

66:3 When the prophet intrusted as a secret unto one of his wives a

certain accident; and when she disclosed the same, and God made it known

unto him; he acquainted her with part of what she had done, and forbore

to upbraid her with the other part thereof. And when he had acquainted

her therewith, she said, who hath discovered this unto thee? He

answered, the knowing, the sagacious God hath discovered it unto me.

66:4 If ye both be turned unto God -- for your hearts have swerved -- it

is well: But if ye join against him, verily God is his patron; and

Gabriel, and the good man among the faithful, and the angels also are

his assistants.

66:5 If he divorce you, his Lord can easily give him in exchange other

wives better than you, women resigned unto God, true believers, devout,

penitent, obedient, given to fasting, both such as have been known by

other men, and virgins.

66:6 O true believers, save your souls, and those of your families, from

the fire whose fuel is men and stones, over which are set angels fierce

and terrible; who disobey not God in what He hath commanded them, but

perform what they are commanded.

66:7 O unbelievers, excuse not yourselves this day; ye shall surely be

rewarded for what ye have done.

66:8 O true believers, turn unto God with a sincere repentance:

Peradventure your Lord will do away from you your evil deeds, and will

admit you into gardens, through which rivers flow; on the day whereon

God will not put to shame the prophet, or those who believe with him:

Their light shall run before them, and on their right hands, and they

shall say, Lord, make our light perfect, and forgive us; for thou art


66:9 O prophet, attack the infidels with arms, and the hypocrites with

arguments; and treat them with severity: Their abode shall be hell, and

an ill journey shall it be thither.

66:10 God propoundeth as a similitude unto the unbelievers, the wife of

Noah, and the wife of Lot: They were under two of our righteous

servants, and they deceived them both; wherefore their husbands were of

no advantage unto them at all, in the sight of God: And it shall be said

unto them, at the last day, enter ye into hell fire, with those who

enter therein.

66:11 God also propoundeth as a similitude unto those who believe, the

wife of Pharaoh; when she said, Lord, build me an house with thee in

paradise; and deliver me from Pharaoh and his doings, and deliver me

from the unjust people:

66:12 And Mary the daughter of Imran; who preserved her chastity, and

into whose womb we breathed of our spirit, and who believed in the words

of her Lord and his scriptures, and was a devout and obedient person.

Chapter 67
Intitled, The Kingdom; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

067:1 Blessed be He in whose hand is the kingdom; for He is almighty!

67:2 Who hath created death and life, that He might prove you, which of

you is most righteous in his actions: And He is mighty, and ready to


67:3 Who hath created seven heavens, one above another: Thou canst not

see in a creature of the most Merciful any unfitness or disproportion.

Lift up thine eyes again to heaven, and look whether thou seest any flaw:

67:4 Then take two other views; and thy sight shall return unto thee

dull and fatigued.

67:5 Moreover We have adorned the lowest heaven with lamps, and have

appointed them to be darted at the devils, for whom We have prepared the

torment of burning fire:

67:6 And for those who believe not in their Lord, is also prepared the

torment of hell; an ill journey shall it be thither!

67:7 When they shall be thrown thereinto, they shall hear it bray like

an ass; and it shall boil,

67:8 and almost burst for fury. So often as a company of them shall be

thrown therein, the keepers thereof shall ask them, saying, did not a

warner come unto you?

67:9 They shall answer, yea, a warner came unto us: But we accused him

of imposture, and said, God hath not revealed any thing; ye are in no

other than a great error:

67:10 And they shall say, if we had hearkened, or had rightly

considered, we should not have been among the inhabitants of burning fire:

67:11 And they shall confess their sins; but far be the inhabitants of

burning fire from obtaining mercy!

67:12 Verily they who fear their Lord in secret, shall receive pardon

and a great reward.

67:13 Either conceal your discourse, or make it public; He knoweth the

innermost parts of your breasts:

67:14 Shall not He know all things who hath created them; since He is

the sagacious, the knowing?

67:15 It is He who hath levelled the earth for you: Therefore walk

through the regions thereof, and eat of his provision; unto Him shall be

the resurrection.

67:16 Are ye secure that He who dwelleth in heaven will not cause the

earth to swallow you up? And behold, it shall shake.

67:17 Or are ye secure that He who dwelleth in heaven will not send

against you an impetuous whirlwind, driving the sands to overwhelm you?

Then shall ye know how important my warning was.

67:18 Those also who were before you disbelieved; and how grievous was

my displeasure!

67:19 Do they not behold the birds above them, extending and drawing

back their wings? None sustaineth them, except the Merciful; for He

regardeth all things.

67:20 Or who is he that will be as an army unto you, to defend you

against the Merciful? Verily the unbelievers are in no other than a


67:21 Or who is he that will give you food, if He withholdeth his

provision? Yet they persist in perverseness, and flying from the truth.

67:22 Is he, therefore, who goeth grovelling upon his face, better

directed than he who walketh upright in a strait way?

67:23 Say, it is He who hath given you being, and endued you with

hearing, and sight, and understanding; yet how little gratitude have ye!

67:24 Say, it is He who hath sown you in the earth, and unto Him shall

ye be gathered together.

67:25 They say, when shall this menace be put in execution if ye speak


67:26 Answer, the knowledge of this matter is with God alone: For I am

only a public warner.

67:27 But when they shall see the same nigh at hand, the countenance of

the infidels shall grow sad: And it shall be said unto them, this is

what ye have been demanding.

67:28 Say, what think ye? Whether God destroy me and those who are with

me, or have mercy on us; who will protect the unbelievers from a painful


67:29 Say, He is the Merciful; in Him do we believe, and in Him do we

put our trust. Ye shall hereafter know who is in a manifest error.

67:30 Say, what think ye? If your water be in the morning swallowed up

by the earth, who will give you clear and running water?

Chapter 68
Intitled, The Pen; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
68:1 N. By the pen, and what they write,

68:2 thou, O Mohammed, through the grace of thy Lord, art not distracted.

68:3 Verily there is prepared for thee an everlasting reward:

68:4 For thou art of a noble disposition.
68:5 Thou shalt see, and the infidels shall see,
68:6 which of you are bereaved of your senses.

68:7 Verily thy Lord well knoweth him who wandereth from his path; and

He well knoweth those who are rightly directed:

68:8 Wherefore obey not those who charge thee with imposture.

68:9 They desire that thou shouldest be easy with them, and they will be

easy with thee.

68:10 But obey not any who is a common swearer, a despicable fellow,

68:11 a defamer, going about with slander,

68:12 who forbiddeth that which is good, who is also a transgressor, a

wicked person,
68:13 cruel, and besides this, of spurious birth:

68:14 Although he be possessed of wealth and many children:

68:15 When our signs are rehearsed unto him, he saith, they are fables

of the ancients.
68:16 We will stigmatize him on the nose.

68:17 Verily We have tried the Meccans, as We formerly tried the owners

of the garden; when they swore that they would gather the fruit thereof

in the morning,

68:18 and added not the exception, if it please God:

68:19 Wherefore a surrounding destruction from thy Lord encompassed it,

while they slept;

68:20 and in the morning it became like a garden whose fruits had been


68:21 And they called the one to the other as they rose in the morning,


68:22 Go out early to your plantation, if ye intend to gather the fruit

68:23 So they went on, whispering to one another,

68:24 no poor man shall enter the garden upon you, this day.

68:25 And they went forth early, with a determined purpose.

68:26 And when they saw the garden blasted and destroyed, they said, we

have certainly mistaken our way:

68:27 But when they found it to be their own garden, they cried, verily

we are not permitted to reap the fruit thereof.

68:28 The worthier of them said, did I not say unto you, will ye not

give praise unto God?

68:29 They answered, praise be unto our Lord! Verily we have been unjust

68:30 And they began to blame one another,

68:31 and they said, wo be unto us! Verily we have been transgressors:

68:32 Peradventure our Lord will give us in exchange a better garden

than this: And we earnestly beseech our Lord to pardon us.

68:33 Thus is the chastisement of this life: But the chastisement of the

next shall be more grievous; if they had known it, they would have taken


68:34 Verily for the pious are prepared, with their Lord, gardens of


68:35 Shall we deal with the Moslems, as with the wicked?

68:36 What aileth you that ye judge thus?
68:37 Have ye a book from heaven, wherein ye read

68:38 that ye are therein promised that which ye shall choose?

68:39 Or have ye received oaths which shall be binding upon us to the

day of resurrection, that ye shall enjoy what ye imagine?

68:40 Ask them, which of them will be the voucher of this.

68:41 Or have they companions who will vouch for them? Let them produce

their companions, therefore, if they speak truth.

68:42 On a certain day the leg shall be made bare; and they shall be

called upon to worship, but they shall not be able.

68:43 Their looks shall be cast down: Ignominy shall attend them: For

that they were invited to the worship of God, while they were in safety,

but would not hear.

68:44 Let Me alone, therefore, with him who accuseth this new revelation

of imposture. We will lead them gradually to destruction, by ways which

they know not:

68:45 And I will bear with them for a long time; for my stratagem is


68:46 Dost thou ask them any reward for thy preaching? But they are

laden with debts.

68:47 Are the secrets of futurity with them; and do they transcribe the

same from the table of God's decrees?

68:48 Wherefore patiently wait the judgement of thy Lord: And be not

like him who was swallowed by the fish; when he cried unto God, being

inwardly vexed.

68:49 Had not grace from his Lord reached him, he had surely been cast

forth on the naked shore, covered with shame:

68:50 But his Lord chose him, and made him one of the righteous.

68:51 It wanteth little but that the unbelievers strike thee down with

their malicious looks, when they hear the admonition of the Koran; and

they say, he is certainly distracted:

68:52 But it is no other than an admonition unto all creatures.

Chapter 69
Intitled, The Infallible; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
69:1 The infallible!
69:2 What is the infallible?

69:3 And what shall cause thee to understand what the infallible is?

69:4 The tribes of Thamud and Ad denied as a falsehood the day which

shall strike men's hearts with terror.

69:5 But Thamud were destroyed by a terrible noise:

69:6 And Ad were destroyed by a roaring and furious wind;

69:7 which God caused to assail them for seven nights and eight days

successively: Thou mightest have seen people, during the same, lying

prostrate, as though they had been the roots, of hollow palm-trees;

69:8 and couldest thou have seen any of them remaining?

69:9 Pharaoh also, and those who were before him, and the cities which

were overthrown, were guilty of sin;

69:10 and they severally were disobedient to the Apostle of their Lord;

wherefore He chastised them with an abundant chastisement.

69:11 When the water of the deluge arose, We carried you in the ark

which swam thereon;

69:12 that We might make the same a memorial unto you, and the retaining

ear might retain it.
69:13 And when one blast shall sound the trumpet,

69:14 and the earth shall be moved from its place, and the mountains

also, and shall be dashed in pieces at one stroke:

69:15 On that day the inevitable hour of judgement shall suddenly come;

69:16 and the heavens shall cleave in sunder, and shall fall in pieces,

on that day:

69:17 And the angels shall be on the sides thereof; and eight shall bear

the throne of thy Lord above them, on that day.

69:18 On that day ye shall be presented before the judgement seat of

God; and none of your secret actions shall be hidden.

69:19 And he who shall have his book delivered into his right hand,

shall say, take ye, read this my book;

69:20 verily I thought that I should be brought to this my account:

69:21 He shall lead a pleasing life,
69:22 in a lofty garden,
69:23 the fruits whereof shall be near to gather.

69:24 Eat and drink with easy digestion; because of the good works which

ye sent before you, in the days which are past.

69:25 But he who shall have his book delivered into his left hand, shall

say, O that I had not received this my book;

69:26 and that I had not known what this my account was!

69:27 O that death had made an end of me!
69:28 My riches have not profited me;
69:29 and my power is passed from me.

69:30 And God shall say to the keepers of hell, take him, and bind him,

69:31 and cast him into hell to be burned;

69:32 then put him into a chain of the length of seventy cubits:

69:33 Because he believed not in the great God;
69:34 and was not sollicitous to feed the poor:

69:35 Wherefore this day he shall have no friend here;

69:36 nor any food, but the filthy corruption flowing from the bodies of

the damned,
69:37 which none shall eat but the sinners.
69:38 I swear by that which ye see,
69:39 and that which ye see not,

69:40 that this is the discourse of an honourable Apostle,

69:41 and not the discourse of a poet: How little do ye believe!

69:42 Neither is it the discourse of a soothsayer: How little are ye


69:43 It is a revelation from the Lord of all creatures.

69:44 If Mohammed had forged any part of these discourses concerning Us,

69:45 verily We had taken him by the right hand,

69:46 and had cut in sunder the vein of his heart;

69:47 neither would We have withheld any of you from chastising him.

69:48 And verily this book is an admonition unto the pious;

69:49 and We well know that there are some of you who charge the same

with imposture:

69:50 But it shall surely be an occasion of grievous sighing unto the

69:51 for it is the truth of a certianty.

69:52 Wherefore praise the name of thy Lord, the great God.

Chapter 70
Intitled, The Steps; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

70:1 One demanded and called for vengeance to fall on the unbelievers:

70:2 There shall be none to avert the same

70:3 from being inflicted by God, the possessor of the steps;

70:4 by which the angels ascend unto Him, and the spirit Gabriel also,

in a day whose space is fifty thousand years:

70:5 Wherefore bear the insults of the Meccans with becoming patience;

70:6 for they see their punishment afar off,
70:7 but We see it nigh at hand.

70:8 On a certain day the heaven shall become like molten brass,

70:9 and the mountains like wool of various colours, scattered abroad by

the wind:

70:10 And a friend shall not ask a friend concerning his condition,


70:11 they see one another. The wicked shall wish to redeem himself from

the punishment of that day, by giving up his children,

70:12 and his wife, and his brother,

70:13 and his kindred who shewed kindness unto him,

70:14 and all who are in the earth; and that this might deliver him:

70:15 By no means: For hell fire,
70:16 dragging them by their scalps,

70:17 shall call him who shall have turned his back, and fled from the


70:18 and shall have amassed riches, and covetously hoarded them.

70:19 Verily man is created extreamly impatient:

70:20 When evil toucheth him, he is full of complaint;

70:21 but when good befalleth him, he becometh niggardly:

70:22 Except those who are devoutly given,
70:23 and who persevere in their prayers;

70:24 and those of whose substance a due and certain portion is ready to

be given

70:25 unto him who asketh, and him who is forbidden by shame to ask:

70:26 And those who sincerely believe the day of judgement,

70:27 and who dread the punishment of their Lord:

70:28 -- For there is none secure from the punishment of their Lord: --

70:29 And who abstain from the carnal knowledge

70:30 of women other than their wives, or the slaves which their right

hands possess; -- for as to them they shall be blameless;

70:31 but whoever coveteth any woman besides these, they are

transgressors: --

70:32 And those who faithfully keep what they are intrusted with, and

their covenant;
70:33 and who are upright in their testimonies,

70:34 and who carefully observe the requisite rites in their prayers:

70:35 These shall dwell amidst gardens, highly honoured.

70:36 What aileth the unbelievers, that they run before thee

70:37 in companies, on the right hand and on the left?

70:38 Doth every man of them wish to enter into a garden of delight?

70:39 By no means: Verily We have created them of that which they know.

70:40 I swear by the Lord of the east and of the west, that We are able

to destroy them,

70:41 and to substitute better than them in their room; neither are We

to be prevented, if We shall please so to do.

70:42 Wherefore suffer them to wade in vain disputes, and to amuse

themselves with sport: Until they meet their day with which they have

been threatened;

70:43 the day whereon they shall come forth hastily from their graves,

as though they were troops hastening to their standard:

70:44 Their looks shall be downcast; ignominy shall attend them. This is

the day with which they have been threatened.
Chapter 71
Intitled, Noah; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

71:1 Verily We sent Noah unto his people, saying, warn thy people,

before a grievous punishment overtake them.

71:2 Noah said, O my people, verily I am a public warner unto you;

71:3 Wherefore serve God, and fear Him, and obey me:

71:4 He will forgive you part of your sins, and will grant you respite

until a determined time: For God's determined time, when it cometh,

shall not be deferred; if ye were men of understanding, ye would know this.

71:5 He said, Lord, verily I have called my people night and day;

71:6 but my calling only increaseth their aversion:

71:7 And whensoever I call them to the true faith, that Thou mayest

forgive them, they put their fingers in their ears, and cover themselves

with their garments, and persist in their infidelity, and proudly

disdain my counsel.
71:8 Moreover I invited them openly,

71:9 and I spake to them again in public; and I also secretly admonished

them in private:

71:10 And I said, beg pardon of your Lord; for He is inclined to forgive:

71:11 And He will cause the heaven to pour down rain plentifully upon you,

71:12 and will give you increase of wealth and of children; and He will

provide you gardens, and furnish you with rivers.

71:13 What aileth you, that ye hope not for benevolence in God;

71:14 since He hath created you variously?

71:15 Do ye not see how God hath created the seven heavens, one above


71:16 and hath placed the moon therein for a light, and hath appointed

the sun for a taper?

71:17 God hath also produced and caused you to spring forth from the earth:

71:18 Hereafter He will cause you to return into the same; and He will

again take you thence, by bringing you forth from your graves.

71:19 And God hath spread the earth as a carpet for you,

71:20 that ye may walk therein through spacious paths.

71:21 Noah said, Lord, verily they are disobedient unto me; and they

follow him whose riches and children do no other than increase his


71:22 And they devised a dangerous plot against Noah:

71:23 And the chief men said to the others, ye shall by no means leave

your gods; neither shall ye forsake Wadd, nor Sowa, nor Yaghuth, and

Yauk, and Nesr.

71:24 And they seduced many; -- for thou shalt only increase error in

the wicked: --

71:25 Because of their sins they were drowned, and cast into the fire of

hell; and they found none to protect them against God.

71:26 And Noah said, Lord, leave not any families of the unbelievers on

the earth:

71:27 For if thou leave them, they will seduce thy servants, and will

beget none but a wicked and unbelieving offspring.

71:28 Lord, forgive me and my parents, and every one who shall enter my

house, being a true believer, and the true believers of both sexes; and

add unto the unjust doers nothing but destruction.

Chapter 72
Intitled, The Genii; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

72:1 Say, it hath been revealed unto me that a company of genii

attentively heard me reading the Koran, and said, verily we have heard

an admirable discourse;

72:2 which directeth unto the right institution: Wherefore we believe

therein, and we will by no means associate any other with our Lord.

72:3 He -- may the majesty of our Lord be exalted! -- hath taken no

wife, nor hath He begotten any issue.

72:4 Yet the foolish among us hath spoken that which is extreamly false

of God:

72:5 But we verily thought that neither man nor genius would by any

means have uttered a lie concerning God.

72:6 And there are certain men who fly for refuge unto certain of the

genii; but they increase their folly and transgression:

72:7 And they also thought, as ye thought, that God would not raise any

one to life.

72:8 And we formerly attempted to pry into what was transacting in

heaven; but we found the same filled with a strong guard of angels, and

with flaming darts:

72:9 And we sat on some of the seats thereof to hear the discourse of

its inhabitants; but whoever listeneth now, findeth a flame laid in

ambush for him, to guard the celestial confines.

72:10 And we know not whether evil be hereby intended against those who

are in the earth, or whether their Lord intendeth to direct them aright.

72:11 There are some among us who are upright; and there are some among

us who are otherwise: We are of different ways.

72:12 And we verily thought that we could by no means frustrate God in

the earth, neither could we escape Him by flight:

72:13 Wherefore, when we had heard the direction contained in the Koran,

we believed therein. And whoever believeth in his Lord, need not fear

any diminution of his reward, nor any injustice.

72:14 There are some Moslems among us; and there are others of us who

swerve from righteousness. And whoso embraceth Islam, they earnestly

seek true direction:

72:15 But those who swerve from righteousness, shall be fuel for hell.

72:16 If they tread in the way of truth, We will surely water them with

abundant rain;

72:17 that We may prove them thereby: But whoso turneth aside from the

admonition of his Lord, him will he send into a severe torment.

72:18 Verily the places of worship are set apart unto God: Wherefore

invoke not any other therein together with God.

72:19 When the servant of God stood up to invoke Him, it wanted little

but that the genii had pressed on him in crouds, to hear him rehearse

the Koran.

72:20 Say, verily I call upon my Lord only, and I associate no other god

with Him.

72:21 Say, verily I am not able, of myself, to procure you either hurt,

or a right institution.

72:22 Say, verily none can protect me against God; neither shall I find

any refuge besides Him.

72:23 I can do no more than publish what hath been revealed unto me from

God, and his messages. And whosoever shall be disobedient unto God and

his Apostle, for him is the fire of hell prepared; they shall remain

therein for ever.

72:24 Until they see the vengeance with which they are threatened, they

will not cease their opposition: But then shall they know who were the

weaker in a protector, and the fewer in number.

72:25 Say, I know not whether the punishment with which ye are

threatened be nigh, or whether my Lord will appoint for it a distant term.

72:26 He knoweth the secrets of futurity; and He doth not communicate

his secrets unto any,

72:27 except an Apostle in whom He is well pleased: And He causeth a

guard of angels to march before Him, and behind Him;

72:28 that He may know that they have executed the commissions of their

Lord: He comprehendeth whatever is with them; and counteth all things by

Chapter 73
Intitled, The Wrapped Up; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
73:1 O thou wrapped up,

73:2 arise to prayer, and continue therein during the night,

73:3 except a small part; that is to say, during one half thereof: Or do

thou lessen the same a little,

73:4 or add thereto. And repeat the Koran with a distinct and sonorous

73:5 For We will lay on thee a weighty word.

73:6 Verily the rising by night is more efficacious for stedfast

continuance in devotion, and more conducive to decent pronunciation:

73:7 For in the day-time thou hast long employment.

73:8 And commemorate the name of thy Lord: And separate thy self unto

Him, renouncing worldly vanities.

73:9 He is the Lord of the east, and of the west; there is no God but

He. Wherefore take Him for thy patron:

73:10 And patiently suffer the contumelies which the infidels utter

against thee; and depart from them with a decent departure.

73:11 And let Me alone with those who charge the Koran with falsehood,

who enjoy the blessings of this life; and bear with them for a while:

73:12 Verily with Us are heavy fetters, and a burning fire,

73:13 and food ready to choak him who swalloweth it, and painful torment.

73:14 On a certain day the earth shall be shaken, and the mountains

also, and the mountains shall become a heap of sand poured forth.

73:15 Verily We have sent unto you an Apostle, to bear witness against

you; as We sent an Apostle unto Pharaoh:

73:16 But Pharaoh was disobedient unto the Apostle; wherefore We

chastised him with a heavy chastisement.

73:17 How, therefore, will ye escape, if ye believe not, the day which

shall make children become greyheaded through terror?

73:18 The heaven shall be rent in sunder thereby: The promise thereof

shall surely be performed.

73:19 Verily this is an admonition; and whoever is willing to be

admonished, will take the way unto his Lord.

73:20 Thy Lord knoweth that thou continuest in prayer and meditation

sometimes near two third parts of the night, and sometimes one half

thereof, and at other times one third part thereof: And a part of thy

companions, who are with thee, do the same. But God measureth the night

and the day; he knoweth that ye cannot exactly compute the same:

Wherefore He turneth favourably unto you. Read, therefore, so much of

the Koran as may be easy unto you. He knoweth that there will be some

infirm among you; and others travel through the earth, that they may

obtain a competency of the bounty of God; and others fight in the

defence of God's faith. Read, therefore, so much of the same as may be

easy. And observe the stated times of prayer, and pay the legal alms;

and lend unto God an acceptable loan; for whatever good ye send before

for your souls, ye shall find the same with God. This will be better,

and will merit a greater reward. And ask God forgiveness; for God is

ready to forgive, and merciful.
Chapter 74
Intitled, The Covered; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
74:1 O thou covered,
74:2 arise and preach,
74:3 and magnify thy Lord.
74:4 And cleanse thy garments:
74:5 And fly every abomination:

74:6 And be not liberal, in hopes to receive more in return:

74:7 And patiently wait for thy Lord.
74:8 When the trumpet shall sound,
74:9 verily that day shall be a day of distress
74:10 and uneasiness unto the unbelievers.
74:11 Let me alone with him whom I have created,
74:12 on whom I have bestowed abundant riches,
74:13 and children dwelling in his presence,

74:14 and for whom I have disposed affairs in a smooth and easy manner,

74:15 and who desireth that I will yet add other blessings unto him.

74:16 By no means: Because he is an adversary to our signs.

74:17 I will afflict him with grievous calamities:

74:18 For he hath devised and prepared contumelious expressions to

ridicule the Koran.

74:19 May he be cursed: How maliciously hath he prepared the same!

74:20 And again, may he be cursed: How maliciouswly hath he prepared the

74:21 Then he looked,

74:22 and frowned, and put on an austere countenance:

74:23 Then he turned back, and was elated with pride;

74:24 and he said, this is no other than a piece of magic, borrowed from

74:25 These are only the words of a man.
74:26 I will cast him to be burned in hell.

74:27 And what shall make thee to understand what hell is?

74:28 It leaveth not any thing unconsumed, neither doth it suffer any

thing to escape:
74:29 It scorcheth mens flesh:

74:30 Over the same are nineteen angels appointed.

74:31 We have appointed none but angels to preside over hell fire: And

we have expressed the number of them only for an occasion of discord to

the unbelievers; that they to whom the scriptures have been given, may

be certain of the veracity of this book, and the true believers may

increase in faith; and that those to whom the scriptures have been

given, and the true believers may not doubt hereafter; and that those in

whose hearts there is an infirmity, and the unbelievers may say, what

mystery doth God intend by this number? Thus doth God cause to err whom

He pleaseth; and He directeth whom He pleaseth. None knoweth the armies

of thy Lord, besides Him: And this is no other than a memento unto

mankind. Assuredly.
74:32 By the moon,
74:33 and the night when it retreateth,
74:34 and the morning when it reddeneth,

74:35 I swear that this is one of the most terrible calamities,

74:36 giving warning unto men,

74:37 as well unto him among you who desireth to go forward, as unto him

who chooseth to remain behind.

74:38 Every soul is given in pledge for that which it shall have wrought:

74:39 Except the companions of the right hand;

74:40 who shall dwell in gardens, and shall ask one another questions

74:41 concerning the wicked,

74:42 and shall also ask the wicked themselves, saying, what hath

brought you into hell?

74:43 They shall answer, we were not of those who were constant at prayer,

74:44 neither did we feed the poor;

74:45 and we waded in vain disputes, with the fallacious reasoners;

74:46 and we denied the day of judgement,
74:47 until death overtook us:

74:48 And the intercession of the interceders shall not avail them.

74:49 What aileth them, therefore, that they turn aside from the

admonition of the Koran,
74:50 as though they were timorous asses
74:51 flying from a lion?

74:52 But every man among them desireth that he may have expanded

scrolls delivered to him from God.

74:53 By no means. They fear not the life to come.

74:54 By no means: Verily this is a sufficient warning.

74:55 Whoso is willing to be warned, him shall it warn:

74:56 But they shall not be warned, unless God shall please. He is

worthy to be feared; and he is inclined to forgiveness.

Chapter 75
Intitled, The Resurrection; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.
75:1 Verily I swear by the day of resurrection;

75:2 and I swear by the soul which accuseth itself:

75:3 Doth man think that We will not gather his bones together?

75:4 Yea: We are able to put together the smallest bones of his fingers.

75:5 But man chooseth to be wicked, for the time which is before him.

75:6 He asketh, when will the day of resurrection be?

75:7 But when the sight shall be dazzled,
75:8 and the moon shall be eclipsed,

75:9 and the sun and the moon shall be in conjunction;

75:10 on that day man shall say, where is a place of refuge?

75:11 By no means: There shall be no place to fly unto.

75:12 With thy Lord shall be the sure mansion of rest on that day:

75:13 On that day shall a man be told that which he hath done first and


75:14 Yea; a man shall be an evidence against himself:

75:15 And though he offer his excuses, they shall not be received.

75:16 Move not thy tongue, O Mohammed, in repeating the revelations

brought thee by Gabriel, before he shall have finished the same, that

thou mayest quickly commit them to memory:

75:17 For the collecting the Koran in thy mind, and the teaching thee

the true reading thereof are incumbent on Us.

75:18 But when We shall have read the same unto thee by the tongue of

the angel, do thou follow the reading thereof:

75:19 And afterwards it shall be our part to explain it unto thee.

75:20 By no means shalt thou be thus hasty for the future. But ye love

that which hasteneth away,
75:21 and neglect the life to come.

75:22 Some countenances, on that day, shall be bright,

75:23 looking towards their Lord;

75:24 and some countenances, on that day, shall be dismal:

75:25 They shall think that a crushing calamity shall be brought upon them.

75:26 Assuredly. When a man's soul shall come up to his throat, in his

last agony;

75:27 and the standers-by shall say, who bringeth a charm to recover him?

75:28 And shall think it to be his departure out of this world;

75:29 and one leg shall be joined with the other leg:

75:30 On that day unto thy Lord shall he be driven.

75:31 For he believed not, neither did he pray;

75:32 but he accused God's Apostle of imposture, and turned back from

obeying him:

75:33 Then he departed unto his family, walking with a haughty mien.

75:34 Wherefore, wo be unto thee; wo!
75:35 And again, wo be unto thee; wo!

75:36 Doth man think that he shall be left at full liberty, without


75:37 Was he not a drop of seed, which was emitted?

75:38 Afterwards he became a little coagulated blood; and God formed

him, and fashioned him with just proportion:

75:39 And made of him two sexes, the male and the female.

75:40 Is not he who hath done this able to quicken the dead?

Chapter 76
Intitled, Man; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

76:1 Did there not pass over man a long space of time; during which he

was a thing not worthy of remembrance?

76:2 Verily we have created man of the mingled seed of both sexes, that

We might prove him: And We have made him to hear and to see.

76:3 We have surely directed him in the way; whether he be grateful, or


76:4 Verily we have prepared for the unbelievers chains, and collars,

and burning fire.

76:5 But the just shall drink of a cup of wine, mixed with the water of


76:6 a fountain whereof the servants of God shall drink; they shall

convey the same by channels whithersoever they please.

76:7 These fulfil their vow, and dread the day, the evil whereof will

disperse itself far abroad;

76:8 and give food unto the poor, and the orphan, and the bondman, for

his sake,

76:9 saying, we feed you for God's sake only: We desire no recompense

from you, nor any thanks:

76:10 Verily we dread, from our Lord, a dismal and calamitous day.

76:11 Wherefore God shall deliver them from the evil of that day, and

shall cast on them brightness of countenance, and joy;

76:12 and shall reward them, for their patient persevering, with a

garden, and silk garments:

76:13 Therein shall they repose themselves on couches; they shall see

therein neither sun nor moon;

76:14 and the shades thereof shall be near spreading above them, and the

fruits thereof shall hang low, so as to be easily gathered.

76:15 And their attendants shall go round about unto them, with vessels

of silver, and goblets:

76:16 The bottles shall be bottles of silver shining like glass; they

shall determine the measure thereof by their wish.

76:17 And therein shall they be given to drink of a cup of wine, mixed

with the water of Zenjebil,
76:18 a fountain in paradise named Salsabil:

76:19 And youths, which shall continue for ever in their bloom, shall go

round to attend them; when thou seest them, thou shalt think them to be

scattered pearls:

76:20 And when thou lookest, there shalt thou behold delights, and a

great kingdom.

76:21 Upon them shall be garments of fine green silk, and of brocades,

and they shall be adorned with bracelets of silver: And their Lord shall

give them to drink of a most pure liquor;

76:22 and shall say unto them, verily this is your reward: And your

endeavour is gratefully accepted.

76:23 Verily We have sent down unto thee the Koran, by a gradual


76:24 Wherefore patiently wait the judgement of thy Lord; and obey not

any wicked person or unbeliever among them.

76:25 And commemorate the name of thy Lord, in the morning, and in the


76:26 And during some part of the night worship Him, and praise Him a

long part of the night.

76:27 Verily these men love the transitory life, and leave behind them

the heavy day of judgement.

76:28 We have created them, and have strengthened their joints; and when

We please, We will substitute others like unto them, in their stead.

76:29 Verily this is an admonition: And whoso willeth, taketh the way

unto his Lord:

76:30 But ye shall not will, unless God willeth; for God is knowing, and


76:31 He leadeth whom He pleaseth into his mercy: But for the unjust

hath He prepared a grievous punishment.
Chapter 77

Intitled, Those Which Are Sent; Revealed at Mecca.

In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

77:1 By the angels which are sent by God, following one another in a

continual series; and those which move swiftly,
77:2 with a rapid motion,

77:3 and by those which disperse his commands, by divulging them through

the earth;

77:4 and by those which separate truth from falsehood, by distinguishing

the same;

77:5 and by those which communicate the divine admonitions,

77:6 to excuse, or to threaten:

77:7 Verily that which ye are promised is inevitable.

77:8 When the stars, therefore, shall be put out,

77:9 and when the heaven shall be cloven in sunder,

77:10 and when the mountains shall be winnowed,

77:11 and when the Apostles shall have a time assigned them to appear

and bear testimony against their respective people;

77:12 to what a day shall that appointment be deferred!

77:13 To the day of separation:

77:14 And what shall cause thee to understand what the day of separation


77:15 On that day, wo be unto them who accused the prophets of imposture!

77:16 Have We not destroyed the obstinate unbelievers of old?

77:17 We will also cause those of the latter times to follow them.

77:18 Thus do We deal with the wicked.

77:19 Woe be, on that day, unto them who accused the prophets of imposture!

77:20 Have We not created you of a contemptible drop of seed,

77:21 which We placed in a sure repository,
77:22 until the fixed term of delivery?

77:23 And We were able to do this: For We are most powerful.

77:24 On that day, wo be unto those who accused the prophets of imposture!

77:25 Have We not made the earth to contain
77:26 the living and the dead,

77:27 and placed therein stable and lofty mountains, and given you fresh

water to drink?

77:28 Woe be, on that day, unto those who accused the prophets of


77:29 It shall be said unto them, go ye to the punishment which ye

denied as a falsehood:

77:30 Go ye into the shadow of the smoke of hell, which shall ascend in

three columns,

77:31 and shall not shade you from the heat, neither shall it be of

service against the flame;

77:32 but it shall cast forth sparks as big as towers,

77:33 resembling yellow camels in colour.

77:34 Woe be, on that day, unto those who accused the prophets of


77:35 This shall be a day whereon they shall not speak to any purpose;

77:36 neither shall they be permitted to excuse themselves.

77:37 Woe be, on that day, unto those who accused the prophets of


77:38 This shall be the day of separation: We will assemble both you and

your predecessors.

77:39 Whereofore, if ye have any cunning stratagem, employ stratagems

against Me.

77:40 Woe be, on that day, unto those who accused the prophets of


77:41 But the pious shall dwell amidst shades and fountains,

77:42 and fruits of the kinds which they shall desire:

77:43 And it shall be said unto them, eat and drink with easy digestion,

in recompense for that which ye have wrought;
77:44 for thus do We reward the righteous doers.

77:45 Woe be, on that day, unto those who accused the prophets of


77:46 Eat, O unbelievers, and enjoy the pleasures of this life, for a

little while: Verily ye are wicked men.

77:47 Woe be, on that day, unto those who accused the prophets of


77:48 And when it is said unto them, bow down; they do not bow down.

77:49 Woe be, on that day, unto those who accused the prophets of


77:50 In what new revelation will they believe, after this?

Chapter 78
Intitled, The News; Revealed at Mecca.
In the Name of the Most Merciful God.

78:1 Concerning what do the unbelievers ask questions of one another?

78:2 Concerning the great news of the resurrection,

78:3 about which they disagree.

78:4 Assuredly they shall hereafter know the truth thereof.

78:5 Again, assuredly they shall hereafter know the truth th